
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 4: New World (1)

In the bustling halls of Central Hospital, amidst the hushed whispers and urgent footsteps of doctors and nurses, a momentous event was unfolding. A child, destined to alter the course of humanity, was about to be born.

The woman, adorned in opulent attire that spoke volumes of her affluent status, reclined on the pristine hospital bed. Her elegance and poise were a testament to her place among the elite, and yet, in this moment, wealth and prestige paled in comparison to the miracle of life about to unfold. Beads of perspiration adorned the woman's brow, evidence of the trials she had endured to bring forth new life into the world.

Surrounded by a team of skilled medical professionals, their faces masked with a mixture of excitement and reverence, the woman's labor continued. Each contraction, each push, brought her closer to the realization of her deepest desire, to hold her precious child in her arms.

This woman is Ayumi Takehara, the young lady of the Takehara family and wife of the current family head. The woman that will give birth to the child 'God' reincarnated.

Next to her sits a man that cannot await the birth of his child. This man can easily be identified as the husband of the woman. This is Shinji Takehara, the leader of the Takehara family and one of the most influential people in Japan. His normally composed and stoic demeanor had given way to a mix of nerves and excitement. His fingers tapped anxiously against the armrest of his chair as he awaited news of his child's imminent arrival.

For generations, the Takehara family had held a position of immense wealth and power, their influence reaching far and wide. The family's roots ran deep, dating back to a time before the emergence of the first Quirk, making them one of the few lineages that had weathered the storm of the quirk era and thrived.

The Takeharas were renowned for their Quirk Marriages, alliances formed with other powerful families to enhance their own quirk. However, that tradition had come to an end a few generations ago under the leadership of Shinji Takehara's grandmother.

"The time has come to break free from the constraints of Quirk Marriages," Shinji recalled his grandmother's words echoing in his mind. "Our family should focus on love and forging our own destinies, rather than relying solely on the 'Family Quirk'."

That decision had been a turning point for the Takehara family. Shinji is the first leader of the family to have a normal marriage based on love since many generations.

However, despite their shift away from Quirk Marriages, the Takehara family remained an enigma, a source of fascination and fear. Their legacy as a formidable group was deeply ingrained in the fabric of society. Whispers of their terrifying power and vast financial resources echoed through the streets, instilling a sense of awe and trepidation in those who dared cross their path.

Legends and rumors weaved themselves around the Takehara family like a shroud of mystery. Among them was the tale of a woman from the Takehara lineage, who had fallen in love with a formidable villain. Rejected by his dark heart, she resorted to extreme measures, confining him against his will and forcing him to live with her for years to come. It was said that the villain had struggled against her grasp for years, until finally breaking free. Since that fateful event, no villain had dared to lay a hand on the Takehara family, as if bound by an unspoken pact of fear.

Others whispered a different narrative, one that spoke of a secret force, unseen but ever vigilant, operating in the shadows to keep both heroes and villains in check. This force, they said, was under the control of the Takehara family, ensuring that no one would dare to challenge their authority or threaten their existence.

The truth however, remained elusive, hidden behind a veil of speculation and uncertainty. All that was known was that the name Takehara carried a weight, a warning to those who valued their lives and the safety of their loved ones.

And so, in this very moment, another man bearing the name Takehara came into the world. Born in one of the private properties of the Takehara family.

"Just a little bit more, I can already see the baby," Shinji Takehara whispered with a mix of excitement and encouragement, his voice laced with a touch of awe. His eyes were fixed on Ayumi, his heart swelling with love and admiration for the woman who bore his child. He held her hand tightly, offering both physical and emotional support, an anchor in the storm of emotions that enveloped the delivery room.

Ayumi's face contorted with a mixture of pain and determination as she pushed with all her might, channeling every ounce of strength within her being. The medical team surrounding her provided guidance and reassurance.

Then, suddenly, the doctor's voice cut through the air, encouraging Ayumi to muster every ounce of strength for the final push. Beads of sweat dotted Ayumi's forehead as she mustered her resolve, her thoughts a mix of determination and pain. "Just a little more," she whispered to herself, the intensity of the moment pulsating through her veins.

Ayumi gave her last and final push, her entire being focused on this singular act. At that moment, her face contorted with pain.

Time seemed to both stretch and compress, the seconds feeling like eternities, yet slipping away all too quickly. And then, in a crescendo of effort and triumph, Ayumi's cries intertwined with the soft wail of a newborn. The room filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and relief as the precious life they had been eagerly anticipating made its entrance into the world.

As the newborn emerged into the world, the doctor swiftly moved into action, delivering a gentle slap to the baby's tiny back, coaxing out the first cries of life. The sound filled the room. Moments later, the doctor clamps the umbilical cord, severing the physical connection between mother and child.

The doctor's voice broke through the air once more, carrying a mix of surprise and congratulations. "Although it's a perfectly healthy boy, he seems to be already born with a quirk," he exclaimed, holding the baby in his arms with a mixture of awe and curiosity.

The doctor meticulously carried out every textbook procedure, ensuring the well-being of both mother and child. With utmost care, he swaddled the newborn in a soft cloth and gently placed him in Ayumi's waiting arms. As the warmth of her baby enveloped her, Ayumi was struck by an unexplainable surge of emotions, an overwhelming desire to protect and nurture this tiny life entrusted to her care. A mother's instinct, fierce and primal, blossomed within her, filling her heart with an unbreakable bond.

Husband and wife locked eyes, their gazes filled with a mixture of awe and pride as they beheld their son. It was undeniable that he bore the mark of their lineage, his quirk is the best evidence of it. In a synchrony of thoughts and words, they exclaimed, "As expected of our son, already special from the beginning."

Although it is common for some people to be born with characteristics of their predecessors like for example Fumikage, who was born with a bird head, despite his quirk not being related to it, this case is different. Just from looking at the newborn one could realize that this is entirely different.

The child's appearance mesmerized those who beheld him. His hair, starting with a light blue hue, transformed into snow-white strands that cascaded down his small form. Two white wings gracefully protruded near his hips. His eyes, pupils a vibrant blue encased by a golden iris, held a captivating depth. Wing-shaped ears adorned his head, while a halo adorned his brow, casting a soft glow upon his angelic face.

Seated beside Ayumi, Shinji gently laid beside her, his presence a soothing balm to her weary soul. With light pecks upon her head, he whispered tenderly, "Ayumi, what should we name our baby?" His voice held a hint of excitement and curiosity, his eyes brimming with love and anticipation.

A serene smile graced Ayumi's lips as she shifted her gaze from her beloved husband to their precious baby, cradled securely in her arms. With utmost tenderness, she uttered the name that felt like a melody, a reflection of the love and hope she held within her heart. "Let's name him Yuki Takehara," she said.

Her eyes lingered upon her child, as if he were the greatest treasure in the world, and slowly, but surely, she succumbed to the peaceful embrace of sleep, resting her head on her husband's shoulder. The baby, snug and content in his mother's arms, drifted into slumber as well.

In that tender moment, as the world outside continued its ceaseless march, the Takehara family embraced the beginning of a new chapter. The dawn of Yuki Takehara's life marked the birth of possibilities. Love, strength, and the boundless potential of a child with extraordinary origins merged in harmony, shaping a future where the name Takehara would resound with both awe and respect.