
[Oneshot] Claire Kagenou x Cid Kagenou (English Version)

Oneshot I had written months ago, and I decided to publish it at the request of someone who wanted to read it. This is my favorite ship in the series, the next one would be Aurora, Akane and Kanade.

Izayou901 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Claire Kagenou x Cid Kagenou #2

Note: Don't wait too long to be honest, when I saw that the 100 views arrived I started to write in class and this was the result, I hope it is to your liking , the last Oneshot of this story that is its adult version and by the way "Daughter" won, I will write it and publish it at some point, I don't want to feel the pressure of having to publish a chapter "already" without thinking well about the plot of the story, and by the way I have to write Kiyotaka Ayanokouji x Ai Hoshino, which I will think about more carefully so as not to write something mediocre, and that at least is somewhat decent and not feel disgusted when reading .

Now if I say goodbye, I hope you enjoy this second Oneshot. 

Claire Kagenou x Cid Kagenou #2

A person dressed in thick clothes and a balaclava on his head was walking calmly after having fought with many criminals on motorbike.

Arriving at a safe place, he took off his balaclava to reveal his face, where the face of a teenager with black hair and eyes was seen.

Sigh. —Seriously today was a pity, there weren't many criminals to fight; I wonder what happened to the other hooligans.


At that, a laugh was heard from a man who was hiding in a dark alley from where he came out and saw one of the criminals who fought weeks ago and was recovered.

—This is a surprise... Slayer the Elegant, a teenager.

Minoru Kagenou's eyes were opened in surprise, not by the man's presence.

"Shit! It's recording my appearance."

The man tattooed on his arms where a smartphone with the flash was seen in his hand, Cid quickly intuited that he was recording it.

"If I want to escape, it's too late with my appearance revealed, I can't even think I'm recording; With social media nowadays, I may also be making a call or stream showing off my appearance to other hooligans. I find myself cornered... at least take that path."

—Your appearance was shown by the others you hurt, and we'll take revenge for it right now.


Minoru Squeak.

"There is only one way left, I thought of many options, but everything ends up arriving at the same result; They will take revenge by attacking my family if they continue to seek more information from me."


The sound of several engines could be heard approaching the place where Minoru was with the gang man.

—You're going to die today, kid, I say, "Slayer the Elegant." Even if we fail, someone else can pay for your actions, you know what I'm talking about.

—They won't be able to reach my family, there's only one option left if I want my family to stay safe.

Throwing away his balaclava and pulling out a pair of sunglasses to wear (even if it's getting dark), he pulled out the steel bars on his back to attack the man who had put his phone away because he had sensed an attack from Minoru.


Minoru had made a decoy with one of the steel bars and attacked in the hand with great force where his bones were shattered leaving his right hand invalid.

"With sunglasses you won't be able to read my movements."

The delinquent man unable to see Minoru's eyes to read the movements of where he would attack, since his sunglasses hid him, tried to think of different countermeasures to continue holding and weakening Minoru until the others arrived to defeat "Slayer the Elegant".



The man's legs were punished.

—It's the only option left. —Minoru said subtly.


With the bar, he hit the gang member the head.

—I hope he loses his memory of seeing me. —I murmur as my unconscious body walked to grab the phone. —So, fingerprint, let's find out which finger is right.

I grab the middle finger of my left hand where I end up getting it right and opening different apps from where her revealed appearance remained.

Quickly finding the app, he deleted it, but the other hooligans had already arrived.


The engines slowly began to shut down as the gang members got off their bikes.

—It's really a big surprise that the damn 'Elegant Slayer' is a fucking teenager. —A hateful voice was spoken from a burly man of almost 190 cm approaching Minoru with knuckles.

—Once I'm done with what I'm going to do, stop calling me a teenager to recognize me as your biggest fear. —Minoru's serious and confident voice was heard by the 30 gang members who had arrived, making them angry at what he said. —If you'll allow me, Gentlemen, today is a beautiful night with the beautiful full moon twinkling like a spectator excited to see a beautiful dance of blood.

Minoru said, mocking them.

The gang members with their respective weapons attacked Minoru who had the steel bars in his hands to defend himself and attack.

Minoru danced by doing a flashy trick with the steel bars and then crushed his enemies to distract himself from the maneuvers he was doing.

One by one they fell.

—I won't show mercy this time. —Minoru said seriously, not mocking the gang members who hadn't fallen.

