
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 89: I wanted a group activity...

Perseus POV

As the story got to this point, Struan called us and we gave him directions, he came in the room with a shocked face.

"Ok, why are you guys sitting here drinking tea?" he asked

"Oh, I was just telling the story of how Valentina and I got together for a week, it was a bit more than a week, but we say this cuz it's more convenient."

"Crap, my sister really wasn't lying." he fell down but my sister quickly put a chair right below him as he then crouched and held his head tightly "Oh my god, Perseus dated the queen, this must be a nightmare."

"Seriously, am I that ugly? Is it seriously that unbelievable that I dated a woman as beautiful as you?" I asked Valentina "I'm a fictional protagonist, even if I'm plain, I should be at least acceptable, not make people pass out from shock."

"I would kiss you to prove it, but apparently your sister would kill me and a girl has marked you, so I'll put away my temptation for now." she replied

We then made sure Struan caught up with the story before we continued.


Back to the flashback...

As I pulled over the blanket over my head, I heard a soft 'bastard'. After a while though, she had the audacity to join me on my bed and pull my blanket to cover her too.

"I'm not leaving your side till you agree to answer me properly." Valentina declared

"Tina, you're cute but please fuck off, this is harassment and just so you know, I'm not afraid to hit women in the face."

"That's not a very nice thing to say to a lady." she said as she glared me in the eye "Besides, don't call me that, I hate that moniker."

"Like my idol, I'm a man of gender equality, trust me, I will not hesitate to drop kick a woman regardless of their age."

"Work for me...please." she pleaded "You will no longer need to climb the tower."

"Sorry, but I want to climb the tower instead of being your bodyguard 24/7."

I then went to sleep and the stubborn and childish queen also slept alongside me on the bed for the rest of the night.


I am awoken by loud bells being shaken outside my door that day.

"Get up, I want to play." Eleanor screamed from the other side "Perseus, I got the keys from my maid, I'm bored today and I want to make full use of your service."

"Like mother and daughter, both so childish and annoying." I complained "Let me sleep please."

"But I'm so lonely and traumatized." she said in a sarcastic tone "Please play with me."

She then didn't wait as she used those spare keys and unlocked the door to see her own mom sleeping beside me who hasn't woke up at all due to her earlier shenanigans.

She probably couldn't get proper sleep the time her daughter was kidnapped and I have been told that Eleanor still wake up several times a night seeking someone to sleep with as she's scared of being alone.

It disturbed Valentina's sleep, though last night Eleanor wanted to start sleeping alone again which gave the shameless queen an excuse to invade my room.

"Um..." Eleanor's face has became a tomato "Do I have to call you father now too?"

"Hell no. Why would you be my daughter? I'm too young to adopt a child."

"Then why is my moth-"

"Yes, she snuck onto my bed, but no we didn't do anything, I'm gonna go shower before I give anymore misunderstandings."

"Does this mean we can all sleep together onto he same bed tonight?"

Oh no...they better up my pay after this.


"What are you doing?" Eleanor asked as she annoyingly knock me on the head

"Meditating. Because you and your mother stress me out these few days and I finally have some free time."

Eleanor tried to annoy me, so I just tried my best to ignore her, she apparently heard that strong raiders can endure any kind of attacks, so she thought it'd be a great idea to order a baseball bat and try to swing it at my head which I dodge all her hits with my eyes closed and it didn't take long to tire her out.

She then tried to join me in meditation but keeps constantly shifting in her position and making a lot of groans.


"No wonder you're single, you're boring and act like an old man." The queen commented as she saw me meditating "Who the hell meditates in this time and age?"

"Your language doesn't suit one of a queen, old bat."

"Seriously I have double checked with my aides, I have resources to give you enough pay that is almost double the ones of the thunder saint." the queen said "You are an investment that this race is willing to risk for."

"No, thank you."

"Tch, cherry." she clicked her tongue

"Tch, expired fruit." I retorted

"Unlucky for you, every man's wish to have my affection even though they know that it's impossible, but as for you..."

"I don't need your affection to survive, I've seen better women."

"Seriously, you 2...why can't you just get along?" Eleanor asked

"She's the one who's making it hard."

"I'll make you a deal, if you 2 get along, I'll be so overjoyed that you can go home and my mom can get back to work again while I attend school again." Eleanor offered

"Deal, Valentina, wanna go on a date?"

"Are you always this blunt?" the queen asked as she raised her eyebrows

"Uh yeah? I mean, why would I not be straight forward with it?"

"No, people tend to find a subtle way of doing that, it goes for both nobles and commoners, I hope this is a commoner's date, because I'm tired of fancy things." the queen said

"Good, are you chosen as a raider by chance? I got a good spot."

"As long as we're only in the tutorial floors, then we're good."

3rd person POV

<I was just hoping for a fun group activity.> Eleanor thought <Not a date! He's seriously not going to become my father, right? He's not that much older than me and I sort of admire him since he saved me, but this will be so weird if he actually dates my mother.>

<I want them to get along, but not that well!> Eleanor has now started to panic a little bit <My mother always refuse to step foot inside the dimension of the tower even if she was chosen as a raider and granted the tower system...is she seriously...no!>