
Arc 12: End Times (6)

Situ Ran suddenly thought of that sentence, a woman is a person who pleases herself.

Although the young man is not a woman, he definitely hopes to show his best side in front of his sweetheart!

Thinking that the young man would not hesitate to change himself for him, Situ Ran felt even more heartbroken.

Then, he saw Yingzhao walking over with a smile and a meal.

Then he sat beside him logically, picked up the bowl, and fed himself the food spoon by spoon.

Situ Ran was very clear about how poor the food in the last days was.

It was only today that he suddenly realized.

A long time ago, since he resumed his diet, the young man took out some precious fresh vegetables and meat for himself to eat every day.

In this day and age, eating such food every day is considered a luxury by anyone.

But the other party didn't look distressed at all, it seemed that the more he ate, the happier he felt.

Things that he didn't want to think about were now revealed one by one, and even more and more, Situ Ran couldn't let go of the people in front of him.

The same fragrant food as yesterday enters your mouth, and you can feel the maker's intentions.

It's a pity that at this moment Situ Ran tasted like chewing wax.

As his mood changed, he began to pay attention to some details of Ying Zhao.

I woke up early today, watching the other party go to the kitchen to cook.

He remembered that after the young man finished cooking, he brought it to him directly, and the other party should have not eaten it.

So after taking a few bites, Situ Ran backed away a little and whispered to Yingzhao, "Ah Heng, you should eat too."

Who knew that after he finished speaking, the young man's eyes flashed, and he chuckled: "These are all for you, I have already eaten them!"

Not missing the other party's dodging eyes, Situ Ran couldn't help but feel tight. .

Do you really think you can hide this obvious lie from yourself?

How rare is the new thing in the apocalypse, how can I not know it!

I'm afraid that the amount of these good foods is only enough for me, so the other party deceives himself and says that he has eaten it.

Do you want to wait for yourself to finish eating, and then grab something else to satisfy your hunger?

Little liar! Little liar!

Situ Ran cursed inwardly, but her eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Seeing that the young man carefully cooled the porridge again, and insisted on feeding it, he had to open his mouth.

This little fool, why is he so kind to himself!

Even the family members have never experienced this kind of warmth, but here I completely get it.

In the end, it is how much you love a person that you will use this extreme method, even if the other party loses his memory, he wants to keep the other party.

It's really stupid, like a moth to a fire, it makes people feel distressed for no reason!

Situ Ran couldn't bear Yingzhao's starvation and suffering, so she could only take a deep breath and coaxed at him with a smile: "Baby, can you eat a little more after you've eaten?"

"I want to eat you . Yes, it tastes better!"

Sure enough, after saying this, the young man opposite immediately flushed.

Then shyly lowered his head not to look at himself, leaving only a lovely swirl.

After a while, with a sweet smile, he raised his head blushing. After eating a small mouthful of porridge, I feed myself again.

Seeing Yingzhao's appearance, Situ Ran's heart softened.

Then they coaxed each other to eat in the same way, and finally you and I almost equally divided the bowl of porridge.

Just after drinking the porridge, the young man's face immediately showed a look of self-blame.

Some anxiously said: "What should I do! This was originally for you, but I ate so much! I'll go to the kitchen and get you something else to eat!"

"No, baby, I'm really full. !" Situ Ran looked at Yingzhao tenderly and said with certainty.

It wasn't until he reassured that he didn't want to eat anymore that the other party gave up his plan to enter the kitchen.

Situ Ran's heart warmed when she saw Yingzhao who was busy on the experimental bench temporarily placed in the room again.

Although the stomach was still a little empty, the man felt that his heart was drilled into by a little fool.

His whole heart was full, and he was afraid that he would never want to let him out again.

The young man's work is meticulous and he looks extremely serious.

Others say that men who work hard are the most attractive.

Obviously, this sentence is more useful to Situ Ran in Yingzhao's body.

He now feels that the person opposite is simply charming and outrageous.

Even just watching so quietly, some thirst appeared in his throat.

The whole morning passed so quickly.

One is concentrating on work, while the other is concentrating on the busy figure in front of him.

It wasn't until the person on the other side unconsciously pinched the stiff shoulders that Situ Ran realized that the time had passed and the young man hadn't rested.

The man couldn't help but said, "Ah Heng, take a break! You've been tired for a long time!"

Yingzhao came back to his senses when he heard the words, nodded to Situ Ran, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll fix it here right away!"

