
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantaisie
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183 Chs

Chapter 12: Dumb Fame (2)

Cordelia POV

Let's set aside my bias for his good looks for the moment, but everyone in the class, including the arrogant Acacia took a deep breath after they heard that advice, no one in the room has ever met a ranker in person before, they mostly are in a realm where people aren't even worthy of standing next to them.

"I met those other rankers many times, trust me, they are all dead set on clearing this tower." Perseus said as he leaned on his arm and looked out the window.

So based on what Perseus said, it seems that all the other rankers are all egotistical in their own way, and they are all people with high ambition.

"Besides, angering the gods? Trust me, I talk trash about them to their faces every time I met them, call them profanities and did everything I could to set a bad image, they're all masochists." he laughed "They somehow love me."

Perseus POV

Leaning and staring out the window while giving a cool speech, I so look like a cool protagonist right now. C'mon, why isn't anyone screaming at my amazing act yet?

I then got a pop up screen notifying that I got a message, it's from the 13 gods.

'We are not masochists, please stop spreading false rumors.'

'False rumors? I'm just stating cold hard facts for this dumb fame that you guys gave me.' I replied in the message.

After a short moment, it seems that everyone got a pop up message, I got 2 but everyone got 1.

'The Silver Prince knows who the Weaver of Calamity is.' was the first message and it was the public one.

'Take that.' was the direct message I received from them.

"Those sorry excuse of a-" I stopped myself from saying something that can get me cancelled online.

The class then bursts into relentless onslaughts of question on who this person is, like asking about the gender, age, what they look like and many others.

"Shut it." I ordered "Sit down at your seats."

I put magic behind those words as well and they then followed my command against their very will.

"The god's almost gave me the nickname 'The Silver King' because of that ability of mine, but it sound like I'm an old dude, so prince fit me better. But I'll give you a chance, instructor, 2 people of this academy, they can challenge me separately or at the same time in a competition you choose, if the academy win, I'll give a clue about who that person is. You have till 4pm to tell me who, and the duel should take place tomorrow."


"Your secret seems to have gotten out." Diana laughed from the other end of the call "Everyone is curious about the number 1 who usurp the position last year out of nowhere."

"The rankers know that I know, and you were the other one, now it seems like the secrets I know are all leaking out."

"And now you're going to stand out even more now that you ask for that duel, luckily the academy have no rankers working there at the moment."

"It's not like rankers like to fight each other anyway, and they couldn't care less who the Weaver is either."

"Well I have gotten a report that 'Shadow Queen' will come visit the academy tomorrow." Diana reported "She's a ranker too, you know, rank number 9."

"No...not her, why is the novel introducing so many women?! I don't want to have a harem, it sounds stressful...how high is the possibility of her visiting the academy?"

"Well I don't know that much, unlike you, I've never even met her, I'll go visit you too, so see you tomorrow."

We then ended the call.

Alice Mila or 'Shadow Queen', the head of the red light district, but that's what's known to the public, but she's also in charge of one of the best assassination and information broker syndicate in history.

Although no one else wants to know who the best raider is, she has given me many offers for that information, she's also very very dangerous. Elegant, but her wrath would get many raiders killed in the past.

And she was the first ones amongst the named to know my identity as the Silver prince before I got forcefully summoned to the meeting of rankers 2 years ago. And despite not being a member of the mirage legion, she also found out that I was a member, and I am a 100% sure that the less than 10 spies in that clan under her doesn't know who I am.

She knows a 3rd party who informed her. The 2 other rankers didn't reveal that I was in either, and the reason why I'm cautious around her is the fact that if she realize that I'm a spy for Brooke, everything I've done will be severely compromised.


The academy chose to make a first to 2 win duel, my competitors are 1 young instructor who's a current named in the top 100 from the elves race and the retired named Anthony Magus who used to be placed in the top 100. So they're using one of their most well known spokesperson and their strongest teachers.

The academy only has 3 named excluding the 13 directors who are retired named, lesser than I thought but not surprising since most would work for the top clans where they can get paid more, they can still work as instructors by teaching rookies.

We are currently in the giant gymnasium of the academy with spectators ranging from students to reporters, the news of me knowing the information is huge, everyone's hope and curiosity relies on Anthony and that elf.

'You have a duel request from Anthony Magus. First to 2 wins. Would you like to accept?'

Oh they're letting the tower decide the competition? Cuz it doesn't say what we're going to do.

I just clicked yes and the tower then arranged what we're going to do. We then got entrapped in this yellow see through barrier and got separated into 2 halves of the gymnasium. With elemental golems then appeared all around us.

'First side to kill all 200 A rank golems wins.'

The countdown then started, unlike the other 2 who came in fully geared, I'm still in my uniform, now let's make myself look cool.


"Die!" I shouted as all the golems on my side exploded into puffs of elemental energy.

'Game 1 to Perseus Silver.'