
[Oneshot] Claire Kagenou x Cid Kagenou (English Version)

Oneshot I had written months ago, and I decided to publish it at the request of someone who wanted to read it. This is my favorite ship in the series, the next one would be Aurora, Akane and Kanade.

Izayou901 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Claire Kagenou x Cid Kagenou #3

Note: As I said before, I'm not good at writing just any character, I'm sure it will be OC for you. I did what I could, I apologize in advance.

Note 2: I have forgotten an important character. I say this if I was thinking of seeing someone who would be interested in what they are going to read.

Claire Kagenou x Cid Kagenou #3

A teenage girl was tied by her arms and legs, lying on the ground, crying because she had been kidnapped.

A muscular man grabbed the girl's legs.

—What is this scenario?

A silver-haired elf asked, confused, as she was fighting with the leader of the Cult of Diabolos alongside their beloved leader Shadow.

—It's the day I was kidnapped and saved by him.

A golden-haired girl wearing a white school uniform commented.

—The day Akane-san was kidnapped...

A white-haired girl near Akane muttered.


A large piece of a wall had hit the muscular man's head.

The muscleman's buddy looked down the entrance to see a black-haired, black-eyed student in the same Akane High School uniform.


Commented a girl with black hair and luminous eyes wearing the uniform of the Midgar Knight Academy.

—Is it the Bossman?

The voice of another person was heard, a beast girl with black fur, looked confused at the teenager who had entered the stage, with her nose she tried to sniff him from afar without perceiving any smell of the boy.

—Seriously, the dog is silly, this is a memory, there's no way to sniff out the smell of the boy who entered the scene.

A beast girl with golden fur commented mockingly.

—Aaarrggg Delta ain't a fool!

—Repeat it until you believe it.

—You two calm down.

A blonde-haired elf spoke sternly to the beast girls.


Delta obeyed the blonde elf's orders.

—It's Shadow-sama...

A black-haired elf had approached the boy to take a closer look and assume that he was their leader.

They all began to show confusion about that fact.

—Why would Shadow-sama be here?

A crystalline blue-haired elf with double pigtails commented.

The blonde elf put her fingers to her chin thoughtfully.

—Minoru-kun belongs to my world.

Akane spoke enough for everyone to hear.

—Is Shadow-sama from your world?

"Does Cid come from another world?"

Claire thought maturely as she was possessed by Aurora.

—Yes, although it seems hard to believe, the one they know as Shadow and Cid is a human from another world.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «




Shadow was fighting with a skinny old man; it was a fight at the speed of light.

You could only see the sparks of the swords clashing.

—Interesting, I expected nothing less from someone named Odin.

Shadow commented with a small laugh as he continued to fight with the old man named Odin.


I comment with resentment and hatred for Shadow.

A strong power clash destroyed a piece of reality.

A piece that was rebuilt by the magic scattered throughout the world.

Shadow was smiling with amusement; he had found an enemy to have fun with.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

The girls who were watching Akane's memory continued to stare at the stage.

Claire was talking to Aurora so she wouldn't lose her temper about something her brother never told her.

The 6 shadows who worshipped their leader were in a duel with themselves.

Well, Delta and Zeta saw their leader's truth as unimportant.

One wanted to turn their leader into a God and the other to build a harem and form an army of Shadow's sons to conquer the world.

Epsilon, Beta, Gamma and Alpha were the only ones in conflict.

The scenario continued.

The less robust hijacker began to tremble with fear.

[I-It's... It's the "Shinigami."]

He said fearfully, pointing at the teenager.

The boy smiled with genuine happiness at being called by that nickname.

The muscleman got up, sore from the piece of stone that had hit his head.

[I'll kill you damn it! Even if you're the same 'Shinigami' who smashed several criminals to pieces!]

The muscleman, clasping his palms together, descended with brute force to strike Minoru, nicknamed "Shinigami".

To the muscleman's surprise, his attack was parried without difficulty on Minoru's right forearm.

[You are too weak.]


