
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 28: Arrival in One Piece (2)

After unanimously agreeing to search for information about this new world, the chat group set off from the spot where they had been teleported. They found themselves surrounded by a dense forest, obscuring their view of the outside world.

As a group of six, they walked together, their footsteps blending with the rustle of leaves underfoot. Yuki gracefully soared slightly above the ground, his wings propelling him through the air.

While some members possessed the ability to fly and could have scouted from above to gain a better understanding of their surroundings, they chose to remain together, preferring to walk as a cohesive unit through the mysterious woods. This journey was an opportunity to forge stronger bonds and deepen their understanding of each other in person.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the conversation flowed freely. The members shared stories from their respective worlds, exchanged knowledge, and even engaged in light-hearted banter. With each step, the initial hesitation and unfamiliarity began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.

Their leisurely pace allowed them to appreciate the beauty of the natural surroundings. Sunlight filtered through the gaps in the canopy, casting a gentle glow on the forest floor. The air carried a refreshing scent of earth and foliage, invigorating their senses.

After hours of traversing through the verdant forest, a glimmer of light emerged in the distance, gradually growing brighter with each step. As they drew closer, the group's anticipation soared, eager to unveil the sights that lay beyond the forest's edge.

The radiant light eventually revealed itself as a city, its grandeur stretching across the horizon. Yuki's eyes widened as he recognized the distinctive outline of the city, for it had appeared in a significant arc of the anime. Though he held a strong hunch about its identity, however, Yuki remained silent and did not mention anything as he was not completely sure about it.

As they approached the city's entrance, it appeared to be a perfectly normal urban landscape at first glance. Yet, upon closer inspection, peculiarities began to reveal themselves. One of the most striking anomalies was the presence of living toys among the bustling human inhabitants.

Noticing this unusual phenomenon, Klein couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and voiced his question to the group. "Is there a race in this world that resembles toys?" he inquired, his own experiences with diverse and non-human races making him particularly intrigued by this discovery.

Klein, being no stranger to encountering extraordinary beings after all, any Demigod level Beyonder will evolve into a race that is not human. He being just one sequence away from this certainly had some knowledge about non-human races.

All Might, taken aback by the sight of walking toys, was initially poised to inquire about this peculiar phenomenon. However, before he could voice his question, Klein's inquiry about the existence of other races prompted All Might to redirect his focus.

"Other races apart from humans? Do they even exist?" All Might queried, his astonishment evident in his voice. The notion of intelligent races coexisting with humans in this world seemed to challenge his preconceived notions.

With a collective nod, each member acknowledged the existence of other races beyond humans. It became apparent for All Might, that aside from the world of Yuki and him, the worlds the group members hailed from all had intelligent races apart from humans, but he was not sure until he heard Yuki's response.

"This world indeed harbors other races beyond humans, but the toys we see here are not among them," Yuki responded to Klein's inquiry. He then turned his attention to All Might, ready to address his astonishment. "All Might, don't be too surprised, apart from our own each of the other member's worlds has races apart from humans." This only confirmed the suspicion All Might already had.

Yuki proceeded with his explanation, delving into the origins of their fellow group members. "Aizen and Black Star, in fact, are not of human descent to begin with. As for Fang Yuan, I highly doubt he falls under the category of being human."

Perplexed, All Might interjected, his curiosity piqued. "Not human? But they appear no different from humans. What exactly are they, then?" All Might's gaze shifted toward the three individuals in question, eager to uncover the truth.

Aizen took the initiative to respond to All Might's inquiry. "I belong to the Soul race, a race that humans typically cannot perceive. However, based on my observations, your ability to see me could be attributed to either the nature of this world or some influence from the chat group itself. This race is what the deceased humans are referred to in my world."

Taking in Aizen's explanation, All Might shifted his gaze towards Black Star, trying to discern any non-human characteristics. Sensing the intensity of All Might's stare, Black Star felt compelled to provide an answer. "Originally, I was human, but through my relentless pursuit of power, I transcended into a higher form of existence. In my world, individuals who reach a certain level of strength undergo a transformation, evolving into a new race. Eventually, those who attain great power like myself establish their own unique race. Therefore, you could say, I am the one and only member of the Black Star Race that I created."

Once again, the stark differences between worlds left All Might pondering the vastness of existence beyond his own. Yuki, noticing All Might's contemplative expression, chimed in with his perspective. "In our world, although those with Mutant quirks are regarded as 'human,' but in reality, they possess unique qualities that set them apart. You could even consider them as belonging to their own distinct race." As Yuki spoke, a silent thought passed through his mind. 'The members of the Takehara Family after all do not consider themselves humans since generations ago due to their wings and unnormal strong bodies.'

All Might nodded, acknowledging Yuki's viewpoint. Although he personally didn't fully embrace the notion that they were non-human, he couldn't dismiss the fact that their physical appearances diverged significantly from that of humans.

Returning to the original question, Klein directed his query towards Yuki. "If they're not classified as another intelligent race, then what exactly are they?"

