
A Cultivator in a Magi World

Following a path is easy, but creating one? Not so much. Zion, born with a golden spoon embarks on a journey to create his path, a path of cultivation, science and magic. With his knowledge from the past, and using science as his foundation, he knocks down and conquers kingdoms and dynasties, becoming the greatest cultivator and scientist in the world of magic.

Inexorable_Death · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Top Grade Meditation Technique

"Your Grandpa is really pleased with you" Aldrich said," I have not gifted you anything for your fifth birthday, have I?" 

"Tell me, what do you want"

Although Zion was not a neglected child, except for his mother, personal instructor and a few people, nobody gave him too much attention, neither his father nor the grandfather. But it was given, since the kingdom was always at war with the neighboring kingdom for land and resources, so both of them were very busy.

Due to the fact that the kingdom was at war most of the time, Zion knew that he was now more valuable than ever.

"Anything will do, grandpa."

"Haha, you don't have to be so polite my son" 

Chuckling lightly, he stood up from his throne and spreaded his hands. "The whole kingdom is yours to be" he said grandly,"Anything you desire will be yours, just state your wish"

'What's wrong with this old man? Does he not realize I am but a 5 year old kid' Zion cursed silently.

Zion thought for a minute before stating his wish.

"I want to have full access to the royal library! Even the secret one." Zion exclaimed as if he was afraid his supposed grandpa would decline his request. When he was a small kid, trying to persuade his mother to teach him magic and let him enter the royal library, he also learned about the secret library which was only available to a few top people with astonishing merits to the kingdom.

Staring blankly at Zion with a stoic face, he suddenly started to laugh loudly.

"You are an interesting one son" He was very amused with Zion's wish. He never expected a 5 year old would request such a strange wish.

"Although I cannot give you access to the secret library now, since it holds a lot of information that small children should not see, but you will get the access when you get old enough." He added," But you will face no restriction in the Royal library, you may browse anything there as you wish."

"Also to compensate for the fact that you will not be able to access the secret library at the moment, I will personally give you a top grade meditation technique." 

He then chanted a few ancient words that basically sounded like gibberish. He then took out 5 mid grade mana crystals and threw them in some arbitrarily. Somehow they made a polygonal. 

He then sat right in the middle of the polygonal structure and chanted a few words. After that, he bit his hand and dropped a few drops of his blood. He next stood up and got out of the structure.

Soon, the mana crystal started to glow and a grand magical structure started to form. Then the ground inside the polygon suddenly disappeared and black intangible substances started to form covering the polygon.

"Amazing isn't it?" Aldrich chuckled as he looked at the stupefied Zion. To say Zion was amazed would be understatement, he was gobsmacked beyond belief. He had never seen magic like this and throughout his 5 years of life in this world, he had seen few to no magic at all as people rarely used it unless absolutely necessary. His determination to learn grew more than ever.

"This is a secret storeroom of our Celeste Family where we store our heirlooms. Follow me."

Aldrich gestured Zion to jump inside, though he was a bit skeptical about all of this, he still jumped and Aldrich followed him,

The man hidden from the eyes of everyone present, silently observing everything formed a mysterious smile and vanished from the throne hall.

"Wow…so many mana crystals and jewels." Zion couldn't help but be amazed. Amused by his reaction Aldrich nodded with pride.

"Haha son, this is nothing..these are not even the true treasures of our family," he mused,"The true reserve of our family lies ahead. In future all of this will be yours"

Although Zion was not a materialistic person, he was still a bit swayed by all the things he found here. After walking for a minute, the room reached a new room. This room was vastly different from the previous one. There were way less materials and the room looked kind of empty.

"Judging by your face, you seem to be a bit disappointed" 

"Not really, I was just surprised by the contrast between the previous room and this one"

"Now let me show you the true treasure of the Celeste Family"

Aldrich clapped his hand two times and 7 blocks emerged out of the ground, surprising Zion. All of the seven blocks were lined up in a horizontal order. The middle block was the most conspicuous looking but it only had three books on them. On the surface, they looked just like a normal book, nothing special. But they emitted a sort of strange energy which made people who looked at it feel tranced.

"That must be the top grade meditation books this old man mentioned." Zion muttered.

"As you can see, these are the true treasures of the Celeste family. They are not alot but you can be rest assured they are all of the finest quality that can be found on earth. Our ancestor have worked very hard to provide them and they are our reserve resources which will help us in need" Aldrich seemed very proud of his ancestors and family as he kept going and going, talking about all the family history and how the treasures were acquired by their ancestors.

"I must have bored you from my endless chatter."

'Does this old man have BPD or what' Zion thought.

"Okay, without delaying it any further…Come with me" Aldrich and Zion walked towards the three books. Even up close, they looked nothing special. They looked very archaic and yellowed by the passage of years. The covers had long forgotten ancient intricate symbols. 

"These three are the top grade meditation books of our Celeste family and our greatest asset. Even in the entire Gaia, you can only find few top grade meditation books like these."

As Aldrich said this, his heart welled up with pride.