
Chapter 7: Samson of Sun


Standing by the lake as the sun blindingly comes over the tops of the trees to brush its light along the darkened lands of the morning. The first one to show up! He looks up with refreshed excitement. His hand hovering over his eyes to shade them from the sun. Surely she should be well on her way by now. We did have plans to meet up this early but her parents forced her to stay behind till she filled out those blasted applications. He drops his hand as he kicks the rock into the lake. He turns around when he hears a female voice from the distance. Samson groans as he recognizes her figure. The girl who has followed him discretely everywhere. The only reason she's here is she is a fellow friend of Nisha's best friend. "Samson!", the girl aimlessly waves. He turns back to look at the boulder that juts out over the edge of the lake on the opposite side. There you can faintly see what appears to be a picnic basket. He smiles for a second then frowns as he turns back around to face the girl.

"Hey Angelica.", he says halfheartedly as he walks up to her.

"What are you doing here so early Samson?" She asked as if she already knew. Surely she wasn't going to let him and his high school sweetheart get any chances alone together. Her eyes wander down along his body from head to toe. The bright blonde hair, amber eyes, and the familiar red birthmark just at the bend of his right arm.

He pointedly looks at her as he sounds rather annoyed. "You knew why I was here. Also, who I am waiting for." Walking fast he tries to pass by her without acknowledging her any further, but her small hand grips his bicep and tugs at him. Her face twisted into a sinister pout. "At least come hang out with me till she and the others show up! Don't be such a loser." Her lips quirk up in a failed attempt at a seductive smile, knowing how Samson hates being challenged in anything and tries to be the kind boy he's always been since she first laid eyes on him in middle school.

Defeated Samson slumps his shoulders as he rolls his head back and tilting it to let one of his eyes to look at her. The sun catching the color in his eyes almost giving them a red tinge as he glared at her and changed his facial expression to a fake smile. Damn this woman she never gives up, even when he found Nisha to be by his side. Thinking of Nisha his smile widens and becomes genuine as he shrugs and says, "Fine let's hang out till Nisha gets here."

Angelica loses face for a second as she scowls at the mere mention of Nisha's name. She heads towards the kitchen as she murmurs, "I'm going to grab some food and drinks that I have brought this morning for people to snack on." She goes into the back door which leads into the kitchen and she sees the orange juice and breakfast sandwiches she brought for just the two of them. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Smiling as she pulls out an amber vial full of liquid, especially if he doesn't know about this aphrodisiac. She goes to the cupboard and grabs a couple of canisters and pours some orange juice into them, mixing some of the liquid into one of them before capping the cups. She grabs the hot sandwiches just before heading out the door to find Samson.

Samson looks up as Angelica trots up to him with an arm full of drinks and sandwiches. She gives him a canister and a hot sandwich as she smiles. Looking at her he feels something is off with her sadistic smile. The eagerness in her eyes and the sinister look on her face. "Let's go eat in the shade by the lake, and just chill", she says eagerly. He hesitates but she tugs his arm dragging him along. Huffing she says, "Why are you always never willing to hang out?" She stops to turn around and looks up at him. "Look stop worrying. I promise that I just merely want to hang out with you. You must be thinking that I keep believing that you and Nisha would stop dating. I indeed like you, but I would never dream to force something on you that you wish not to do. It's a simple snack and some light chatting."

Finally giving in, he followers her to the edge of trees and just through the density of them he can see the boulder that which he had placed the picnic basket. Sitting there out in the bright sun. He sighs running his fingers through his hands. The fruit in the basket will surely turn if they bask in the sunlight's heat. "Excuse me for a second will you? I'll be right back I just got to do something and we'll eat and talk, okay?" She looks at him skeptically and nods her head as she opens her sandwich. She pretends to not pay attention until he went through some of the trees. Watching as he makes his way towards the boulder where she can faintly see the basket sitting atop. He goes to grab it and brings it to rest in the hidden nook that is shaded within the boulder itself to keep its contents safe from spoiling. Hmm... She wonders what exactly he had planned until she showed up before Nisha.

Angelica's eyes drift over to the canister she handed Samson and smiles as her thoughts wander with what could happen. She only dumped half the contents of the vile that rests in her pocket, hoping she wouldn't have to use all of the aphrodisiacs. Hearing his footsteps crunch along the twigs and leaves on the forest floor she quickly sits back where she was as she looks up in time to him breaking through the trees to where they were sitting at. "All good?", she asked as she hands him his sandwich. Without hesitating, he grabs it and eats the sandwich. Opening the canister he takes a swig to wash down the bite of food he took. Wincing as he noticed an odd taste to the orange juice he pulls it away from his face and dumps it.

