
A Gamer in Dragon Ball

"Who would have thought my death was just the beginning?" A man given an opportunity to live a new life. Watch as he grows stronger to face new challenges. Note: I do not own the cover, let me know if you want it removed.

Mr_Dumpling · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Little Hero

In the Frugra city library, a child could be seen in the corner of the room. The boy looked to be around 4 years old, with a green colored hair. He was sitting alone at a desk, flipping through a thick book with his tiny hand that did not seem to match his age. He spent a few hours already in the library in deep concentration, not letting anything in the world distract him. 

'Cerealian are a race that have green-colored hair and is one of the races that can survive in harsh environment. The unique quality about them is their evolved right eye. This eye provides them with many abilities, the most well-known one is their incredible visual acuity. It is a merged iris and pupil that is deep red in color. They have an average lifespan of 200 years, and they start to age slowly once they reach their prime age. These qualities helped them survive thousands of years ago when the environment of their planet was brutal.' 


You have gained +1 point to intelligence.  

It looks like Cerealian is more special than I thought. Ignoring the fact that they got a sharingan, they can also maintain their prime age for a long time. It is like Cerealian's biology was designed to thrive in battle. Having a prime body and an eye with many abilities are very helpful in battle, everything points to Cerealian were built to battle. 

It is disappointing though, the highest level I have come across is lvl 35. Perhaps, the safe environment and peace must have made them lose their edge. I finished reading the book, which was 'The biology of Cerealian' and proceeded to open another. 

Unlike the previous one, this book talked more about its planet. I became fascinated the more I read. Although it took a while to finish, I learnt some important information. 

This orange planet I live on is called planet Cereal. This made me more convinced Cerealians are involved somewhere in the main story. The name, planet Cereal, is something only Toriyama would come up with. I mean, look at others for example. Planet Vegeta, it clearly screams vegetable. Not to mention, the original name of planet Vegeta was Plant. 

This was not the only thing mentioned in the book. It talked about several lifeforms living in the planet cereal. But what piqued my interest was that a small group of Namekian lived alongside Cerealian. 

The idea of Namekian living somewhere in Planet Cereal was not something I expected. I mean nowhere in the anime showed that beside the Planet Namek, there were other Namekians living on another planet. 

God damn, I should have read the manga before I got finished and sent here. 

This meant there are wish-granting balls somewhere on this planet, right? I couldn't help but get excited at this thought. When I came to this world, I did not really put much thought into the Dragon Balls for many reasons. Firstly, I had no fucking clue where I was. I expected to be born on planet Earth or Vegeta like a normal MC from a fanfiction would, but instead, an unfamiliar orange sky had to welcome me. Secondly, who in their right mind is going to give a 4-year-old kid a spaceship to go to Earth and Namek, and I don't even know their location. Thirdly, I am just not strong, there are too many threats in space. Coming in contact with them is a risk I couldn't take. 

Not to mention, I have the gamer system that could make me grow limitlessly and being a Cerealian was just a cherry on top. This is literally the best thing to make me grow stronger. But don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean I would shy away from a wish. 

'If I can get it easily, I will definitely use it.' I think, licking my lip in anticipation. 


Quest Complete! 

Quest: Where am I? What am I? The gamer is still clueless and does not know much. Educate yourself and find information about this planet and your race.  

Reward: 500 exp and + 3 to intelligence.


You have reached lvl 7 

Max ki (20) (40) 

You have gained 5 points. 

You have gained +3 points in Intelligence. 

I pull up my status and see my intelligence which was (21), increase to (24). After I few seconds of contemplation, I distributed 30 free points into strength, vitality, and luck evenly. Until now I kept saving it for later use, but with how kids will be trained early now, I guess it is safer to use it. 

Str (4) (14) 

Vit (10) (20) 

Max health (100) (200) 


You cannot increase your luck stats using your free points. Only special quests may allow you to increase luck.  

'Unfortunate.' I sigh. To be honest, luck was one of my main priorities to invest in. My eyes stayed on this panel until I decided to put points meant for luck on strength. 

Str (14) (24)  

I feel surge of power coursing through my body, alongside ki. I clench my fist eagerly to test how much my strength has increased. Unlike most people in this verse whose power correlates with their amount of ki, I am different. In this world, all living beings have physical limits to the strength of the body. So, they rely on ki to overcome this barrier. 

I can increase my raw physical strength to an unimaginable level, without being amplified by ki. While others must enhance themselves with ki to deal massive damage, I just have to throw a normal serious punch to have the same effect, if not greater. And the effects will be higher with the use of my ki. 

It took a few hours to finish all the books. I looked at the clock hung high up in the wall. It was afternoon right now. Deciding it was time to leave, I stood up and stretched my arms and legs after sitting in the same position for so long. After I was done, I picked up the books I read and put them back on their original shelves. 

After I slid the final book onto the shelves, I made my way outside the library. Leaving the quiet place and stepping outside was refreshing as I felt the warmth of the sun on my skin. I took a deep breath of fresh air and walked toward a shop not far from the library. I had barely saved enough mora, the currency used on this planet, to purchase a map. I did find a map in the library, but it was a world map. What I needed was a map that showed detailed locations near Frugra City. 

After a few turns, I reached the shop and thankfully it had what I needed. The map marked all the places outside the city and whether they are safe or not. Even the place where I used to go fishing was marked as safe. This is exactly what I needed. 

I brought the map and put it in my inventory once I was outside the store. The sun was still high up, with no sign of going down. I decided to use the map and go train outside. This was my plan until something caught my eye. My eyes narrowed when I saw an injured kid about 10 years old being dragged deeper into a dark alley way by another kid of similar age. 