Hearing the bones breaking and the cry of pain that was muffled by a hard kick to the throat and knocked unconscious at the end.

Minoru had mercilessly attacked his enemies.

Sigh. —This city is already dangerous for my family, and I can't play the role of 'Slayer the Elegant' either. Seriously, problems came from an oversight.

Minoru walked away from the mound of bodies, slaughtered with broken bones, and bathed in blood, leaving behind a horrific scene.

 —Current tense with 14-year-old Cid Kagenou. —

Cid was in the center of a large room and around him were several knights with a missing limb and seriously wounded, the cause of which was Cid Kagenou himself.

The Kagenou family was invited to a small celebration of a noble family more powerful than them, where the head of that family was very arrogant and wicked, wanting the territories of the lower-ranking nobles.

Angering many noble families, including the Kagenou family, because of Cid's father, who manifested his hatred.

Cid's mother grabbed his hand without being able to escape and play another role that he would like to play.

—I'm amazed at your arrogance in wanting to extort money from us out of nowhere for our territory.

—Mr. Kagenou, these are not your concerns, only the papers of your territory to me and you and your family will leave this place alive, the same goes for all of you simple barons.

He looked contemptuously at his chair, and around him was his trusty army protecting him.

"In some of those territories there must be the buried weapon that the Rounds are looking for, and also look for the enemy that is lurking in the shadows of the Cult of Diabolos, we are slowly losing numbers."

—You'd better obey my orders for the sake of your family.

"He made a move that I've seen in anime/manga, threatening to kill the family to take something important, it's obvious that he's looking for something important in other people's lands... will there be a gold mine? If so, I'd like to get it first!"

—I can't allow that!

A boy's loud angry voice was heard, everyone saw who it was.

The son of the Kagenou family: Cid Kagenou.

"The gold that is hidden in the rest of the earth will belong to me for my future as an eminence in the shadows! I can't let a fourth-grade character take it away from me!"

—Kid, your actions will hurt your family, you better shut up.

—No, territory is important to my parents, I won't allow a fourth-rate character to try to take away what they've built.


His parents were dumbfounded by their son who had taken courage to challenge someone stronger than himself.

—If I have to fight, I'll do it!

—Stupid, you don't have a weapon to defend yourself, kill the Kagenou family.

The knights began to move in obedience to their master's order and began to attack Cid.

—The limbs of a human body imbued with magic are enough weapons to take down vermin like you.


Blood splattered throughout the room, stained with the blood of the knights who were going to attack Cid.

It was a quick and precise movement that they failed to see when Cid had attacked.


Several knights began to come out from different places, surrounding the family, Kagenou and Cid.

—Wanting to kill my family was a serious mistake on your part. Cid spoke calmly as he grabbed a sword from the nearest dead knight.



The heads of the knights who had entered separated from his body where the sound of his head hitting his head caught the attention of the guests as well as the highest-ranking noble began to fear for his life and looked fearfully at Cid.

He began to prostrate himself and shouted for mercy that I would not kill him.


The head had flown all over the room until it reached the center of the room slowly rolling.

—Why would I show mercy when you were the first to want to take my parents' precious territory and then threaten to kill them, you really lost your mind... Well, now you literally lost your mind.

The guests broke out in a cold sweat over the joke Cid had told.

Sigh. —Otou-san, Oka-san, I think it's time to go home.

—Apart from going back, we'll have a very long conversation, Cid.

—Hai Oka-san.

Cid went to look in the neighboring territories for the gold mine that he thought the noble mayor said (which he came to a misconception by himself) ending up, frustrated because there was nothing of that, but finding an incredible weapon that he discarded abandoning it where he had found it.

After several months where he had already entered the academy and played his role as Shadow in the capital of Midgar, a terrible day had come for him.

He had long escaped from his sister and seemed to have memorized her escape patterns as she had caught him when he tried to escape from her.

—Did you know that Mutsugushi created something amazing today?!

Cid raised an eyebrow. —Today? February 14?

"Let me guess, Valentine."

—Yes! It's called Valentine's Day! Something very interesting actually, as you can see in the city you can see heart decorations that attract a lot of attention! Claire said excitedly as she dragged her little brother on the ground.

"They really still make money off of everything I told them!" Thought a furious little Cid.

—What does that have to do with me, Nee-san?

—Let's celebrate!

—Ah, but this Valentine's Day celebration is for love and friendship.

—Little things that shouldn't be taken seriously!

