

North Pack

Alpha Dylan was in his training room when Logan, one of his best warriors barged in on him. He turned around angry that someone dared interrupt his time with Isa. Dylan did not take any of his mistresses to his room. He either took them in his training room or wherever they found themselves. Noticing the air of urgency, Dylan pulled out of Isa and gave her a kiss.

"I have pack matters to attend to" Isa dared not say a word. She nodded mindlessly and dressed up. She felt the eyes of both the alpha and Logan on her but gone are the days of shame for her. She was used to the life of being at the pleasure and mercy of these powerful men.

"Are the men in waiting?" Dylan questioned. He did not think in a million years that his men were going to come back to him empty handed.

"We came back with no one" Logan broke the news.

"What was his excuse?" Dylan saw no reason why his request would have been denied. Why did the alpha not yield to his request? Had he forgotten who's packed had the most power in all of Green Moss? 

"He got angry at you for even asking that of him. He claimed his men were in his care and he needed a form of alliance before he could release his warriors to be at your disposal"  Logan reported making sure to be careful  so as not to get on his alpha's bad side.

"What was your response to this?" Dylan asked. Logan no realizing his alpha's wolf making a show already still continued to explain his ordeal.

"I made him..." Before he could make further excuses a heavy punch made him lose his balance.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN THAT PACK?" Dylan roared. Scared, Logan began to move back but Dylan was in no mood for games. He swiftly got to him and raised him up with his right hand. Amidst his range Dylan noticed brutal marks on Logan,s neck. He drops him and questioned his injury.

"How did you get this?"

"The alpha got so angry and beat me up" Although it was the fabricated truth, Logan wanted alpha Sebastian to be punished for doing this to him. Dylan smirks.

"We are leaving for Dark moon tomorrow morning. Get some rest. With that Logan left the room and Dylan spent all night strategizing on how to take Sebastian down


Next Morning

Gentle taps on his cheeks woke Dylan up. He frowns at the fact that his face is being touched so gently early in the morning. He grabs the arm in defence before opening his eyes. He rolled his eyes angrily when he saw that the culprit was Isa.

"It's too early for this. Go for some shopping while i deal with serious pack issues" Isa nodded and placed a gentle kiss on his wrist that held her hand captive. He released her and warned her not to come until he calls for her.

"There are serious issues ongoing. Do not come to me unless I send a warrior to pick you up.

"I won't" With that Isa left. All she wanted was to shop either ways so however Dylan treated was really not going to have her bothered.

  Left alone to his thoughts Dylan went over his plans in his head again. He planned for war. Dylan plans to talk to the alpha and repeat his request and when Sebastian and he says when because he knows that Seb would insist on his first response and exactly when he gets that response he would strike to strike him down. 

 Happy with his plan, Dylan got ready for breakfast. As soon as he was done he got ready to leave. He left with twenty of his best warriors. If it came down to a fight Dylan wanted to be prepared. 

"I want you to stay alert. If things go as planned there will be no need for a fight but if otherwise I want every one of you to be prepared.

 The journey to Dark moon pack did not take them very long. Dylan insisted on driving his car and he drove insanely fast. His warriors could tell that he was angry and impatient. They never used cars unless he was traveling among humans or to a different state for mundane business. They dared not question him on his decisions though a lot of them wondered what he expected. Which alpha will leave their best warriors for another alpha they had no sort of alliance with? Their alpha Dylan was unreasonable sometimes but that is what kept their pack at the top.

  Without warning Dylan stopped the car and rushed out. He did not care for protocol as soon as he sighted Darkmoon pack. He barged into the pack house and that alone made him laugh. How insecure can a pack be? No warrior whatsoever to guard the pack house in the morning. 

"The alpha is busy" A lanky boy who looked like he was an omega rushed to his front to stop him.

"And who are you to stop me?" The boy although scared remained in his presence.

"The alpha is still having his breakfast" Angry by the lack of respect from the boy Dylan pushed him hard causing him to hit his back on the wall to his left.

"Know your place!" He roared.

"The only person who should know their place is you. What effrontery? You walk into my domain like you own the place and now you hurt one of my own?" Alpha Sebastian was furious but he knew he needed to remain calm. He did not want to be on Dylan's bad side but he would not stand back and watch him disrespect him in his own pack. Dylan smirked.

"You should not speak to me that way Sebastian" Dylan warned. His patience was thinning out.

"What do you want? I thought my message was loud and clear?" Sebastian asked genuinely surprised that Dylan was even in his pack so early in the morning.

"I got it loud and clear; you want war" Dylan knew that was not the message that was passed to him but he chose to interpret Sebastian's assault on his warrior as that.

"You know damn well that is not it. No one wants to go to war with you. I simply cannot release my men to you" Sebastian was trying really hard to remain calm despite his fury.

"I think we should sit and discuss business" Dylan offered.

"A protocol you chose to walk over" Dylan walked back inside his dining hall. He instructed the maid who was standing by his chair to serve the alpha. The maid rushed out and the alphas sat down to discuss business.

"What do you need my men for?" Sebastian wasted no time in getting down to business. The presence of the alpha in this pack left him uneasy.

"The details are not particularly your business"

"I think this conversation is over" Sebastian announced. The audacity of his young alpha annoyed him.

"I think not." Dylan responded leaning into a more comfortable position on the chair. "I have fifteen of my men around this house and five inside this building. I suggest that if you do not want war you listen to me" Sebastian sat back down clenching his fists.

"What do I get from this arrangement?" Sebastian asked. Even if he had to agree to Dylan's request, he had to get something from it.

"You men get to train with mine. They will become better warriors for you" Dylan offered. Dylan had to plan to specifically train the warriors he scouted form Sebastian but he did not have to know that.  

"That's not enough and you know that." Sebastian said. Dylan really thinks he is a fool for an alpha? 

 Amidst their back and forth, Ashera walked into the dining room. As surprised as she was to meet her father still in the dining room, she was more surprised to see alpha Dylan. She immediately turned around to leave.

"Stop" Fear gripped Ashera and her stomach sank in anxiety. The voice she heard was not her father's but she knew she could get beat up by him after her meeting for interrupting his business. She stopped but made no move to move close to the men at the end of the room.

"I think I will take her instead" alpha Dylan announced.