
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 38: The Tenryūbito that donates his organs

As the trio emerged from their concealed vantage point, a murmur of astonishment rippled through the crowd of Heart Pirates. The perplexity etched across their faces was a mirror to the bizarre sight they had just witnessed. "Captain, what just happened?" one of the crew members asked, a note of concern lacing his voice.

"It was as if you were frozen in time," chimed in another, the bewilderment in his voice underlined by a wide-eyed stare.

Amidst the stunned Heart Pirates, a new figure emerged from the periphery, his presence drawing attention to himself. The shock on his face mirrored that of Law's companions, his confusion palpable in his words, "What just happened?" The confusion that clouded his expression gave voice to the collective bewilderment.

Yuki's gaze flickered to the newcomer, his recognition instantaneous as he took in the figure's appearance. 'Eustass Kid,' he concluded, his thoughts aligning with the face before him.

As the seconds ticked by, the atmosphere buzzed with palpable anticipation, a hushed murmur echoing through the crowd. It was as if time itself had stood still, as the audience stood on the brink of an event that promised to be mesmerizing.

And then, as if responding to the collective heartbeat of the crowd, a voice broke the silence. "Ladies and gentlemen, please accept our apologies for the delay," the speaker's words carried a practiced pattern, "shortly, Grove 1's traditional monthly human auction will open for bidding." The transition from silence to speech was seamless, the atmosphere shifting as if caught in the ebb and flow of an unseen tide.

The microphone passed from hand to hand, finally landing in Disco's grasp. With a flourish, Disco took center stage, his charisma oozing from every gesture. He was a master showman, his very presence charged the crowd with anticipation. 

As the auction progressed, a cascade of individuals were presented. All Might's reaction was instinctual, a wave of disgust coursing through him, his very core recoiling at the inhumanity laid bare before his eyes. The faces of the slaves, each one a repository of untold stories, fuelled a righteous anger that swelled within him.

In contrast, Yuki's reaction was more subtle. It was a revelation that surprised even him, his lack of instinctive disgust. He mused inwardly, the contemplation a mere whisper in the recesses of his mind, 'Has completely turning into a Flügel affected me more deeply than I thought?'

The passage of time seemed to blur into a hypnotic rhythm, half an hour melting away as the slave auction unfolded. And then, in an instant, the atmosphere shifted, a jolt of energy coursing through the room as the doors swung open with an audible force. The abrupt intrusion announced the arrival of some of the Straw Hat Pirates.

But the spectacle was far from over, for as if on a signal, the door swung open once more. This time, a Tenryūbito swept into the room, his aura a mixture of arrogance and superiority. Yuki's mind whirled, a mischievous gleam flashing in his eyes as he observed the figure before him. 'Saint Charlos,' Yuki mused inwardly, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, 'I wonder if you'll be generous enough to donate your internal organs.' The thought was almost ironic, the epitome of privilege facing the very fate they had once sanctioned for others.

Yuki's gaze remained fixed on the Tenryūbito. His mental assessment was swift. 'Of all the Tenryūbito here,' Yuki pondered, 'he seems the most suitable candidate, considering his age and gender.' 

In the midst of this atmosphere, a voice pierced through the restlessness, commanding attention. "Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer's words carried a melodious lilt, "what you're about to witness is no ordinary offering. Brace yourselves for an experience that promises to sweep away all your cares in a single moment! I present to you…the Special Item!!!"

With an aura of showmanship, Disco maneuvered towards a concealed water tank, the anticipation in the room reaching a crescendo. "Behold the silhouette," he declared, his words a prelude to the grand reveal that awaited. The atmosphere was tense, the audience hanging on his every word as he continued, "Countless men have sought after this item. I won't say anymore, look at it with your own eyes!"

A palpable buzz ran through the crowd, a heady mix of curiosity and anticipation that stirred as the shadows of uncertainty dangled before them. Eyes fixated on the water tank concealed by the curtain, a sense of wonderment mingled with a tinge of skepticism.

Then, like a magician revealing his greatest trick, Disco unveiled the water tank with a flourish. A gasp swept through the room, a burst of awe and disbelief that reverberated through the hushed audience. What they saw was a mermaid moving gracefully through the water.

"All the way from Fishman Island," Disco's voice carried an edge of triumph, as if unveiling a prized gem, "allow me to introduce you to Camie, the Mermaid!" The revelation was met with a chorus of astonished murmurs, a wave of astonishment that swept through the room.

Even Saint Charlos was not immune to the allure of the sight. Excitement sparked in his eyes, a glint of greed that could not be contained. "I'll pay 500 million," he announced as quickly as a bolt of lightning. The audacity of the bid was met with stunned silence. The sheer magnitude of the sum left many in disbelief, their own intentions suddenly paling in comparison.

