
A dark Soul Of hate forbidden love

In a World Of Dark and Light A young 13 yr Girl Named Asura she lived in a small town called Eldoria, she lived with her brother and father she was looking for Her necklace but then she found smth She didnt know what she found Then BAM she Teleports to a Diffrent world She was in a world Of light and Dark she met this Boy Named Akio hes lives in The dark lands but she doesnt know she decided to Stay With him Along the way A gang Of people Ambush em And took them too the lose forest but 1 night Akio Broke Out he had to leave Aura For 2 days Asura Didnt like it so She waited and waited and he never came back, She Finds him in the dark lands where akios farther Tries to kill her.

CutePoTato · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chaos land

"one night Asura couldnt sleep she went outside when its cold so she wondered in the forest alone she heard abunch of sounds what scared her so she ran towards a tree and hits she got knocked out some strange boy came out of a portal from the tree and saw her on ground" huh whats this he thought a girl what she doing in the cold with clothes what arent for the cold he thought "he brought her in his world and layed her on his bed and made food for her if she wakes up he was really good at cooking and other stuff though he hated school and studying the most" AAAA oww hu- where am i she asked hello little human your awake are you in pai- he asked GET AWAY WHO ARE YO- aghhh my leg it hurts even more that i hit the tree...sigh she calmed lemme see your leg he asked "she gets scared and slaps him and trys to run on her hurt leg and goes out the door and hides from him" WAIT!!! COME BA-ck he yelled "she found short of a hideout and lays in it 20 mins later Asleep Akio went out to look for her but he thinked to himself that she couldnt have gone far bc of her leg he had hard time looking for her so he Struggled" UGH where have she goneee what hurt girl goes this farrr he said Waittt the hideout i wonder if she found it OH NO!!! Khan wont be happyyy stupid stupid me! FINNALLY SHES HERE oh shes asleep Aghh! khan i uh i uhh he scared Akio what is this human doing here and in our hideout =/ he asked sorry i found her hurt so i brought her here then she ran away he Explained shes ganna be living with us for alittle while untill she heals and find away for her yo get back home he Explained fine but she can sleep on the floor with Nothing he Said ok ok sigh deal he said "An hour later there back at the house getting ready for bed Asura was still scared of Akio and Khan she was worried they hurt her" here he smiled "akio puts more bannages on her leg" Thank you...i guess she smiled Im Akio the grumpy one Is Khan you?! he Asked Asura she Smiled "A week later shes still liveing with them shes gotten abit used to them tho she likes to Annoy khan She even befriened Akio and khan tho khan doesnt like her that much"