Yuki's response came without hesitation. "They are humans who have been transformed into toys by the power of a Devil Fruit user."

Fang Yuan, intrigued by this revelation, sought further clarification. "Why were they transformed into toys?"

Yuki explained, shedding light on the matter. "It serves as a punishment for defying the Donquixote Family. Additionally, once transformed, the memories of the individual are erased from everyone's minds."

Fang Yuan's curiosity piqued at the notion of such an ability. In the following year they were to spend in this world, he resolved to delve deeper into understanding this unique power. After all, the ability to erase one's presence from the memories of an entire world could undoubtedly prove invaluable to Fang Yuan.

As the group of six continued their approach towards the town, a flock of News Coo caught Yuki's attention. Determined to gather information, he swiftly called out to one of the flying seagulls.

Black Star, curious about Yuki's actions, inquired, "What are you doing?"

Yuki explained, pointing to the birds, "Those are News Coo, carriers of newspapers across the world. I've called one over to gather information."

Just as Yuki spoke, one of the News Coo gracefully descended and approached him.

Although Yuki didn't carry any local currency like Belly, he always kept a small amount of gold with him as a form of insurance. The reason for carrying gold instead of only ¥ was simple: he never knew when he would spontaneously teleport to a different country. In many places, a piece of gold would be readily accepted as payment, especially if Yuki presented the rest as a generous tip.

Reaching into one of his trouser pockets, Yuki retrieved a gleaming piece of gold and tossed it toward the approaching News Coo. While he was aware that the value of a single newspaper was likely less than that of the gold piece, he didn't concern himself with such trivialities. Money was one thing he had in abundance.

The News Coo accepted the piece of gold and threw a newspaper at Yuki, before flying away. After eagerly taking hold of the newspaper, Yuki's eyes scanned the headline, absorbing the crucial information it held.

"Internal Strife at Whitebeard's Ship, 4th Commander Killed."

His gaze lingered on the words, his mind swiftly piecing together the puzzle. A realization washed over him, and he uttered in a subdued tone, almost to himself, "I understand... So that's where and when we are."

The subtle murmur didn't escape Aizen's keen senses. He quickly seized upon the opportunity to inquire, his voice laced with curiosity, "So, you've acquired the necessary information?"

Yuki nodded, acknowledging Aizen's question, and then redirected the conversation, shifting the focus to the location they had arrived in.

"Yes, let's set aside the discussion of the specific time for now and instead concentrate on our current whereabouts. We find ourselves in Dressrosa," Yuki revealed, his tone indicating a sense of certainty.

"Dressrosa?" All Might's curiosity piqued, prompting him to seek further clarification.

Yuki obliged, providing the necessary information. "Dressrosa is one of the founding kingdoms under the World Government's jurisdiction. At present, it is governed by one of the Shichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo."

Klein's curiosity led him to pose a question about the term "Shichibukai," seeking clarification and a better understanding of its meaning.

Yuki took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "The Shichibukai are powerful pirates who have entered into a contract with the world government. In this agreement, they provide assistance to the government in certain situations, and in return, their criminal activities are overlooked, and they are not pursued or hunted down."

While the explanation didn't seem to interest most of the group members, it had a different impact on All Might. All Might found it difficult to reconcile the idea of condoning and partnering with individuals who had committed unlawful acts. The notion of granting amnesty to pirates of considerable strength did not align with his unwavering commitment to upholding justice.

Yuki's words resonated with determination as he suggested, "It's time for us to embark on individual journeys, each pursuing our own objectives within this world. Let us once again meet in one year's time, to complete the mission."

Yuki's voice echoed through the group, his words slicing through the air with a determined clarity. "It is time for us to part ways temporarily and reunite in precisely one year's time." He cast his gaze upon each member of the group, acknowledging the unique objectives they carried within their hearts. Yuki understood that staying together would not be helpful at all for most of them.

As the words settled, heads nodded in agreement, except for All Might, who wore a concerned expression. His eyes narrowed with a mix of hope and uncertainty as he addressed Yuki. "But what about the method of healing you mentioned? The one you promised to help me find?"

Yuki's voice resonated with determination as he made his final pledge to All Might. "If you cannot find a solution on your own, rest assured that I will aid you once I have attended to my own affairs," he declared, his voice tinged with a hint of empathy. He adjusted his stance, preparing himself for departure, as did the rest of the group, each member readying themselves to embark on their individual paths.

Just as Yuki was about to take flight, his eyes caught All Might's gaze once more. There was a flicker of concern mixed with determination in Yuki's eyes as he issued his parting advice. "Hold on tight, All Might, and do your best to stay alive until we meet again. I would suggest seeking out a place called 'paradise,'" he suggested.

All Might's brow furrowed, his confusion evident. He opened his mouth, ready to inquire about this 'paradise', but before the words could escape his lips, Yuki was already soaring away, leaving him standing there with a sense of bewilderment.

And so, one by one, the members dispersed, their silhouettes growing smaller against the vast sky, until only All Might and Klein remained behind. In this group of six only All Might and Klein had no method of flight.