
Magic Academy

"Woah..is this what a top-grade meditation technique can achieve?" He mused,"This is so much better than the common-grade meditation I had been practicing till now."

"If I were to compare the two, it is probably ten times better... If I'm not wrong, I might be able to reach 4th class in 2-3 months.

If Aldrich and William were aware of this, they would have vomited blood. Not only did Zion comprehend the Stormforge technique very quickly, he could almost immediately put it into practice, which was basically godlike. Their schemes became obsolete when confronted with his talents.

"Although I have heard a lot about Tempest Fury, as it has kind of become a symbol of our family, I have yet to see it personally. I can't wait till I reach 5th class and perform it myself." He clenched his hand while his eyes shone with fierce determination.


In Nodricia and every other kingdom in Gaia, every child under the age of 5 must attend the Magic Academy. Even children without the core were sent to the Magic Academy as they also had courses unrelated to magic, such as science, which is nothing less than magic, but since it was in its embryonic stage, nobody could entail what potential it held. 

Nodricia had five such academies, namely, Nodricia Royal Academy, Cliston Magic Academy, Mahakan Magic Academy, and last but not least, Grahti Magic Academy. Each of them is great in their own right and is the foundation of the Nodricia Kingdom. But, even among them, two are known to produce the best of the best seedlings and are known to have a plethora of resources for their students.

They were the Celeste Nodricia Royal Academy and the Mahakan Magic Academy; both of them had their own rich histories and were the building blocks of the kingdom since its inception. While Celeste Nodricia Royal Academy was named after the kingdom, it is an independent body not controlled by the kingdom. Although it was not related to the kingdom, it was controlled by the Celeste Family, which in a sense is the kingdom, but the Academy was not obligated to follow or help the kingdom.

As a direct descendent of the Celeste family, Zion was destined to join the Celeste Royal Magic Academy, and he had little to no choice in this matter. 

"Hey Headmaster! .. I heard William's son also has a heavenly grade talent. Is that true?" A woman with a very strong build asked.

"Haha, yes, my nephew's son has a heavenly-grade talent, which I think is not much of a surprise." 

"Yeah, a son of a phoenix will indeed also turn out to be a phoenix, not to mention his mother is nothing short of a phoenix." She chuckled, "Heavens truly have eyes... With him in our academy, we might just be able to totally overthrow the Mahakan Magic Academy in a few years."

Her eyes shone with a glint of hatred and anger when she mentioned the Mahakan Magic Academy. Noticing it, the headmaster lightly patted her shoulder, helping her regain her composure.

"I know how you feel; your brother's sacrifice means alot to us. His merit will never be forgotten; I hope you understand that." 

"I know.."

On the southern border of Nodricia, Helami, chaos was ensuing. In the war between Nodricia and its neighbouring kingdom in the south, the Rana Kingdom, hundreds of soldiers were dying every day, and many families lost their kins. Some became orphans, while others became widows.

The war had been going on for about a month now, with both sides on stalemate. Nobody was sure whether they or the Rana Kingdom would win, but one thing was sure: if they lost this land, their economy would suffer a heavy blow since it was the only trading point that connected them with the Silvia Kingdom. 

While the cannon fodders were fighting for their kingdom and their honours, in a conspicuous castle that was located in the most prominent area of Helami, a marquess was grasping his hair, seemingly very tense.

Although he was just in his early 50s, he seemed to have aged a decade more, making his hair all grey and white. His eyes looked red and heavy, as if he hadn't slept for days, and his clothes were all wrinkled and dirty, misfitting his noble stature.

"Why is the king not sending any help?" He muttered anxiously. "This city is one of the most important cities of our kingdom..why does it seem like the king doesn't care at all??"

"I cannot lose this city. No, no....without this city, we might lose our title. We absolutely cannot afford to lose this war."

The marquess had been sending letters requesting for help for the past few days now and although he had been assured the reinforcement would arrive pretty soon, it has already been 4 days since the response, and there is still no sign of reinforcement arriving in this city.

As he was lost in his thoughts, anxious about the future, the curtain suddenly fluttered, making him alarmed. He went over to check what was wrong, and the moment he faced his back after making sure nothing was in the curtain, he burst out in tears. Not because he was sad, but because he was happy beyond belief.

If he could, he would have jumped up to him and started kissing him passionately. But as a person with status, he quickly composed himself, regaining a dignified demeanour.

"You have arrived, Lucas, the commander of the great Fire Celestial Army." 

"Good evening, Lord Evans. How are you?" 

Although Lucas couldn't read his expression, he knew that he was mocking him, which diminished the relief he felt when he saw him, and anger brewed inside him.

"I'm quite alright, though it might have been another case if you guys had arrived a bit late," Lucas replied while gritting his teeth.

"Haha, Lord, you don't have to be too polite; I know how much of capable man you are."

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