
Arc 12: End Times (7)

"No, I didn't mean to kill you!"

Different from the fierceness just now, the youth now looks like a child who has done something wrong, and he doesn't know what to do.

Situ Ran naturally also felt that Yingzhao's emotions were wrong, and just wanted to comfort him.

The young man took another deep breath, and said with some pleading: "Situ Ran, I'm sorry, I was too excited!"

"In short, it was she who harmed you! You just stay in this house and stay with me. By your side! No matter what, don't touch that woman, okay?"

Seeing Yingzhao's red eyes, Situ Ran felt a pain in her heart and nodded vigorously.

How could he refuse the request of his sweetheart, how could he bear to see him look terrified and sad.

However, did the other party just keep emphasizing that he should not be in contact with Situ Shuyao?

The man lowered his eyes and remembered what the young man on the opposite side seemed to have said to him before he lost his memory and fell into a coma.

By the way, he said that he knew that he liked Situ Shuyao, and he also said that he would forget that woman!

So, Yingheng has always misunderstood that what he likes is Situ Shuyao, right?

That's why he wants to avoid his contact with each other.

Looking at the young man who was obviously relieved after he agreed.

Situ Ran really wanted to explain to him, saying that she had never liked that Situ Shuyao, let alone anyone else.

For the first and only time in his life, he was tempted because of a little fool named Yingheng.

However, he cannot.

Because he has lost his memory in the eyes of the youth, it is naturally impossible to remember everything in the past.

Moreover, the youth on the opposite side is obviously not in a normal mood, and will be extremely extreme when stimulated.

In case the other party thinks that this is just a tactic to slow down the troops he wants to go out, he will be mad and give himself another shot and he will suffer.

He didn't want the young man to feel even the slightest sadness because of him.

The two of them tacitly did not mention these things again, and Yingzhao tried his best to change the topic.

He kept talking to Situ Ran. He even told some embarrassing jokes, looking like he really wanted to make the other party happy.

Looking at the young man clumsily trying to please him, the man's heart became more and more sour.

I thought about what to do in my heart to completely eliminate the other party's anxiety.

Although he has always longed for family affection, he has already seen through the Situ family.

Before, I only thought that Situ Shuyao should be different, but just now, the other party completely disappointed him.

From then on, he had no expectations for the Situ family.

So now, for Situ Ran, his relatives are only the young man in front of him.

In the days that followed, they naturally spent in this big mansion.

Although the surface was calm, Situ Ran discovered that since Situ Shuyao came that day, the youth had become very sensitive.

I often stare at myself in a daze.

Even though the young man is getting busier and busier as the work progresses, he still always finds time to go back to his room to take a look at himself.

He always finds various reasons for his sudden return.

For example, come to pour yourself a glass of water, need to take care of the room, tell yourself to take a good rest, etc.

It seemed that he was afraid that he would feel unhappy that he was being watched.

Situ Ran could see that it was actually because the youth felt uneasy.

It seems that I am afraid that I will leave, so I can't settle down, and I need to see myself from time to time to feel at ease.

In fact, he really wanted to tell the other party that the young man didn't need to make any excuses at all.

He is willing to see him, he is even willing to be watched by the other party.

As long as it is this person, he will do anything to him.

But he couldn't confess to the other party, and there was no opportunity to express his sincerity.

I can only work harder to get close to Yingzhao, hoping that he can feel his deep love for him.

Even if Yingzhao went to work, Situ Ran took the initiative to stay in the room and not go anywhere.

It is to let the young people see themselves for the first time as soon as they come back.

This kind of day lasted for a long time, and the young man seemed to be a little relieved.

Seeing the exhausted look of the young man who was busy with research while distracted by himself, Situ Ran felt distressed.

But I couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy in my heart, seeing how much my sweetheart cares about him.

On the other hand, Yingzhao is just doing his part to maintain his character.

Of course he believed that his lover would never leave him no matter what.

I was going to just pretend to be at first.

However, looking at his lover, although he was worried, the look of satisfaction in his eyes couldn't help but he had to continue.

A sullen man seems to be very satisfied with the fact that he has a strong sense of existence, what should I do?

What else can I do? Get used to it as always!

Since his lover likes it, then Yingzhao will let him experience the feeling of husband control in this life.

