
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 37: Trade with Law

Arriving at Grove 1, Yuki and All Might swung open the massive door of the auction house. Their arrival was clearly ahead of schedule, hours before the anticipated commencement of the auction. However, their intention was never to engage in the spectacle of the auction, rather, they sought to intercept Law.

"Fresh faces?" A voice rang out, drawing their attention as they crossed the threshold into the grand hall, its multitude of seats waiting like expectant guests. At the front of the room was a stage, its curtains drawn closed.

With a measured stride, the man approached Yuki and All Might, a welcoming aura about him as he extended an offer of seating. His hand proffered a sheet of paper listing prices for various races like a macabre menu. Yuki gazed across the paper, a sly glint in his eyes as he pivoted toward All Might, mischief evident in his tone. "Well, what do you fancy, All Might? Your wishes are on my account"

All Might's response, however, was a sickening recoil, his distaste for the very idea of the slave trade evident in his furrowed brow and clenched fists. "Despicable," he said through clenched teeth, his voice carrying the weight of his moral convictions.

As the minutes ticked by, the cavernous expanse of the auction house began to fill with a diverse crowd of individuals, each driven by their own inscrutable agendas. Among the rising tide were even a few of the Tenryūbito. Yuki used his magic, shrouding their identities in an illusory veil to hide them from the prying eyes of the Tenryūbito. He knew that for the time being, caution was their best ally, lest their presence be prematurely revealed.

His keen eye caught the entrance of Law and his crew, their arrival bringing a new intensity to the atmosphere. Shakky's information proved correct, Law entered the human auction house. "He's here," Yuki breathed softly into All Might's ear.

Yuki and All Might stood up in unison and walked towards Law. Inside Yuki's mind, a flurry of strategies cascaded like a waterfall. 'Should I brazenly threaten him, or perhaps tempt him with an offer he can't refuse?' he mulled over. Yet, amidst the torrent of thoughts, a new plan materialized.

As he drew nearer to Law and his crew, Yuki's eyes bore into Law's own. The adrenaline coursing through his veins matched the rapid rhythm of his thoughts. 'This will certainly grab his attention,' he resolved as he finally stood before Law.

With confident determination, Yuki appeared in front of Law and his entourage. "Trafalgar D. Water Law," the words escaped from Yuki's lips, surprising the man before him.The astonishment on Law's features revealed the fact that his hidden identity had been revealed, an unexpected revelation that sent ripples through his demeanour.Only a handful of people knew Law's true name, only Carazon and some of his crew mates possessed such knowledge. Surely the name had never been mentioned in the presence of the individual now standing before him.

"Calm down, I have a proposition for you, bearer of the D." Yuki decided to continue his act to the end.

Law's tumultuous aura gradually eased, like a coiled spring relaxing its tension. Yet beneath this facade of calm, Yuki sensed the undeniable undercurrent of conflict, a storm still brewing beneath Law's facade. Law asked, "And what kind of proposal do you have?"

"You see the guy next to me, heal him and I shall not only help you escape this place safely, but also help you take down a person of choice." Yuki's words echoed in Law's mind, intertwining with the swirling doubts. 

Law's eyes bore into Yuki, skeptical yet curious about the proposition presented. As Law considered Yuki's offer, a faint breeze stirred the room, carrying with it a sense of uncertainty that mirrored Law's thoughts. Law's fingers tapped rhythmically against his arm, a subconscious manifestation of the gears turning in his mind. He replayed Yuki's words, dissecting their implications like a surgeon with a scalpel. Then Law's gaze flickered from Yuki's eyes to the room around them. There was no visible danger here, no imminent threat that met his eye. 

With a controlled exhale, Law's decision crystallized. His eyes, a mix of calculated resolve and underlying curiosity, met Yuki's gaze head-on. "Escape safely?" Law's voice was cool, betraying only a fraction of the questions that churned beneath. 

Yuki, still acting mysteriously, replied with a cryptic response, "You'll witness it soon enough. Fate will take its course and danger will arrive faster than you might expect."

Law's skepticism couldn't be ignored, as he questioned, "But can I really rely on you? Neither you nor the guy beside you appear to be particularly strong." Yuki's appearance, reminiscent of a youthful angel with wings and a halo, and All Might's thin and frail appearance didn't exactly exude intimidation.

Although Yuki lacked the conqueror's haki that could instill fear with a single glance, he possessed another weapon in his arsenal, magic. With a deliberate focus, he tapped into his magical abilities. In an instant, a fraction of his magic surged to life, akin to the power he wields when unleashing a Heavenly Smite. The halo perched atop his head shifted, moving to rest at the crown, its luminous glow deepening into an ominous shade as it began to spin. A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Yuki's lips, a mixture of confidence and amusement dancing in his eyes.

'Now that's what I call Heavenly Smite,' Yuki mused to himself, the thrill of the moment coursing through his veins. His mind raced with possibilities, the idea of mastering an even more formidable technique than before igniting his desire for growth. Observing the display of his magic's potency, a fleeting thought crossed his mind, a moment of contemplation as he considered the improvement since arriving in this world.

'Perhaps that 'God' didn't deceive me,' Yuki pondered, the wheels of thought turning within his head. Doubt that had once clouded his judgment began to dissipate, replaced by a growing realization that this power transcended his previous understanding. The thought of a single Flügel's capabilities seemed insignificant in comparison to the magic output he now had.

Law's voice wavered, carrying a note of unease as he addressed Yuki, "I get it, but can you tone down that intense aura?" Beads of sweat formed a path down his shoulder, a visible testament to the nervousness that had taken root within him. All Might's reaction mirrored Law's, his eyes wide with shock at the sheer magnitude of power emanating from Yuki. What perplexed them both was the fact that nobody else seemed to sense whatever Yuki just did. Unbeknownst to them, Yuki had created a concealment barrier with his magic, shrouding their exchange from prying eyes.