A loud punch landed in the face of the muscleman who was sent flying.

Minoru walked over to the other kidnapper and hit him hard in the stomach leaving him passed out.

The muscleman with his nose expelling blood at an alarming rate, attacked Minoru again.

Only to get a strong capoeira kick to the throat again, expelling more blood.

Kneeling and trying to catch his breath, Minoru attacked with a strong downward kick where the muscleman's head ended up fracturing the ground.

The muscleman stopped moving.

Minoru walked to Akane and freed her.

[You should be careful, any action, even the slightest will have serious consequences.]

(Author: You leave her traumatized for life XD.)

Minoru said to Akane as he retreated from having saved her.

The scenery was forcibly changed.

Minoru could be seen sitting on the floor and around him, the entire room smashed.

Entering where Minoru was, it was a policeman who was known to him.

[It's already the fifth time your house has been destroyed.]

The policeman said tiredly.

[Yes, and this time they went too far. They destroyed a lot of possessions important to me.]

[It's fortunate that your family is living abroad.]

[Haah, it's time to end this.]

[Where are you going?]

[That sons of bitches left an invitation from where he is.]

Minoru showed a letter of invitation to the policeman.

[Seriously cheeky of you.]

The policeman commented.

Minoru began to smile.

[Heh, don't worry, I'll go and teach you a lesson that you'll never forget.]

The scenery changed again, it was a place that was under construction of several meters of land where you could see a swarm of several men armed with different objects, but none of them carried a gun or knife.

[Do you really think he's coming?]

Said a man with scars on his face.

[He will, he will not run away from such a fight.]

A bald man said firmly.

[Wow, what a beautiful sight this is.]

Everyone looked where the voice was coming from, the most feared of the underworld known as "Shinigami" was coming.

He was wearing a black suit, on his shoulders he had another large sack placed reaching his knees, he wore it as a cape, he calmly approached the 40 people who were armed with different objects to fight him.

—The Bossman looks great!

Delta said excitedly.

—The Bossman's going hunting, I want to too!

Delta attacked the men in vain.

—Silly, get away from the stage, this will be interesting to see.

Delta began attacking Zeta.



Claire and Akane showed their concern about the stage in front of them.


It was the same with Beta.

Minoru left the large sack placed in a small spout in the construction tubes as if it were a coat rack.

Several men began to attack Minoru.

Minoru got into a fighting stance, preparing for what would be an epic battle.

The first attackers lunged at Minoru with savage punches, but he, with his Kenpo and Kyokushin Karate skills, dodged blows gracefully and countered with lethal precision. His legs moved like lightning, applying kicking techniques learned in his years of training. Several criminals fell to the ground, defeated by Minoru's speed and strength.

As the fight progressed, Minoru incorporated techniques from the Russian System, surprising his opponents with fluid and effective movements. He used his knowledge of Aikido to send some of the attackers flying through the air, creating confusion in the enemy ranks.

With astonishing agility, Minoru leapt and moved between his adversaries, combining different forms of martial arts to keep criminals at bay. His hands and feet were deadly weapons, and his strategic mind allowed him to anticipate the movements of his opponents.

As the battle continued, Minoru demonstrated his mastery of a wide variety of combat techniques. He struck with pinpoint accuracy, disarmed his opponents with skill, and used Aikido to deflect the force of his attacks. Their prowess and bravery left the criminals stunned, and one by one, they were overcome by Minoru's martial prowess.




A fight where Minoru used all his arsenal fighting with fun destroying the criminals.

By the time the hour had passed, he was done with all of them.

A large pool of blood could be seen on Minoru's feet.

With a little heavy breathing and a steady gaze, he withdrew from the place, leaving behind the 40 defeated men.


Akane said, surprised by Minoru's feat.

"You saw it, Aurora! Cid, even without magic, is someone strong and incredible!"

Aurora's ghost body, which was levitating above Claire, let out a faint laugh at Claire's enthusiasm for her younger brother.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «


Shadow found himself playing with Odin, easily dodging attacks, and returning him without hurting him too much so as not to end his fun quickly.