But more than an hour passed after this sentence. .

What really stops the youth from working is the timer set aside.

When the bell rang at one o'clock in the afternoon, Ying Zhaocai hurriedly stopped what he was doing and walked directly to the kitchen.

Situ Ran knew that the other party was preparing lunch for him.

Therefore, when he is not around on weekdays, does this little fool not know how to stop and rest at all?

Are you exhausted every time, you don't know how to take good care of your body?

The more Situ Ran thought about it, the more distressed she became.

But then the man felt that this little idiot had such a twisted personality that he might not listen to just talking.

Wait until your body is completely healed, and then take a good look at him.

After a while, Yingzhao really finished lunch and came over.

Because it was getting late when they had breakfast, lunch was deliberately delayed.

But now that my lover's stomach is hungry, I hurried to the kitchen to prepare food.

Actually, though, fresh vegetables are indeed precious. But Yingzhao has the ability, but he doesn't care about it.

It's just that he is busy with his lover's body these days, so he doesn't have more energy to take care of these external things.

Yingzhao just felt that Situ Ran was nourishing her body now, so she naturally wanted to eat more good supplements.

I'm not a human being, so it doesn't matter if I don't eat food.

But he didn't want to, he didn't take it seriously, but it made the man feel badly.

After the lunch was served, Situ Ran used the morning method again, forcing Yingzhao to accompany him to eat a lot.

At this time, Yingzhao could see the man's mind and couldn't help feeling warm.

But I think, it seems that I still need to improve the quality of life appropriately.

Otherwise, the lover is reluctant to eat.

After eating, Yingzhao was in a hurry to go back to work.

But he was detained by Situ Ran, and he had to rest for a while after dinner.

Looking at the man's persistence, Yingzhao did not brush his good intentions.

The two chatted without a word together.

Situ Ran's heart moved when she saw Yingzhao's well-behaved appearance.

Pretending to be curious, he asked him, "Ah Heng, how did we get together?"

After he asked this sentence, he stared at Yingzhao's face, paying attention to his expression, and sure enough A trace of unnaturalness appeared on the young man's face.

The other party smiled at himself gently, and said, "I fell in love with you at first sight!"

"I still remember that I came here not long after the North Base was established. When I first entered the base , I was arranged in the research institute, and I was just an ordinary researcher."

"When you came here once, you stood there and talked to others from a distance."

"I was not a researcher at that time. The person in charge, I was peeking at you while you were busy with your work."

"I still remember that you were wearing a black shirt and a coat."

"It was very cold that day, but you were in the cold wind. Still standing up straight. At that time, I was thinking, how can there be such a handsome and imposing man in this world, if only this person was mine!"

Yingzhao's eyes became distant as he spoke, and the corner of his mouth evoked an arc, as if it was a very good memory.

However, when the other party realized what he said last, his cheeks suddenly flushed.

That unusually bold and similar confession seemed to make the young man very embarrassed. So a certain person lowered his head again, refusing to look at himself at all.

Like a shy kitty! Situ Ran thought.

Staring at Yingzhao's cute hair twist, the man only felt itchy.

If conditions permit, he really wants to reach out and rub the other person's hair, it must be as soft as he imagined.

Speaking of which, what the young man just said, Situ Ran did have a little impression in his memory.

Back then, he had something to go to the research institute, but he didn't expect that they would have met at that time.

The other party also described the details so clearly, which moved the man's heart.

He couldn't help but continued to ask Yingzhao, "Then what happened? What happened to us later?" The

young man raised his head after hearing the words, pursed his lips, and continued with red ears, "I was in the academy later. , because of his outstanding performance, he became the person in charge there."

"Then, you will occasionally bring some spiritual springs for me to study. I hope I can find a way to resist the zombie virus through the spiritual springs."

"Just like this, we will meet. Too many times. You, you started to pursue me, and then we were together!"

The second half of the youth's speech was obviously a bit hasty, and there was some guilty conscience after careful observation.

Of course, Situ Ran knew that this part of her pursuit of the other party was false.

But I don't know why, seeing the nervous expression on the young man's face, he couldn't help but his heart beat faster.

If I really noticed the young man, I would definitely pursue him!

I will do my best to get each other's love without turning back!

Even though she knew that the process of their falling in love was a lie made up by the youth, Situ Ran sincerely hoped that these words were true.

If it is true, they are already together. How did I miss such a beautiful person!