However, no matter how you maintain your character, you still care more about your lover's body.

Even if it is impossible for a man to go out, he will take his lover for a walk in the house every day.

After all, it takes a lot of movement to help the other person's health.

And Situ Ran, who had completely recovered his memory, could be considered to have thoroughly visited the house in these days.

I also have a better understanding of the value of this house in my heart.

In the end times, the currency of the transaction is naturally the crystal nucleus.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, with the man's knowledge of the North Base, he probably knew exactly where he was now.

He knows that although the houses in this area are a bit remote, they are very expensive.

Because it is very safe to be strong and independent, and the facilities are complete, this is still relatively rare in the last days.

Although Yingheng is a top talent in the research institute, the benefits are also the best in the whole base.

However, it is not easy to exchange such a house.

Usually, in such a big house, many people have gathered together to exchange crystal cores, and then live and use it together.

However, I have been here for so many days. Obviously, there are only himself and the young man in this house.

I don't know if the young man has spent all his savings for himself.

Sighing deeply, Situ Ran lay on the big soft bed.

Looking at the sleeping young man beside him, he unconsciously looked a little crazy.

The long eyelashes cast a shadow on the young man's fair face under the reflection of the moonlight.

It was so quiet that Situ Ran felt relaxed.

When the end came, Situ Ran led the crowd to the northern base.

He has been working hard all the time, like a spinning top, without a moment's rest.

Unexpectedly, the time when he lost his arm and was with the young man in this big mansion turned out to be the best day for him to relax and rest.

Inexplicably ironic, I didn't expect that this period of time would make me feel incomparably nostalgic.

And all of this is due to the person in front of him.

Let the originally bitter and hopeless self be like soaking in a sugar jar every day, enjoying the sweetness that accompanies the loved one day and night.

Unconsciously leaning forward a little, Situ Ran pressed the sweetheart's lips.

His eyes were filled with tenderness like broken stars.

Suddenly I felt that if I could spend my whole life with this person in such ease, I might have no regrets.

Early the next morning, Yingzhao and Situ Ran had breakfast together, then left and went back to work.

The production of the arm has reached a critical stage, so he has been unable to stay with Situ Ran all the time these days.

Fortunately, my lover can understand myself, but I am very worried about my body.

Seeing that Yingzhao was busier than usual these two days, Situ Ran felt distressed.

It's just that no matter how much he said, he couldn't stop the other party. The young man twisted it as he imagined, and he couldn't pull ten cows back.

All day today, I only saw each other during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Situ Ran even suspected that if it wasn't for the sake of eating well, the youth would spend the whole day in the research room.

But today, after the night, the sky was completely dark, but Yingzhao still hadn't come back.

It stands to reason that no matter how busy they are during the day, young people cherish the time to rest with themselves at night.

But looking at the current hour, the time for daily rest has long passed.

This made Situ Ran a little worried, whether the other party encountered some bottleneck during the experiment, so the young man lost himself in it again.

But just when the man was thinking about whether to go directly to Yingzhao himself, the door not far away was pushed open with great force.

I saw the young man walked in happily, still wearing a white lab coat.

Some disheveled hair made Situ Ran think of the other party's original appearance.

Just thinking about why the other party's expression was so excited, the young man on the opposite side said to himself excitedly: "My dear, one arm has been made!"

"Your right arm has all been made, although the materials are not enough for the time being. Two arms, but I can help you restore the right arm first!"

Situ Ran's eyes widened in surprise when she heard the words, and she said in surprise, "Really?"

Yingzhao nodded vigorously, looking at him happily. He said, "Your body has been recuperating very well recently. If there is no problem, we can perform this operation now!"

Yingzhao's words were undoubtedly great news for Situ Ran.

Although the young man had seen the magical mechanical arm for him before, the man never thought that he could make one in such a short period of time.

After all, the technique of this arm is too complicated, which makes the man still a little worried.

However, what he worries about is not whether his body will recover quickly, but whether the youth will feel sad if he fails.

At this moment, with the pure joy and expectation on his sweetheart's face, Situ Ran inexplicably didn't want to reject him.

He knew that the young man couldn't wait to come here because he wanted to help him complete the operation as soon as possible.

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter, you will definitely comfort each other.

It couldn't have gotten any worse anyway, could it?

