
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 48: Divine Descent (2)

As Yuki landed beside Aizen, he couldn't help but notice the dire situation. Aizen was engaged in a fierce battle against the entity that had possessed Vergil. Bloodied and battered, Aizen's struggle was evident, his injuries already taking their toll.

"Pha," Aizen gulped down a bucket of blood, his voice strained from the ongoing battle. "That guy... is terrifying! If it weren't for the Hōgyoku... I would have already died!"

Aizen's explanation sent a shiver down Yuki's spine. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him. Yuki then observed Aizen's attempts to heal himself, but it was clear that he was fighting a losing battle. The relentless attacks from the entity showed no sign of letting up.

Yuki recognized the severity of the situation. The battle unfolding before him was on a scale he had never witnessed before. Aizen, despite the overwhelming odds, was holding his ground and even growing stronger with each passing second, thanks to the Hōgyoku's response to his fervent desire for power.

As Yuki observed Aizen's relentless fight, a profound realization struck him. In this moment, Aizen had in the previous year in this world without any doubt become the most powerful member of their chat group, if he wasn't already the strongest before, far surpassing even the likes of himself and Black Star. The gap in strength between Aizen and the rest of them widened with every passing moment.

Yuki, despite his considerable abilities, understood that this was no ordinary confrontation. The entity possessing Vergil was a force to be reckoned with, and their group had been thrust into a battle of incomprehensible magnitude.

"He's relentless," Aizen stated, his voice wavering. "I've even tried to flee, but it's impossible on my own. This... thing is too powerful."

Aizen's eyes locked onto Yuki's, filled with desperation and a glimmer of hope. "Yuki, I need your help," he said, his voice firm despite the chaos around them.

Yuki knew that there was no time to hesitate. Aizen, despite his immense power, was being pushed to his limits. They needed to work together if they had any hope of surviving this encounter.

Yuki nodded, determination welling up inside him. "I'm with you, Aizen. We'll take this thing down together."

Aizen, his once composed demeanor now strained, continued his relentless assault on the divine entity that had possessed Vergil. Each strike from his sword was imbued with a kind of energy, aimed at destabilizing the entity's form. But the entity, an otherworldly being, moved with an uncanny grace, its movements fluid and almost ethereal.

"Yuki, keep up the support!" Aizen called out between strikes. He knew that the divine entity was too formidable for him to take on alone. Yuki nodded in acknowledgment, making use of his magical abilities to aid Aizen.

With a flick of his wrist, Yuki conjured a barrier of shimmering energy around them. The barrier absorbed the entity's attacks, providing a momentary respite. But the divine entity was unrelenting, its determination matching their own.

Also, Yuki attempted to escape with Aizen, utilizing his teleportation magic. However, their efforts to evade the divine entity's clutches proved futile. It seemed that the entity indeed possessed the ability to thwart their escape attempts.

As they fought, Aizen and Yuki exchanged quick words, their voices filled with urgency.

"Yuki, do you have any idea what we're up against?" Aizen asked, his eyes never leaving the entity. Yuki always appeared as a mysterious all knowing man, so Aizen suspected that he might know something.

Yuki shook his head, his brows furrowing in concentration. "No, Aizen. All I know is that the chat group sent us here to assassinate the person possessed by this entity. But this... this is beyond anything I've ever encountered."

Of course, all of this was information that Aizen already had. Aizen then grimaced as he parried a powerful blow from the entity. 

The divine entity's voice echoed in their minds, a chilling presence that sent shivers down their spines. "You are intruders. You seek to harm the chosen vessel. You will not succeed."

As the battle raged on, Yuki could feel the overwhelming presence of the divine entity pressing down on him. Its aura was like a suffocating weight, making it increasingly difficult for him to concentrate on his magic. A cold dread settled in his chest, and his movements became sluggish.

Aizen, on the other hand, seemed to be holding up better against the oppressive aura. His determination and strength were unyielding, but even he couldn't escape the entity's influence entirely.

Yuki's actions slowly began to change. He found himself hesitating before casting spells, his once precise incantations faltering. His thoughts became muddled, and doubts began to cloud his mind.

'Should I just surrender to this entity in hopes of preserving my life?' The thought crept into his consciousness like a whisper. It was a tempting idea, to submit to the overwhelming power of the divine entity and avoid further suffering.

Aizen noticed Yuki's altered behavior, his movements becoming erratic and uncoordinated. He spoke, his voice laced with concern. "Yuki, something's not right. Your actions... they're strange. Are you feeling alright?"

Yuki's response was hesitant, his words tinged with uncertainty. "I... I don't know, Aizen. I feel... off."

