
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantaisie
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183 Chs

Chapter 88: Not bad at all

Perseus POV

"I recognize you, you're Valentin- I mean the queen's first husband. Damn, life that rough without status, huh?"

I made my way to Eleanor who looked a bit bruised but otherwise alright apart from the fact that she's gagged and tied up. I'm surrounded and I can see that the former queen's consort call for more back up, the ones who I haven't killed or attack yet are rushing in.

She saw me and was trying to warn me to go away. She doing her best to squirm around.

"Isn't she your daughter? Why kidnap her with outrageous demands?"

"Heh. I wish she was, even a divorced father of the next heiress would have high status despite the ack of fame." he sneered "You never realize how many fake friends you actually have till you lose your status, my life after the divorce is hell, I loved her with all my heart and yet she broke up with me."

I'm gonna win anyway, so might as well let him speak his mind and wait for more of their reinforcement to arrive, I want to take them out all at once. They might have enough forces to take the other strong raiders, but I don't think they have enough forces to handle a ranked, they're overestimating themselves.

"What do you mean? Aren't you a count? You still have decent st-"

"I wasted many resources just to get engaged with that woman, and she refused to have a child with me despite my attempts, tch, might as well as for the race's sacred treasures." he said "And total control over-"

I jus then shot him in the legs, I mean, let's be honest, he was kinda annoying. I applied magic to the bullets and I know I should have just shot him straight through the head, but I need him alive

"Princess, close your eyes." I then applied a sound barrier to stop her from hearing them scream for their life.


After I killed everyone, I used magic to clean myself and the princess up and untied her while disabling my sound barrier. I then tied up the now unconscious count and called my clan to come and clean all of this up.

"Don't open your eyes yet, princess, I'll get you back to your mom."

I carried her and warped her outside to the queen who was more than relieved to be united with her daughter, I then warped all of us back to the castle.


I don't really cared about what happened with the count and I let my clan leaders to handle the affair and I was tasked to help get the traumatized princess back to her feet as I had to share this private estate with the queen and princess and a few other guards.

Why? Cuz I apparently am the one closest to her age, and her friends well...half of em are friendly only die to her status, as for the other, they are not suited for any of this, they keep asking insensitive questions and their attitudes sort of scared her out of her wits.

The queen is also trying her best and we took turns, she'll take care of her half the day and spend the night with her while I spend the other couple hours. Despite us helping her, she was well...

"I'm a strong girl, why are you all treating me like a child?" Eleanor asked

"Cuz you need to recover?"

"I don't need your help, I'm not traumatized, I plan to climb the tower in the future and so I'm expected to see this kind of scene all the time."

"All my cool speeches and time for nothing, well, I'm going home then, bye."

"Stop." a voice demanded and I turned to see the queen "I paid you for full service, not for you to give up."

"She doesn't need help and even many other professionals evaluate her to be okay, you're just overdoing this whole thing, just let her stay home and relax for a month or something, I need to rest."

"Why must you always be so rebellious?" she asked

"Shut up, Valentina. I've done my job."

"You can't call me that." she said as she approached me "The mission is over, treat me with respect please."

"I am, but I don't like treating anyone as my superior, treating you as an equal should be enough."

"For a good looking guy, you really have a bad attitude." she sighs

"Why don't you 2 get a room for yourselves? Flirting in the open like this isn't something you should do even if I'm the only one here." Eleanor said

"Huh" we both responded "Does this sound like we're getting along?"

"I heard that people tends to bully or be mean to the person they like for attention."

"Me liking this old bat?"

"I will have you executed." Valentina threatened

"With what army? I can just escape and warp to the tower where your laws don't apply and ambush your people, for a queen, you're dumb, maybe already starting to show your age."

"Age? I'm 50, that's young for a spirit, you dumb-" she then stopped herself as she saw her daughter was there.

"Bye now. I'll go to my room since you like my face so much."



I did went back to my room, I skipped dinner and just went ahead and sleep for the night, I woke up late in the evening to see the queen reading a book in the corner of my room.

"What do you want?"

"Just wanted to talk." she said "Despite your slightly disrespectful attitude, it's the first time someone treated me as an equal, so it's not like I will actually order an execution."

"Please stop giving me praises and stop being a burglar as thanks please."

"You're really not a bad guy at all." she chuckled much to my annoyance.

"Look, I did my job and you paid your money, so-"

"I can see your potential, your sister said that you were given the status as a raider at 14, work for me." she offered "Despite your complaints, you complete your job. I'll pay you triple."

"Nah." I then pull the blanket over my head and tried to sleep