
[Oneshot] Claire Kagenou x Cid Kagenou (English Version)

Oneshot I had written months ago, and I decided to publish it at the request of someone who wanted to read it. This is my favorite ship in the series, the next one would be Aurora, Akane and Kanade.

Izayou901 · Anime & Comics
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Claire Kagenou x Cid Kagenou

Well, before you read, I'll give you these warnings.

First point: my favorite ship is Claire x Cid, and the following positions already vary depending on the future development of the author by the characters of his work, Aurora second place, Akane third and Kanade fourth place J.

Second point: this one-shot is incest and underage, so you're warned to go.

Claire 15 and Cid 13.

Third point: I wrote this because I'm reading Claire x Cid fic these days, and I suddenly remembered an H scene from the Grisaia Visual Novel of Kazami Yuuji and his sister in the bathroom, so that's why I wrote this.

Fourth point: The characters may not be the same as the canon, reason; I'm not good at fitting into the character, I'm a novice and I don't think I can really do it.

Fifth point: if I feel like it and inspiration comes back I will write another 2 one-shots of Claire x Cid, at school and another one as an adult.

So, pick these up, just in case.



Say Name

Like I said, just in case I feel like writing this 2 one-shot.

Now they can read. (Hopefully I'll feel like writing a fic entirely with an alternate Cid.)

And the important one, there is no image, laziness to search in the early morning.



Claire's point of view.

I was looking for my younger brother, Cid.

Today was one of the typical days where the Bald Man was busy with work, so I had to force Cid to train with me.

But I couldn't find him in the mansion, so I went outside the house to look for him with a servant.

The only place Cid would go would be near the river where we always train, something that is very curious; It's that my younger brother who always demonstrated below-average skills and spent more time reading books.

Now he was serious about training.

I have no idea what a drastic change it made for him to train diligently to improve his skills.

But for now, I'm leaving that topic aside, as I'm so happy that my little brother took fencing seriously.

I completely abhorred it when people around us said we were incompatible brothers.

Now those stupid people can see how cool and amazing my little brother is! Pieces of in his face!


I was happy and proud of Cid.

Although I always have been, but he's a very cheeky little brother; That's why I like to annoy him.

After a few minutes of a leisurely walk to the river it was several meters away from the mansion.

I saw the silhouette of my younger brother swinging the sword.

He was trying very hard; I improved my eyesight with magic, and I got to see the sweat that fell from Cid's face falling to the ground.

Something that Cid taught me.

I really learn more from Cid than he does from me.


I let out a faint laugh from my mouth that the servant next to me didn't end up hearing.

After getting close enough to me, I greeted Cid.

—I see you're ahead of yourself in training, Cid~. —I greeted Cid with a smile as he looked away at me.

—Onee-chan! And Elisa-san!

My lovely brother returned the greeting with a bright smile.

How cute!!

I struggled to stop a nosebleed in front of Cid.

I don't want to make a weird scene in front of him, like she's a perverted big sister.

Things I'm not.

I loved my younger brother, but not in a strange way.

For as long as I can remember, it has always been Cid who has saved me, which I end up making my brother love, but as I said, not in a weird way.

—I'd like to have a duel, but you're tired of training, so I'll wait until you recover.

—There's no need for Onee-chan! I still have enough energy for a duel with you!

I could see Cid's enthusiasm and determination.

Which made me smile again.

—Then I'll take your word for it~.

I got far enough away and prepared my stance for the confrontation with Cid.

—Thank you, Onee-chan!

Cid also prepared his stance and was the first to attack.

He came with a lunge, which he dodges easily and counters attack with a weak swing to make it easy for Cid.

For now, I'd like to test how much I've improved so I know how much effort I have to fight with Cid.

Cid used his sword to deflect my attack.

Mmm... his strength in his arms has improved very little, but enough to know that he is seriously improving to become a Dark Knight.

Cid's point of view.

I was fighting with my older sister, Claire Kagenou.

It's been several years since I reincarnated in this world, where I was finally able to find the power, I longed for most in my past life.


A fictional power on Earth that sought to fight against the greatest weapon created by man: Nuclear Bomb.

If he wanted to be a Shadow Eminence, he needed an incredible power that could stand up to him.

It didn't matter how many times I trained my body. Or how many times I learned different types of martial art or fighting.

A nuclear bomb attack would be useless.

I would only wait for death.

The only solution I came up with was magic.

A fictional power romanticized by modern manga and anime culture.

Look for all kinds of books, even religions, to get it.

But it was all in vain.

Until one day when I was meditating in the nowhere forest, I came to see a strange light.

Not caring what it was, I ran towards her thinking madly that I had finally found what I longed for.

Fate or maybe luck.

He had been reincarnated as a baby.

I quickly came to the conclusion that he was dead.

But what did it matter! I finally have magic! I could feel a strange power coursing through my body! LOL THIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!

