
Novelas de foto di brawl stars - WebNovel


  • The Stars in Your Eyes

    Jian Kang Lu has spent the past two years wondering that maybe he was destined to live alone until the end of his life. He will turn 36 soon, and can’t find anyone piqued his interest anymore. He’s a doctor, with a decent look and financially well. His life seems so perfect, except that he was still single. Living his life day by day working in the hospital with the same routine everyday. Just like a robot. When he decided to go for a trip, he finally found someone that sparks his world once again. For the first time in his life, he was drawn to this young man’s charm. A very young man, pure like a fresh first snow falling from the winter sky. Jian Kang Lu can’t help whispering in his mind “Will he think that i’m just a pervert old guy?” Though he was 36 years old, lots of people said he doesn’t even look like a 30 years old man. He was quite confident with his own appearance. With that, he tried to pursue this pure young man, trying to bend this pure young man into his lover. Starting from a small conversation. After that question he threw, that young man looked at him and his eyes stared with wonder. After 5 second he answered, “Yes, how do you know?”. His voice is soft. Somehow just to hear this young man’s voice for the first time made Jian Kang Lu’s heart fluttering. Just like a small kitten that’s so cute, and pure. Make him want to embrace this lovely kitten in his arms. This is a simple story about two people with their own insecurities, trying to find their own little happiness. Along the journey, will they finally find the meaning of love? Cover belong to original artist, used with permission. IG & Twitter @ereyzme

    Meine_Meow · LGBT+
  • The Moon and The Stars (BL)

    In the land of Octant, a distant place far away from human civilization, there exists a kingdom of werewolves. And in this magical kingdom, resides Orion, a Priest in training, practising for a very important occasion that is coming up, the coronation of their king. There, he meets a wolf who seems a little too familiar as pieces of his past gets brought back up as the days go by. Who is this mysterious wolf? Why does he feel such a strong attraction to him? And, what really is the story behind the incident that tore half his face off?

    Moryoll · LGBT+
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    Apa yang akan kamu lakukan seandainya kamu menemukan sebuah mesin waktu dan melihat masa depanmu bukanlah seperti yang kamu harapkan? Zie, seorang mahasiswi fakultas keperawatan tingkat akhir, ia sudah bertunangan dengan kekasihnya Harsya dan berencana untuk menikah beberapa bulan lagi setelah Zie diwisuda. Zie sangat mencintai kekasihnya dan impian terbesarnya adalah jadi istri dan menmenghabiskan seluruh hidupnya bersama Harsya, dan menjadi istri serta ibu dari anak-anak kekasihnya. Sebuah Keluarga bahagia. dan menua bersama Harsya. Sayangnya semua impiannya hancur begitu saja ketika suatu malam, sebuah peristiwa misterius terjadi. Dia mendapati kenyataan kalau suaminya di masa depan bukanlah Harsya tapi Ali, orang yang sangat dibencinya sekaligus musuh bebuyutannya. Malam itu seorang perempuan paruh baya yang mengaku berasal dari masa depan yang juga merupakan anak mereka. Dia datang untuk menyatukan cinta Zie dan Ali. Kepada siapa Zie kan melabuhkan cintanya? Harsya, sang kekasih yang sangat dicintainya atau Ali, si musuh bebuyutan yang perlahan tapi pasti memasuki kehidupannya? https://www.facebook.com/alanylove.alanylove Instagram @alany828

    AlanyLove · Integral

    Amelia gadis cantik dan mempunyai suara yang indah. Sayang,karena ia bertubuh gemuk ia tidak bisa menjadi seorang penyanyi seperti impiannya sejak kecil. Amelia harus puas bernyanyi sebagai penyanyi latar. Bahkan, ia harus bernyanyi untuk Karla kakak kandungnya. Karla tenar dengan suara indah Amelia. Setiap bernyanyi , Karla selalu lipsing dan Amelia yang bernyanyi untuknya. Amelia ikhlas melakukan itu karena permintaan David sebagai eksekutif produser yang sangat Amelia cintai. Namun, pada suatu hari karena mabuk David dan Amelia tidak sengaja berada dalam satu kamar hotel setelah konser tunggal Karla. Akibat kejadian itu Amelia hamil dan pergi ke luar negeri. Ia memilih tinggal di Korea, dan di sana ia melahirkan seorang putri yang cantik yang ia titipkan pada sahabatnya yang berada di sana. Sementara ia kembali ke Indonesia dengan penampilan baru yang lebih cantik dan langsing. Demi tujuannya menjadi bintang dan membalas dendam.