There was another power clash shattering reality.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

All of them saw how the scenario changed again.

This time they appeared fleetingly, but they managed to get a good look at the scenarios, as that was when they were saved by Shadow or Cid for Claire.

—It's true, Shadow-sama saved us all. A truth he never told us won't break the bond we've built with him.

Alpha said with genuine happiness.

—Still, I'm going to have a talk and a punishment for Cid!

Claire slapped her other palm.

—Poor Minoru-kun.

Akane commented with a drop on her forehead.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

—It's time to end this.

Shadow said as he raised the black sword.

The whole place began to surround itself with a violet color, he swung the sword forming a ring of light above.

Odin looked at Shadow and watched the spectacle with fear, where he ended up watching his life pass by in his eyes.

—I... Am... Atomic.

The whole place was turned to dust, and Odin was completely wiped out.

Completely ending the Cult of Diabolos.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

The place where the girls were began to break into pieces, where they began to descend from the sky, and they saw Shadow levitating.

Down in the ground was an immense hole that bore long depths.


That angry cry that belonged to Claire was a bell to escape the place for Cid.


Claire, being possessed by Aurora, began to chase him.

—The Bossman's sister is hunting him; I want to join too!

Delta also began to chase him, thinking it was a hunting game as she had always done with Cid in the hunt for bandits.

—This silly dog...

The others watched as they pursued their leader, Akane improving her abilities through magic began to follow the path that Cid had escaped.

—It looks like this is all over...

Alpha said, smiling at the destruction of the Cult of Diabolos.


Gamma replied happily.

Beta had disappeared without a trace, and Zeta stared at the horizon in thwart of her plan to turn her leader into a God.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

Cid was on the run, traveling at the speed of light of his sister and the other girls chasing him.

—Like the fuck, he found out I'm Cid.

He began to remember the sudden disappearance of them by Odin's attack.

—What must they have seen in that interval of time that they disappeared!

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

Following on the heel of her boss, Delta was excited to hunt down Cid.

—Bossman, I'm about to catch him!

—And you, why are you persecuting me?

—We're hunting the Bossman, aren't we?!

I comment innocently.

—This isn't a catch-me-me-play game! You'd better help me stop them; I'll give you a reward later!

—It could be any reward!

Delta's eyes began to sparkle.

—Whatever I can to do it.

Cid said without repeating the mistake he had made in the past.

—It's okay, Boss!

Delta began to back up to stop the girls behind him, almost catching up with Cid.

—I'm going to disappear for a couple of months until they forget about me.

Cid commented as he thought of a plan to hide.

Delta efficiently stopped the other girls, sparing Cid of whatever was going to happen to him if he was caught by them.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

—Several months later. —

A beautiful hut was built away from all civilization, but being hosted by Cid and Delta who was eating a wild boar he had hunted.

—Bossman, he really doesn't want a piece of meat!

Delta spoke as she tore off a bloody piece of flesh and handed it to Cid.

—No, it's something you hunted, and it's your food.

Cid commented with an apathetic look, returning the piece of meat to Delta.

—Understood, Bossman! *yum* *yum*

Delta devoured the meat with delight.

It had been 8 months since she had moved away from all civilization, surely her sister had graduated from the academy and returned to Kagenou territory to fulfill her role as the new heir.

—Bossman, we're going to go back to the others sometime!

Delta said as he continued to eat the wild boar.

Cid thoughtfully replied to Delta's words.

—I think it's time to go back.


Delta's eyes sparkled again.

—Finish eating, and we travel back to the Kingdom of Midgar.


 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

After some time, Cid and Delta had returned to the Kingdom of Midgar, specifically Kagenou territory.

Cid watched from afar in a room that belongs to the home office where his father used to be, now occupied by Claire who administered the Kagenou territory.

—Looks like Nee-san is doing a good job.

—The Bossman's sister gets support from Gamma, so she doesn't need to worry!

Cid nodded. —Then let's visit Mitsugushi.

