
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 49: War-torn World

"Aizen, Klein, All Might, Fang Yuan!" Yuki's voice echoed through the strange and unsettling realm they found themselves in. Panic surged within him as he desperately scanned the surroundings for any sign of his fellow chat group members.

But there was only silence in response.

His heart pounded in his chest as he called out their names once more, his voice filled with a mixture of fear and frustration. "Aizen, Klein, All Might, Fang Yuan!"

Still, no reply came. The eerie quiet of this unfamiliar place seemed to mock his calls, leaving him with a sinking feeling of isolation.

"Shift," Yuki muttered the incantation, frustration building as he attempted to teleport away from the strange and unsettling realm. Yet, once again, his efforts were thwarted, and he remained trapped.

His mind raced, searching for an alternative plan. If he couldn't escape, he needed to ensure his safety and gather information about this place. With a swift decision, he cast a detection spell, hoping to sense any lurking dangers or the presence of his missing chat group members.

"Detection," he whispered, channeling his magical energy into the spell. He extended his senses, trying to reach out into the surroundings, but to his dismay, he felt nothing. No signs of danger, and no trace of his friends.

Yuki's frustration deepened as he attempted to use another spell, one that should have concealed his presence completely. "Camouflage," he intoned, focusing on hiding every trail he left behind, from footprints to bodily odors. He needed to be invisible to any potential pursuers.

But once again, the magic refused to respond. It was as if the very fabric of this strange domain resisted his every effort.

Desperation gnawed at him, but he refused to give in to panic. With one final attempt, he cast "Invisibility," hoping to at least shroud himself from view. But, like the previous spells, it failed to activate.

"This is bad," Yuki muttered under his breath, his expression growing increasingly grim as he surveyed his surroundings.

His thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. 

'Is this related to the entity from before? Has it somehow intercepted my teleportation?' Yuki questioned himself, his mind working through the possibilities. The encounter with the divine entity had left him deeply unsettled, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it might be connected to their current predicament.

'Or is this all somehow related to the Chat Group?' Yuki continued his train of thought, pondering the true significance of their mission. The group had sent them to assassinate a reincarnator possessed by the divine entity, but it did not mention something like the reincarnator being possessed. 'Perhaps another change in the mission?'

After a few more seconds of contemplation, Yuki couldn't come up with any more ideas to explain his current predicament, so he began to work with the theories he had already formulated.

"If it is the latter," Yuki mused to himself, "then I probably do not have to fear much. But if it is the former..." His expression darkened as he considered the possibility that this situation was somehow linked to the divine entity he had encountered earlier. The memory of that encounter still sent shivers down his spine.

The uncertainty gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but wonder about the fate of his fellow chat group members. "Where are the others?" Yuki thought aloud, his voice barely a whisper in the eerie silence of the domain. 

"Has only my teleportation been intercepted, or have they been teleported elsewhere?" His mind raced with questions as he tried to piece together the puzzle of their separation.

"No use to think too much, let's first take a look at the surroundings," Yuki mumbled to himself, shifting his focus to his immediate environment. As his eyes scanned the unfamiliar landscape, a growing sense of shock began to wash over him.

"This environment," Yuki thought, his brows furrowing in deep contemplation, "it gives off a similar feeling to the world where I first met 'God,' but at the same time, it's completely different." He continued to observe his surroundings, taking in the surreal sights that unfolded before him.

As Yuki looked up, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. What caught his attention first was the sun, its radiant glow veiled behind an imposing black sphere that withheld its light. The scene resembled a total eclipse, casting an eerie darkness over the land. However, the sky itself refused to yield to complete darkness, instead bathed in a searing crimson glow.

The very heavens seemed to be in a state of relentless conflagration, with crimson and amber flames dancing across the firmament. It was as if the sky itself was aflame with the passions and conflicts of mighty beings.

"This sky," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with both awe and unease, "what the hell is this? It's beautiful, but at the same time, menacing."

The surreal spectacle before him defied explanation, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled into a realm where the boundaries of reality were stretched to their limits.

As Yuki's gaze shifted from the surreal sky to the ground beneath his feet, he was met with a landscape that bore the scars of countless conflicts. The earth lay scorched and battle-worn, as if it had endured the weight of a thousand wars. Jagged obsidian rocks jutted from the terrain, resembling the teeth of a formidable beast, and they seemed to serve as grim reminders of the fierce battles that had raged here.

Fissures and craters marred the landscape, their presence a testament to the cataclysmic clashes that had taken place. Each depression in the ground spoke of the tremendous forces unleashed in the pursuit of power and victory. The soil itself seemed imbued with an iron-like resilience, mirroring the unyielding spirit of those who had tread upon it, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

In the distant backdrop, an expansive field of burnt-out ruins sprawled across the desolation. These decaying remnants of a forgotten civilization stood as a haunting testament to the passage of time and the unforgiving nature of this world. A mysterious gray fog shrouded the very end of the world, adding an eerie and enigmatic quality to the already foreboding landscape that left Yuki with an unsettling feeling.