Claire said, deleting Cid's complaint so as not to interrupt the "date" she had planned to make with Cid.

Sigh. —Hai, hai. Seriously, what an incestuous sister I have. —She muttered so that her sister wouldn't hear her.

Claire had dragged Cid to the Mutsugushi tent.

(Author: To the mouth of the wolf I enter, how scary)

Letting go of their brother to get up and start cleaning the dirt off his pants, they entered the store.

A worker gave the two of them a free pass so they wouldn't have to wait in the queue of dozens of people to get in.

—They really decorated the store for Valentine's Day. —Cid said, bored, looking at the decorations.

—It's something amazing and has several romantic decorations for this day!

—... Yes, I would like to go back to my room and sleep.

—Welcome to Mitsugushi, I can help you!

Cid quickly recognized Nu.

—A couple's parfait! —Claire said excitedly.

Nu's face had a tiny twist that was seen by Cid, confusing why he had done that.

—Got it, you can find a seat while the couple's parfait is being prepared!

Nu perfectly hid his killer instinct which was noticed by Cid causing him to quickly move away from her.

"What the hell is going on with Nu?" Cid thought, confused.

Claire and Cid walked together to a table where they sat in their respective chairs, separating at the middle table.

Claire looked happily at Cid, while he looked in different directions so as not to collide with his sister's eyes.

—I wonder when I'll get out of this place. —Cid expressed his boredom.

—Come on Cid, it's been a long time since we've been out together, you're always running away from me.

—For a good reason. —He murmured, unheard by Claire.

—Here's the couple's parfait they ordered! —An animated voice of a worker had arrived with a chocolate parfait with vanilla and raspberry with small heart-shaped sweets decorating on the parfait, she had a heart sorbet that went in two directions and two spoons.

Cid's eyebrows trembled at what he was seeing.

"They really went out of their way to make a couple's parfait." Cid was trembling inside.

—Thank you very much! —Claire replied cheerfully to the worker.

—Come on, Cid, let's eat together!






A spoon had been forced into his mouth by Claire.


Claire began to show strong emotions of anger that made Cid tremble.

—Hai. —Cid said weakly.

They began to eat the parfait without interruptions where they showed different emotions, Claire enjoyed eating the parfait while looking at Cid, on Cid's side she ate without emotion until the sweet flavors passed through her tasting palate enjoying the parfait showing a childlike expression.

"Seriously there are more sweets, it's not just chocolate anymore, now there's vanilla and raspberry." Cid thought, enjoying the parfait.

Finishing the parfait, they left the Mutsugushi tent where some sharp glances reached Claire who made her raise her guard looking for where the killer instincts came from.

Finding nothing, he continued his walk where Cid looked on in confusion at Claire's sudden action, moving his head rapidly in various directions as if looking for something.

"My sister has lost her sanity." Cid thought, not looking for any answer to Claire's action.

Claire grabbed Cid's hand, then instantly stopped, and began to look in several directions.

—Where does this intention to murder me come from! —Claire exclaimed as she glanced quickly in different directions.

—Don't worry, Nee-san, no one wants to kill you, you're making a fool of yourself.

Claire looked around where she saw the stares of passers-by as if she was looking at a strange bug.

—Ashhh! —Claire grabbed Cid's hand, leading him tightly, not caring about the killer instinct that was coming to her.

Walking hand in hand (forced by Cid) they passed by several street vendors where he sold interesting things as well as scam where Cid noticed and stole the money from it surreptitiously.

From the stolen money he bought her a precious silver necklace that made Claire happy and was instantly placed around her neck.

—Thank you, Cid! —Claire's eyes were watery with happiness, making Cid look at his sister in disgust.

"It's getting worse and worse." Cid thought with fear and disgust.

They continued to walk around the capital while sometimes staring at one or two happy couples that made Claire envious, while Cid showed a deadpan expression not caring about what his sister was thinking.

—Cid, what do you think---

—Don't say anything strange Nee-san, right now we are walking hand in hand without an awkward environment, if you say it will ruin whatever you have planned today, remember we are brothers.

—Yes, you're right. —Claire became sad as they walked hand in hand, but she quickly recovered again. —Let's continue with our appointment! —he regained his jovial emotion that he always showed to Cid.

Sigh. —Hai, hai, let's get on with our 'date'.

Cid decided to play along with his sister to stay happy without saying something uncomfortable for him.