They began to travel to the capital of Midgar.

Arriving at that place, they began to hear something interesting.

—Bushin Festival?

—The Bossman destroyed the previous bushin festival!

—Hmm, so that's why they're going to do another bushin festival... Heh, this time I'll participate as Cid Kagenou.

Cid replied with a smile.

Delta's nose suddenly began to sniff.


Falling from the sky, it was a blue-eyed beast girl and its black and white ears and tail, it resembled a Siberian Husky.

—Phi, we're back!

Greeting their subordinate, they followed Cid.

—Boss, what are you going to do?

Delta asked, confused, because the way Cid was going, it wasn't the right one to Mitsugushi.

—To sign up for the Bushin Festival.

Cid said simply.

Delta's beast ears moved excitedly.

—I have to report this to Alpha-sama!

Cid quickly stopped Delta.

—This is an order; you won't say anything to him... this will come as a surprise to everyone that I have come back winning the Bushin Festival.

—I understand, Bossman!

"It's a surprise that you understood in the first place."

—The others will see how amazing the Bossman is!

Phi said excitedly.

"I wonder where Delta got someone just like her."

Now they walked in the direction of the Bushin Festival registry.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

As the hours passed, the Bushin Festival had begun.

From the stands, Delta and Phi shouted, "Bossman, show him who's superior." Inconveniencing a percentage of viewers.

Cid walked to the platform reaching the center while waiting for his opponent.

In the distance his opponent arrived, he was a boy from the academy who had stopped attending Cid.

The referee raised his hand and took the start of the match for granted.

The student held the sword in one hand as he analyzed Cid, which left him confused by its movement.

He had gripped the hilt and carried the sword as a defense on his right forearm.

The student looked on arrogantly, thinking that Cid was a beginner.

He began by attacking first where Cid was patiently waiting for his opponent.


The swords clashed, Cid defended himself with the blade of the sword and with his fist he quickly attacked the opponent's face, sending him flying.

It was an easy victory for Cid.


(Author: Since I'm lazy to be writing every fight and I want to finish this fanfic in 3 Oneshot, so we'll go quickly to the semi-final.)

Several fights passed without pain and glory; Cid had won easily reaching the semifinal.

The sun was at its highest. The Bushin Festival was advancing at an astonishing speed, 3 of the 200 competitors were already missing.

Cid walked with a smile, as the opponent he was fighting was someone he knew.

A young adult woman with golden hair and eyes was also smiling.

They approached in the center of the platform.

—You're back at last, Minoru-kun.

Akane commented affectionately, she had waited for Minoru to come back, it had been 8 months since she left and she hid from all civilization, she knew that Delta was with him and per Minoru's order she didn't allow him to go with her, her speed was also an issue, she couldn't catch up with her even if he tried to chase after her.


The referee shouted as he started the match.

The clanking sound echoed in the air as Cid and Akane crossed their swords. The choreography of the fight was a ball of fast and precise movements, with sparks of steel flying whenever the blades met. Onlookers watched in amazement at the skill of both swordsmen.

No blow has reached a vital point to weaken his opponent.

Both had incredible dexterity, dodging, and counterattacking with quick and precise movements demonstrating their agility and formidable strength.

The battle intensified as the two unleashed incredible fencing skills.


Cid let go of the sword, letting it spin on his wrist and then grabbed it and quickly attacked Akane who was watching analyzing Cid's every move.

She received the blow fully; she had been confused by Cid's maneuver.

—You have to show off a little.

Cid said.

Akane rose from the severe blow she received.

He went back on the attack, but this time faster, Cid with his sword countered Akane's attacks, the audience watched in amazement at the fight. You could see the sparks of the swords clashing faster than the public eye could only see a blur in the arms of Cid and Akane.

Cid made another maneuver with the sword, but this time Akane didn't let his maneuvers confuse her.


Akane attacked with strength and speed, but Cid easily stopped her attack. Akane, using her body, began to move attacking on either side of Cid, only to see how he countered her attack. Akane, attacking in the air that was countered by Cid, made a turn on its own axis to make another attack with the same force and speed that they had been doing since the beginning of the battle.


