

I dont own any of the series in the ff for example mha or marvel or any of those pictures in the ff

Bas1c · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Oh shit where am i

In a white room where there's a humanoid white figure and a big black man after the humanoid figure woke up for some reason they're having a stare contest

"Where am i HOL UP WHO TF AM I"

say the humanoid figure

While the black guy say

"First of all you at the upper gate or you human know as heaven i guess and second after people die they go through reincarnation cycle so is normal you don't know anything everyone lost their memory after they go through the cycle sooo… any question?"


Say the angry and confused by the humanoid

"Well you see I can't really give you're memory back but i can reincarnate you into another world i already know what you thinking 'WhY CaN'T YoU ReInCArNaTE ME In MY WolRd BaCK' ight first of all I can't and second i can't like reincarnated you in the same world because the against the rule for some reason idk the upper people put it in the rules and third I can't say who you are or give you're memory back same reason as the second is against the rule to know who you are ight good?"

say the black men

"So you can reincarnated me into another world? Hm damn that sucks i guess there only one way"

say the humanoid figure

"Sooo reincarnation?"

Say the black man with questioned face

"Yeah reincarnation… wait who are you"

say the humanoid figure

"Oh right I didn't introduce myself oh right iam the reincarnation angel and yes iam not god iam a angel specific half angel i guess"say the black angel man

"What do you mean by half?"

say the humanoid

"What i mean by half is iam half giant actually"

say the black angel man

"Ohhhhh ok that why you so big"

say the humanoid figure

"Right anyway we gotta do this fast because there is many souls still waiting to reincarnated ok so this is how it work ok first we going to choose your world and then your appearances andddd if the world is fantasy like magic you can spin for abilities and skill,trait,sideeffect and yes the sideeffect is a must got it?"

say the black angelman

"I think i got it?"

Say the humanoid figure

"Ok lemme summon the wheel of fate and destiny and no it does not based on luck it based on your personality and you're fate or destiny i guess ight"

Say the black angel man

"Ok i guess that alright"

Say the humanoid figure

The black angel man muttering something and suddenly and wheel just fade in i guess that weird

"Oh right there it is lets spin your world first"

Say the black angel man

Wheel of fate and destiny


League of legends


Boku no pico




The Boys


Sailor moon


Genshin impact


And finally it stopped at

My Hero Academia

"Wtf is that is like where hero train and shit or study i guess"

Say the humanoid figure

"you got it right bud now since it got to my hero academia lets spin the number of how much abilities you will get"

say the black angel man

Wheel of fate and destiny





















And it finally stopped at

To be continued

Word counted:571