
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 11: Dumb Fame

Perseus POV

I got call back to my room by Diana, I made sure to avoid anyone and everyone till I got into the door of my dorm and I applied magic for my privacy.

"You 2 get along? Seriously?"

"Did you think we would get into a cat fight or something?" Diana asked "Do you think we would fight over you? If so, you need to see a doctor of sorts that can relieve you of that delusion."

"A bit harsh for an older sister."

"Only to you, little bro."

"So what did you talk about, I thought you would lecture her about not to be in a room alone with a guy or something, or you know, have one of those talks about how men are wolves in sheep's clothing or something."

"Well I approve of her being your new partner, but are you sure you want your second partner to be a girl?"

"Well I do have other guys I can ask, I don't mind either way. When is the next mandatory dungeon clearing or something? Anyone need help to ascend a floor?"

"This weekend, and that person is your partner right here, get her to clear a dungeon on the 10th floor into the official first floor, she needs that to be a full member of the clan."

She doesn't need to be a member to be my partner, but I don't mind, dungeons are pretty easy to clear. A floor has dungeons and quests to complete, the ascension dungeons or ascension quests will allow you to go up to the next floor, and each floor has many dungeons, all will have requirements of limits of the number of participants.

Regular dungeons can have an ascension as a reward as well, but those are rare and only appear in super high ranked dungeons, those have only a 1-2 participant limits too.

Dungeons can randomly appear in forms of portals or even in a tomb and caves, as for quests, they're given by the NPCs, some can be encountered in a random forest or something. And there are one time dungeons or quests, as the names suggests, the dungeons or quest can only be completed one time, so the dungeon or NPC would disappear upon completion.

The second type is the unlimited use, only one group can go in at the time as the dungeon would block out other raiders, those usually have lesser rewards and more common.

Finding an ascension dungeon on the 10th floor, as a student, I don't have the authority to do that, many clan doesn't, but it seems like my sister is going to take care of the permit issue somehow.


I arrived in class earlier than anyone, and this time, I can sense that no one is in the class to which I head to my seat and sleep there. I don't want to come any bit later since it's already out by now that I'm a student of this class.

If I come a bit later, I'm sure to be pestered or even blocked from coming into the room.

"Stupid tower."

A message screen then popped up in front of me.

'Don't blame us now.'

It was from the 13 gods gods...those dumbasses. Some raiders before they become a named, the 13 gods would summon the raider to meet with them, me and my sister are one of those.

This tower is purely made for their entertainment, the academy have 13 directors, one from each race, but for the 13 gods, they don't each represent a race, they all have their special powers, like the lightning god and others.

And they only choose from the named as candidates for their saint position, they do not care if they person is a mass murderer or not, but all the current saints are technically killers if you count the fact that they have to kill some in self defense, which in inevitable.

I can make a bet right now, that about a fifth of the current students will drop out by next year, killing the monsters and beasts are terrifying, and the more they do it, the more they are sensitized to killing even fellow raiders.

Hell, I had to go through it too, but people should know what they're signing up for the moment they stepped through that portal.


Cordelia POV

Luckily it seems that Perseus put something in his ear to block a noise as he slept through the morning. There are people even teachers swarming outside the classroom, it seems like the tower activated some sort of barrier to block anyone that is not of this class and kept them out.

My punctuality came in handy, a couple students came in before me, but it seems like Perseus came the earliest and has been sleeping since then. And everyone seems a bit scared to wake him up.

Amongst the millions that are currently in the tower, an 18 year old stood as one of the top 13, meaning that he might very well be the strongest person currently in this academy.

The bell rang and our homeroom teacher, Craig Steel, came in after he managed to get pass the crowd.

"It seems like some of are students are late, and I can't even blame them." he grumbled "You can barely push through that crowd. Flying won't help either."

"You can blame those stupid gods for that." Perseus said out of nowhere and stretched.

"I wouldn't disrespect the gods who gave you your current position if I were you." Craig replied

"Sorry, instructor, but I really do not like those guys, can't believe the audacity of them to ask me to become a saint."

The class then just got rowdy at that statement, 'he declined the opportunity to be a saint?!' is what their faces are saying, but it seems like he has a reason for doing so. The powers that they will grant you...even if you're not a named, a saint possess similar powers to one.

"You definitely are as arrogant as a stereotypical ranker." Craig smirked

"I'll give you an advice as a a fellow raider, Craig Steel, to be the best, you have to think yourself as the best. You have to have an ego, if you don't have that mindset, you'll never make it far in this tower." Perseus replied

I think I might just have a crush on him, cuz he got a really good looking smile.