Cid stopped the attack, marveling at Akane's movements.

—You've improved a lot, Nishimura-san.

The two smiled and continued the fight.



From the stands, the cheers of the crowd resounded, following every movement attentively. The sun was setting on the horizon, and the lights in the combat arena illuminated the confrontation in the center. The sword duel between Cid Kagenou and Akane Nishino dragged on, each proving to be a fencing master, in a dance of steel that kept the audience on tenterhooks.

—It was a lot of fun, Nishimura-san. But it's time to end the fight.

—I won't let you beat me so easily.

The two looked at each other with intensity of winning the match.



Cid now began to attack with more force and speed, surprising the audience. Akane tried to fend off all the attacks, but some ended up reaching her body and taking her breath away.

Finally, after an incredible fight between Cid and Akane, the end had come. Cid stopped and watched Akane who was knocked unconscious.


The referee shouted.

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, paying tribute to the skill and bravery of these two formidable swordsmen.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

The last fight of the day arrived.

Cid looked at another acquaintance, Princess Alexia Midgar.

(Author: And since I'm too lazy to write another fight, Cid wins it easily, not the moms they expected to see in this fight.)

—Now that Pochi has proven to be someone amazing, what do you think about marrying me? It's a reward for you for winning the Bushin Festival.

Alexia said arrogantly as she taunted Cid.

—No thanks. I'd rather marry my sister than you.

Alexia became angry at Cid's comment and began to attack him from behind, as Cid was leaving the place.



Alexia attacked Cid with her sword, slashing Cid in several places where the blood flew out.

(My schizophrenia: Mate, that never happened.

My schizophrenia: Oh, no. Check this out.)


Cid came out of the platform with several wounds on his body. Alexia had attacked him from behind.

He didn't think anything of it and quickly left the place. Delta and Phi caught up with their boss.

Arriving in Mitsugushi, he was greeted with a big hug from Beta and Epsilon.

They looked at each other angrily when they realized that each of them was hugging Cid.

Cid lived with them for a while until he traveled to Kagenou territory.

Arriving at night at his home that he had left.

He was restrained without warning to be rushed to the house.

Arriving at a room, he saw who had kidnapped him.


A beautiful woman with purple black hair. Her lovely violet eyes with a mole near her mouth on the right side. Wearing elegant clothes that added to her beauty, she had been responsible for kidnapping him.

—It's been a while. Now I have the perfect gift for Claire.

Aurora said coquettishly.

—Hmm... what are you talking about, Violet-san?

At that moment, Aurora began to undress Cid.


—Your sister probably won't try to take the next step, so I'm helping her. In addition...

Aurora kissed Cid, where he was surprised, but even more surprised was he at having ingested something that passed from Aurora's mouth to him.

—Q-what did you give me?

Aurora, showing the greatest charm, commented calmly.

—An aphrodisiac. By getting to know you, you will surely escape from this place. By the way, it has a side effect that will scare you, they were created by Eta.


Cid was very frightened by who was created. I knew how psychopathic she is.

—So, you're obligated to do it.

Aurora wearing her incredible bust, buried Cid's erection in the middle of her breasts. At that moment his appearance changed, revealing Claire.

—W-what, p-why am I d-doing this?!

An embarrassed Claire screamed, seeing how in the middle of her bust was Cid's erection.

"I don't want to die! But I don't want to have sex with my sister either!" Cid shouted internally.

At that point, the symptoms of the aphrodisiac took effect on Cid and also on Claire.

Aurora also made Claire ingest the aphrodisiac created by Eta.

Claire was confused but very, as she brought her hands to her breasts to give Cid a Russian.

Cid began to moan. It seems that the aphrodisiac gave him a strong sensitivity.

—This brings back memories of years ago.

Claire commented with a strong blush on her cheeks, her eyes had a dull tone. The aphrodisiac made him lose his sanity. The same thing happened to Cid. 

