
Arc 12: End Times (5)

Just as soon as these two words were uttered, the expression of the man opposite suddenly became fierce.

His eyes stared at Yingzhao like a falcon, and he said, "Call again!"

"Old, old attack."

Seemingly frightened by the man opposite, Yingzhao stammered and repeated it again.

Then the corner of his mouth was grabbed fiercely.

Situ Ran couldn't help but gave the person beside him a passionate kiss.

It seems that this can vent his already overflowing emotions.

Faced with a loved one calling him that, everyone will feel guilty.

So after coming over for a while, Situ Ran demanded to Yingzhao again in dissatisfaction: "Call me again!"

"Old attack..."

"Say it again!"


The fierce man forced Yingzhao to call each other countless times. The old attack was reluctantly satisfied, and only felt that he loved this title to death.

Whenever he saw the young man on the other side calling him like that, his heart beat faster.

Baby is calling himself old attack! Baby is yours!

This realization made Situ Ran's heart fiery, and the joy on his face was unadulterated.

He lowered his head and kissed Yingzhao's cheek firmly.

Seeing that the other party was so shy that he fainted, the man subconsciously revealed a smirk.

"Baby, I love you!"

Situ Ran rubbed the tip of Yingzhao's nose and couldn't help but wanted to express the deepest love in her heart.

Even if you have no memory, your heart will not lie to others.

He loves the young man in front of him, loves him deeply, and is willing to give everything for him.

I just didn't expect that when I finished saying this, the eyes of the person on the other side suddenly turned red.

Two lines of clear tears fell, making Situ Ran panic.

I don't know what I've done wrong, and I made my lover sad.

More importantly, why after expressing love.

The youth's eyes were not only filled with joy, but also seemed to be mixed with forbearance and despair.

Seeing Yingzhao's appearance, Situ Ran felt distressed and

kissed her sweetheart's cheek indiscriminately, and coaxed softly: "Baby, don't cry! Tell Lao Gong if you have anything, okay?

" After speaking, the person beside him quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Facing him with a reluctant smile, he stammered, "No, nothing. I'm just too happy!"

After speaking, Yingzhao wrapped around Situ Ran's waist and buried his head in the man's chest, no longer say.

Seeing that her lover's emotions had stabilized, Situ Ran stopped asking more questions, fearing that it would stimulate the other party's emotions again.

In the bottom of my heart, I felt that something seemed to be wrong, and the young man must be hiding something from himself.

However, since the other party doesn't want to talk about it, he has to be a considerate partner.

The two hugged for a while, and Yingzhao took Situ Ran back to the room.

Although the man told him that he didn't feel tired, Yingzhao still missed his lover's body.

Only this time, they went back to the room and waited for Situ Ran to lie down and start to rest.

Yingzhao added another desk to the room, and then brought in some simple laboratory equipment.

I thought to myself, in this way, I would be able to see my lover when I was dealing with some daily work.

And Situ Ran naturally hopes to see Ying Zhao all the time.

When two people stay in the same room, even if they just want to be right in silence, they will feel spiritual satisfaction because of each other's existence.

When it got darker, Yingzhao left to prepare dinner for Situ Ran.

After the daily medicine and physical examination, it was completely dark outside the window.

Thoughtfully made a quilt for the man, Yingzhao still told Situ Ran to rest well.

When the man heard Yingzhao's words, he thought he was going to leave and go back to rest.

Although reluctant, he still nodded and said good night.

Unexpectedly, after Yingzhao arranged for him, he did not leave the room, but turned around and went to the changing room in the room, changed into a set of pajamas and walked out.

Then he naturally lay down on a couch in the room.

Pulling over the quilt that had already been put there, he closed his eyes like that, intending to sleep on the sofa.

Looking at Yingzhao's actions, Situ Ran couldn't help but say in surprise, "Baby, aren't you going back to your room to sleep?" Even though

she was just asking a normal question, the person opposite her suddenly opened her eyes.

The young man sat up, grabbed his quilt nervously, and said loudly to himself, "I'm not going!"

Immediately, perhaps feeling that his reaction was a bit extreme, the young man softened his tone a little.

She pleaded softly, "Don't let me go, okay? I want to be in the same room with you, okay?"

Situ Ran saw Yingzhao's eyes pleading, and nodded subconsciously in agreement.

He didn't know why the other party had such a big reaction because of his ordinary words, but he couldn't stand his sweetheart looking at him with such fragile eyes.