However, Yingheng should really like himself!

Otherwise, how could I remember something so long ago and so deeply.

This little fool really has a way to affect his mind every moment.

Just when the atmosphere between the two was just right, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Yingheng, are you there?" A woman's voice sounded, causing both Yingzhao and Situ Ran to stiffen at the same time.

Yingzhao had ridiculed Situ Shuyao fiercely before, and was busy taking care of his lover, leaving the heroine aside first.

Unexpectedly, the other party came to the door so soon.

But think about it, without him, how would Situ Shuyao know how to develop an antidote for zombie viruses.

She naturally has to hold herself firmly and find a way to use her research results to gain higher prestige.

Although Yingzhao didn't want to deal with this woman, it was impossible for her to keep guarding outside.

Seeing the man staring at him, Yingzhao frowned and stood up.

He said softly to Situ Ran, "I have something to do, I'll be right back."

After speaking, he left the room.

Situ Ran naturally heard whose voice it was. But, why did Situ Shuyao come to Yingheng?

Get up quickly. Although the man's body has not fully recovered, it is not as fragile as Yingzhao imagined.

What's more, he actually has powers on him, and his speed and endurance are not comparable to ordinary people.

So after Yingzhao left, Situ Ran silently followed behind him. Be careful, don't let Yingzhao notice.

Of course, this was just what Situ Ran thought.

Even if he ignored Yingzhao's five keen senses, his special status in this world made it impossible for him not to perceive Situ Ran's approach.

It's just that he didn't stop him, even his own lover came along, which just happened to let him take a real look at Situ Shuyao's ugly face.

Yingzhao was not in a hurry, and deliberately walked slowly through the corridor before walking to the entrance to open the door.

Situ Shuyao outside the door had been waiting for a long time and was relieved to see that Yingzhao finally opened the door for her.

She immediately gave Yingzhao a gentle smile and handed over the bag in her hand.

He said softly: "Yingheng, long time no see! I brought this for you specially. These are the vegetables newly cultivated by the plant power user. I think you may like it!"

Ying Zhao nodded when he heard the words, indifferent After saying, "Thank you." Then he planned to close the door again.

Seeing this, Situ Shuyao quickly grabbed the door frame and said eagerly to Yingzhao: "Wait! Yingheng, won't you invite me in?"

After being mocked by the other party last time, Situ Shuyao stopped calling Yingzhao. Instead of recruiting Ah Heng, he replaced it with a name.

She came here just to ease the relationship with Yingzhao, how could she be willing to be turned away.

When Yingzhao saw Situ Shuyao's appearance, he raised his eyebrows and said to her, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Situ Shuyao looked at Yingzhao's indifferent appearance and suppressed his resentment.

Facing Yingzhao, he made a weak gesture and said aggrieved: "I have nothing to do, I just miss you, I want to see you and have a good chat with you!"

"Yingheng, why have you been so indifferent to me recently! Did I do something wrong before?"

Yingzhao raised his eyebrows and said impatiently to the heroine: "I have nothing to talk to you about. "

Situ Shuyao looked at Yingzhao's cold face and panicked.

More and more eagerly, he said to him: "Yingheng, are you angry that outsiders say that the antidote for the zombie virus is something I developed?"

"Don't be angry, it was just released when others would have misunderstood. , mistakenly thought it was made by me. Don't pay attention to these rumors!"

Yingzhao said with a blank face when he saw the heroine's appearance: "I don't care who the outsiders think the antidote is made, and I don't care. "

It's just that I'm really busy at work now. For me, research is the most important thing, and I don't have so much time to take care of other things.

" Immediately came to the spirit.

He cautiously asked Yingzhao: "Na Yingheng, although the previous antidote has a certain effect, it still cannot completely eliminate the virus. I wonder when the new batch of antidote will come out?

" He raised his brows and said to Situ Shuyao, who was working on business: "The development of the antidote is not that simple, and I need more time."

Situ Shuyao nodded when she heard the words, and knew that Yingzhao was right.

After all, if this antidote was really that easy to manufacture, there wouldn't be so many people infected with zombie viruses.

Afterwards, Situ Shuyao spoke a lot to Yingzhao in a soft voice.

To put it bluntly, she expressed her intentions for Yingzhao, and her intentions for him.

When Ying Zhao heard Situ Shuyao's words, her heart tightened.

Noticing the figure hiding not far away, his eyes flashed.

