
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 3: Death and Reincarnation (3)

"Yes, please," the young man implored, his voice resonating with unwavering conviction, "make me the strongest iteration of the Flügel race and bestow upon me knowledge and abilities befitting this race."

'God' nodded, his expression serene yet knowing. "Nothing difficult," he assured, his words carrying an air of assurance that belied the magnitude of the young man's request. The young man's heart swelled with anticipation, his mind already envisioning the countless possibilities that awaited him in his new life.

'In the first place whatever power I bestow upon you will be insignificant upon awakening the true essence hidden deep within your soul, well as long as you don't wish to become a god that is.' God silently thought, while fulfilling the wish of the boy.

Lost in his thoughts, the young man's mind wandered back to the world of My Hero Academia. Questions swirled within him, prompting him to seek clarification from 'God', who held the knowledge within his grasp.

"If my recollection serves me right," the young man mused aloud, his voice tinged with curiosity, "this world, My Hero Academia, does not contain Elementals like the world of Disboard in No Game No Life. Does this mean that I won't possess the ability to wield magic once I arrive there?"

'God' nodded, his gaze steady and knowing. "Indeed, you are correct," he confirmed, his voice resonating with a gentle wisdom. "This world is inherently different from the world of Disboard."

"Then please allow me to use magic, after all a Flügel without magic is like a human without limbs." The soon to be reincarnated soul begged.

'God' paused for a brief moment, contemplating the implications of granting such a request. The weight of responsibility rested upon his divine shoulders as he considered the potential consequences, well he in particular did not really care, it's just that he needed to find a way to grant his wish without changing the world of My Hero Academia.

'Easy,' he suddenly thought, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 'I shall fuse an Elemental with his soul, making him the source of his own magic.'

In the world of Disboard, Elementals reigned as one of the highest ranking races, they formed the spirit circuits that served as conduits for magic. By merging an Elemental with the young soul, 'God' reasoned that he would become a source of his own magic, able to harness magic within himself while ensuring nobody else can use it. Similar to a Jinchūriki in Naruto, just without any of the downsides accompanying becoming one.

After a thoughtful pause, 'God' finally spoke, his tone measured yet compassionate. "Your request shall be granted," he relented, "I shall grant you the ability to wield magic. However, this shall be the final act of assistance I offer you within the confines of this wish. Any more and I will use your last wish to grant it."

'God' then gestured to proceed with the final wish, knowing that it held immense significance for the young man's future.

The young man's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he vocalized his third and final wish, his voice resonating with confidence. "I wish to possess limitless potential," he declared, his words infused with an unwavering resolve, "and have all weaknesses stripped away from me."

'Are you crazy, just say I want to become a God. No weakness in itself would mean I can not harm you, meaning I would have to make you at least my equal, not to mention limitless potential. There's no way I will grant such a wish' God thought, before wanting to know what exactly that man was thinking.

'God' inadvertently delved into the recesses of the young man's mind, glimpsing the true depth of his desire for limitless potential and no weakness. A flicker of intrigue danced across 'God's' eyes as he considered the implications. "Normally," he began, his voice tinged with caution, "such a wish would be deemed unattainable. However, the way you perceive 'limitless potential' and 'no weakness' holds a certain fascination. I shall grant your wish, but only in the manner you envision it."

'God' pondered inwardly, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his lips, 'One Saitama is undeniably annoying enough. There's no need for a second one to exist, be happy that I read your mind and figured out that what you want is just a lower level of 'limitless potential' and 'no weakness'.'

What the young man essentially yearned for was liberation from the limits of his race and abilities. His deepest desire was to embark on an unending journey of growth, unhindered by the genetic limitations that bound others. He envisioned a path where he could steadily ascend to greater heights, with each stride in strength becoming more arduous yet rewarding. The nature of his growth that he envisioned would ensure that even as he reached unimaginable levels of power, the increments of progress would become increasingly minuscule, testing his perseverance and dedication.

One could say that it was the exact opposite type of growth as the one cultivators have. Cultivators typically get exponentially stronger the higher their realm is, with the increase in power only increasing. In this case it would be the amount of training needed exponentially increasing as time passes just like in cultivation worlds, but the actual growth in strength becoming lower and lower.

Flügel, a race renowned for their exceptional wisdom and strength, held the power to easily dominate the world of My Hero Academia. Time would become an abstract concept for him. As an immortal being, the passage of time would take on an entirely new meaning. What might seem like a mere moment to him could span an eternity for those around him.

That is also why he wanted limitless potential, a way to inject purpose and significance into his never-ending existence. The young man yearned for a path that would allow him to never be stuck at a peak, always being able to improve himself however small that may be.

As for the clause of 'no weakness,' it held a dual purpose for the young man. On one hand, he sought to overcome the inherent drawbacks and self-inflicted harm that some quirks in this world bestowed upon their wielders. The young man had no interest in subjecting himself to unnecessary pain or limitations.

On the other hand, 'no weakness' served as a safeguard against the threat of All For One. Knowing that the villain possessed the ability to steal quirks, the young man sought to fortify himself against such vulnerability. An ability that could be snatched away was, by definition, a weakness in his eyes.

The soon to be reincarnated boy did not even consider things like being able to get killed due to not having enough strength and similar things as a weakness, covered by the wish of 'no weakness'. It's exactly these things that 'God' was most concerned with, but a quick look at the man's mind made him realize that he was just overthinking.

"Now that you have stated all your wishes," 'God' declared, his voice tinged with a mix of farewell and anticipation. "I shall proceed with your reincarnation. May you find joy and fulfillment in your new life."

Then 'God' infused the soul with a bit of 'this' and 'that'. Afterward the young man's ethereal form began to dissipate, gradually fading from the boundless white expanse as he embarked on his journey of reincarnation.

As the young man's presence waned, a mysterious woman with piercing blue eyes materialized in the room. Her arrival seemed timed, as if she had been patiently waiting for the culmination of this encounter. Her voice carried a sense of intrigue as she addressed 'God' with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"You certainly did choose an interesting representative for this little game of yours," the woman remarked, her gaze fixed upon the empty space where the soul had just resided.

'God' met her gaze with a knowing smile, his eyes shimmering with a mixture of confidence and cunning. "Indeed, my dear," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of satisfaction. "I bet nobody else had such an interesting idea! It took time to find a soul as uniquely suited to this game as 'that'. Most likely, they will choose one representative and waste all existential power we agreed on using on that individual or use multiple individuals."

The woman's eyes narrowed slightly, her features betraying a glimpse of her familiarity with 'God's' methods. "As scheming as always," she observed, her tone laced with a blend of affection and mild exasperation. "But I know you well enough to understand that you wouldn't propose a game of this nature to the other transcendents unless you were certain of emerging triumphant. Am I not correct, my dear husband?"

A hearty chuckle escaped 'God's' lips, his amusement evident. "Ah, my beloved wife, you truly understand me better than anyone," he declared, a hint of admiration coloring his words.

"But, there's still one question on my mind," the woman said. "Knowing what that soul is, did you really grant the part of wanting to help others of his first wish?"

"Vigilant as ever. I did, but that will just cancel itself out by the opposing force emitted from the deepest part of his soul. In the end it will just make him less aggressive."

What game are they playing? What purpose did it serve? And how would the young man, now reincarnated into the world of My Hero Academia, factor into their grand design?

The stage was set, the pieces in motion. The young man, blissfully unaware began his journey anew, unaware of the profound role he was destined to play in this cosmic game orchestrated by 'God'.