
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 27: Arrival in One Piece (1)

After the first day at U.A. ended, Yuki eagerly opened the chat group interface, his heart racing with anticipation. His eyes fixed on the countdown of the mission timer, which now displayed a mere 5 minutes and 34 seconds remaining.

All Might: Are you all ready?

Yuki's fingers quickly typed his response, joining the chorus of confirmations from the rest of the group. Excitement and determination filled his words.

Fake Flügel: Yes, I'm ready! Let's do this!

Feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation, Yuki made his way to a secluded spot, ensuring that no one would witness the teleportation process. He wanted to keep this hidden from the prying eyes of the world.

As the timer approached zero, the air around Yuki crackled with energy. Suddenly, a brilliant light enveloped him, obscuring his form from sight. In an instant, he vanished from his current location.

At that very moment, in a different corner of an entirely separate world, six radiant spheres of light materialized, each one representing a member of the chat group. One of those spheres naturally contained Yuki, while the others held the rest of the group.

As the luminous spheres gradually dissipated, revealing their occupants, a moment of anticipation hung in the air. The group members stood in awe, their eyes meeting for the first time. Until now they were nothing more than strangers chatting with one another, brought together by fate.

As the group members locked eyes, their sharp intellects quickly went to work, piecing together the clues and hints that had been shared in their previous conversations. The identities of certain members became clear, thanks to the information they had shared within the chat group.

Aizen's presence was easily discernible, for his reputation as a shinigami preceded him. The group members, knowing his name Scheming Shinigami in the chat group, immediately recognized him as the only figure with an appearance befitting a shinigami. His composed demeanor and aura of power left no doubt in their minds.

Black Star, on the other hand, stood out unmistakably due to his unique attire. Adorned in a cutting-edge mechanical suit, unlike anything the other members had encountered before, his technological expertise shone through. Among all group members he was the only one that had the technology to create such a suit.

Yuki, who had gone by the username Fake Flügel in the chat group, found himself in a somewhat identifiable position as well. Given that "Flügel" translates to "wing", the group members made the logical deduction that the winged individual before them was indeed Yuki.

As the group members continued their observations, their perceptive eyes quickly settled on the remaining individuals, unraveling their identities through astute deductions.

Following Yuki, the group members swiftly deduced the identity of the skinny man as All Might. All Might, aware of the necessity to spend an extended period with these people, chose not to hide behind a facade and appeared in his true, vulnerable state. The undeniable presence of the weakened hero solidified their conclusions. After all, all group members knew that Yuki promised All Might that in this world there exists the possibility of healing him and permanently restoring his muscular form.

Following Yuki, the group members swiftly deduced the identity of the skinny man as All Might. His weakened appearance and the knowledge that he would be spending an extended period of time with the group made it apparent that he could not conceal his true form. All Might bravely embraced his vulnerability and appeared before them in his injured state, allowing the others to recognize him without hesitation.

Little Demon Venerable and the Fool, on the other hand, posed a minor challenge in terms of identification. The group members relied on contextual clues to discern their identities. Observing the name "Fang Yuan," they surmised that Little Demon Venerable likely had Chinese heritage, while the name "Klein Moretti" did not align with Chinese origins. With this information, they were able to associate the names with the corresponding individuals.

While the rest of the group members confidently identified one another, there was a lingering confusion surrounding All Might's perception. His brows furrowed as he scanned the faces before him, an expression of bewilderment crossing his features. "So, who among you is who?" he inquired, a tinge of uncertainty coloring his voice.

As All Might surveyed his companions, his gaze settled on Yuki. A flicker of recognition danced in his eyes, as if he had caught a glimpse of familiarity in Yuki's countenance.

Not one to let the opportunity pass, Yuki seized the moment to address All Might's apparent oversight. "Did you not sneak glances at my class throughout the entire day? How is it that you fail to recognize me?" he questioned, his tone both playful and pointed.

All Might's surprise was palpable as he processed Yuki's revelation. Thoughts raced through his mind, connecting the dots and unraveling the mystery. 'The only class I looked at the entire day was class 1A at U.A... If I recall correctly, there was indeed a boy with wings who resembled the man standing before me,' he mused inwardly. As the gears turned in his head, another realization struck him. 'Yuki Takehara... that name rings a bell too,' he thought, trying to recall the source of his familiarity.

Suddenly, it clicked. All Might's eyes widened as he remembered, his voice tinged with astonishment. "Are you a member of that family? How is this possible? I thought we all came from different worlds," he inquired, his voice a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

Yuki met All Might's gaze with a knowing smile. "Indeed, I come from the same world as you, All Might. Surprised, aren't you? But just like you, I cannot fathom how this came to be," Yuki confirmed, confirming All Might's suspicions.

The other members of the group stood in stunned silence, their faces mirroring the astonishment they felt at this unexpected revelation. The notion that Yuki hailed from the same world as All Might had never crossed their minds, and it challenged their assumptions about the origins and connections among their diverse group.

After Yuki's remark, he looked at the group with a playful glint in his eyes. "Since everyone seems to have already figured out who's who, let's skip the boring introductions and move on to the more exciting part," Yuki suggested, his tone filled with anticipation.

All Might, however, felt the need to interject. "Hold on a moment, I haven't quite-" he began, but his words were drowned out by the collective dismissal from the others, their attention already shifting towards the more important topics.