"This... world," Yuki pondered, his voice barely a whisper in the eerie silence that enveloped the desolation. "It looks like countless battles have been fought here at some point." His gaze traced the scars on the earth, the jagged rocks, and the remnants of cataclysmic clashes, each telling a story of conflict.

"Is this some kind of battlefield for gods?" Yuki wondered, his thoughts harking back to the message from the chat group when he was invited. The words 'Game of the Gods' echoed in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder if this was the true meaning behind them.

'Perhaps this is the very essence of the 'Game of the Gods'.' Yuki mused, his mind filled with uncertainty and curiosity. The notion of being thrust into such a place left him feeling both awed and apprehensive.

With each passing moment, Yuki's determination grew stronger. "Hopefully there is a way to escape from here hidden somewhere in the ruins!" he declared to himself, his resolve unwavering. He knew that he had to explore this strange and perilous world to find answers and, if possible, a way back to the familiar reality he had left behind.

Yuki explored his surroundings with a keen eye. As he shifted his gaze downward, he was met with a surreal sight that left him both intrigued and bewildered.

Littering the ground beneath him were an assortment of weapons, each one seemingly imbued with a unique history and purpose. Swords, guns, bows, and an array of other armaments lay strewn across the scorched battlefield, remnants of battles long past.

Intrigued by the array of weapons, Yuki couldn't resist the urge to investigate further. He bent down, his fingers brushing against the hilt of a nearby sword. As he lifted it from the ground, he couldn't help but notice the strange aura that seemed to emanate from the weapon.

"This is kinda strange," Yuki muttered to himself, his curiosity piqued. He examined the sword more closely, trying to discern any clues about its origin and purpose. 

Yuki's instincts as a Flügel began to send him signals that something was amiss with the sword he held in his hand. On the surface, the blade appeared unremarkable, forged from ordinary steel, but Yuki couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than met the eye.

"This sword definitely is not normal," Yuki murmured to himself, his thoughts racing as he examined the weapon. He couldn't pinpoint the source of his unease, but he knew better than to dismiss his instincts.

Undeterred by the mysterious aura surrounding the first sword, Yuki decided to investigate further. He gently placed it back on the ground and reached for a different weapon, this time a katana. As he lifted it, he couldn't help but notice that it shared the same unsettling quality as the previous sword.

"This weapon is just the same," Yuki muttered, his brows furrowing in deep contemplation. It was becoming increasingly clear that these weapons were not ordinary. They exuded an otherworldly aura that both intrigued and unsettled him.

Somehow, the aura emanating from these weapons felt strangely familiar, yet at the same time, it felt entirely foreign. Yuki couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that these weapons held secrets that demanded further exploration.

Yuki pondered for a few moments, examining the katana in his hand, but despite his scrutiny, he couldn't uncover any additional details or hidden properties. Ultimately, he decided to take the katana with him, sliding it into his belt for safekeeping.

His exploration of the strange world continued, and as he ventured deeper, Yuki stumbled upon an astonishing sight. A blonde woman sat atop what appeared to be a mountain of lifeless bodies. Despite the gruesome surroundings, this woman remained unscathed, devoid of any wounds or bloodstains.

Amidst the eerie atmosphere that permeated the world around him, this woman seemed to shine like a beacon of light in the darkness. Her features were near perfection, and her figure, with its voluptuous curves, left Yuki momentarily captivated. From his perspective, she embodied the epitome of beauty, definitely the most beautiful woman he ever saw.

The woman's presence stirred a strange and familiar feeling within Yuki, as if he had encountered her in some distant memory.

'Have I ever met her in the past?' Yuki pondered, his thoughts wandering through the corridors of his memories. After a brief reflection, he concluded that he had never crossed paths with this woman before. 'No,' he mused, 'there's no way I could forget a face as perfect as hers.'

'Perhaps she resembles a character from an anime in my previous life?' Yuki continued to contemplate, delving into the recollections of his former life's memories. 'No, that's not it either. But what is it about her that feels so strangely familiar?'

Approaching the woman, Yuki's steps grew hesitant, and a creeping sense of panic began to take hold of him. A premonition began to stir within him, a terrible realization of who this woman might be. The aura she emanated triggered memories of the divine entity he had battled before.

'No, it can't be,' Yuki desperately tried to convince himself. He clung to the hope that it was merely a coincidence. Deep down, though, he knew that it was the painful truth, one he didn't want to accept. To acknowledge it meant facing the worst-case scenario he had dreaded.

But then, with words that cut through his last shreds of hope, the woman spoke with arrogance that shattered his denial.

"Looks like we have a little escapee here. Couldn't manage to slip through my grasp, huh?"