Ah... I shit myself.


I started crying to be cleaned.

From that day on, I began to train the control of magic.

It was very interesting how versatile he could be.

Although I would have liked to train the magic without discomfort.

I have an older sister, who is very close to me.

And that's already a problem, not being able to calmly play the role of a Shadow Eminence if I have an older sister next to me.

It would be a cliché of the incestuous sister for her younger brother.

May any divine being take pity on me so that never happens.

What worries me is how our parents can give her the freedom to take care of me, she is only 3 years old, and I am 1 year old.

Since she always takes me, I have to keep an eye on her.

I ended up saving her a few times.

I don't know what she was thinking to go grab a knife that was so high up from her.

I was lucky to get there and pull her so the knife wouldn't hit her face. And it would only fall to the ground.


I think she'd die if it got to his face.

I can't let him die! She's a main character in this house and surely important to the future of the story! And most importantly! That if he dies, all the responsibility will fall on me and hinder my goal of becoming an Eminence in the Shadow! This is unacceptable!

So apart from training magic, I also took care of my older sister from any mischief that was too dangerous.

Like the case now.

I am 6 years old, and my sister is 8 years old.

He ended up dragging me on an excursion to fight bandits in the Kagenou family's territory.

But I have to thank my older sister.

Thanks to her I was able to play a perfect role as a mob.

Right now, he was unconscious from the fight with the bandits.

So, I can quietly fight and kill my profit booty.

—W-Why are you on your feet? I saw how I cut you...

Said a bandit, confused and with surprised eyes just like his other companions.

—Ah. What you cut was a slime under investigation.

—O-One slime...?

—It looks like it still has very little durability. I'll have to go back to collecting more data. —I said with a small sigh.

I could see their confusion in me.

An abnormal child without fear of being surrounded by a bandit, surely, they think so.

But what can I say.

You bandits are my training and way to get rich!

He smiles ghouls, scaring the bandits away.

—To tell you the truth, I was going to get you tonight, but as always, I can never guess what my sister is thinking.

I said as I approached my sister to pick up her sword lying on the ground.

—I have no idea what this brat is talking about, but this time he does kill him.

Suddenly the man stopped talking.

—Coff, Coff…

The man grabbed her throat, squeezing it tightly as he spat out blood.

—Oh, are they so weak?

They all saw my sword stained with fresh blood.

This will make it easy and fast.



—Onee-chan, Onee-chan! Wake up!

She heard the voice of her younger brother Cid, and regained consciousness.


—Onee-chan! I'm glad you're well— Guff.

—Cid are you okay?! ¡I'm glad... I'm glad...!

She was experiencing joy and remorse at the same time.

—I'm sorry, forgive me. I didn't mean for you to go through this.

—Uhh... I can't breathe.

—Cid, Cid, Cid! ...Um? And the bandits?

Claire came to, then looked around. The bandits were nowhere to be found, there were only several traces of blood.

—A-A bounty hunter appeared, and the bandits ran away... then the bounty hunter also ran out to chase them... —He said as he tried to free himself from Claire's arms.

—I see... I'm really glad you're okay.

—N-I'm not...

—Thank you, Cid. You tried to save me, didn't you?

—Yes, even though I was defeated in one fell swoop...

Claire shook her head. Thanks to what Cid had said, she remembered truly cherished memories.

—You've always saved me, always, since I was little...

That's why Claire loved Cid.

—I promise I'll get stronger, your sister will get stronger, and then I'll be the one to save you. —She said, hugging Cid tightly in her arms, never to lose him again.


Krss! Krss!

The jingle of the sound of the swords crossing where Cid and Claire wielded them in their fight where Cid exerted a little pressure making Claire back a little.

—You're improving, Cid!

Claire spoke excitedly about Cid's improved skills.

—Thank you, Onee-chan!

Cid responded with childish enthusiasm as he continued to attack.

Krss! Krss!

The sword clashes exerted a shockwave more and more for the duel where Claire increased his strength which Cid responded well, increasing his strength so as not to be easily knocked down by his sister.

Krss! Krss!


Cid had lost the sword to his sister's sudden explosive force; the sword had reached the other side of the river.

—Hahaha! You really improved a lot of Cid, but it was your defeat!

Cid, who is smiling, looks at his sister with amusement. —I haven't given up yet, I can fight using the limbs of my body!

(Author: the dick later :v)

Claire, seeing her brother's spirit that she thought could win her over, smiled to herself as well.

—That's a big change, little brother!

Claire, who strengthened her legs with magic, jumped forward to quickly finish off Cid. 

Cid smiling also advanced, but instead of attacking he used his arms moving it with agility he threw his sister's body by the inertia of Claire's lack of control when she was thrown without controlling her sudden force.

—You got too excited, Onee-chan!