♥ Slurp! ♥

Claire wore Cid's erection in her mouth. As it was in the past, he played with Cid's glans. Now with the aphrodisiac his sensitivity was greater than in the past when he tried to resist Claire's blowjob.

—D-stop... Have... elder... sensitivity... by... fault... of the... Aphrodisiac...

He spoke halted by the pleasure he was receiving in Claire's mouth.

♥ Slurp! ♥

Claire was still giving him a wild blowjob; the aphrodisiac had made him completely lose his sanity and let him be carried away by pleasure.

It wasn't long before Cid started cumming inside Claire's mouth.

♥ Glup! ♥

Claire swallowed all of Cid's cum without letting a drop of cum drop.

Panting. —Ha... has... am... Losing... Sanity...

Cid's eyes began to take on a dull hue.

—From... What... There will be... fact... the aphrodisiac... Eta... Ah!

Claire with her tongue began to lick Cid's erection from the tip to the testicles. Doing that same move several times. Until she mounted Cid, with her hand she grabbed Cid's erection to guide him to the entrance of her vagina.

—♥ Ahhh! ♥

Claire's hymen broke abruptly. Claire buried Cid's erection carelessly, the blood began to come out, soiling the bed sheet. That she was already wet with Claire's vaginal fluid while she was giving Cid a blowjob.

Whoops! Whoops!

Claire began to jump gently so as not to feel any further pain. Until a few seconds later he began to feel a greater joy.

You could also hear the gasp of Cid who had let himself be carried away by pleasure.

He brought his hands to his sister's thighs to start picking her up and starting to fuck her.

—♥ Ahhh! ♥

Claire let out a charming voice that turned Cid on. He took his sister into a missionary position where he began to give her with greater intensity and rudeness.

—♥ Ahhh! ♥

The gasps of the two could be heard, increasing with intensity at each moment.

♥ Slurp! ♥

Cid began to cum inside his sister's vagina, filling her completely with his cum.

Claire began to twist her body like an arc from the euphoric pleasure that came from being filled.

—♥ Ahhh! ♥

The two gasped once the climax was over. But Claire threw Cid in to start riding him again, this time it was Claire who took the reins.

Whoops! Whoops!

Claire, who was jumping on top of Cid's erection, bent her body to kiss Cid with a passionate kiss. Where they brought their tongues around each other.

They continued like this for a couple of minutes until they were freed from the kiss due to lack of oxygen.

Whoops! Whoops!

Claire put her hands on her brother's toned abdomen so he wouldn't fall, she was weakened by the intense sex they were having.

Cid brought his hands to his sister's hips and then released his cum.

♥ Slurp! ♥

Filling back her sister's uterus. Claire being grabbed by the hips brought her head up with her tongue out, her eyes dilating from the strong orgasm she was receiving.

Claire fell to the bed unconscious. His appearance changed, revealing Aurora.

—♥ Fufu, now it's my turn. ♥

Aurora began to lick her lips in a perverted way.

The aphrodisiac also had an effect on Aurora.

(Author: It is for this reason, that I did not want to give a body to Aurora.)

Aurora took her body to Cid, where she straddled her, inserting Cid's erection into her vagina.

Cid began to rejoice in the pleasure of Aurora's vagina, Aurora's vaginal walls imprisoned her erection with another stimulus that her sister did not give her. Aurora began to move slowly as if she were playing with Cid.

Cid grabbed Aurora's thighs to have sex with greater intensity. Aurora let Cid take the reins, she let herself be carried away by pleasure as well. Cid had lost his sanity a long time ago, he just let his body get carried away by the pleasure he was giving him by having sex.

Whoops! Whoops!

As the sound of his crotch banging sounded, the bed also began to move. Cid was having sex with more intensity and roughness with Aurora.

They also kissed, and with his tongue they were having a confrontation, he didn't want the other to win the fight.

Cid brought his hand to Aurora's erect nipple to pinch and knead her in order to weaken her and beat her in their confrontation in her mouth.