Thinking of this, Situ Ran smiled and nodded to Yingzhao, and said, "Ah Heng, that's really great!"

"I'm ready. I can do it at any time. I can do it at any time."

Yingzhao Hearing Situ Ran say this, he also showed a big smile.

Without saying a word, he helped Situ Ran up and took him into his research room.

In the room, the surgical instruments had already been set up, and it seemed that the young man couldn't wait more than himself.

Looking at the look of her lover's complete trust, Yingzhao felt very useful.

He put on surgical gloves and skillfully injected Situ Ran with anesthesia.

The operation was performed under local anesthesia.

In this era, there are more advanced anesthesia technology, and even more precise control of the scope of anesthesia.

After the anesthetic took effect, Yingzhao picked up the robotic arm and carefully connected it to Situ Ran.

Although the right half of the body was anesthetized, the man was not completely unconscious.

Situ Ran could feel an uncomfortable feeling of being pulled in the flesh and blood of his right arm, but it was not unbearable.

But despite this, the man didn't even frown.

Because for him, this level of discomfort was nothing compared to the suffering he had suffered before.

And soon, Situ Ran's mind was completely attracted by the sweaty Ying Zhao opposite.

The young man seemed to be very nervous about his operation, and he was careful in every step.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Situ Ran couldn't help but breathe lightly, hoping not to disturb the other party.

Because this operation was carried out in secret, the young man had to deal with this large-scale operation alone without an assistant.

This is very hard work for anyone.

Little by little, Yingzhao connected Situ Ran's nerves with the robotic arm.

Every step he needs to pay extra attention to, and he can't make a little mistake.

He is very grateful for the particularity of his identity now, because if it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to have such good physical strength and concentration.

But even so, it was extremely exhausting.

Situ Ran could feel the fatigue of his sweetheart. Although he was distressed, he was powerless.

I can only pray silently in my heart, hoping that the operation will end soon.

As time passed by, the young man's face became paler and paler, but he showed no sign of giving up.

He has been working hard to carry out the work at hand, and his eyes are full of cherishing and perseverance.

The originally dark sky outside turned white.

I don't know how long it took before the operation finally ended.

Yingzhao let out a long sigh and collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.

Not caring about his own image, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with trembling hands.

Then he raised his head and tried his best to show Situ Ran a reassuring smile.

Weakly said: "Wait a little longer, although I checked here and there is no problem, but we still have to wait until the effect of the anesthesia has passed before confirming whether the operation is really successful."

Situ Ran nodded, seeing the exhausted look of the young man. , but could not say a word of consolation.

He suddenly had some resentment for having a spiritual spring.

In the past, Situ Ran thought that he was in the spiritual spring because he had a special mission to save the world, and it was his recognition and redemption for his birth defect.

It is precisely because of this sense of mission that he continues to help those around him.

He is also working hard to develop the northern base, and wants everyone to live a good life.

But now, I see that young people have to work so hard for their own bodies.

Situ Ran suddenly felt that he would rather not have this special, nor do he want such a seemingly great mission.

The youth in front of him is his salvation, and everything he should really care about.

He only hopes that the people on the opposite side can be happy, and only hope that they can be ordinary and happy together.

If there is no so-called spiritual spring, he would not need to encounter all this.

More than an hour passed, until the sky was bright.

The sun was already hanging high in the sky, and Situ Ran completely regained consciousness.

Neither Situ Ran nor Yingzhao slept during this time, and they were all looking forward to the result of this operation.

The recovery of the body is followed by the recovery of sensation in the right arm.

Situ Ran couldn't hold back the throbbing in his heart, and couldn't help but try to move his fingers.

Something magical happened, his newly installed right hand actually moved according to his thoughts.

What's even more amazing is that this robotic arm is as tactile as ordinary limbs.

He thought it was very valuable to have an arm again, and he was already content with the convenience of his life after connecting the arm.

Unexpectedly, the young man gave himself such a big surprise.

What kind of genius is the other party who can make such a perfect arm.

The antidote to the zombie virus, a perfect prosthesis, a world-shattering genius.

Situ Ran looked at Yingzhao with complicated eyes, but there was worry in her joy.

Suddenly I feel a little fortunate. Fortunately, no one knows that the antidote is made by young people.

Otherwise, people from other bases will definitely have the intention of robbing this person.