Cid, smiling happily, looked at his older sister who had fallen into the river.

—I suppose you're right, Cid.

Coming out of the river with her body and wet clothes, which she attached to her body perfectly showing her slender body and her developing breasts.

To which Cid showed indifference.

Sigh. —I'll go back and change.

Claire said to which Cid nodded.


As time passed, the day had come when Claire would go to the capital to enter the dark knight school.

But something troubling happened.

Claire had been kidnapped, to which Cid immediately began to move with the girls belonging to Shadow Garden.

Mistaking the girls for their leader's action, he wasn't dressed as Shadow.

He was dressed as Cid Kagenou.

Following the magical trail in the air that belonged to his sister, he came to a desolate and hidden place underground, to which he quickly descended.

—Enemy, kill him!


As soon as they saw Cid, they ended up dying with the orichalcum sword that was in Cid's right hand.

Cid continued to advance and receive some small wounds on his body where several stains of blood soiled his clothes.

"If I get to my sister without being harmed, she will surely be suspicious and ask questions that I don't want to answer." Cid thought.

Killing and following the trail of magic, he had arrived.


Claire screamed in handcuffs, showing several emotions that she had difficulty expressing, she was happy to see her brother, but also anger on his part for coming to save her in a dangerous place, as well as sadness and concern seeing Cid's body that had several wounds.

Grasse, seeing and trusting his instincts, managed to see the danger from the boy, he began to take drugs to increase his strength.

Now with the new strength the drug attacked with a superhuman speed that was not seen by Claire, she watched in terror and fear as the blood splattered on Cid's chest.

Grasse had made a vertical slash on Cid's chest, where Cid looked nonchalantly at Grasse and then raised his sword to cut off the head to continue slashing and seeing the heart with the magic core pierced to kill him.

Grasse was dead.

Cid walked to the imprisoned Claire who looked stunned by Cid's abilities displayed.

—Cid you... Not better put that aside... You're so hurt because of me.

He spoke with guilt that his younger brother was wounded.

—You don't need to worry about that, I came to save you Nee-san.

Cid had shown a sudden maturity that made Claire blush.

—T-Thank you, Cid.

Claire had had a little stutter from the sudden turn of her emotions.

Cid began to free his sister, looking with interest at the magic-suppressing wives, who decided to take him with him, thinking of using her for his training, confusing Claire.

Cid and Claire left; Cid told her not to tell her parents. She reluctantly agreed but replied that she was going to reward him for all the trouble he gave her, Cid said that it is not necessary, but then accepted because of his sister's persistence. Not knowing what kind of reward his sister was going to give him.

By nightfall, Cid was frightened and trembling for his life.

Claire had handcuffed him with the magic-suppressing handcuffs and that's not the only thing.

She had taken him with her to the bathroom, so that the two of them could bathe talking about this morning's reward.

Cid was trying (he didn't try hard because of his role as the mob of a brother who can't escape his sister) to escape his sister's clutches by replying that he didn't need any reward.

Entering the bathroom where Claire undressed, first showing her slender and naked body to her little brother.

Cid blushed (pretended) and looked away embarrassed so as not to see Claire's naked body.

Claire began to undress Cid, who responded with complaints that he would not take off his precious clothes and that he wanted to return to his room.

Claire refused his request and continued to undress him where she looked sadly at the scars on his body.

—It was my fault that you were going to save me and get hurt.

His eyes began to water.


Cid looked worriedly at his sister.

—I told Nee-san not to worry about it, it was my own decision to go save you... Why I want to.

Cid replied affectionately and smiling sweetly at his sister.

Claire felt that flutter of emotions in her heart again and felt her face warm up.

Letting himself be carried away by emotion, he undressed Cid more quickly.

Where he showed a surprise at what he was seeing.

—15 cm long and 2 cm thick.

Claire spoke in a strange tone as she looked at Cid's erect penis, looking surprised.

—Wow, Cid, this friend isn't such a child. It's really developing you very well.

—Nee-san... —Cid's eyes began to roll as he thought he needed to escape. —Please, release me, I want to go back to my room.

Cid spoke, begging for his release.

—No, let's go for a bath.

Cid being dragged by Claire's force went into the bathroom.

Claire sat Cid on a small wooden bench where he couldn't escape (if he could) his sister's grip force and could only pretend he was at Claire's mercy.

Grabbing a bucket of water to bathe her brother's naked, scarred body with an erection sticking out in his crotch.

I rinse Cid with soap going from his arms, chest, back, hair, legs and finally reaching his erection.

—Nee-san, you don't need to clean me up there!

Cid exclaimed nervously, his eyes spinning.

—It's okay Cid, I'll clean your body, I don't need to startle you.

Claire replied calmly as if what she was doing was nothing wrong.

Up and down doing the same motion to clean the erect penis from the tip of the glans to Cid's testicles.

