
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 5: New World (2)

Nearly four years had elapsed since Yuki Takehara took his first breath in the world, transforming from a newborn into a young boy full of curiosity and wonder. Time had etched its mark upon him, shaping his features and character, as he embarked on a journey of self-discovery.

During those years, Yuki had delved into the intricacies of the world that surrounded him, unraveling its secrets one by one. Among the revelations that unveiled themselves, the sheer magnitude of his family's wealth stood at the forefront. The Takehara family's riches knew no bounds, their financial influence extending to the point of being a pillar that supported a nation. Shares in prestigious companies across the globe lay nestled within their grasp, affording them an unrivaled power to shape economies and legislation with an almost absurd level of control. Moreover, the Takehara family boasted the ownership of their own hero agencies all over the country, with even the legendary All Might's agency owing its existence to the Takehara family funding them.

Yet, their family's strongest point is the weapon industry. Their expertise in the manufacturing and distribution of weapons surpassed ordinary bounds, rendering them a force to be reckoned with.

From support equipment to conventional firearms and even missiles, anything could be procured through their vast arsenal. Rumors whispered tales of a time when the Takehara family had even dabbled in the production of nuclear weapons, but as the era of heroes dawned, nations worldwide gradually replaced their nuclear arsenals with these extraordinary individuals.

Heroes had become a kind of military asset, and many of them found themselves affiliated with the hero agencies under the Takehara family's banner, reinforcing their influence and stature.

As Yuki delved deeper into the enigma that shrouded his family, he stumbled upon another perplexing revelation. Despite the tales of their extraordinary quirks, Yuki found himself perplexed by the seemingly average nature of his parents' abilities. In comparison to the awe-inspiring powers attributed to his family, their quirks appeared unremarkable to him, leaving him to question the depths of their true potential.

His father possessed a mutation-type quirk that bestowed upon him an appearance akin to that of an angel. Two pristine white wings extended gracefully from his shoulders, while a halo adorned his head. His father referred to his quirk as Angel.

However, Yuki couldn't help but notice the disparities between his father's and his own. Their wings were situated on different parts of their bodies, his father's gracing his shoulders while his own sprouted from his hips. Even their halos differed in nature; while his father's halo held a peculiar and potentially dangerous power, causing harm to anyone who dared to touch it, Yuki's halo seemed devoid of such effects, a mere ethereal halo hovering above his head, that began spinning when he used magic.

Conversely, his mother possessed a quirk named Trickmaster, which bestowed upon her the ability to perform an array of miscellaneous magic tricks. However, the overuse of her quirk left her weak for a period of time, proportional to how much power she used.

While most believed his powers to be a fusion of his parents' quirks, a blending of his father's physique and his mother's 'magical' aptitude, Yuki alone bore witness to the truth. His abilities were something different entirely, something inexplicable and hidden beneath the surface. He knew that his own so-called 'Quirk' was not a quirk at all.

While his parents' abilities seemed relatively ordinary to him, his only other remaining family member, his grandmother, exuded a sense of grandeur that left him in awe. Inheriting the signature wings that were a typical characteristic of the direct line of Takehara, his grandmother possessed an array of extraordinary talents that surpassed the bounds of a single quirk. She effortlessly manipulated wind, and she could run at speeds that bordered on teleportation. What astounded Yuki even further was the fact that despite her age of over 50, she appeared eternally youthful, as if time itself had chosen to grace her with perpetual youth.

The absence of other family members within his lineage puzzled Yuki, but the answer lay in a simple tradition upheld by the Takehara family. Each generation has only one heir, to prevent any disputes over inheritance. Another rule is whether male or female, the one to marry the family head or the heir must assume the prestigious Takehara name.

Yuki's mother, in contrast, had experienced a tragic fate. Once a young lady of wealth and privilege, she had been orphaned at a tender age when villains invaded her home, leaving her as the sole survivor. She was lucky to survive due to her being at a boarding school at that time. Eventually worked in the company Takehara International, as the assistant to CEO Shinji Takehara. Soon love blossomed between them, leading to their eventual marriage.