Situ Shuyao places too much importance on fame, but he doesn't know that although the northern base seems to be the most powerful, it is not a monopoly now.

Such a hype about detoxification drugs, but forget that the tree is big and attracts the wind, and the people's hearts are unpredictable.

I am afraid that the northern base will soon fall into a crisis.

So he must work hard to become stronger, because he has the most important person who needs to protect his life!

Seeing his lover's excited appearance, Yingzhao couldn't help showing a smile.

I carefully asked Situ Ran how he felt, and calibrated and tested the robotic arm.

The conclusions drawn are naturally very fitting.

Of course, such a result was completely within the expectations of Yingzhao.

After all, he was once known in a world for such expertise.

Seeing that Situ Ran had been playing with her arms with great interest, she quickly got used to it.

Yingzhao approached happily and pressed a spot on the right side of Situ Ran's elbow with a face full of treasure.

Then, the appearance of the robotic arm changed instantly.

It is no longer that transparent, able to see the state of the inner working structure.

Instead, it seemed to be covered with a layer of real human skin, perfectly integrated with Situ Ran's body.

If you look at it with the naked eye, you can't tell that this is a mechanical arm at all.

Situ Ran looked at the scene in front of him in shock, and felt more and more shocked by Ying Zhao's ability.

"Isn't it amazing! This is a bionic function, I added it specially for you! In this way, the arm will be exactly the same as the original one."

"Not only that, I have also done anti-compression and anti-high temperature treatments. You can use this arm to use fire-type abilities without any problem!

I didn't expect that my sweetheart would think so thoroughly, even taking into account the use of my own abilities.

He really created a new pair of arms for himself, so that he is no longer a waste person.

No, it's more than the same as in the past.

In Situ Ran's heart, this arm is better than the one he used to have.

I unconsciously thought of it before, when I didn't know the true heart of the youth.

On the one hand, the other party has to protect himself under the eyes of the Situ family, and on the other hand, he has to suppress the sadness and pain of being hated by him.

I still have to constantly test my body with drugs every day, and even cut off my arm cruelly.

At that time, when he looked at each other with hatred, how aggrieved and hopeless the young man's heart should be.

These days, young people take care of themselves so carefully.

The other party's smile was so gentle and beautiful, and every time he approached him, he was so careful.

The appearance of being happy for a long time just because of a shallow kiss made Situ Ran feel extremely sad.

If that doesn't count as liking, he really doesn't know what counts as liking.

Thinking of this, the man couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pulled Ying into his arms.

Warm lips were pressed on the other's forehead, Situ Ran thanked softly: "Aheng, thank you, thank you very much!"

Thank you, willing to fall in love with me!

Thank you for not giving up!

There is a pleasant cold fragrance wrapped around the nose, and now the young man is no longer the devil he once thought, but an angel!

An angel who has redeemed himself and is willing to give everything for himself.

But the past self did not trust him, and even hurt him.

Thinking of this, Situ Ran's heart filled with infinite self-blame.

Yingzhao naturally felt his lover's emotions, so he hugged Situ Ran tightly.

He buried his head deep in the other's arms and curled the corners of his lips.

In fact, it is also possible to choose general anesthesia for such an operation.

Moreover, the general anesthesia Situ Ran will not cause the slight discomfort caused by the operation during the local anesthesia.

However, if he really made his lover completely unconscious, how could he see that he was sweating profusely and worked hard for him.

In the current situation, he naturally has to spare no effort to perform well in front of a man, so that he can feel his sincerity.

Judging from the performance of the man so far, his approach seems to be very successful.

Situ Ran kissed the top of Yingzhao's hair, and looked at the young man in his arms with his head lowered, revealing a lovely swirl of hair.

The familiar sight in front of him made his heart itch even more.

I couldn't help reaching out and touched the top of Yingzhao's hair, and then rubbed it a little harder.

Sure enough, the youth's hair was as soft as he imagined.

This made Situ Ran unconsciously feel a sense of satisfaction in his heart, a feeling of finally being able to hold his treasure in his arms.

"I will definitely find a way to collect all the materials as soon as possible! By then, your arms will be restored!"

Seeing the apology in the young man's eyes, Situ Ran shook his head and said softly while kissing Yingzhao's cheek, "No hurry, it's actually fine now!"