Of course Situ Ran was willing to sleep in the same room as her sweetheart.

However, he was reluctant to let his lover sleep on the narrow and hard sofa.

Thinking that the bed he is sleeping on is obviously very big, maybe his lover is afraid that he will touch his wound before he wrongs him. Just now, he hurriedly moved to the side

and whispered to Yingzhao: "Baby, come and sleep with me on the bed? Don't worry, the bed is big and won't hurt me."

Yan was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect that he would invite him, his eyes flashed with excitement.

Then the young man swallowed his saliva, and said to Situ Ran with a blushing face, "Is it really possible?"

Situ Ran looked at Ying Zhao's bright eyes and just wanted to kiss those dark eyes.

He couldn't help but smiled, nodded at Ying Zhao, and said with certainty, "Of course, I also want to be closer to you, baby!"

Ying Zhao heard Situ Ran say this, and hurriedly got up from the sofa , ran over barefoot.

The man who looked at him eagerly felt his heart warm.

But he still couldn't help but feel distressed: "Why don't you wear shoes, what should I do if I catch a cold!"

Yingzhao smirked when he heard this, and went back to put on his shoes obediently.

Then he walked to the bed again, climbed onto the bed gently, and approached carefully so as not to crush the man.

Situ Ran looked at the real joy in Ying Zhao's eyes, and her eyes couldn't help softening.

Seeing that the person he loves likes to be close to him, the man just feels that there is no sweetness on his tongue, but there is a sweet taste on his tongue.

Watching the young man curl up on the edge of the bed for fear of crushing his own injury.

Even though the posture is uncomfortable, the corners of his mouth are still raised in a satisfied appearance, which makes people feel more and more itchy.

Situ Ran couldn't help lowering her head, grabbed the corner of her beloved's mouth fiercely, and kissed for a long time before letting go.

I just thought that the crimson on Yingzhao's face was terrible.

I can't wait to hope that I can restore my arms as soon as possible so that I can hold my treasures in my arms.

The two were so close to each other, facing each other, they could even smell each other's breath clearly.

This feeling of intimacy seemed to be engraved on the soul. After a while, Situ Ran fell asleep.

On the other side, Yingzhao didn't really fall asleep, and his attention was now on Situ Ran.

Of course, Yingzhao couldn't really make his man lose his memory completely.

In such a foolish way, how could it be regarded as a real unraveling of the lover's heart.

When Yingzhao was thinking about the method, he unconsciously thought of the original owner's research.

It has to be said that the original owner Yingheng has many successful or failed experimental products, and the various medicines produced are even more varied.

Because the research on these drugs is purely the hobby of the original owner, there is no clear direction.

Among them, there is a kind of medicine that can make people lose memory temporarily, which is forgotten by the original owner in the memory corner.

This medicine was obtained by chance while Yingheng was researching other medicines.

Although there are no side effects, it can only make people lose memory for less than a day.

For Yingheng, it is completely useless and useless, so it has not been improved since it was made.

Then the original owner soon threw himself into other more interesting research.

Throw this short-lived amnesiac potion in those abandoned finished medicine drawers, forgotten like most potions.

However, what the original owner thought was a failure, was regarded as a treasure by Yingzhao.

Under the current situation, this kind of medicine could not be better for Situ Ran.

If you tell a man the facts that he was betrayed and hurt by himself, it will definitely cause his rebellious psychology.

I'm afraid that even if I don't add oil and vinegar, it will be regarded as a lie.

However, if this method is used to make the other party amnesiac.

It is possible to openly let the other party know most of the truth, and to remove the shackles of memory, there will be a more intuitive judgment.

Although the part of his relationship with him was purely fabricated, Yingzhao believed it.

After his lover regained his memory, relying on his full acting skills and his sincerity towards the man, Situ Ran would at least not doubt his feelings for him.

And those truths instilled in each other will surely plant a seed in a man's heart.

Of course, Yingzhao knows his lover's knowledge in so many worlds. Except in special circumstances, the other party will never be a simple person.

Situ Ran should be able to piece together the whole truth by himself only by the information he disclosed.

At that time, even if the other party cannot confirm it, he will have a way to let him know the facts he wants to know.

Therefore, the attitude of the lover to restore the memory for the first time is the most important part.

Sure enough, after the dead of night, the breath of the people around him suddenly changed.

Situ Ran opened his eyes again. At this moment, his eyes were clear.

Memories flooded in like a tide. Makes a man feel like his mind is going to explode for a moment.