The divine entity's voice echoed in their minds once more, its words a haunting refrain. "Surrender to me, little one. Embrace the truth of existence."

Yuki's thoughts became muddled, his inner turmoil intensifying. He considered the entity's words, a growing temptation to yield to its power. The aura that surrounded him seemed to seep into his very being, clouding his judgment.

Aizen noticed Yuki's internal struggle, his sharp instincts detecting the change in his comrade. He spoke firmly, trying to reach Yuki through the haze that had descended upon him. "Yuki, snap out of it! You're not yourself. This entity is trying to manipulate you."

Yuki blinked, as if awakening from a trance. He realized that his actions had been influenced by the divine entity's aura. "Aizen, you're right. I don't know what came over me, but I can't let this thing control me."

The divine entity's voice echoed in their minds again, taunting them. "You are weak, fragile beings. I am the Prime Author of Existence, the Arbiter of Individuality, the Sovereign of Self-Awareness. You cannot resist my influence."

Yuki's thoughts raced as he contemplated those words. 'The Prime Author of Existence; The Arbiter of Individuality; The Sovereign of Self-Awareness. What did they mean? Were they somehow related to the concept of Identity, Self-Awareness, and Individuality?'

He shared his doubts with Aizen, hoping that his partner might have some insight. "Aizen, do you think there's a connection between those titles and what's happening to us? Is the entity trying to manipulate our very identities?"

Aizen's eyes narrowed in thought. "It's possible, Yuki. This entity seems to have control over the very essence of this world. We may be pawns in a much larger game."

Of course, the idea of being someone else's pawn was nothing new to Yuki, who had long suspected that the entire chat group was the pawn of a self-proclaimed 'god'. At that moment, he remembered the essence of the message his ancestor had left behind, which also said to place trust in a 'god'.

Their conversation was interrupted as the divine entity launched a devastating attack, forcing them to defend themselves. The battle raged on, the entity's aura pressing down on them like a suffocating weight.

Yuki struggled to resist the entity's influence, but it was like trying to swim against a relentless tide. His actions became erratic, his attacks less coordinated. He couldn't shake the feeling that surrendering to the entity might be the only way to survive.

Aizen noticed Yuki once again changing behavior and grew increasingly concerned. "Yuki, snap out of it! We can't afford to let this thing control us." He reminded once more.

Yuki shook his head, his inner turmoil evident in his eyes. "I'm trying, Aizen, but it's like... like it's getting harder to resist."

The entity's voice echoed in their minds once more, its tone mocking. "You are beginning to understand. Your individuality is but an illusion. Embrace your true nature."

Yuki's thoughts churned as he grappled with the entity's words. 'What was his true nature? Was he merely a puppet for the entity's will?' The inner conflict threatened to consume him as the battle raged on.

Yuki's inner struggle continued as the relentless battle against the divine entity raged on. The entity's influence weighed heavily on him, but he refused to succumb to its control. He had to find a way to counter its insidious aura.

Instinctively, Yuki created a protective barrier around himself, a shimmering shield of magic that he hoped would shield him from the entity's influence. It worked to some extent, pushing back the suffocating sensation that threatened to overwhelm him. But it wasn't a foolproof solution, the entity's aura still seeped through the cracks.

The entity's voice echoed in his mind once more, its words like a web, entangling his thoughts. "Why do you resist, little one? Embrace the truth. I offer you power, purpose, meaning."

Yuki gritted his teeth, refusing to let the entity's words entangle him further. He had realized that the entity's words had an alluring quality to them, drawing him in and making it harder to resist. Determined to break free from its influence, he chose to ignore anything it said, not sparing a single thought for its deceptive words.

With a clearer mind, Yuki devised a plan. He would send crucial information directly into Aizen's mind, hoping that the divine entity had no means to intercept it.

"Aizen," Yuki began mentally communicating, "I have a plan. I'm going to unleash my most powerful attack, Heavenly Smite. But I need time to charge it. Can you hold off the entity while I prepare?"

Aizen's response came swiftly, his voice echoing in Yuki's thoughts. "Agreed, Yuki. We have to make this count. Either we defeat this entity, or we create an opening to flee. I'm counting on you."

With Aizen's agreement, Yuki felt a surge of hope. They had to give it their all, even if the odds were stacked against them. Yuki began channeling his energy, preparing to unleash the devastating Heavenly Smite. The battle continued to rage around them, but they were determined to see it through, no matter the cost.

Vergil's possessed body became increasingly aggressive, launching frenzied attacks against Yuki. Aizen, ever vigilant, intercepted each assault, using his own formidable abilities to defend against the possessed warrior's strikes. 