With a measured exhale, Law's apprehension seemed to subside as he acquiesced, his words holding a hint of resignation, "Alright, I'm in." Yuki's magic power receded, the overwhelming energy that had dominated the atmosphere gradually fading away. 

Watching Law's reluctant acceptance, Yuki couldn't help but form a conclusion, a glint of begrudging respect in his eyes, "Not completely foolish, are you? At least you know when to throw in the towel."

Initially, Law's resistance to Yuki's proposition was less steadfast than it appeared on the surface. While he had cultivated a reputation for being merciless and unyielding, beneath his steely exterior beat the heart of a dedicated doctor that had taken the oath to preserve life. 

"Before we proceed," Law's voice carried a note of measured curiosity, "could you shed light on the specifics? What task does a man of your caliber require my expertise for?" His enquiry was one of professional curiosity, the inquisitiveness of a doctor piqued by the prospect of a challenge beyond the ordinary.

Still encased within the protective embrace of the barrier, Yuki signaled for All Might to reveal his injury to Law. His movements were deliberate, Yuki's gesture seemed to communicate volumes in its subtlety. 

"Following a fierce battle," Yuki began, "we had no choice but to remove his stomach and portions of his respiratory system. It was the only way to ensure his survival, though it's astonishing he's even mobile in his current state." Yuki's explanation unfolded like a carefully crafted narrative, every word chosen with precision.

In response, All Might obeyed Yuki's unspoken command, drawing up his clothing to unveil the extent of his injuries. The sight that met Law's eyes was jarring, a testament to the brutal toll exacted by the battlefield. The initial shock that rippled across Law's features was short-lived, replaced by a calm demeanor that betrayed the storm of thoughts swirling within. In that brief moment, as Law's eyes bore witness to All Might's plight, a torrent of emotions surged within him, sympathy for the pain endured, curiosity ignited by the puzzle before him, and a doctor's instinctual desire to heal.

Law regained his composure, his mind already racing through the possible solutions. The gears of his mind churned, each possibility evaluated against the reality of All Might's condition. 

"Given the extent of his injuries," Law muttered to himself, the words a mere whisper as he contemplated the path forward, "a complete replacement of his left lung and stomach seems to be the only viable option." 

All Might's voice trembled, a mixture of hope and apprehension lacing his words as he dared to ask the question: "Is there a way to fix it?" His gaze held an intensity, his eyes fixed on Law as if seeking reassurance that there was a solution.

Law's response resonated with a calm assurance. "There's a possibility," he affirmed, his tone unwavering as he met All Might's gaze. The complexity of the medical problem may have eluded All Might, but the underlying message seemed to seep through, sparking a glimmer of hope within him.

Law's response came with an air of confidence, a stark contrast to the uncertainty that had plagued All Might's thoughts. "Indeed, it's possible," Law stated, his words carrying the unwavering conviction of a doctor who had faced countless challenges before. A subtle lift of his chin and a tightening of his features betrayed his unwavering belief in his abilities. "I just need the necessary 'ingredients'," Law continued.

A fleeting smile tugged at the corners of Law's lips as a bold suggestion took shape, his gaze shifting to All Might with a determined look, "Given the circumstances, since we are in the middle of a slave auction, how about purchasing a slave? I could then use my skills to restore you to full health."

A sly smile formed on Yuki's lips as he contemplated his next words, a spark of mischief illuminating his eyes. "Indeed, it's possible," he acknowledged. 

But then his expression changed, a gleam of diabolical cunning settling into his gaze. "But I have an even better idea," Yuki declared, pointing his finger directly at the Tenryūbito. His disdain for them was obvious, a deep-rooted dislike that had been simmering since their first encounter. And now, a solution seemed to be materializing before him, a chance to twist fate and give purpose to those he deemed undeserving.

All Might's inner conflict played out in the depths of his eyes, a silent battle between his moral compass and the pragmatic solution before him. While the thought of utilizing an innocent life for their cause went against his principles, he couldn't deny the allure of Yuki's proposal. An unspoken understanding passed between them, a silent acknowledgment that they were on the same wavelength. The nuances of All Might's expression did not escape Yuki.

Yuki's internal musings painted a vivid picture of All Might's thoughts. A mental nod was exchanged, a recognition that echoed with a sentiment akin to, "If sacrifice is inevitable, then why not utilize those who wanted to kill me for not kneeling to them?"

Yuki couldn't help the satisfaction that swelled within him as he noted All Might's lack of protest. 'Seems like a year in this realm taught the Hero a thing or two,' he mused inwardly. The All Might of the past would have vehemently resisted such a notion, but the experiences of a year spent immersed in the world of One Piece had brought a transformation. The stark realities of the government's corruption had left an indelible mark, shaping a more pragmatic perspective within All Might.

In the periphery of Yuki's attention, Law's reaction was anything but subtle. Shock rippled across his features, his disbelief giving way to incredulity as he found his voice, "You're suggesting we use one of the Tenryūbito? Are you out of your mind?" His words held an edge of disbelief, as if the notion itself bordered on the absurd.

With a quiet conviction, Yuki addressed Law's disbelief head-on. "Given the lack of objection, it's settled then." A short pause followed before Yuki's tone changed, taking on a more relaxed pace. "But for now, let's enjoy the spectacle," he suggested, the faintest hint of a smile playing on his lips. With a wave of his hand, Yuki dissolved the barrier that had enclosed them, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the unfolding drama.