
A Gamer in Dragon Ball

"Who would have thought my death was just the beginning?" A man given an opportunity to live a new life. Watch as he grows stronger to face new challenges. Note: I do not own the cover, let me know if you want it removed.

Mr_Dumpling · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

First time.

Author note: I wanted to write a fanfic with MC as Cerealian because they are one of my favourite races in the verse. Akira Toriyama, the goat, did not fully explore them, so I will add more depth and background to their story. Enjoy!


Far beyond the horizon, the sun slowly rose, illuminating the landscape around me. In the orphanage's playground, I sat still deeply focused while feeling the warmth of sunlight. A small amount of Ki started to condense around my abdomen. Every day, I meditated to improve my Ki control for this moment. Today is the day I will fly. Now that I think about it, there was a time when Gohan tried to teach Videl how to fly. 

With a deep breath, I manipulate my Ki the way Gohan advised. And as expected, my body started to lift itself and hover. 

New Skill created! 

[Fly – Lvl 1/10] 

[A useful ability that helps you Fly. The higher the level, the lower the stamina and ki consumption.] 

I floated a few feet above the ground for a while. Slowly but surely, I got better the longer I flew as notifications popped within my mind. After I started to become more confident, I soared above the playground until I was above the orphanage. 

The wind rushed past me, giving me a feeling of freedom and thrill. Overlooking the city, I noticed some people and cars on the streets, beginning their new day. Deciding that it was enough, I gently descended into the playground and quietly made my way back into the orphanage for breakfast. 

Entering the building, I saw some kids barely awake walking in the corridor. I guess the caretaker had started to wake the kids up. The orphanage I was in had multiple caretakers as there were many kids, and the kids called them sisters. Each of the caretakers was assigned five kids to look after, and I fell under Sister Martha. I have seen a few of the caretakers over the past few days, and I sure am happy to have Sister Martha. 

Well, it is not because she is pretty and other caretakers are old enough to be my grandmother. She does show genuine care for the children unlike others. 

I enter the building and follow the path I have taken several times to reach the dining hall to eat breakfast. Along the way I met many people, some of the kids around my age and the caretakers. 

Nis, A gardener, Lvl 15

"Morning! It is good to see you this early in the morning again." A person greets me as they water the flower beside the window. 

"Good to see you too. Also, lovely flower." I reply with a simple smile. The flower's nice fragrance and bright, healthy color show his care for them. Every day I come for breakfast after training, he is always here, watering every single flower. 

"Haha. Thank you. I am just doing what I love. I can look after these babies all day long." Nis replies with a big smile as he then continues to water the flower with more enthusiasm. 

"Moownin!" As I was getting closer to the dining hall, a girl who is about three years old came toddling towards me. Seeing her figure, I couldn't help but smile. 

Suzu, An orphan, Lvl 1

"Good morning." I knelt down to her level and patted her head. Suzu is one of the few people I know in this world. 

"How was your sleep?" I asked. 

"Yes! I had a dood dweam." Hearing her made me smile. 

"I was flying! Swisshhhhhhh!" She moved her hand enthusiastically as if representing her flying, her pigtails bouncing along with her movement. 

"Amazing. Maybe I'll show you how to fly someday," I said with a smile, knowing I had just learned how to do it. 

"Really?" Stars could be seen in her eyes. 

"If you continue to be a good girl. Now go back. Someone is looking for you." I said as I could hear someone calling her name. 

"It's a promise then!" She 'ran' away with her best effort to the caretaker who was looking for her. 

It took a few minutes to reach the dining hall. The dining room was very spacious, with long tables and benches made from materials I had never seen. There were multiple windows on top of the walls, allowing the sunlight to enter the hall. 

I entered the dining hall, grabbed a plate, and selected some freshly cooked food. There were only a few people here, so unlike the usual bustling dining hall, it was quite peaceful right now. This made it easy for me to find an empty table. 