Curiosity stirred within Yuki as he pondered the fate of his other relatives. It was widely believed that his paternal grandfather and great-grandparents had passed away due to old age before his birth, yet a lingering sense of unease tugged at his instincts. The circumstances surrounding their deaths felt peculiar, hinting at a hidden incident from the past. His grandmother's age of barely 50 raised further questions, and according to the family's recorded history, his great-grandparents should not have surpassed the age of 80. The pieces of the puzzle refused to align, leaving Yuki to wonder if there was more to the story, secrets that had yet to be unveiled.

As Yuki was born into this new world, his consciousness found itself within the body of an infant, he couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration and annoyance. The helplessness that came with being a baby grated on his spirit, like a bird caged and unable to spread its wings. The inability to express himself through speech, the lack of control over bodily functions, it was an experience that tested his patience and resilience.

"Being a baby is truly torturous," he lamented silently, yearning for the autonomy he once possessed in his previous life.

As a member of the Flügel race bodily functions such as going to the toilet were unnecessary. Yet as if that 'God' played a prank on him, he was still required to do so. Doubts crept into his mind, questioning whether his rebirth truly made him a Flügel or if it was merely an external resemblance. However soon he will realize that this is likely just for now. Hopefully 'God' did this for him to better blend into human society and not to deny him some aspects of the Flügel race like their immortality.

In the midst of these challenges, Yuki's mind remained sharp and receptive. The yearning for knowledge propelled him to swiftly grasp and comprehend the languages he heard. Within the first year after his rebirth, he became capable of understanding the nuances of ten different languages. Japanese, English, Chinese, French, Spanish, German, and Russian among others flowed effortlessly from his lips. Certainly his race could be attributed to some of this great success.

However it also seemed that linguistic prowess was not a rarity within the Takehara family, whose global reach necessitated multilingual communication with their clientele.

As he navigated the early stages of development, Yuki's determination to reclaim his independence grew. With each wobbly step, he mastered the art of walking, his wings providing balance and grace. The vibrant feathers, an inherent part of his Flügel lineage, unfurled and bore him aloft, granting him the gift of flight.

From his second birthday onward, Yuki devoted himself to the intricate art of spellcasting. Day after day, he delved into magic. His innate brilliance shone through as he effortlessly grasped complex magical concepts. Although due to his wish he already had the necessary knowledge, without some training he still is not able to use it.

However, as one might expect, magic training at the age of two is not easy, especially for a rich kid like Yuki, who is constantly being watched for security reasons. Because of this, and because he did not want to appear strange, he had very little time to train each day. This also meant that he could only train small spells for everyday use and nothing combat-related. A clean spell and spells for minor telekinesis are among the spells he trained during this time.

It's more or less just to get the feel of the magic and the manipulation of the elementals in his body. Instead of focusing on quantity, he focused on quality, trying to use as few Elementals as possible to achieve as high a result as possible.

Certainly Yuki Takehara can be regarded as a genius among geniuses. Even among reincarnated people he should be one of the rare geniuses, although that can be mostly attributed to his race.

AN: Just wanna clarify something about the magic system.

Elementals: They flow through every living being, and the bodies of certain races, such as the Flügel, are made entirely of them. They are practically the source of magic and what is needed to manipulate it. (In the No Game No Life world) In MHA this only applies to Yuki.

At the same time, however, they are also the third-ranking race. Do not ask how, as nothing certain is known about this race. I assume in this fanfic that an Elemental is formed by a high concentration of Elementals gaining sentience. Due to this I also assume that they are formless. 'God' sealed such an Elemental inside Yuki's body. (Flügel are essentially the same, just with lower quantities. In NGNL the races above Flügel are basically ranked on how many Flügel it requires to kill them.)

Basically, Yuki can manipulate the Elementals inside his body and as he ages he can use more and more of them until he becomes a true Flügel, where his entire body is made up of Elementals, only instead of the maximum amount a Flügel normally has, he has many times more, which in turn fulfills his wish of wanting to be the strongest interaction of the Flügel race.