—♥ Ahh, --- That was cheating. ♥

Aurora let out a charming moan as she reprimanded Cid with a blush on her cheeks.

Whoops! Whoops!

Cid lifted Aurora up by taking the erection out of Aurora's vagina, then lowered it and thus went through Aurora's uterus.

—♥ Ahhh! ♥

Aurora stuck out her tongue as her eyes dilated from a new stimulus within her.

Cid repeated the same movement several times until Aurora arched her body.

♥ Slurp! ♥

—♥ Ahhh! ♥

Aurora felt like her uterus was filled wildly as she screamed, she was having an orgasm from the intense sex.

Cum was dripping onto the bed, as Aurora's vagina had been completely filled since sex with Claire.

Cid took Aurora into a doggy position and started fucking her again.

They had unbridled sex all night until dawn.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

—5 years later. —

A black-haired, black-eyed man wearing a white suit and black shirt, wearing a large white jacket slung over his open shoulder as a cloak, was leaving the castle belonging to the Midgar family.

On one of his arms, he carried a girl with black hair and heterochromatic eyes, one was red and the other was violet.

He was smiling with the most innocent smile of a little child.

—Princess Alexia Midgar is a great guy!

—You didn't meet her when you were younger.

Cid said with a frown as he recalled the past with Alexia.

—Now who do you want to meet?

The girl put her fingers to her chin thoughtfully.

—We've already met the Queen and Princess of Midgar... also to the Queen of Orianna... also the Elf Aunts... to Mrs. Yukime... the Vampire Queen Elisabeth and her servant Mary... Delta, Zeta and Phi... Aunt Nu... Akane... to Aunt Nina... Sherry... Kanade and Christina... Is there anyone else, Otou-san?

—I have no idea; I just remember the ones you named.

Cid replied without caring who else he had yet to know.

—If there's no one else, then we'll go back to Oka-san!

—And I, who had escaped using you...

Cid murmur.

Returning to Kagenou territory, one could see all the territory that had prospered to an incredible magnitude, surpassing the capital of Midga and any kingdom.

Arriving at the house that was remodeled, it was an incredible mansion surpassing the White House of the United States. Seeing the door of his house, I pushed it open and saw all its interior which was decorated with the highest class, as well as the most elegant and refined chandeliers.

—Can you tell me where you were?

A woman's anger was heard.

Cid watched as Claire's face began to darken and her red eyes glowed giving her a sharp look.

—Hikari wanted to meet several people.

Cid said as he lifted his daughter by his arm.

—Otou-san's friends are great!

Hikari replied, her eyes shining with stars.

Sigh. —Okay, I forgive you.

Claire began to grab her daughter in her arm. Caressing her head with motherly affection.

—Really, my child. You should control yourself a bit, you're bothering your father.

—For my best, I can leave quietly without being scolded by you.

Cid murmured so as not to be heard by Claire.

—Let's go to the dining room, they're probably hungry.

Claire spoke with serenity and maturity. It seemed that the years had helped improve his personality.

They walked in the direction of the dining room to see that the table was slowly filling up with the food served by the servants.

—By the way, how are our parents?

Cid asked, who had already begun to eat what was on the table.

—They decided to take a vacation back. They no longer have anything to do, the territory has prospered since the day you arrived, and we began to manage it together.

—What a rage... I want a vacation too...

—So, do I. But there's no one we can let manage while we're going on vacation.

Sigh. —You're right, everyone made their own life. We are already responsible adults... I miss when I was young.

Cid said wistfully.

Claire also nodded with a faint smile.

—Besides, today is a special day.

Claire looked at Cid, Claire's face glowing with radiant happiness.

Cid began to remember what day it was to make it special.




"I don't remember a damn."




"To have... The only thing we celebrate are two things... Birthdays and anniversaries... None of them are celebrating their birthdays today, so all that's left is the anniversary."

By remaining silent and thoughtful, Claire had grabbed a spoon and thrown it at Cid's forehead.

Hikari started laughing at her mom's action towards her dad.