After all the information was integrated, he slowly exhaled a suffocating breath.

He lowered his head again and looked at the young man beside him, with a deep complexity in his eyes.

Situ Ran had no idea that Yingheng would inject herself with a medicine that could make people lose their memory.

However, he was not surprised that this kind of medicine was developed with the ability of the other party.

However, it may be because the research process is too hasty.

Therefore, this medicine did not last for a long time, and in less than a day, he had recovered his clarity.

It's just that after regaining his memory, at this moment, he doesn't know how to face the people beside him.

hate him? of course not!

Today's self has learned so many things that he never thought about before, and even his hatred for the youth that was not so strong in the first place disappeared.

Although some of the information was not true, he had already believed the youth's feelings for him.

No wonder, after so many trials before, it did not cause real harm to the body.

Although the pain is abnormal, occasionally good things happen.

Therefore, Yingheng should really just want to experiment with ways to restrain himself from overflowing his spiritual spring.

The other party said that the spiritual spring in his palm would consume his own vitality, which Situ Ran completely believed.

Because after all, the body is his own, in fact he also has a certain premonition.

It's just that Lingquan is too important to increase everyone's antibodies to zombie viruses.

So I chose to ignore the discomfort of my body every time I used Lingquan.

This time, the young man completely cut off his arm. Even if he wanted to use this spiritual spring on his own, there was nothing he could do.

Although the other party's approach is extreme, all of this is to protect their own lives.

After all, since his arm was amputated, his body has been recovering at a miraculous speed.

Although, adjunctive drug therapy is also important. But the most important thing is that young people stop the source of their own weakness.

Situ Ran suddenly felt that perhaps for the people around him, his own safety was more important than everyone's life.

Thinking of this, his mood became more and more complicated.

The Situ family has been cultivating power. He actually knew it, but he didn't really take action.

Only because he still wanted to see it again.

Let's see if these people who have been called his family from childhood to adulthood still care about even a little bit of family affection.

However, in the end, it was his own luxury.

However, what he did not expect was that Yingheng actually told himself that his accident was related to Situ Shuyao.

For a long time, he regarded Situ Shuyao as his own sister, and worked hard to fulfill the responsibilities of a brother.

Although the other party was really naive in the past, but one day before the end of the world, Situ Shuyao suddenly seemed to grow up overnight and became obedient.

Although he is still not completely sure about the youth's words, but thinking about it carefully, Situ Shuyao does have a lot of doubts.

Suddenly I remembered that she had come to him before, saying that Yingheng framed him to get her.

But obviously, the behavior of the youth these days has completely denied Situ Shuyao's previous statement.

After carefully thinking about how the other party has gotten along with him in the past few years, he can find that although Situ Shuyao's performance is not obvious, he has actually been using himself.

Especially after the establishment of the northern base, that woman took every step of the way.

Relying on his relationship with himself, he even entered the core management of the northern base step by step.

When I went out on a mission, I really felt that something was wrong with my body, and I couldn't stay awake at all.

Obviously, as the young man said, he was drugged.

Before the mission, he clearly remembered that he had only eaten the food handed over by Fan Bin, who was in charge of managing supplies.

Fan Bin has always been on good terms with Situ Shuyao. He also heard his brother Pei Yuebin complain that Fan Bin has always liked Situ Shuyao and wanted to pursue her.

This time, all the truth is more and more ready to come out.

The more Situ Ran thought about it, the more frightened she felt.

When he thought that he might have been deceived by his younger sister, who had grown up with him, it was uncontrollable to feel cold towards the entire Situ family.

He was pushed into the zombie tide by the opportunity, and exhausted his abilities in order to resist the zombies.

In a severe coma, he was directly transferred to the research institute.

After that, Yingheng completely imprisoned himself in the research room, not letting anyone approach him.

So, is the imprisonment that I thought it was a form of protection?

Even though the person in his arms fell asleep, he was still secretly pulling the corner of his clothes in his hand.

Situ Ran even felt a little saddened by that look of love for dependence and fear of loss.

So, when did Yingheng fall in love with him?

They were just a few encounters in the base.

In his own impression, Yingheng has always been taciturn and hardly ever left the laboratory.

Passing by each other on weekdays, the other party did not show anything special.

Although in the past, I would also take some spiritual springs to the research institute to do research for the other party.

But except for the first time that she sent it by herself, when Situ Shuyao found out later, she was the one who did it for her.

I don't even remember clearly what Yingheng looked like before.

