
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 141: I hate this rumor

3rd person POV

Many days have passed as now the tower academy has reached its quarter finals, the A class surprisingly made it that far despite expectations, classes were more motivated to beat them to prove that they are wrongfully placed in the lower class, despite being down by one person even in events such as a battle royale, the A class this year did well.

The Silvers on the other hand are not celebrating, it's too quiet, it's like as if the previous group just stopped out of nowhere, there were survivors that Perseus left alive even if they were barely on the brink of death but it seemed like they were warped without him noticing.

So they got nothing out of it apart from the red jades and by no means are they letting their guard down, they barely slept throughout the whole thing, if one sleep, the other has to stay awake in case anything happens.

But they are right, their enemies are not quitting that easily, the person with the jade eyes did this on purpose.

"So their names are Bora, Terra, and Wyatt...his minions sure are vigilant, I admire it." the master chuckled as they inspected a file of 3 people "They are all good enough to lead their own successful clan if they want at their age. Their resume are good enough to be one of my captains or even higher if they aren't so loyal."

"Master, are you not going to punish us?" one of his subordinates asked

"I won't kill you for something you did well, them slowing us down is unexpected, but it's none of your fault. Proceed with the next step, what we did a while ago was only the beginning after all."

"What about the rankers?"

"With Perseus there? We're out of our mind if we think we can get past him this time, we were lucky to even get the survivors out without him noticing, it won't be the same this time." the master's said as their unrecognizable voice slowly transitioned into the voice of a man "Among us, only I can fight him, but distract him by no longer delaying the arrival of Zeus' children, distract him as we carry out our plans."

Cordelia POV

"What's your next event, again?" Perseus asked me "Was it catch the chicken or is it destroy the pillar?"

"As embarrassing as it sounds, it's catch the chicken."

Basically like the name, we catch chickens that are running around the field. % participants from each class and the class with the most chicken captured wins, these aren't ordinary chicken either, they are monstrous chicken about 30cm tall, nails sharp enough to cut the skin of lizardmen of the beast folk.

Oh Perseus apparently said that they breathe flames and can shoot out their feathers like throwing daggers, apparently flame breath are just too common, and Perseus can breath fire too if he wants, he learned to do it even though it's more convenient to shoot it out of his hands in case being a raider doesn't work, he can be a performer at parties.

We aren't allowed to bring in any equipment, but we are allowed to use magic, we can kill them, but bringing to our circle and submitting a dead one will bring only one point, a live one whether they are unconscious or not will bring in 5 points.

"Oh have fun being humiliated, by the way, your parents have all your matches recorded, even got back ups, so try not to make them rewatch it for laugh too much." he said

"By the way, who broke your sword?"

"What do you mean who?" he asked

"I mean, what kind of monsters can break it in the tutorial floor?"

"You got me. It was a ranker, we just had a small dispute, good luck catching some chickens, their meat are very tough though, so don't salvage em, braising would barely help, you have weak teeth."


Perseus POV

I went to my usual boring guarding job, at least with Valentina, I can loosen up a bit and talk like my usual self unless she has guests like other VIPS so I have to uphold both her image and my clans cuz if I mess up, they'll dock my pay.

"Why are their bags under your eyes, boss?" Wyatt asked

This time, it's my division's turn to come accompany me instead of the top 3 commander who are taking their rest.

"I haven't slept the past few days."

"You? Not sleeping, they don't belong in the sentence, you usually sleep on the job." Bora pointed out

"Let's not talk that in front of our client."

"Yeah, we don't want to embarrass him about how he's impotent." Terra added


"It's okay, your secret is safe with us." she assured "I'm sure you can still get married to a beautiful woman."

Valentina is holding her laughter now as these 3 were giving me their pity and condolences, I mean how else am I going to prove it to them without ruining my public image?


"Shhh." Terra placed her finger on my lips "it's okay, in 50 years, if we're still single, I'll marry you to fill your empty void of emotions that you call a heart. I don't hate your looks."

"As for how we heard about it, apparently some royal guard let it slip." Wyatt chimed in "Don't worry, we'll try to silence him."

"If you plan to do that, try not to say it in front of her." Bora pointed at the queen "They're called a royal guard for a reason, besides, if we do it, we'll kill all of em."

"I hate this rumor, please believe me guys, I'll pay for dinner at anywhere you want."

Valentina is giggling and laughing now and is obviously enjoying my misery, she's the one who misunderstood and said that I'm impotent, I hate this rumor and I hate their pity for this false condition that I do not have.

Let's just start the nest chapter with Lia's POV, I'll deal with these guys in the mean time.