Turning to face Situ Shuyao, he suddenly asked, "Is that all you have to say when you come to me? Why don't you ask about your brother Situ Ran?

" A moment, and then a nonchalant smile appeared.

Indifferently, he waved his hand at Yingzhao and said, "Yingheng, what are you talking about? What does that guy care about?"

Just saying this, the heroine was afraid that Yingzhao would think she was too ruthless.

Then he changed another set of rhetoric and said warmly: "I have already told you before, he has a healing spiritual spring on his body, which is the key to the antidote to the zombie virus."

"And people have been sent to your research institute. , you can do whatever you want. It doesn't matter whether you want to do drug experiments or autopsy."

"Alas! Although I can't bear it, after all, saving everyone is the most important thing!"

Situ Shuyao said here. Also sighed. It's just that she couldn't bear to say it, but there was no trace of sadness in her eyes.

These scenes are just beautiful words, both Ying Zhao and Situ Ran have already seen through her sincerity.

At this moment, Situ Ran was standing not far away.

Although he probably guessed in his heart that his murder should have been designed by Situ Shuyao, just as the young man said.

But at this moment, he really felt cold when he heard his sister, who had taken care of him since childhood, say such cold-hearted words.

The last bit of family affection for the Situ family completely disappeared along with the truth in front of him.

However, Yingzhao only felt that this woman was shameless and abnormal, and she was too lazy to make excuses with her.

Then he said coldly to Situ Shuyao: "My own experimental body is naturally up to me, and I don't need you to teach me how to do it."

"If you have nothing in the future, don't disturb me at will, and don't let other people approach my house. I can't be distracted by my work. You know that."

Situ Shuyao looked at Yingzhao's commanding appearance, and pouted. .

It's just that no matter how dissatisfied she is, she doesn't dare to show it, she can only pretend to be well-behaved and nod her head.

Said that he understood, and also told Yingzhao that if you need anything, you can ask her.

Although Yingzhao at this moment doesn't care about the heroine's thoughts, she also knows that her lover's body has not fully recovered.

In line with the principle that one more thing is worse than one less thing, I also know the truth of giving a slap to a sweet jujube.

He didn't reject Situ Shuyao any more, and said to her, "I see, I will notify you as soon as the research results come out."

Situ Shuyao was barely satisfied when she heard the answer she wanted to hear.

He also said a few words of selfishness to Yingzhao affectionately before turning around and leaving.

Seeing Situ Shuyao leave, Situ Ran immediately returned to his room.

He quickly sat down on the hospital bed, pretending that he never left, but he was indignant for the young man in his heart.

He did not expect that Situ Shuyao would be so shameless, and even plagiarized the research results of the youth as his own.

Now that we are in the end times, it is such a great feat to be able to create an antidote.

This will be famous and admired by thousands of people!

The young man had to compromise with the Situ family in order to protect himself.

Thinking of the grievances the other party suffered for him, Situ Ran felt more and more distressed.

Everything the other party said was true, and he was really hurt by the people of the Situ family.

And all the while, the person he once hated protected him.

The young man just now deliberately mentioned himself to Situ Shuyao, is he injustice for himself?

I didn't expect the other party to care about me so much.

Sure enough, is this the difference between sincerity and falsehood? What treasures have you missed in the past?

After a while, Ying Zhaocai returned to the room.

Shaking the vegetables in his hand towards Situ Ran, he chuckled lightly, "It's time to add meals at night, I just happened to make some delicious supplements for you."

Situ Ran looked at the young man with all his thoughts on himself, but Worry more about the other person's mood.

He couldn't help but ask, "Who came over just now?"

Yingzhao lowered his eyes when he heard the words, and replied casually, "It's just someone who came to deliver food."

Situ Ran pursed her lips when she heard Yingzhao's answer.

He hoped that the young man could trust him and talk about the hardships he suffered for him.

Even if it's a complaint, it's fine to vent it, instead of silently enduring it by yourself.

So I couldn't help but continue to say: "I've been in the research institute for so long, and no one from the Situ family has come to ask about the situation here? And Situ Shuyao, she..."

"You are not allowed to mention this woman's name. !" The young man's attitude seemed to be intensified because of the words Situ Shuyao.

He said viciously to Situ Ran: "You are not allowed to mention her, you are not allowed to think of her! She is a shameless woman at all."

At this point, the young man seemed to realize that he had overreacted, and instantly became at a loss.