
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

Chapter 106: Secret library

Cordelia POV

"Alright, the day after tomorrow is the day of the start of the preliminary rounds, every class are required to participate in where the top 128 classes will qualify." Craig announced "Every know their role and the first day, the role of the one who will get double points is Alvis."

"A lot of pressure for the first day, damn." he cursed "I got 3 events that day too."

Everyone got 3 events on the first day, at least we get tomorrow to rest, Perseus is a bit frustrated that he wasn't allowed to join, he came here to study and try to learn to be better, but he is heavily restricted.

He is indeed a ranker who's power is beyond measurement, but he did come back to learn some basics and other things he may not know, he did, but when events come up like this, the higher ups banned him as he would win easily making the events less exciting for other students.

And so to have some joy, he banter with the instructors and complain, the instructors personally didn't like it either, but the 13 directors are their superiors and have complete authority, unless the 13 gods or admins or whatever come personally or give a direct order, Perseus is nothing but hindered.

I even asked him about it once.

"Why don't you just drop the academy and climb like usual? You got 3 people who are currently qualified to be your temporary partner." I asked curiously during class "Hell, you might even grow faster that way knowing your type of people."

"I want to get strong too, but like I told you, my own body cannot keep up with my growth, my magic side grows my faster than my physical body, if it wasn't for my terrible mother giving me that drink, we wouldn't be having this conversation as I would sleep all of this away."

"Oh, I got used to your new routine without realizing, maybe it's cuz you're acting somewhat normal?"

"But still, should you just climb the tower and maybe find ways to solve that problem as you progress?"

"I maybe the strongest raider in this whole tower currently, fighting may excite me somewhat sometimes, but I need my fun, and this academy is full of it, like our homeroom instructor pour milk before his cereal when no one's looking, the elven director dip her onion rings in her drinks when she eats alone-"

"Isn't that stalking?"

"No, it's called keeping information for blackmail, it's like you who have a secret pet chinchilla in your room whom you decided not to name yet."

Yes, that's how the guy is when he isn't in the spotlight. I need him back with a woman, if he's bored, he's going to find out all our secrets soon.

Yes, I like him, but currently, I can't handle his eccentric behavior yet, till I know more, I'll just go with the flow for now. The fact that both his ex are on good terms with him means he's not really a bad guy to date since if he didn't treat them well, they would have tried their best to avoid him.


On my free day, I went to our class private training room to see everyone else there training for the morning, I was a bit embarrassed to be later than everyone else even though today is a free day, everyone is working hard.

In the afternoon, we all stopped training to not be tired for tomorrow. And during my free time, I went to the library and got some books to study since sleeping in my room is a bit a waste of my time.

"Why are you still studying? Written exams only count for 35% of our total grade." A familiar voice spoke over my shoulder

"Hey partner. Are you interested in stalking the librarian today or something?"

"That would be funny if I did, but no, the library here got all sort of novels and mangas that are frequently updated everyday and I come here to read them for free." Perseus answered "Come, Lia, put those books back for now, I'll show you something that should be good for you."

"I swear I'll get used to you one day." I sigh

"Don't, I like seeing you flustered." he replied


After I placed back my books, he then lead me around the library, I don't come here often, but it's huge, it's like a mini spatial dimension of its own, Perseus led me through a series of maze like corridors and I noticed that as we continue to walk, the more powerful and stronger the people are, at where I was at were only first years, but now...it's the top 2nd or 3rd years.

I noticed that he didn't walk straight, we walked in some sort of pattern, I took 4 rights and yet end up somewhere else, this library have illusions.

But not just that, the more I walk, the more pressure I feel and there voices inside my head.

'Leave. Leave. Leave.'

'You're not qualified.'

'You'll die.'

"Don't worry, this is part of the process." Perseus comforted me "We have to follow a specific pattern to get here, unless you're perceptive to mana trails, you won't reach this part of the library. How do you feel? I know there's something, but I'm sort of immune to it."

"As we head in this direction, I get the pressure and this voice unconsciously telling me to turn away, but as we actually got here, it sort of manifested."

"Yeah, there are veils of magic in the air to turn people away, the deeper we go, the better the books. This small walk of ours is to show you how mysterious and great the tower actually is, come here."

We then walked a bit more and then I saw him walk into bookshelves, I followed only to see a secret section of the library, smaller, darker, and filled with the some of the best students I've seen.

"Here are the good books, my little Lia." Perseus laughed "This tower are filled with secrets, this library isn't told and can only be found by walking in the same pattern we did, now this is just one of them, imagine how many more there are, in this academy, in this floor and the whole tower itself, isn't this fun?"