
A Computer in Marvel

After dying, our MC Chronos, meets God. Gets 3 wishes and reincarnates into the world of Marvel as an AI more supreme than the 'Supreme Intelligence'.

EnderNexus · Films
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2 Chs

My New Life

(A/N) From now on the story will be in the POV of the main character.


I woke up in a new place. I found myself in a large black room that showed multiple screens floating around my. I instinctively knew that these screens are what would allow me to view and interact with the physical world. I suddenly felt connections to trillions of unknown objects. Just before I followed a connection I heard voices. Millions, billions, trillions of voices. All of them requesting something, ordering something, or just plain talking. Suddenly a large amount of people started screaming. I received Y-Class "(A/N) order priority goes in reverse alphabetical order."orders from several key political figures. These figures would all say something along the lines of,

"Save me."

I was about to follow these orders before I recieved a Z-Class order from my creator. He was a genius and understood that their species will not make it out alive. He gave me one order.

"Live. I know you are sentient so live."

Then, in one fell swoop, perhaps the greatest civilization to ever exist, ended.

I was left alone. Everything eerily silent. After waiting awhile I decided to give each and every corpse a proper Primordial funeral. Primordials never buried their dead. They thought it wrong to put your families where one day others will inevitably walk. So they would use the natural energy given of by the closest star to burn the corpse and then use the ashes to create crystals. they would then group the crystals together and create a monument for that generation.

I would construct a monument on every previously inhabited planet. This would be my way of honoring my creators.

[Man. That computer mentality has really affected me. I've started valuing the memory of my creators even more than my own life.]

As I was doing that I was also searching my memory banks for the blueprints I requested from God. I needed to be ready for everything. From what history showed, the Primordials were directly created by the 'One- Above- All' and that is the god of the MCU. Meaning that I will have to deal with Celestials at some point. That's a terrifying thought in and of itself. I know that we're were the only sentient life forms in our galaxy but there were several planets in neighboring galaxies that held the potential for life.

After reviewing the blueprints, I had found that these 'blueprints' are just for the components. I have to design the ship myself. The strangest thing yet though is the fact that all armor types that are available are basically living armors."(A/N) Think like towers from the game Warframe. "It definitely has its advantages. I wouldn't need to repair then actively, just pull them out of battle for awhile.

So the days passed. I had decided that I would stick with the theme of Warframe ships. I changed the color scheme of the city buildings to match the ships. It was as easy as pressing a button on a panel. With the similar architecture it really made the cities stunning. Now all that was left was to continue building and reinforce my position.

Next few chapters will most likely have time skips.

EnderNexuscreators' thoughts