Cid shuddered, but not with pleasure, he shuddered with fear.

"I'm going to be corrupted if my sister continues to do this!" Cid cried out in alarm in his thoughts.

Passing the seconds that were eternal for Cid, Claire grabbed a bucket of water to clean the soap-rinsed body for herself and then Cid.

—There seems to be a big problem with your crotch.

Claire said with a smile.

He got up to go in front of Cid and then bent down and with his right hand began to masturbate his younger brother.

—I can easily take care of that problem!

He replied excitedly as he tried to escape Claire.

—I'll take care of it myself, enjoy the pleasure.


—Hey, Nee-san! ¡... Ugh... ah... sto-to-stop Nee-san!

Claire brought the erect penis to her mouth, where Cid began to feel an incredible pleasure inside her sister's mouth where she used her tongue to start playing with her penis where she felt how it surrounded her glans where she lost a little strength due to the stimulus that was bigger in that part.

 —Nee... saint!

Cid tried to resist the pleasure caused by his sister's tongue on the glans.


Claire freed Cid's erect penis and then used her hand to slowly masturbate him.

Cid, after having felt an incredible pleasure in his sister's mouth, breathed more calmly.

Panting. —Ah... ah... Nee-san, stop.

An agitated Cid spoke, who kept talking about his sister stopping.



Cid's body was writhing with pleasure from Claire's blowjob, she watched with amusement as her little brother tried to endure the pleasure he gave to his erect penis.


"How fun it is to see this cute side of Cid." Claire thought as she amused herself by annoying Cid.

—Ah... ah... Nee... saint... Stop... I won't resist anymore!


Claire, listening to her brother's gasp of pleasure, began to be motivated by amusement that her brother was resisting the pleasure.

Freeing his brother's erect penis from the inside of his mouth, he took his tongue around the glans that was his brother's weak point, now using his hands to masturbate the phallus and caress Cid's testicles, where he continued to writhe with pleasure.

Claire, looking amused at her brother's suffering, began to speak.

—Even though I'd like to go all the way and have sex, I don't have the will to. I have no idea what my life would be like if that pleasure corrupted me at school turning me into a closet pervert thinking about you from time to time, so I would have to wait until you also get to school to experience that carnal pleasure of the union of our body.

Claire said as she licked Cid's phallus from the glans to the testicles, causing Cid to squirm in pleasure.

—A-ah.... Ne-nee-san... n-no... ca-can... resi-resist it... mm-more...

Cid said between gasps of pleasure. Making Claire turn on feeling how Cid's penis swelled little by little, knowing that he was going to cum.

Claire shoved all of Cid's penis deep down waiting for her little brother's cum to pass down her throat to swallow.

But surprisingly, his little brother was still resisting. He decided now to use his chest.

Cid went from an incredible ecstasy to receive a blowjob from his sister now, to then feel the softness of his chest receiving a Russian/paizuru.

—Ah-ah... nee-nee-san... in-teaching... st-top-top... Ah-Ah.

(Author: Come on Cid surrender and join the northern side >:D)

—You're amazing Cid, you're resisting a lot, there's no choice but to use my mouth to make you surrender.

At that Cid felt a new euphoric pleasure, he felt the softness of his sister's chest and also the mouth where he began to play with his tongue perversely on her glans making him weaker, he already felt that he could in his sister's throat.



—♡ Glup! ♡

Cid's body arched as his penis released its cum that passed in his sister's throat to be swallowed, Claire gripped Cid's hip tightly so as not to escape the strong cumshot that his brother released.

—♡ Slurp! Glup! ♡

Claire swallowed the cum without it spilling out of her mouth.

—♡ Slurp! Glup! ♡

Freeing his brother's penis, sensing that there was no more cum to come out, he had swallowed the semen without spilling a drop.

—♡You're incredible, Cid. ♡

Claire's eyes, which had changed to one of hearts by the time she swallowed the semen, returned to their original state.

—Nee... saint... I feel... weak.

Cid said, tired and weakened after releasing an incredible burden that was swallowed by his sister.

—♡I'm so sorry Cid, I'm taking you to your room now. ♡

Quickly changing his clothes and Cid's 

She began to carry it on her arm in a bridal style, began her walk to the room that belonged to Cid.

Once he was left in his bed and ready to sleep peacefully, he retired to go to his room and sleep.

He was smiling all the way to his room, even sleeping with that smile of satisfaction.

The next day Claire got into her carriage to go to the capital.

—Take care, Nee-san.

Cid spoke without his animated tone as he always did.

Claire understood why, but her parents didn't. 

—Hahaha, also take care of yourself, Cid, I'll see you on vacation.

Cid's face had a small movement. —See you on vacation then (Please don't come back). —He smiled, showing the same smile that his parents always saw in him.

The entire Kagenou family said goodbye in good spirits (except for Cid), watching Claire leave.