    Alya_Snitzkyy2 · Adolescente
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  • DEFYING THE STARS: Falling For An Enemy

    She - a devil in angel disguise and Him - the so-called demon with a hidden golden heart... * * Meet Yara Amiel, the beloved Princess of the Avaria Kingdom - the daughter of the late King of Avaria and the only sibling of the current King; she is the treasure of Avaria. She led a seemingly rosy and well-sheltered life. The people love and admire her. The King and the Queen pampered her. Not to mention that she is an angelic beauty with elegant manners. Her only flaw is that she tends to be narcissistic at times. But in reality, she hid a dark and evil side beneath her angelic facade. She is a well-trained warrior and the secret figure who controls all the spy network of her Kingdom and even the army. She helps her brother in stabilizing the Kingdom from behind the curtains. The ones who know the real her only has three words to describe her - cold-blooded, tough and mischievous. She is a vengeful being whom they never dared to cross! With a heart of stone, she leads a double life and devotes herself to her Kingdom. * * Enter Karium Maselli, the powerful Prince of Welahan Kingdom. The younger half-brother of the current King of Welahan; he is a celebrated warrior who commands the Welahan Army. Nicknamed the 'God of War', he is an infamous warrior who is feared by his enemies. Rumours have it that he is an evil and bloodthirsty tyrant without a heart! As such, no one dared to stand against him. However, this so-called demon has a secret. He is just a normal young man who longed for peace! Out of his love for his older brother the King and the people, he forced himself to kill the enemies so that his beloved Kingdom could have peace. He is never happy to wage a war but he did it for the people and his Kingdom, hoping that he would finally put down his sword and lead a simple life when his Kingdom have peace. The two Kingdoms - Avaria and Welahan are sworn enemies and rivals for many decades. What type of conflicts and disturbances will happen if these two royals happen to fall in love?! Will they be able to achieve the seemingly impossible happy ending? Or will they become just another Romeo and Juliet? "If I am forced to choose between my Kingdom and you, then I will create one more option - death." The love story that will create huge chaos between two rival Kingdoms is about to be unfolded! * * * Note: All Kingdoms, characters, places and incidents in this novel are fictional. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo. All rights credited to the true owner.

    Pearys · Historia
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  • 12 Stars for The Moon

    Dua belas pria dengan berbagai zodiak berbeda harus mengahadapi takdir yang sama. Takdir yang mengharuskan mereka berjuang dan saling percaya satu sama lain. Tak peduli resiko yang mereka terima, mereka ingin melakukan semuanya dengan baik. Mereka yang terpilih harus berjuang mempertahankan bulan yang akan hancur. Takdir yang membuat mereka harus melaksanakan tugas berat yang bahkan mereka tak pernah pikirkan. Kekuatan terpendam mereka muncul dengan sendirinya saat terjadi bulan purnama. Bulan purnama yang berwarna biru es itu membuat mereka saling menyadari takdir hidup mereka. Novel sudah selesai, versi English telah tersedia.

    Park_Keyza · Fantasía
  • Realm of Lore: Falling Stars Online

    At the beginning of time, the goddess Rylenta found a patch of primordial void. She cultivated it into a vast world devoid of life and emotion. Her seven breaths created life as we know it, and the myriad races ushered into existence like tiny moths chasing the light. She lived with her children happily, treasuring them more than anything else. Time passed like fine faery wine, and her world entered the age of blossoming. However, one day, she vanished without leaving as much as a trace behind, plunging the world into perpetual darkness. Thousands of years later, the world is scarred, and the end seemed to be nigh. Children looked to the empty sky and could no longer see the stars in their dreams. In search of light, fate extended its mysterious hands on a group of humans in a foreign world. They were called many names; The Anointed Ones, Travellers, Players, Angels of the Goddess… However, will they be successful in their fated mission? And what happens when the most unfit person, Seth Ravenswood, gets chosen to take part in this cruel mission?