However, planing except for tinted glasses. After getting along this day, he found that the youth was simply beautiful.

It might sound weird, but Situ Ran always felt that the previous Yingheng was very different from the current one.

If he had really seen this person, he should be completely unable to look away, no matter what state the person was in.

But the fact is, he really had completely ignored each other.

Thinking of today, the other party also showed himself the pair of robotic arms that were being made.

You can see how cutting-edge this technology is, and the production process must be extremely cumbersome and meticulous.

No wonder, the other party looked tired and dark circles under his eyes every day when he saw him from a long time ago.

It should be because he needs to make arms, so he needs to work around the clock to make his body a little overwhelmed!

And it's all for myself!

It's just that he has paid so much for himself, why has he refused to tell himself?

By the way, when I woke up from a serious injury, I was already experiencing those painful injections.

My heart is full of hatred for the other party, even if he explained the situation to himself, would he really believe it?

Before, Yingheng had confessed to himself when he had memories.

As a result, what did you say. I actually let him go!

One can imagine how desperate the young people at that time must have been when they saw such an attitude.

He held out a sincere heart, but was trampled underfoot by others.

Thinking of his attitude towards the youth back then, Situ Ran wanted to beat himself up.

Why can't you just have a good word with each other!

If he could remain calm, perhaps the youth would not be hurt.

Maybe he will tell himself all the truth directly, and he will not use this extreme method in exchange for his closeness.

I unconsciously thought of the intimate actions when they were together today, and the sweet taste seems to have not completely dissipated.

The kiss in response from the other party was so jerky, the strong love in his eyes could not deceive anyone anyway.

That should be his first kiss!

When the young butterfly wings tremble, they are really damn good looking!

No wonder he was so surprised and cherished when he got close to the youth today.

No wonder he couldn't be purely happy when he said he loved him, and even shed tears.

Because in the young man's heart, he stole these sweet moments.

He is clearly with the person he likes, but he is worried that he will lose it at any time.

He stayed by his side anxiously, worried that one day he would regain his memory.

The people beside him were so distressing, thinking of this, Situ Ran sighed silently.

After taking a deep look at Yingzhao, he closed his eyes again.

For the time being, he didn't want to delve into their relationship, nor did he intend to expose the things that he had regained his memory.

You must find out all the truth yourself.

Otherwise, even if you are honest and want to be with the youth, you will leave hidden dangers.

This is someone who deserves to be cherished and loved.

You must prepare everything, remove all obstacles, and make him feel completely at ease.

In this way, you are also responsible for your loved ones.

Situ Ran, who fell into a deep sleep again, did not notice that the corner of his mouth quietly raised an arc after the young man next to him felt his breathing steady again.

The biggest variable has passed. As long as the man doesn't immediately pursue investigation after waking up, it means that he has doubts about his previous experience and the entire Situ family.

As long as a man is willing to maintain the surface calm, Yingzhao believes that with the love and trust his lover has engraved on his soul.

He will immediately understand who is the person he should really be close to.

Yingzhao, who had been tiring for a whole day, finally relaxed his mind.

Nestled beside Situ Ran, he fell into a deep sleep after a while.

It's just that when Yingzhao woke up early the next morning, he found that the person beside him had already woken up.

Opening his eyes, Ying Zhao was stunned for a moment at the man's deep eyes, and blinked in surprise.

Then, when he reacted to the current situation, he immediately showed a bright smile.

He said softly to Situ Ran, "Dear, it's early!" The

young man's tone was a little hoarse because he woke up early, but it was indescribably sultry.

The pure smile on his face made Situ Ran's heart tremble.

His eyes flashed, and he replied softly to Yingzhao: "Morning."

Yingzhao looked at the man's appearance, and was even more sure that the other party had recovered his memory.

However, he pretended not to notice the difference in the other party.

He sat up directly, got out of bed and walked into the dressing room not far away.

After changing clothes, Yingzhao naturally went to the kitchen in the inner room to prepare breakfast for Situ Ran.

Situ Ran looked at Yingzhao, who was dressed very delicately, and lowered her eyes slightly.

For this Yingheng, even if he was not impressed.

But I also know that the other party is a person who is very addicted to experimental research.

In terms of dressing, it seems to always be a white lab coat. The hair is also always disheveled and unkempt.

In the more than a month that I had faced each other before, I had a deeper understanding.

But now, the other party is wearing a suit shirt that has been carefully matched and has meticulous hair.

Did you deliberately take care of yourself in order to make yourself like it?