Disbelief mingled with a sense of resignation, as realization dawned that competing with such an astronomical offer was an exercise in futility. The collective will to bid dissolved like mist beneath the sun's rays, evaporating as swiftly as it had formed.

And then, like the closing act of a grand performance, Disco's voice resonated through the room, each word a final note that marked the end of the spectacle. "Time's up," Disco's tone was a mixture of triumph and satisfaction, "the coveted prize of the day shall be claimed by none other than Saint Charlos." The applause that followed was one of approval.

"Ahhhhhhh" And yet, as the cheers reached their peak, the atmosphere was pierced by a sound like a crashing wave, a scream that broke the applause. Eyes snapped to the source of the disturbance.

One glance was all it took for Yuki to recognise the intruder, the figure crashing into the auction house was none other than Luffy. 'Just like in the anime,' Yuki's inner thoughts echoed with a hint of amusement.

"Ah, Camie!" Luffy's voice rang out. With single-minded determination, he sprinted forward, his goal being to free the mermaid. But before he could reach her, a hand gripped his shoulder, Hatchan. "Camie, we were looking for you!" Luffy said.

Hatchan continued to try and talk some sense into Luffy, even going so far as to reveal his identity as a Fishman. Yet Luffy remained steadfast. It was as if a singular purpose had etched itself into his being, rendering all else inconsequential. "I'll save you, Camie," Luffy's declaration carried his unshakable conviction.

"Don't let the man in the straw hat advance!" Disco commanded, his words a call to action that was met with unwavering obedience. His underlings, like shadowy figures summoned by his will, moved with swift precision. In an instant, they descended upon Luffy, their grasp an attempt to thwart his advance.

Amidst the chaos that engulfed the auction house, the Tenryūbito who had claimed Camie as his prize drew a pistol. In a single, brazen motion, he aimed the weapon and pulled the trigger. The bullet found its mark, Hatchan's form jerking as impact met flesh. "I hit him!" The Tenryūbito's voice rang with a triumphant edge, "I finished off that Fishman!"

Luffy's reaction was immediate and unstoppable. Red haze of anger clouded his vision, his direction shifting as if compelled by a powerful magnetic force. Each step brought him closer to the Tenryūbito, his focus unyielding, his intent clear.

Saint Charlos seized the moment, a twisted grin curling his lips. "Father, look!" His voice was like a joyous melody that cut through the chaos, "I've caught this Fishman. I caught him, so he's a free prize, right? I have a Fishman slave for free!" He said as he danced in joy.

Luffy's steps were swift and unrelenting, his path a determined trajectory towards the Tenryūbito who had provoked his ire. Yet, as if guided by an unseen hand, Hatchan intervened once more, his grasp halting Luffy's advance for a second.

Words tumbled from Hatchan's lips. His breath came in ragged gasps, each word a testament to his waning strength. "...Wa…Wait," he implored, the words punctuated by labored breaths, "You can't…don't get mad…it was my fault…" His attempt to quell Luffy's wrath was a last-ditch effort.

"You damn Fish!" Saint Charlos's voice was like a venomous hiss, a manifestation of his rage that surged unchecked. "I shot you, I shot you," his words carried a note of disbelief, the irony of the situation not lost on him, "and yet you continue to speak, you piss me off." His grip on the weapon tightened, his finger a mere hairbreadth away from the trigger.

The spark of rage that had ignited within Luffy ignited into an inferno, every word, every action a proof of the determination that coursed through him. There was no hesitation, no questioning, the decision had been made and he moved with a determination that knew no bounds.

He advanced, his steps unyielding, his fist clenched with the promise of retaliation. And then, with a single, powerful movement, he unleashed his fury, a blow that struck its target with a resounding thud. The Tenryūbito's face was a pale expression of pain, his shock mirroring the disbelief that rippled through the crowd.

In the midst of the chaos, even All Might's expression shifted, a fleeting grin that spoke volumes. It was an unspoken sentiment, a silent proclamation that justice had been served, a moment of satisfaction amidst the chaos.

"Didn't I mention that trouble comes faster than expected?" There was a smile on Yuki's face. "Happy that you made that deal with me?" He mused, his tone a mixture of satisfaction and wry humour.

Without waiting for an answer from Law, Yuki rose from his seat. His destination was clear: Saint Charlos. With a feeling of determination, Yuki walked towards the Tenryūbito. His intention was obvious, a progression of his 'voluntary' organ donation plan.

