
A Computer in Marvel

After dying, our MC Chronos, meets God. Gets 3 wishes and reincarnates into the world of Marvel as an AI more supreme than the 'Supreme Intelligence'.

EnderNexus · Movies
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2 Chs


[ ] - Thoughts

" " - Speach


"It's dark. Where am I?"

-----------------------Narrator POV------------------‐----------

These are the first words said by or MC after waking up in an infinite abyss. His name used to be Chronos. Just like the Titan from mythology. He was normal in life other than the fact that he was an orphan. He was the most average a person could physically get. He enjoyed his life, there's not some sad sob story that's supposed to make someone sympathize with him. Well that is until he almost got hit by a truck, almost. After it missed a light pole fell and b rug oke a fire hydrant that shot the cap off like a cannon ball. This series of events led to him getting his head flattened.

--------------------------MC POV-------------------------------

As I float there, I wonder what I should be doing with my new found time. In reality, I didn't even get to think before an old man walks out of a door that appeared out of literally nowhere. Here then turns around and looks at me.

[Huh. I guess that must be God.]

And to confirm my thought the old man speaks.

"Hello young one I am God."

I tried to ask a question but he interrupted.

"Before you go asking questions, yes you are getting reincarnated. No, you aren't special im just bored and you were the most recent death. And no, the events that led to your death weren't caused by me. They were caused by the 'Will of the World' to get rid of the anomaly that was you."

[Well that answered my questions God job God]

This guy must get a kick out of interrupting me because he did it again.

"Let's hurry this along. Im getting impatient. You have three wishes and 30 minutes to decide. GO!"

[Ok Chronos, draw on that fanfic knowledge of yours. So three wishes. Let's see what's the most important.

-Body: I need to define a body for myself. Who knows what body I would get if left to God. I could end up as a cat.

- Power: I can't get greedy. Here might switch me for another soul if I am.

-Origins: I've got to define my origins so I Don't end up in a slave family or something like that.]

"Okay, I've decided.

1. I would like to be a sentient AI program. Could you make it so that it feels natural to do computery things."

"Sure," God said.

"2. I would like to have blueprints for the most advanced spaceships in the omniverse. Everything from nanobots to solar system destroyers."


"3. I would like my origins to be the first ever sentient creatures in that universe. Their civilization will have had the most advanced computers the universe will ever see. This civilization will span across a galaxy but I will enter as the AI controlling everything. Please make it so that they all died and left everything in perfect condition."

He started staring at me. Furrowing his brows and making me tense he finally answers, "Greedy, but still fine. You will be reincarnated in Marvel and the race that created you will have been called Primordials. They died because they opened a temporary portal to another dimension releasing energy that killed all biological life."

"That's fine. Thanks for the chance."

God said nothing but sent him through a portal.

First time author. Hope you guys enjoy. Comment if you like it

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