'What timing. I needed someone to test my strength.' I follow them as I think this. 

-Scene Change- 

-Third Person POV- 

Two kids, both with the same green hair color entered the alleyway. The alleyway was dark as the tall building prevented the sunlight from entering. In this tiny narrow space, there are many broken bottles and newspapers rolling in the direction of the wind. 

Behind them was Sirius who stealthily followed them. 

They kept moving in until the kid who was all bruised fell to the ground. He tried to get up with all his strength only to fail as he moaned in pain. 

"Why are you doing this to me to Reyes? I didn't do anything to-" Before the boy on the could finish his sentence, he was kicked in the gut. 

"Urrg!" The boy cried in pain as tears rolled from his eyes. 

"Shut up. You think I am stupid? I know you were the one who told the instructor that what I've been doing to you." 

"I need to you teach you lesson so you will never have this thought." Reyus cracked his knuckles as he smiled. He was about to kick the poor kid right in the face, but he suddenly stopped and turned behind as he heard a voice. 

"Kid, how about you stop this." 

-Sirius POV- 

I watch them and have an idea of what is going on. No matter where it is, the idea of strong suppressing the weak is always there. Before the situation gets worse, I reveal myself to them as I quickly [observe] the attacker. 

Reyes, Bully, Lvl 12

Reyes was always praised for his strength ever since he was small because no one of his age could beat him. This made him feel superior compared to others and believe it is normal for him to force others into doing what he wants. (PL: 100)

"Kid, how about you stop this?" I stepped forward calmly. Suddenly, without any notice, he ran towards me and threw a punch, which I barely managed to block with my arm. But this didn't end there as he followed up with a strong kick in the stomach, sending me staggering back a few steps. 

'Erghh! Fuck! That was my fault, i should have been ready the moment I stepped out.' I curse mentally as I glare at him. 

-8 HP! 

HP Regen Skill Active! 

-Current speed: 0.1% max health per minute.  


A skill has been created. 

Through the power of your body to endure pain and damage, 'Physical Endurance' has been created. 

[Physical Endurance (passive) lvl 1/34]

[The body's durability increases and you take less damage. 3% decrease in damage from physical attacks.] 

"You are the only kid here. Go to mommy and drink some milk." He eyed me with a cocky grin. 

"You ran away from here. He doesn't care even if you are small." The injured boy said in struggle, clutching his stomach and wincing in pain. 

Dain, a student, Lvl 8

"It's alright, it's about time someone taught him some manners." I say to him and take this seriously. 


"Hahhahaha, teach me. You? You are hearing this, Dian. This kid who is not even half of my size thinks he can teach me a lesson. Hahahaha." Reyus cuts him off, laughing loudly for a few seconds until he stops. 

"But I really find you annoying." He stared at me with a cold expression and lunged towards me with a punch. 

Unlike before, I was prepared this time. In a few seconds, we traded many blows. I was surprised to see what my body was capable of doing. 

'Tchh, I should have put some points in Dex,' I thought. I dodged his punch, but I was not quick enough as I received a cut right under my eye. Seeing me barely avoid it, he threw his other arm towards me at a much faster pace than before. 

'Shit!' It was much faster than I anticipated. I did not have enough time to dodge, so I quickly blocked it with my arm. The impact of that punch gave me sharp pain. 

-12 HP! 

-10 HP!  

-17 HP! 

"Not so tough now, are you?" Reyes started to gloat once he saw me in pain. Although he acted tough, he was breathing heavily. 

I disregarded the pain and swiftly retaliated with a kick aimed at his stomach. Reyes took a few steps back and managed to dodge it, but I didn't give him any room to relax. Within seconds of dodging my kick, I quickly chased after him and tried to land a right hook. As if sensing danger, he activated his 'evolved right eye' and was able to react in time, ducking his head down. 

This was what I was waiting for. As soon as he ducked, I grabbed the back of his head and sent a powerful knee right to his face. 

"Urgggg!!" he groaned in pain, staggering backward as he clutched his bloody nose and tried to increase the distance between us. 

"Awww, not so tough now, are you?" I mocked him. I quickly closed the gap between us. 

Taking the opportunity of him being in disbelief, for the first time in this life, I tensed all the muscles in my arm and sent a blow right to his face. He saw it, but his body did not allow him to move away. The blow was strong, sending him flying backward before crashing into the wall at the end of the alleyway. 

1300 Exp! 


You have reached lvl 8!

You have reached lvl 9!

Max ki (40) (100) 

You have gained 10 points. 

Looking at the unconscious Reyes, I shift my attention towards the kid who got bullied. He stared at me in disbelief as if i was a monster in human form. It is understandable, seeing a 4-year-old beat him someway older is not common. 

"Are you okay?" I asked while wiping out the blood under my eyes. He remained in a daze for a long time. 

"Ah, oh yes! Thank you. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would have happened to me."He said, his voice trembling as he started to get emotional and wiped his tears. 

"Don't sweat it. If you train hard, someone like that will be a light work." 

"Really?" He asked with hopes filled in his eyes. 

"Of course." I smile to reassure him. 

"I am going now. Don't worry about that guy in the back." I laughed as I flew away. 

"What is your name?" 

Hearing this, I flew even more quickly. It's better that no one knows me, so there will be no trouble. 


You have received the title, "Little Hero," for your actions. 


Author note: Took a while to write the fight scene, but I feel like it could be better. Also, I used some gamer fanfics as a reference to create how my gamer system looks like. I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to leave me feedbacks.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mr_Dumplingcreators' thoughts