
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantaisie
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183 Chs

Chapter 105: The what pill

Cordelia POV

This interclass tournament thing is a blessing in disguise for me, I know I have to work around death, my family are law enforcement who have worked with murder cases and I have overheard gruesome details, and to work as a raider, I will have to face the death of my companions someday.

But I'm very unsettled, those people whom I couldn't save, some who pleaded me to end their life because of the unbearable pain...their faces were in my mind, i couldn't even sleep the first night back, luckily this tournament made me train so hard that I can sleep easily, though I still see their faces and heard their cries.

It was all...so...hopeless.

As I finished my archery drills and sat on a bench, Perseus came to me and handed me a cold water bottle. It's been about a week since he arrived and he has been joining in to encouraged the class while helping by giving some advice.

"Your brother told me to check up on you, at first I thought you were find till everyone in class said that you're less talkative and less sociable than usual, so what the hell has been bothering you?" he asked "Was it the patients who you couldn't save after the recent attack?"

"My brother is too caring for his own good, but he suspected right, it was them." I confirmed "So what are your wisdom that you can share?"

"I don't know to be honest, I didn't even grieve that much when I had my first kill of an actual person, and when it comes to other people in general, I'm just so used to death and desperation that I recover quickly, too quickly for my own good, I'm just here as company."

"You seriously need to see a therapist."

"Oh I tried, apparently I was almost sent to an insane asylum for raiders, and this was before I was revealed to be a raider." he replied with a thumbs up.

"You have lots of problems."

"I know, right? Can't believe some women actually fell for me."

Despite his joking attitude as we continued tot alk, it did took my mind off everything else, he made me laugh and comforted me in his own way with his humor, though apparently it is all true.

"So you finally broke it off with the queen?"

"Yep, no more kissing and no more intimate moments apart from hugs or whatever friends do." he shrugged "You can say I fumbled the bag, she's rich, she's hot, and basically every guy's dream girl."

"Oh, you just realized the consequences of your own decisions."

"Big time, she even asked me to have a child with her which thinking about it now is sort of funny, I can't imagine myself as a great dad at my young age."

She asked him to what?

Of course his fling or whatever is kept a secret from everyone else, only our class knew and we try not to bring it up, but let's be honest, a ranker dating a queen of a whole race, that's like the best power couple there is right now.

And I'm pretty sure everyone else in the class who has been eavesdropping were shocked as well, I would say it was utter silence it it wasn't due to the fact that one of our classmate got so surprised that he accidently shot someone else in the foot.

"You're joking...right?"

"Oh, why would I lie?" he replied as he got up and stretched "I didn't even have to take responsibility, I'll regret it later, anyway back to training, your mind is somewhat okay now and you got more than enough rest. Don't worry about me, I'm over it."


3rd person POV

"Mother, why don't you rest for a few days? Have your aides do your work instead? Take some breaks." Eleanor suggested

She was tasked by the queen's worried aides.

And she was out of it these few days and they know that she's more than stressed due to the aftermath of the recent attack, even though everything got fixed, people are still mad about the culprits, they tried to assassinate the queen, they damaged a sacred landmark and they escaped with no punishment, the queen herself understand her people and were working hard.

But it's taking a toll on her. She's working too hard when a queen like her can just share her role and no one would call her weak and lazy apart from ignorant critics who doesn't understand how hard her work actually is.

"Eleanor, I have something to confess." Valentina said as she pressed a remote and activate sound barriers and all others to make sure she kept what she says a secret.

"Oh no, I don't like where this is going." Eleanor mumbled

"When me and Perseus were...about to be intimate, I told him that I took a pill, I did...but it's not a birth control pill."

"No...Mom! You-"

"He can detect lies, but I told him that he doesn't have to worry about worry about a child coming during summer time, which is technically the truth." she confessed "I took a pregnancy delaying pill...I thought it was a good idea, I-I didn't know what came over me."

Eleanor is shocked, she knows about this pill, it's newly made, it's a pill like the name, it delays the pregnancy process by about 2-5 years based on the potency. Basically the woman is already technically impregnated, it's just that the baby will start to form about 2-5 years later.

"Mom, you have to tell him!" she said immediately

"I don't think I should." Valentina responded "If it's by then, I can play it off as if I have one with a noble I liked and stumbled upon, he doesn't need to know that I trick-"

"You're going to raise a child whom you-my goodness! You tricked him, you lied to him to his face!" she berated her own mother "We still have time, you can, if you want, you can rid of this while you still can."

"I don't want to take life, my daughter." she shakily shook her head "Please don't tell him, he can't climb the tower if he knows he has a child with me, he's a person who will never a abandon a child in need, especially if he knows that the child is his own, he refuse to be like his own parents."