
A Cultivator in a Magi World

Following a path is easy, but creating one? Not so much. Zion, born with a golden spoon embarks on a journey to create his path, a path of cultivation, science and magic. With his knowledge from the past, and using science as his foundation, he knocks down and conquers kingdoms and dynasties, becoming the greatest cultivator and scientist in the world of magic.

Inexorable_Death · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


"These are the assets that will be of our greatest help in reaching to the power level of the behemoths of our world."

"These three are the top-grade meditation techniques of our kingdom. Choosing any of them can help you reach up to 8th class and what sets them apart are the intrinsic abilities they provide to their users," he said.

Grabbing one of the books, he gestured to Zion to come and take a look. "This one is called the "Celestial Pyroclasm Codex". As the name suggests, this meditation is fire affinity-related, and though anyone can cultivate it, people aligned with the fire element will have it way more easier and after reaching 5th class they will get an additional ability along with their own innate ability."

"Nobody has yet to learn this, as only a small number of people are born with fire affinity in our family, let alone people with actual talent like yours or your father's."

"This next one is something both your father and I practice. "Stormforge Codex", is a meditation technique more suitable for people with thunder affinity like me and your father. Although my thunder affinity is not as high as your father's, it is still comparable to yours, which is still pretty high. And since we don't know much about The Celestial Pyroclasm technique, this is considered the technique that provides the most offensive technique, 'Tempest Fury'."

"With the help of this ability, the practitioner can call forth a raging tempest of thunder and lightning. They can control and manipulate bolts of electricity and create thunderous shockwaves with their thoughts."

Putting the book back in its original place, he next grabbed the one next to it. "This one is related to water affinity and is named "Watery Serenity Codex". As the name suggests, this one also provides its user with extra mental ability. Although one of our ancestors had mastered this and reached 6th class we still don't know much about the intrinsic ability it provides, except that it is something related to mental technique."

Understanding the fact that Zion had a very high affinity for water, he looked at Zion to see his reaction. Looking at Zion, he didn't seem much interested, which disappointed Aldrich. He figured it must be because of the ability it gave after reaching 5th grade; after all, kids liked fancy and flashy techniques, not mental ones.

He was not wrong about liking the fancy and flashy techniques, but the main reason was that, because of his already high affinity for water, he knew that he could bolster it on his own without the help of a meditation technique, and he wanted an offensive technique so that he could ensure his safety in this war-torn world.

"Excluding the Celestial Pyroclasm Codex, choose one of these two techniques." he added,"I suggest you to take the Water Serenity Codex since your affinity with water is very high, the highest I have ever seen, but it's up to you to choose what technique you want to learn as both techniques are equally good; I will not interfere."

Although Aldrich knew that letting a small kid like Zion make such an important decision was very foolish, he chose not to interfere, as he was an avid believer in fate and destiny. If Zion chooses Stormforge instead of Water Serenity, then it's his destiny and he must not interfere.

"I want to learn the Stormforge Codex." Aldrich heaved a sigh, and though disappointed, he smiled. "Okay, then Stormforge it is", he replied.

"Also, one more thing: you must learn the meditation technique by yourself, and if you cannot do it, then that means you are not worthy enough; however, your personal instructor can teach you some basics about how to feel mana and how to absorb it." 

Zion already knew this fact, and not only this technique but every other technique in the world required its user to learn it on their own, as there were millions of different techniques and teachers cannot teach it to each of the students personally. It also became a test for their mental fortitude. 

"Now that we have concluded this, let us return" 


"Nobody noticed my class….the technique i developed seems pretty effective, but it did fail to hide my talents, which is honestly for the better," Zion muttered as he lay on his bed facing the wall.

His room was nothing short of fancy. The grand room was a magnificent spectacle of opulence. His ceilings were high and were adorned with intricate drawings depicting the kingdom's history, as if to remind him every time he was facing the ceiling of how grand the kingdom was. It also had a few small, beautiful chandeliers that shone the room with bright light. 

The bed was just as grand and enormous in size. It could probably fit three adults with enough room to move around freely. And the furniture was all just as beautiful.

Zion was feeling pretty tired, so instead of practicing his new meditation technique, he took a small nap. As he fell into deep slumber, a being started to manifest in his room.

"From all the kids I have seen in this small island, this one seems to have the best talent" He had a humanoid figure and wore a dark cloak and a hood covered his face. He looked very menacing and dangerous.

"I should let him grow here till he reaches maturity. I will come to fetch him once he reaches the right age." He muttered as he disappeared into thin air.

Nobody in the kingdom noticed his existence or his disappearance. Zion was sleeping very soundly, oblivious to the schemes done against him.


"Father, what did my son choose?" William asked.

"Same as yours and mine, the stormforge."

"Although I expected this outcome, I am still quite disappointed that he didn't choose the Water Serenity Codex." William added.

"Well, let him do what he wants; he is just a kid born with a golden spoon. Once he realises how hard it is to learn that technique, I mean even you, another heavenly talent, just like your son, almost gave up if I hadn't taught you a bit and gave the notes of the preceding users of this technique."

"After learning how it is almost impossible to learn that technique by oneself, he will naturally come to us to help him, and that is when we persuade him to learn the Water Serenity technique."

"Your shrewdness is very commendable, father; no wonder you became the youngest king of our kingdom."

Both of them laughed heartily. It appeared that the bond between the father and son was pretty good, though only superficially. Both of them still couldn't help but be wary of each other. This was one of the cons of being born into a grand, noble family.