"Why, you! How dare you commoners touch my son!" Said another of the Tenryūbito present, pointing his gun at Luffy. But Sanji quickly kicked the weapon out of his hand.

Meanwhile, the knights accompanying the Tenryūbito also started to act, but they were nothing but fodder for the pirates present. At the same time, chaos broke out and the people began to flee the scene.

"Call an admiral and the battleships." Saint Charlos' father shouted. But before the echo of his words could fade, the atmosphere shifted once more, as if fate had conspired to intervene. In an instant, the unexpected happened, Usopp descended from above like a star falling from the sky. The impact was swift, his landing on Tenryūbito silenced the his voice as effectively as a gag.

Meanwhile, Yukis closed the distance between himself and Saint Charlos. With swift efficiency, he grabbed the Tenryūbito's feet and with each step, Saint Charlos bore the brunt of his actions, the force of Yuki's forward movement resulting in a resounding blow to the head. Every step Yuki took was accompanied by a collision of Saint Charlos' head with the stairs as Yuki made sure that Saint Charlos' face was facing the ground.

In the midst of the chaos, another voice erupted. The words were filled with hatred, each syllable a declaration of contempt aimed at Camie. "Die, you damn fish!" Another Tenryūbito said, her finger on the trigger, ready to fire a fatal shot. But before her intention could be realized, her body betrayed her and she fell into unconsciousness.

Moments later, an old man and a giant made their presence known by tearing through the wall of the auction house. "The Auctions over and I've stolen their money. Looks like its time for some gambling," said the old man.

The giant's voice held a mixture of amusement and curiosity, a sentiment that was laced with a hint of skepticism. "You're quite the sly one, old man," he remarked, his words a playful jab, "were you just here to get some money?"

The old man replied, "Well, I was hoping to steal some more from the one who bought me.

Yuki's gaze turned to the newcomer, his voice a murmur that held recognition in its depths. "Silvers Rayleigh," the name escaped him like a breath.

But the moment was short-lived as the old man's voice resumed its tune of casual nonchalance. "Ah, it seems we've managed to attract some attention," he declared.

Rayleigh then used the Conqueror's Haki to knock out all the enemies in the Fodder level before using it again to free Camie, who had a collar around her neck that could explode if she tried to remove it.

As the crowd of enemies lay defeated, Yuki's gaze turned to Law, his voice a confident declaration with an undercurrent of urgency."Your turn now, Law," he said, the weight of their plan resting on the surgeon's expertise."Do your magic."

"Room," Law said before turning his attention to All Might and Saint Charlos. All Might had a look on his face that said he could not wait any longer to be healed, while Saint Charlos, well, he was unconscious.

"Sleep," Yuki said and put All Might to sleep with his magic. He wasn't sure if it was better for All Might to be unconscious during the operation as Law was doing it with his Devil Fruit, but in the end, he decided that it was probably safer to put All Might into a deep sleep.

With the precision of a surgeon and the finesse of an artist, Law's hands moved with calculated grace. His incisions were deliberate, each cut a testament to his expertise as he maneuvered the intricate terrain of internal anatomy. Every organ in need of replacement or repair was methodically identified and extracted, even those that were only slightly injured.

The stage shifted, Law's focus shifting to Saint Charlos. The process repeated itself, a mirror image of the operation that had taken place moments before. Organs were removed, replaced, and exchanged.

But beneath the surface, Law's mind was formulating contingency plans. An insurance policy against betrayal or unforeseen complications. The idea of implanting the Tenryūbito All Might's damaged organs was one such plan. After all, a living Tenryūbito is worth more than a dead one, that is true, even if the Tenryūbito is in the terrible condition All Might was in before.

And as if to cement his resolve, Law removed the Tenryūbito's heart, a final safeguard against any unforeseen betrayal. After all, with the Tenryūbito's life in his hands, he has many options.

With the end of the operation in sight, Law's hands moved with renewed focus, the power of his devil fruit a powerful tool that repaired flesh and sealed wounds, making it look as if All Might had never been injured in the first place. He then proceeded to awaken All Might from his sleep.

The awakening was like a rebirth, a resurrection of power coursing through All Might's veins with a newfound vitality. The transformation was instantaneous, his form shifting from the skinny version that had once been his true form to the towering embodiment of power that now once again became his true self. 

"I... feel stronger than ever," All Might's voice carried a hint of astonishment, wondering how this was possible considering that he was injured just a moment ago. His face was filled with confusion as to why he was not wrapped in bandages, considering that he had just undergone a major operation.

Yuki, on the other hand, thought. 'Be thankful, the organs of the inhabitants of this world are much more powerful and durable than those of our world.'