



"How dare he?" Sebastian roared in anger as he jumped to stand face to face to the pawns in Dylan's new games. Alpha Sebastian, alpha of Darkmoon pack is enraged that Dylan Wade alpha of North Pack is asking for the impossible. His request alone is insulting to him and his position. It all started when Kenda walked into his throne room to notify him of the presence of men from the North Pack. Sebastian had no problems with this and he instructed that the men be escorted to his waiting room. Sebastian walked into his waiting to meet the men and he asked them for what they wanted.

"Good day. How can we help you" Sebastian asked politely. He wasn't a fan of their alpha, Dylan but having some sort of alliance with him would not hurt so he needed to keep it together despite the smug look of arrogance danced around the three men. They all had an air of entitlement in his own pack.

"Our alpha has demanded fifty warriors from the Dark moon pack. He needed strong soldiers to fight for him and under his rule" Sebastian tried so hard to keep his look of disgust.

"Does he know what he asks of me?" Sebastian asked Dylan's men. For such a young alpha. Dylan was over ambitious. 

"I'm sure he does" The blonde one of the three men responded rudely. 

"Still trying to keep it together?" Sebastian asked another question.

"He is asking for my pack members who are my responsibility just so he can use them for battle. Am I right?" The blonde one seeming like the leader of the three was the one to respond.

"I'm glad you now fully understood. Pick out the men. We need to leave now so we can get back just in time" Sebastian jumped up to stand in front of the men and roared.

"How dare he? Dylan dares asks me for my men with no form of alliance or business in return. Who does he think he is? He is nothing but an over ambitious young alpha who has no idea the right order of things. Go back and tell him this" With his final statement, Sebastian's fangs and claws make a show. He moves closer to the men and picked up the blonde one with his right hand. He held the man up with his claws, his claws digging deep into the sides of his neck as he raised him higher. Satisfied with the look of horror on the faces of the men, Sebastian dropped the man to the ground.

"Tell him this was just a warning" As Sebastian made this announcement, he left the waiting room.

  After his encounter with Dylan's men, Sebastian is infuriated. He points at one of his warriors and ushers him to follow. The warrior followed without question.

"Send a word to Tiago" Sebastian instructed as soon as he got into his office. The warrior nodded and left immediately. Tiago is Sebastian's mistress and the woman he claims to be truly in love with it. The whole pack knows of his problem with woman. Ever since his mate died during a siege trying to save his only child, Alpha Sebastian changed completely. He stopped being the caring alpha the pack once knew and loved. He still protected them and provided for their needs but that was it. Anything outside of protection and provision, the alpha did not include himself. He held on to a lot of resentment. He hated his life and he hated his daughter more for taking his soul mate from him.

  The warrior not wanting to be the alpha's victim of his anger outburst rushed out of the pack house to look for his personal toy. The pack knew he cared for Tiago but it ended in the bedroom. One never sees them talking as lovers or even eating together. Almost like the alpha did everything in his power to avoid being more than sexually intimate with her. 

 He found Tiago helping her mother with pack work behind the pack house. He waited a while until Tiago noticed eyes on her every movement. Tiago looked up to see one of the warriors and she immediately knew that the alpha needed her. He was probably having one of his outbursts and he needed to release in her. She did not mind being in this unconventional relationship with her alpha. It kept her poor Omega family fed and it made her somewhat important. She has stupidly fallen in love with the alpha. She knew nothing could come of it but she did not care because the alpha entertained no one else and nobody can ever be by his side as Luna so being the only one he allowed graze his bed was enough honor for her.

 Tiago hurriedly called her mother.

"I have somewhere to be, mother"  Tiago spoke to her mother without looking at her. Her mother hated what he had become but this angered Tiago because she knew he mother loved that they had no reason to worry about a place to stay or food to eat. Tiago gave her tight lipped smile.

"Don't, please" Tiago left immediately without waiting to hear what her mother had to say. She did not need her mother to soil her mood. Tiago followed the warrior silently and as soon as she went inside the pack house she made her way to the alpha's room.

She met Ashera on her way. The look of disdain on the Alpha's daughter's face was laughable. Everyone knew the alpha did not care for his daughter and was just waiting to find the highest bidder for her untouched pussy.  Tiago had nothing to worry about Ashera's disapproval. It meant nothing. 

"What took you so long?" The alpha snapped as soon as she opened the door. Fear engulfed Tiago. She didn't want the alpha to hit her today. She just wanted to come but she never knew what she was walking into with the alpha. She masked her fear as she removed her gown leaving her naked. She walked towards his desk where he sat, his eyes glued to his paperwork. Tiago's attempt to round the table to meet the alpha is met with a look of disapproval. She stopped in her tracks.

"I was with my mother" Tiago explained.

"Stop talking and get under" He instructed. His eyes not leaving the laptop and paperwork in front of him told her everything she needed to know. She was too late and he has gone to work to ease his mind. She did not let this stop her though. She got on her knees and crawled slowly to him with a sly smile plastered on her face. A quick shift in his attention told her she could still get his attention. Tiago moved under the desk and pulled her down to him before claiming her.