


Confused at first Sebastian did not say a word as Dylan walked to the other end of the hall to meet Sebastian's daughter. 

"I want her as my Luna" Dylan announced this time his intentions are very clear. Ashera immediately started to disagree. She always knew that whoever she ended up would be an alpha her father picked for her. He made it very clear to her whenever they were chanced to even meet.

He always said "I need you pure for an alpha worthy of you for the betterment of this pack. That is the least you can do after all you have caused."

Her father never ceased to remind her that the she was the reason for the death of her mother. Ever since she was a child she had been called a jinx. People said the death of the Luna changed their alpha and when they could not blame the alpha, they blamed her for the death of the Luna which automatically interprets that she is the cause every evil that befell the pack.

 Her father hated her and she was nothing more than an object he would give to the highest bidder. That much Ashera was aware of but what she did not know is the fact that her father would not even hesitate to give her to whoever asked him.

"She's yours" alpha Sebastian answered without looking at his daughter. Anything to get the jinx out of his life he did not mind. He had offered her to a lot of alphas but they all rejected her and now the most powerful alpha in all of Green Moss wants her. Who was he to refuse him.

  Ashera's head snapped to face her father. She immediately went on her knees and wept.

"Please father. Anyone but him" The statement angered Dylan. What did this brat mean by anyone but him. Without putting much thought into his action Dylan hit Ashera across her face. Ashera held her face as tears rolled down her face. She did not bother to face her father. He did this to her every chance he got.

"You learn how to talk to your alpha" Dylan shouted as he pulled Ashera by her cloth to make her stand up to face him.

"Father..." Ashera wanted to plead again.

"Learn how to behave and do not disgrace me in your new home" That was all Sebastian said as he walked off leaving Ashera with her husband, Dylan.

 Dylan was so happy with the turn of events. He had a Luna who was fit for the role. He could tell she would be easy to bend to his will. She will remain his Luna while he had fun with the women he truly found attractive. Ashera Stone was not the ideal beauty. She had pale skin with brunette skin that washed her out. Her dark brown eyes did nothing to compliment her other features. 

"You will learn how to be mine in no time" With that final statement Dylan dragged her out of the pack house with his men who surrounded the pack house during his meeting.

 Ashera did not try to fight him off. If being a perfect Luna for Dylan's pack was going to make her father see her as his daughter again he would try her best. She will serve him to the best of her abilities. She just wanted to be loved but Ashera knew she could not get that from Dylan. Nonetheless her plan was to be the perfect Luna for North Pack.

 Dylan pushed Ashera into the car he drove to the Darkmoon pack. 

"We will drive alone" This order scared Ashera. What did Dylan want with her? Could he not wait until she became his Luna?

"I do not find you attractive. I need the perfect person to stand as my Luna and you seem like the person for the job. Don't get on my bad side or your pack is going to suffer for it." All Ashera did was nod in agreement.

"I will need you to be with an heir to take over our reign. Are you pure?" His straightforwardness appalled Ashera. Ashera ignored him this time and turned to face away from him. Dylan's sudden tight grip on her thighs scared her.

"Look at me" Ashera did not.

"I SAID LOOK AT ME YOU!" Ashera shook as she turned to look at his side profile as he concentrated on driving.

"Are you pure?" Dylan asked again when he could feel her eyes on him. Ashera nodded.

"Speak to me" Dylan screamed again. 

"Yes" Ashera finally answered weakly.

"I will have my way with you before others can" That was all Dylan said. Ashera did not know what sex entailed but she knew she did not want to do it with many people. She though men were protective of their women when it came to that. Even her father was protective of Tiago.

"I do not want to sleep with other men" Ashera said.

"You are mine now and I do with you what I want" Dylan tightened his hands on her thing causing his nails to dig further into her already sore skin.

"Don't let the illusion of decisions deceive you. You are nothing but a free gift from a pack. You are a nobody and the sooner you learn your place the better. When Dylan said nothing more Ashera turned away from him again. This time Dylan did not say anything about that.

 Ashera became lost in thought. What will become of her now? She has nobody and she did not know what to do about her new situation. She will never find her soulmate and get a happy ending. Without realizing Ashera started to cry. Her silent cries caused her heart to be heavy. She just wanted to be wanted by somebody, anybody.

"Get off" Ash immediately got down from the car. She looked around in awe as she saw the grandeur of the pack. North pack was beautiful. Warriors were training tirelessly. Children ran around playing. Everyone seemed so happen and this left Ash one question; What kind of alpha is Dylan to his members?

"Do not waste my time, woman" Dylan snapped. He was proud of himself as she caught Ash gawking at his pack but he did not have the patience to wait on her. Ash immediately tore her eyes away from the beautiful sight following Dylan.

"I don't want to see anybody until tomorrow" Dylan instructed the blonde warrior who Ashera had assumed to be his best and favorite warrior.

"Yes alpha" The man turned away instantly."Take rest for the day" The warrior instructed the remaining people. All the other warriors left leaving Dylan alone with Ash. 

 Dylan grabbed Ash's hand roughly. He pulled her with him as he made way to his room. Ash did not realize what was happening until Dylan pushed her to fall through a door. Ashera immediately stood back up.

"Have I done something wrong again?" Ash asked confused. She though if she behaved Dylan would no longer treat her as a thorn in his life.

Dylan ignored the question as he grabbed her to him. He kissed her roughly causing a soft whimper from Ash who could not break free from his tight hold.

"Leave me please" Ashera managed to say but Dylan did not care. He needed to see if bringing her in was worth the loss of fifty warriors who could have been of great use.

Dylan pushed her roughly to the wall as he rose her skirt up. He hurriedly yanked down her underwear despite her protests. Ashera screamed out loud crying and begging for Dylan to stop but he did not. He held on to her hair to band her the way he wanted her to be.

"Plea...pleas...please" Ash screamed and cried trying to get someone to help her.

"Shut up!" Dylan yelled angrily at her. He pulled her away from the wall with her hair and made her face him. He released but then immediately tore her top. Ash freed herself from his grip and made an attempt to run but she was instantly dragged back. This time around Dylan picked her up and threw her in the bed. He used the back of his hand to hit her hard across the face. This act made Ash numb. She stopped fighting. It only made him angry and it made him hit her. She did not want that. Fighting was doing her no good. She stayed still on the bed and took everything he gave to her; the bites, the hits, the aggressive penetration that hurt her each time. As soon as she heard Dylan grunt, she felt warm liquid in her. She remained still and cried. 

"You're not so bad after all. I love the chase of the first time" Dylan walked out of the room. He could not stand her tears.