To her horror, she watches as the drink is spilled from the canister and soaking into the ground nearby. "Why did you do that?" He looked at her and says, "Well it tasted as if it turned bad. Did you check the expiration date of the orange juice?" She shook her head and replied, "No. Here let me go get rid of this. Would you like to go for a swim while we wait for the others?" Shrugging his shoulders he decided it couldn't hurt. After all, she has mutual friends with Nisha, so she shouldn't have ill intentions.

Some time has passed and people started showing up as the two who have been swimming in the far end of the lake were still unaware of those of who had finally arrived. It started to get dark as time went on between just chilling along the shore, basking in the sun, and taking turns jumping into the lake and swimming. Samson crawled out of the water exhausted and hungry after a long day of swimming and hanging out with Angelica. Turns out she wasn't that bad of a person. Sure she's a little quirky and clingy, but that's normal for a girl who simply had a crush on a boy for a long time. Maybe after this, they can just be good friends.

Angelica saunters out of the water and she stands over him looking down. "You okay?" Craning his neck to reply, "Yeah just thirsty. It looks like the party is starting, and a drink sounds good right about now, but so does just resting here." Angelica perks up at the opportunity. "Don't sweat it! Why don't you rest and I'll grab you a beer or something!" Smiling he thanked her for the offer and chilled along the shores as he moves to sit over by the boulder that he had placed the picnic basket inside of it, waiting for her to bring back the drink she promised to fetch. Rather he wished it was Nisha that was here instead. "Where are you, surely your parents didn't keep you this long?"

She runs up to the house after collecting her clothes that contained the vile of the essence she was given. Clutching it in her hands she darts upstairs real quick. In her room, she touches up her makeup and ads some clothing she has been saving for this moment. With her excitement, she grabs her vile off the bed when she finished changing and went through the kitchen to grab a beer opening it and taking a couple of drinks from it before pouring the rest of the contents into it. She softly swirls it around in the bottle as she walks out the back door and towards the area she had left Samson.

Samson looks up as he hears someone coming near and sees the bottle shining right in front of his face. Taking it he brings it to his lips and starts to take big gulps of it. He sighs with content when he finishes the bottle. "Thanks for the drink. I needed that refreshment from all that swimming." Samson turns to look to his right as Angelica sits down next to him as the sun begins to set. "It's pretty, isn't it? The red of the sunset spills over the lands. Giving them their last warmth of the day before the cool crisp warmth of the moon takes over." He chuckles as he realizes just how deep this person is. Full of compassion to speak of something that occurs every day and night, but making him look at it differently.

As he thinks of the sun giving its last warmth he feels warm to the touch. Shaking his head he feels the heat creep along his entire body as it reacts for some reason. Why is his body feeling like this? This suffocating feeling and the need to be in the arms of someone. The urge to let his hands roam over everything becomes overwhelming. He starts to gasp as he bunches into himself trying to control what his body is fighting for. Angelica's eyes grow wide as she says what the aphrodisiac is doing to him. She reaches out touching his shoulders and he jumps. His head whips towards her as his eyelids look heavy as his eyes appear wild and dazed. Gripping her he moves her with the strength lifting her in the air and placing her into his lap.

After some time has passed and his loss of control he hears splashing near the boulder. Breaking away from the topless girl in his lap he peers around her shoulder to see the top of someone's head. Dark brown hair streaked with blonde and then those blue captivating eyes widen as they peer at what is happening. The moonlight was enough to brighten the scene that has taken place. She recognized him, and he recognized her. Shame instantly filled him as the ice-cold sensation washed over him. He sees Nisha falling free back into the water. She shoves the girl off of him as soon as he realizes what has happened. Grabbing his shorts and putting them on, then races to the edge of the boulder to see her swimming away at such a fast pace.

Samson wastes no time and jumps in attempting to catch up to her. Luckily when he's finally able to reach land he can run faster than she can. He grabs her twirling her to face him as he sees the tears streaming down her face and he knows that she is shattered.

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Next Chapter: New Moon, New Love

Will she continue to love one, fall for the other, or end up loving them both? Only time can tell.

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