
A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

In the realm of human existence, the concept of encountering the divine is often shrouded in mystery and subjectivity. However, what if a blind person were to meet R.O.B and be transported into the world of the Twilight with Fujitsu Template?

Darkzarc · Films
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

(Author's Note: I'm sorry this came a week later. I was halfway through writing this chapter but got writer's block. I didn't want to have a shorter chapter than what I usually write. Here it is and enjoy the reading.)


(Edythe POV):

As our class came to an end, I found myself patiently waiting for Alice to approach me. We had to make our way to our next class together, but I was also eager to hear about her conversation with Alexander. I hoped that their interaction had gone smoothly and that they had a meaningful exchange.

Finally, Alice arrived, her eyes filled with excitement as she prepared to share the intriguing conversation she had with Alexander. It was astonishing to discover just how much they had in common. However, amidst the excitement, a hint of melancholy washed over me as Alexander revealed the painful story behind the scars etched upon his face. Nevertheless, Alice delved into the captivating details of her exploration into Arthur's interests, sparking a sense of connection between us. With his love for baseball, I couldn't help but think that he would be a perfect fit for the rest of our family.

Alice: "What's the next step of your plan?"

"Well, my next step is to really get to know Alexander better and also spend time getting to know Arthur. Next week, I plan on introducing myself to Alexander first."

Alice:"Are you going to just discard Alexander once you get closer to Arthur? He seems like a really nice guy so far."

"Oh, no! That's not my intention at all. Alexander will be my future brother-in-law, and I don't want to do anything to hurt him or make Arthur resent me. Even when it's Arthur's turn to a vampire, he will still have a part of his family, so it's important to maintain a good relationship with Alexander until then. I'll also try to convince the family to accept Alexander since they are close, but that might be the most challenging part."

Alice: " That will be the hardest part. You know how strict they will be especially comes to protecting the family."

"You're right, Alice. The family can be quite strict when it comes to protecting their own. Convincing them to accept Alexander might indeed be the most challenging part of my plan. But I believe that if I can show them the genuine connection and compatibility between Alexander and Arthur, they might come around."

Alice: "It won't be easy, but I have faith in you, Edythe. Just remember to approach it with patience and understanding. The family's concern for the family well-being is what drives their protectiveness. If you can demonstrate that Alexander truly cares for him and respects the family's values, they might be more open to accepting him with his brother."

"Thank you, Alice. Your support means a lot to me. I'll do my best to navigate this delicate situation and ensure that both Alexander and Arthur feel valued and loved by the family."

Alice: "I know you will, Edythe. And remember, I'm here for you every step of the way. We'll make sure this plan unfolds smoothly and brings happiness to everyone involved."

"I couldn't ask for a better sister. Let's face this challenge together, Alice, and create a future where both Arthur and his brother can be embraced by the family."

Bell rings...( Ding dong)

"Now let's head to class. We will talk more about it later."

(Alexander POV):

After a long day at school, my brother and I finally arrived home. Seeking to be alone, I retreated to the comfort of my room, my mind buzzing with thoughts after Alice's conversation with me. The realization that my brother's future was seemingly set in stone, as he would be with Edythe, weighed heavily on my mind. It left me pondering what path I should carve for my own future.

In my previous life, I had found immense joy as a teacher, particularly in working with children. However, perhaps it was time for a change. The idea of becoming a blind hunter, dedicated to uncovering the supernatural, held a certain allure. It would undoubtedly be an exciting journey.

Alternatively, I contemplated following in the footsteps of a certain Marvel character and becoming a lawyer. The idea of fighting for justice and defending the innocent resonated deeply within me. On the other hand, the thought of becoming a doctor also crossed my mind. The irony of being a blind surgeon, humorously declaring, "I'm your surgeon," to unsuspecting patients, brought a smile to my face.

As I weighed these possibilities, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and uncertainty. The future was a vast canvas waiting to be painted, and I stood at the crossroads, ready to embark on a new journey.

Then my phone starts to ring and takes me out of my thoughts. I knew it was Leah because she set her own ringtone, so I knew it was her calling. I smiled and answered the phone.

"Hey Leah."

Leah: "Hey Alex, I was just calling to see how you're liking school."

"It's going well. Are you just calling to see if I'm doing good in school or were you worried about me?"

Leah: "Why would I worry about you, pervert!?"

"Hey now, I said I was sorry many times for forgetting to lock the door. Anyways, you should be lucky I didn't ask for money since you saw a good show. Haha."

Leah: "Whatever, I was just calling for my brother to see if you and Arthur want to hang out with us this weekend."

"Sure, I'm all for it. I just have to ask Arthur to see if he wants to as well. I'll get back to you."

Leah: "Great, I'll let my brother know. Call me when you have an answer from Arthur. I have to go help my mom with some house cleaning. I'll talk to you later. Alex, make sure to call me if someone bugs you."

"Haha, yes ma'am. I'll be fine. I'll call you later when I get an answer."

We end our phone call. I smile, knowing that for now, I should focus on the present problems first. Let's see how the rest of the week goes with Alice and Edythe.