I was just about to sit and eat my breakfast when I felt someone approaching behind me. I turned around to find that it was Jason, this guy... 

Jason, An orphan ,Lvl 3

"SIIIRRRIUSSSS!! My friend." 

"Not really a friend, but okay." ignoring my comment, which I knew he would do, he sat infront of me. He was 4 years old like me. We've only had 3-4 interactions since I came into this world, and it was mostly because I felt pity for him. All the time, he used to try to play with others, which obviously did not work as he was too hyperactive. So, the other kids avoided him because of this. Since our first talk, he somehow started to consider me his best friend. 

"Just relax, okay? You are too loud for no reason." My eyebrow twitched in annoyance. 

"No biggie. But have you heard?" He said as he looked around to see if anyone was listening. 

"What?" I asked, curious to know. 

"Just don't tell anyone but I heard a few of the adults here talking about how we will be receiving our training next month." 

"Weren't we supposed to start when we 5 years old." I have been on this planet for a week and from what I have seen, it is very technologically advanced, and people live without any major conflicts. 

Did they just change the rules just for the sake of it? Or something might have forced them to. Since training kids early will prepare kids for what is to come. I just hope I am wrong. 

"That's the things. Well, it does not matter to me, it just means I will kick your ass sooner than I thought." He stared at me with a cheeky grin. 

"Dream on." I said, rolling my eyes. "You are too early to challenge me kid." 

"Heyyyy!! We are both the same age." I ignored his protest as I took the first bite of my meal. 

"Urggg," I muttered in disgust as my facial muscles twitched. This stuff is disappointing as always, bland and dry. If other planets have similar food as this, no wonder Beerus keeps destroying them. I just hope he doesn't come here, or it'll be goodbye to new world. 

'I have to focus on leveling up cooking skill. This thing is inedible.' I mentally note to myself as I look at the panel only visible to me. 

[Cooking – Lvl 6/50] 

Cook, cook, keep on cooking. Cook until your food makes the very Gods drool and beg for it. The higher the level of this skill, the more delicious your food becomes, and the higher the chance it has special effects.] 

"BAHAHAHAHA! Your face is too funny." Jason laughed, pointing at me while clutching his belly uncontrollably. 

"Shut up and eat." It does not take long to finish my food and make my way outside. 

Jason? What about him? Well, he was adamant about hanging out with him, but once I told him I was heading to the library. He said he had plans with his other 'friends' and ran away. 

I need to see if I can find out more about where I am. 


A new quest has been created.

Quest: Where am I? What am I? The gamer is still clueless and does not know much. Educate yourself and find information about this planet and your race. 

Time limit: 6 hours. 

Completion award: 500 exp and + 3 to intelligence.

So, this is the famous gamer's quest. This is the first time I got it. Took a while to come.

I have experimented around with the gamer system more than I could count, and there are three ways to get stronger. First, you defeat your opponents. The exp you get will correspond to their strength. Second, you train. Instead of gaining exp, if you train in a specific activity, you will get an increase in your stats, like strength if you lift weights. Thirdly, it is the quest given out by the gamer system. 

Closing the holographic panel, I eventually came out of the orphanage. The streets Infront of me were more crowded than before and the sun fully hung up in the sky, radiating its heat. Using the Ki, my feet slowly left the ground. I flew all the way up until the orphanage gradually started to get smaller and smaller. 

Looking at the city below me, I activate my 'evolved right eye.' My right eye turns red as I begin to see everything around me more clearly. Too clearly, in fact. Despite the great distance between me and the city, which I estimate to be about 5 km, I can see the smallest details. The flying cars navigating the city, the trees and the birds that sat on them, people's expressions as they walk through the streets, and even the flies buzzing around the trash. Everything is clearly visible within my sight. 

It does not take long for me to spot the library I am looking for. Shifting my body towards it, I fly to it at my top speed. 


Author note: I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to leave some feedback. The next chapter will be released on Monday because I need to get ready for my theory test. Wish me luck!!!