Yuki, in the midst of charging the powerful attack, managed to swiftly block or evade Vergil's relentless onslaught. The divine entity's control over Vergil's body made each attack unpredictable, but Aizen and Yuki coordinated their efforts seamlessly.

Despite the chaos of battle and the relentless attacks, Yuki remained focused on his goal. He concentrated all of his magical energy into one concentrated point, forming a lance-like weapon of radiant light. This potent weapon would be their last resort, their final hope to defeat the divine entity. Still, Yuki was cautious, leaving enough magical energy behind to enable their escape via teleportation.

Above Yuki, the Halo began to expand, casting a dark violet-black glow that radiated power. It pulsed with energy, ready to be unleashed in a cataclysmic strike.

Meanwhile, Aizen continued to defend against Vergil's possessed body. The entity was no fool, it recognized that Yuki was a significant threat to this mortal body it possessed and didn't hesitate to target him directly. Yuki narrowly avoided the entity's attacks.

Yuki's thoughts raced as he completed the charging process for his devastating Heavenly Smite attack. The battle raged on, and it was now or never. With the attack fully charged and ready to unleash its destructive power, Yuki knew he had to act swiftly.

"Aizen, step aside!" Yuki transmitted his urgent message directly into Aizen's mind. The time for their final strike had come, and they couldn't afford any hesitation.

The moment Yuki released the Heavenly Smite, a deafening "BOOM" echoed through the battlefield. The attack struck with incredible force, heading directly for Vergil's possessed body. Aizen reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, stepping to the side just in the nick of time. His precise movement ensured that the divine entity had no chance to escape the impending cataclysm.

As the attack connected, a maelstrom of destruction ensued. Dust-like ash scattered in all directions, creating a surreal and deadly aftermath. But this was no ordinary ash, it seemed to be a byproduct of the incineration of the very air and space itself. Each minuscule particle of this magical ash held lethal potential, especially for mortals below their level of power. Mere exposure to it could lead to severe burns, and prolonged contact could result in immediate death.

The battlefield was now shrouded in the aftermath of their powerful attack. The magical ash descended like dark raindrops, its malevolent presence a testament to the devastating power of the Heavenly Smite. Yuki and Aizen stood amidst the chaos, their breaths heavy and their thoughts racing.

"Let's go! Quickly before it recovers!" Yuki urgently communicated with Aizen, once again sending his thoughts directly into Aizen's mind. It was a crucial moment, and they couldn't afford to waste any time. Yuki hoped that the other entity, if it had survived the devastating attack, wouldn't intercept their conversation.

Aizen, displaying his characteristic quick thinking, immediately retreated alongside Yuki. They didn't wait for even a moment, seizing the opportunity created by their powerful strike. The entity, seemingly not pursuing them, allowed them a window to escape. As they fled, Yuki constantly cast "Shift," desperately hoping it would work. Initially, it seemed futile, but as they put some distance between themselves and the possessed Vergil, the teleportation spell suddenly came to life.

'Looks like it truly was the aura or whatever of that entity that prevented my teleportation,' Yuki thought, a sense of relief washing over him as they teleported back to their other teammates.

The sudden reappearance of Yuki and Aizen on the battlefield didn't go unnoticed by their comrades. Their return was met with a mix of relief and concern. All Might, Fang Yuan, Black Star, and Klein were all in various states of readiness, prepared for whatever might come next.

Having arrived back to where their allies were engaged in the fierce battle, Yuki immediately noticed the change in dynamics. The once opposing factions were still united against a common enemy, and it was clear that the divine entity's influence had a significant role in this unholy alliance.

Nonetheless, their allies, including Black Star, Klein, Fang Yuan, and All Might, held their ground with remarkable skill and determination. Among them, it was All Might who struggled the most. Yuki could see the strain on the hero's face as he fought against overwhelming odds.

The sudden reappearance of Yuki and Aizen on the battlefield didn't go unnoticed by their comrades. Their return was met with a mix of relief and concern. All Might, Fang Yuan, Black Star, and Klein were all in various states of readiness, prepared for whatever might come next. 

"Quickly, let's go!" Yuki shouted to their allies, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle. He cast the "Shift" spell once more, intending to teleport them away from the increasingly dangerous battlefield. Their safety depended on reaching a more secure location.

But Yuki quickly realized that not everything was going according to plan. As they teleported, he found himself in a strange and unfamiliar domain. It was clear that this was not the location he had intended to teleport their group to.

The surroundings were alien and disorienting, and Yuki's thoughts raced to comprehend this situation. 'Had his teleportation spell gone awry? Or had the divine entity somehow interfered with their escape?'