"So, where can we find these Devil Fruits you mentioned?" Black Star inquired, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Yuki paused for a moment, considering how to respond. "Well, they are scattered throughout the vast seas," he began, a hint of adventure in his voice. "Finding them can be a challenge, but with a bit of luck and persistence, you might stumble upon one."

Yuki then raised an eyebrow, a wicked smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Or," he interjected, "you can take a more direct approach. If you encounter a Devil Fruit user, you can defeat them and claim their fruits. When a user dies, their power is said to reincarnate into a nearby fruit."

Meanwhile, Klein raised a question that had been lingering in his mind. "I'm curious about how this world operates," he said, his eyes focused on Yuki. After all he needed to understand how this world works to be able to find out the best acting method applicable in this world.

Yuki nodded in acknowledgment, recognizing the importance of providing the group with essential information. "In this world," he began, his voice steady and informative, "there are three prominent factions that shape the world. First, we have the pirates."

He continued, shifting his attention to the second faction. "Then we have the World Government and their forces, an authoritative entity that seeks to maintain order and control over the vast seas. They enforce their laws and regulations, often clashing with the pirates. However in no way are they true justice."

Yuki paused for a moment, allowing the information to sink in before moving on to the final faction. "Lastly, we have the bounty hunters, individuals who track down and capture notorious pirates for the rewards offered on their heads. However they are by far the weakest of them."

Throughout Yuki's explanation, not only did Klein listen intently, but all the other members of the group were fully paying attention. They knew that understanding the factions of this world was essential to decide how to carry on.

Aizen's voice cut through the silence as he raised an important question. "In regard to the mission, to which faction does the person we are tasked with eliminating belong?" he inquired, his eyes focused on Yuki.

Yuki took a brief moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "The individual we are targeting belongs to the World Government faction and specifically falls under the category of the Tenryūbito," he explained, his tone tinged with a hint of disdain. "The Tenryūbito are the descendants of the founding members of the World Government, and as such, they wield immense power and privilege. They are known for their extreme arrogance and the belief that they are above the law."

He continued, his voice filled with indignation. "These Tenryūbito are legally granted the authority to exert control over others, enabling them to take lives and enslave all others at their own discretion. They abuse their status and flaunt their privileges without consequence, leaving a trail of suffering in their wake."

All Might's voice rang out, filled with disappointment. "So, in essence, this world is governed by villains?" he mused, a hint of sadness underlying his words.

Yuki nodded, acknowledging All Might's observation. "Indeed, one could argue that the balance of power in this world leans more towards the side of darkness," he replied. "While it is true that there are individuals within organizations like the Marines who strive for justice, the overall system and its ruling class, such as the Tenryūbito, wield their authority with little regard for the well-being of others."

Based on what Yuki told them, the members of the chat group could roughly estimate how this world works and each member already began thinking up his own plan on what to do in this world in that year.

All Might's voice carried a mix of hope and urgency as he posed his question. "Yuki, you mentioned a method to heal me in this world. Where can I find it?"

Yuki's eyes met All Might's, a flicker of understanding passing between them. "In this world, there exists a unique Devil Fruit known as the Ope Ope no Mi," Yuki began, his tone reassuring. "By finding someone who has consumed this fruit or by eating it yourself, you might have a chance at restoring your full strength."

Yuki's gaze shifted slightly as he continued. "Additionally, there is a renowned scientist affiliated with the world government, Vegapunk. It is very likely that he has explored ways to address your situation and potentially restore you to full power."

As Yuki revealed this information, he couldn't help but acknowledge that other members of the group, like Black Star, also possessed means to aid in All Might's recovery. However, he refrained from mentioning it, believing that All Might should take the initiative to seek their assistance directly.

All Might's determination grew stronger as he sought further information. "And where can I find the user of the Ope Ope no Mi or this Vegapunk?" he pressed, his voice tinged with urgency.

Yuki's expression turned contemplative as he considered the best course of action. "Regarding Vegapunk," he began cautiously, "it might be wise for you to avoid pursuing him directly. The world government maintains a close watch on his every move, making any attempts to approach him both troublesome and potentially dangerous."

There however was another reason why he hesitated to recommend seeking out Vegapunk, a lack of certainty about the current timeline and Vegapunk's status. Yuki couldn't definitively confirm whether Vegapunk was alive in the present timeline.

"As for the user of the Ope Ope no Mi," Yuki began, his tone hinting at a momentary lapse in judgment, "we'll need to gather more information about the current timeline in this world. My knowledge extends to the general trends and future trajectories of various worlds, but the specifics elude me."

In that instant, Yuki realized the gravity of his unintended disclosure. Among the group were some of the most cunning and strategic individuals from different dimensions, making his slip of the tongue potentially consequential. The realization tightened the knot of anxiety in his chest, knowing that he might have revealed more than he should have.

To his dismay, he observed a flicker of curiosity and calculation in the eyes of his companions. Regret weighed heavily upon him, but there was no turning back now. What was done could not be undone.

Sensing the need to redirect their focus, Yuki swiftly pivoted the conversation. "For now, let's prioritize exploring the island we find ourselves on," he suggested, his voice steadying. The other members of the group nodded in agreement.