
Steal my Boy

Auteur: Beargyu313
Musique et band
Actuel · 33.2K Affichage
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  • NO.200+

When Beomgyu got abducted, everyone and their mother were in total panic. The whole city did a search and rescue for a whole week with countless volunteers yet no one ever found even the slightest trace of him. Choi Beomgyu is a 21 year old campus crush who have been within minds at least once by any type of gender in the Capital’s largest Conservatory. Tall, honey-skinned and extremely handsome, this extroverted yet hopelessly romantic and funny individual is the talk of the town ever since he transferred to the Music school after losing interest on the course his parents wanted for him. Everything went smooth for a while, until he attracted the attention of the person who will make him question his life’s decision. Note: Only the main characters descriptions are made to be realistic but the plot, events, places etc. are all fiction. The story would look confusing at first but I’ll reveal answers as chapters go by. Thank you for your patience.

4 étiquettes
Chapter 1Captured

Beomgyu's pov

"You're mine Beomgyu. It'll be easier for you if you'll accept that fact."

"Over my dead body..." I grunted as I kept pulling myself up from the bed I'm being pressed over with.

"Hihi... you really wanna be with me that bad huh?"

I tried to dodge her stinky lips but she still managed to land a playful smack over my left cheek as she rubbed her lower body over my jeans, specifically the crotch area.

"Marry me and I shall grant your wish My Love..." She whispered over my ear then licked it.

I had goosebumps from the insanity of her offer alone. How come she insists such a thing when it's almost impossible even if we were actually dating?

"Let me go!" I snapped. I'm still trying to figure out how I fell into her trap and ended up locked in this small room where no one else could hear my voice no matter how hard I yelled and how to escape this mess but I can't take it anymore.

"Why should I?" She giggled. "Beomgyu, if you haven't noticed, you ain't in the position to demand me such thing." Her wide smile crooked and her face darkened. "Remember, we are still fated whether you're alive or dead."

To be continued...

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Table des matières
Volume 1 :Stalker’s Luck
Volume 2 :Tables are Turning
Volume 3 :Mending Broken Hearts
Volume 4 :Chasing for Love