Walking hand in hand together without worrying about the murmurs of some lonely guys without partners having sent from them, not knowing that they are brothers, they were having a simple and normal date that he has seen on some rare occasions in the anime/manga of his world.

"I don't understand why this would make some couples happy, seriously this is very boring."

—How strange, since when is there a canal in the capital of Midgar. —Cid asked, confused, looking at some canoes circulating in a large channel, he saw several couples on it.

— Welcome to the Mutsugushi Love Channel, just for today this amazing channel will be there for Valentine's Day!

Several animated voices were heard later with banners where he had some prices of the canoe to board and circulate in the canal that was built by the Mutsugushi store.

"Oh my God, they're seriously using all the information I gave them to get more money, leave me something for me, they need to be punished for taking advantage of all my information!"

A dark aura began to surround Cid as he thought about what plans to use against Mutsugushi's shop.

—Come on Cid, let's rent some of that!

"Let me come up with a plan first!"

—Hai Nee-san.

Renting a canoe from a couple as Mutsugushi's employees called it and receiving a discount, they began paddling (Cid remo) in the canal built for this day.

Cruising the canal and passing over several bridges that had decorations for this Valentine's Day holiday, something caught Claire's attention as she looked at the end of the canal that was 50 meters away.

—There's something interesting at the end of the channel!

That caught Cid's attention, because he knew what his sister would call interesting.

Improving his eyesight, he saw his worst nightmare at the end of the canal.

"Shit! It's the scene of a kiss under a bridge of the heart where they say barbarities of eternal love! They also used that idea to formalize a couple, becauseeeeee!" Cid thought in alarm, as he thought whether to escape now or not.

—Nee-san, don't even think about doing that!

—What, Cid? —Claire was confused, as she didn't see at the end of the channel how several couples kissed and declared their love for each other.

—I beg you Nee-san, don't try to see what you're going to see at the end of the channel! —Fear overflowed from her voice, causing her sister to be confused but she nodded in agreement so that her brother's spirits would improve.

—It's okay Cid, but calm down, I'm not going to do something crazy.

"I don't believe you!"

Arriving near the end of the channel, he saw his greatest fear come true.


Claire showed her surprise to see how several couples kissed as they reached the end of the canal where the bridge was decorated by a big heart and several gossiping people watched the couples' love for each other.

—Cid! What do we do, we will be the laughing stock of those gossipy people watching all the couples kissing and showing their love!

Claire began to shift alarmed in her seat, causing the canoe to make a dangerous move to capsize into the channel.

—But first calm down, because we'll sink, and it'll be worse for two people who don't kiss!

"Seriously, they also used people's pressure not to reject and run away from this tortuous path to love!"

—Do it.


Cid's countenance had changed to a lifeless one.

—Do it, but make it quick, you don't need a passionate kiss to escape from this place, people will just say that you are a shy couple, so that way we can escape without pain and glory from this.

For Claire it was the ultimate happiness of her date, she was going to kiss her brother for the first time.

—Thank you! —Claire clasped her hand in prayer, seeming to furtively thank someone nonexistent.

(Author: You're welcome, now kiss shit, because I have no idea how to keep going >:v)

Reaching the end of the channel, Claire lunged at Cid, passionately kissing Cid, even wagging her tongue taking Cid's breath away.

"I told him there was no need for a passionate kiss and he still does!"

Cid wrestled with Claire's tongue pushing him away to breathe for his own good, but Claire wanted to continue kissing him as hard as she could, but she stopped.

—I'm sorry, I got carried away. —Claire said, embarrassed and shy about what she did.

Cid wiped his lips with the sleeve of his uniform (no idea why) and began to walk away with Claire following him with her red face.

—Never mind Nee-san. Now I just want to go home, it was a fun day.

Cid said, covering half of his face with his sleeve. Claire, seeing her brother's blush, was glad of it, and grabbed his hand back.

—I love you so much, Cid.

Ending with a beautiful and dazzling smile that Cid saw out of the corner of his eye, seeing the greatest happiness shown by his sister after a long time.

"It took a long time since I saw that smile from Nee-san."

Cid smiled to himself as they returned to the academy holding hands where one showed their love for the other.

—I love you too, Nee-san.

Cid spoke on the way showing his love of family, not that kind of love. But it still made Claire blush to an exaggerated level and her neurons to fry because she didn't think her brother was going to respond with that kind of comment.

Now Cid dragged Claire back to the academy.