
A dark Soul Of hate forbidden love

In a World Of Dark and Light A young 13 yr Girl Named Asura she lived in a small town called Eldoria, she lived with her brother and father she was looking for Her necklace but then she found smth She didnt know what she found Then BAM she Teleports to a Diffrent world She was in a world Of light and Dark she met this Boy Named Akio hes lives in The dark lands but she doesnt know she decided to Stay With him Along the way A gang Of people Ambush em And took them too the lose forest but 1 night Akio Broke Out he had to leave Aura For 2 days Asura Didnt like it so She waited and waited and he never came back, She Finds him in the dark lands where akios farther Tries to kill her.

CutePoTato · Fantaisie
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another day back to school sadder and tired missing her mother nothing changes getting bullied to getting pushed around and teased like no one ever cares about her shes just a hated child to everyone but shes too depressed she just cant take it anymore she just lets them hurt her without her doing nothing back" ma'am Wake Up! he yelled sorry Mr. Slander she sighed if u fall asleep again in class one more time ill find you Despended for a week is that clear!! he said Yes sir!! she nodded ok thats what i like too hear he said "she didnt like being here but as much as she has to she has to listen she sighed amd walked home on her way home she Saw A few teens Next to a Boy and there bullying him" Hey GIMME your Money Kid!! I know you can hear Me Brat!! he said Hey!! WHAT!! are you doing! bulling him he Asked oh alittle girl telling us what to do Isnt That Cute!! nothing now mind ur own Stuff amd leave!! he said You think ima just leave!! You can think! NO! she Said "He got annoyed and punched her to ground and beats her up she trys to stand up but falls back down" uh mm she mumbles you Ganna cry!! Pfft Los- he said " the kid Slaps Him And Grabs her And runs away" That Little..Ugh!! he Annoyed "an hour later he goes in forest and puts her down to help her pain" you Should've left me u didnt have to get Envoled with Me and Kit he Explained Sorry! i cant help it after my mother died i had a problem With people getting hurt so i pretect em or Defend them Even if is Causes my life at Risk Ill do Anything To not let anyone Else Die or i regret ever being here! she Explained Ohhh...im sorry!! i get it!! he Said "he wraps a bandaged around her leg to let it heal better" Thank you! you dont have too! she Said No Its the Aleast i can do for u getting hurt to just save me he Smiled heh im Asura You?! she Asked Aizel! He said "they Talk for abit then it starts raining hard she leaves and goes home and Aizel does too"