—Hahaha Otou-san has a bump on his forehead!

Cid began to rub the lump that had grown on his forehead from Claire's hard throw.

 —It's forbidden to play at lunchtime, you said it yourself. Because you threw a spoon at me.

The atmosphere began to turn cold, causing Hikari to flee at the sight of her mother's angry look.

—I'll eat later, take good care Otou-san!

Hikari made a quick movement with her hand, as if giving her a blessing that she was saved from Claire.

—Wait, Hikari, don't abandon your father!

Cid exclaimed, watching his daughter leave.

Cid began to tremble with fear. He watched Claire's cold environment come to him.

—It's our anniversary! Calm down!

Claire grabbed Cid's leg and began to drag him along.

—Wait where you take me!

Being dragged by Claire he saw that they were going to a special room that brought back memories.

—Wait... that room... You don't say...

—What's up Cid, we're just going to celebrate our anniversary.

Claire commented in a double sense and smiling in a flirtatious way.


Cid swallowed, remembering scenes that had marked his union with his sister.

Arriving at the room and locking it so that no one could enter, he threw Cid onto the bed.

—Really... Nee-san, we did it last night.

—But today is a special day.

Claire began to undress, took off the clothes she was wearing in a slow and seductive way that made Cid swallow as he watched his sister's spectacle before going to what he was going for.

Removing his last garment which was his underwear.

I fully showed her voluptuous body that had grown over the years, her big breasts and hips, and the curvy of her body as well as her butt. His whole body was a magnificent thing to witness.

Cid's crotch began to grow and jiggle. Claire saw that and began to bite her lips sweetly.

—Someone's ready.

Claire walked up to Cid, reached his crotch, and pulled down the zipper and then took her hand and pulled Cid's erection out of his pants.

— ♥ What a magnificent size. ♥

Claire measured Cid's erection, which measured the same as his forearm.

(Author: The Colossal Titan escaped; someone return him to his world!)

She covered Cid's erection in the middle of his chest and then with her hands raised and lowered him doing a Russian.

— ♥ Even with my big tits, it doesn't completely cover your penis. ♥

—It's something I'm proud of.

Cid responded to his sister's comment about his erection.

♥ Slurp! ♥

Claire started giving Cid a blowjob.

Cid caressed his sister's head. Claire began to like the caress on her head when she gave Cid a blowjob.

(Author: I wanted to make a craft, but my family ended up arriving, well, to continue writing, being horny.)

Claire had improved, she was playing with her tongue at various points on Cid's erect penis that ended up letting out some moans of pleasure.

He also wore Cid's erection all over his mouth reaching his throat, completely swallowing all of Cid's inches.

The first time he did, he surprised Cid a lot.

They continued all day celebrating their anniversary in their room filling with many moans from the strong intensity and rudeness they were having in sex, Aurora appeared once Claire had fainted.

(Author: I'll finish it here, I'm going to recycle the lemon scene back for you, so you don't waste your time on something recycled, it ends here.)

It took several days.

Cid had returned to earth.


I have no idea.

Well, moving on.

Cid was exploring his ancient city, only debris from the destruction of the monsters that now inhabited this world could be seen.

Letting himself go, he followed the magical trail in the air that led him to a place hidden underground.

Following that path, he saw a facility built underground. The entire building was made of marble.

Entering that place, destroying the door.

I end up seeing several people in gowns, as well as experiment machinery.

Using his magic to go unnoticed, he explored the entire facility until he reached a room that caught his attention.

It wasn't the room that had caught his eye. If you don't --- the person who was in a cage.

A girl with violet, black hair as well as her violet eyes. Wearing a black garment.

She was playing with a necklace that Cid clearly remembered.

It was the same necklace he had given the girl years before.

—So, the guess I had with Akane is correct. The world we find ourselves inhabiting now...


















It is the future of the Earth.

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

The end

 » ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

After I was writing and writing the blowjob of "bonds built" I decided to write what you are going to see next.












































































































































See you in an upcoming update, take care of yourselves and happy birthdays 2024.