
A dark Soul Of hate forbidden love

In a World Of Dark and Light A young 13 yr Girl Named Asura she lived in a small town called Eldoria, she lived with her brother and father she was looking for Her necklace but then she found smth She didnt know what she found Then BAM she Teleports to a Diffrent world She was in a world Of light and Dark she met this Boy Named Akio hes lives in The dark lands but she doesnt know she decided to Stay With him Along the way A gang Of people Ambush em And took them too the lose forest but 1 night Akio Broke Out he had to leave Aura For 2 days Asura Didnt like it so She waited and waited and he never came back, She Finds him in the dark lands where akios farther Tries to kill her.

CutePoTato · Fantasy
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Welcome to Eldoria A town Where Asura and her family lives Asura just moved here A week ago, father Can i go Explore Outside more Asked Asura Yes u may father said Ill be back By dinner she Said

2 hours later Asura Finds herself lost, Huh Where am i oh no am i Lost frick Uhh Umm Maybe this way said Asura Hello Are you Lost? said Terry Yes i am Wait!! terry Wut are you doing here?! asked Asura Oh i was taking A walk U already got lost Heh he Said mhm she smiled Oh lol he smiled

an hour later terry found her house, Ty Terry Goodnight! she Smiled You too! he Chuckled

in the morning Asura woke up and ate Food and went to school She didnt like it as much as Terry did or her brother Chase Asura Falls asleep in class bell rings And she wakes up, AA she Yelled ohh just the bell Yay home!! she Yelped 1 hour Shes home,

Im HOME dad And Chase! she said Welcome back Sister Smiled chase, i dont Like School im always tired and i never get enough sleep sighs Asura i wish mother was here Her mind i just wanna hide and disappear in silence her mind I WANT U BACK she cried.