
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantaisie
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183 Chs

Chapter 142: Going to the semi finals

Cordelia POV

I turned my head to the direction of the box of where the queen was at to see Perseus leaning over with this embarrassed face as the others from our division give him this really pitying look.

Obviously, as one of the top 5 in combat from our class excluding Perseus, I am chosen along with Acacia, Fay, a fellow nature spirit named Red whose of the flame species and Anjisok who is now nicknamed Anji, if you don't remember their names, they're the fairy and giant that always hang out with Acacia in her spare time.

Alvis has a big disadvantage during the day, so he will not be participating.

"You know, it feels weird that you're the only guy among them, it's like you're in a harem or something." Greg commented who then a smack from Anji so hard on the head that he instantly passed out.

"Oops." Anji exclaimed.

A giant even in human form is scary, her strength is too much, if it was any harder, he would have died.

There's no rule against sabotage, so my role is to just run around and if I can, knock my opponents out and give my teammates more advantages as our opponents go down and are distracted with me.


The whistle started as many chicken beasts spawned onto the field and surely enough, they breathe out flames the moment they arrived on the field. Red's job is to block the flames as he's immune to fire and heat from the other 3 as I then applied support magic to increase my agility, my physical strength and toughness and then dashed forward to the other side.

Once I got close, I used the sand that are on the ground and threw it into their eyes, I then used magic to activate water magic and blast one of them away. Since the referee isn't interfering, it means that I'm abiding by the rule and our opponents then started to charge up magic to fight back once they knew that they can attack their opponents.

I then create a small ice shard and threw it at one of the chicken who hit it away and charge at me and I dodged out of the way where it ran so fast that it took all the hits for me, while they are distracted, I charge right in once again and surround my shoes with thick ice, with a kick to one person's head.

I then sent them flying and I don't see them moving as the one I blew away with water earlier recovered and got behind me, I noticed and tried to create an ice shield, but I can't instantly cast, it's forming too slow, but before they can hit me and air slash cut them from the back, i used this opportunity and used my ice shield to smack them over the head and knock them out.

I can see that Acacia is standing on top of one of the giant chicken and pinning it down as she's trying to suffocate it by wrapping this air whip, she just gave me a nod and turned back to her job as I got some distance.

I knocked 2 out thanks to surprises, but the other 3 are prepared now and are charging up their magic, so I picked up the pieces of the broken shield earlier to throw them around in order to to antagonize the ones far away to charge at my direction.

I then braced myself and run towards the 3 and mix with their flames blowing in their direction and me running all around them, I'm surrounding them as now, they hit the chickens and they are now aiming for them

My class have submitting and got some points while this class didn't get any at all. They realized that and try to kill the chickens instead to get at least some points and had assigned someone among them to keep me occupied.

But they're having a very hard time, the chickens are attacking them by their sides while I'm at their front. When I sensed some of the monster chickens from behind, I let them run at me and just jumped over at the last second. Their momentum caused them to hit my opponent instead, it didn't knock him out but it let me blast high pressured water at their body.

Once the spell run out, I charge up ice magic to freeze their wet body but their classmate shot a spell towards me where I then use it to create an ice wall instead to block it. As I'm running low on stamina, Anji ran to to one who got blasted with high pressure water earlier and knocked them out with a hit on the head.

"This sure is the easiest round." she laughed as she cracked her knuckles

"Let's get to the semis first." I replied as we then run at the last 2.

The other 3 of our class already got enough points to where they can no longer catch up to us since they only have 2 people left, even though my energy is depleted by a large margin, we are now equal in number in a 2 on 2 fight where Anji transformed to half her original size and kicked them away and they flew and cracked the wall of our arena.

She then used her gigantic size to round up a lot of points for us as I made sure our opponents stay down whenever they got up.

Perseus POV

"Whew, she's good." Wyatt whistled "You sure found someone good."

"Well, the Laguna siblings are talented, only the queen here would have surpassed them in that aspect, so I'd make do with potential. As for the others, it'll be good if we get them to fill other positions in the other divisions, our division is more than strong enough already, we kinda need to balance it out a bit."

"Well she's going to the semi finals, if it goes right, you might actually get your money since your joined the gamble." Bora commented

"I know, I'm so going to be filthy rich." I laughed as I can hear the announcer saying that they are now advancing to the semi finals.