    Purple_Khaos · Juegos
  • Monster di Batavia

    Berakhir dalam 11 - 12 Chapter terakhir. Kisah ini, adalah kisah dari sebuah harapan. Kisah ini juga kisah dari sebuah perjuangan. Kisah dari sebuah cita, kisah dari sebuah asa. Kisah dari seorang gadis bernama Anna, yang kehilangan ingatannya di tengah para penjajah VOC yang bisa merubah wujud mereka. Terbagi dalam tiga babak besar, dimana pada awal tiap babaknya akan di gambarkan keseluruhan alurnya dalam satu puisi singkat. Kisah ini mengangkat catatan sejarah bangsa dalam genre cerita fantasi yang mendebarkan. Mengambil setting di tiga masa berbeda, kisah ini akan membawa pembaca untuk bertualang dan menyaksikan koneksi dari perjuangan para pahlawan Nusantara. Cuplikan : "Di mana ini!?" kata pikirannya mengacau. ... Blap! Blap! ... tiba-tiba dua lampu pijar bersinar. "... Het feest!! ... kita sambut bersama ... ANNA!!" Kemudian ... desahan makhluk yang belum pernah ia dengar ... Slurrpp!! "... AAAAA!!!" "Jangan takut gadis manis, tulangmu tak akan kami sisakan sedikit pun"  "Tidak!" " ... mari kita lihat seperti apa rasa yang dimiliki daging lembutmu ... " "HHYYAAAAAAAA ... TIDAK TIDAK! ...  JANGAN ... JANGAN MENDEKAT! SANA PERGI ...  TIDDAAAAAKKKKKK!!!" Batavia 1628, sebagai salah satu wilayah jajahan VOC kota bergaya eropa ini berubah menjadi tempat yang sangat mencekam. Kemudian tepat di suatu bangunan megah yang berada di tengah kota, digelarlah suatu pesta dansa tepat saat pertengahan malam. Bulan bersinar bulat, tarian dan musik klasik pun mulai diputar, dan seketika lampu ruangan itu dimatikan. Saat itulah panggung mencekam Batavia dibuka....

    Tom_Ardy · Historia
  • Immortal Stars

    "Six-legged black, red worm, level seven elite worm beast. After absorbing it, I should be able to reach the eighth level." The Giant Exploding Thunder Dragon beast, with bronze blood, is as big as an asteroid. If I absorb it, I can reach the black hole level immediately! Chaos White Liexiang, the best of chaotic spirit beasts. Difficult to take care of, but as long as I absorb it, my life index can break 10000! Wang Xu accidentally got a flame that could devour insects and beasts and convert their energy into his own. From then on, no one could stand in his way!

    Three Thousand Rubbish Drafts · Ciencia y ficción
  • Rose of Stars

    Born into one of the Four Royal Families, Venus Bast is the last member of the Bast family. After an accident that left her orphaned she was raised among the three Princes of the three remaining families. She was raised among them as their cousin. When she wakes up in an unknown room she is far from happy. The fact she finds herself surrounded by unknown males that are not human set her on edge. When it comes down to her discomfort and the death of her people she will do her duty as Princess even if she has ran from most of those duties.

    Tala_Kellie · Ciencia y ficción
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  • Di Dalam Pengepungan!

    Volume 3 : Finish Volume 4 : Coming soon 'Sesuatu yang tidak terlihat menggenggam nasib kita semua.' 'Realita yang ada telah tergantikan oleh suatu zat terkutuk!' 'Itulah alasan pelarianku.' Jawa Barat 2030, dimana bencana kabut misterius selama 2 tahun membuat persatuan bangsa di dalamnya menjadi terpecah belah dan membaginya dalam kubu-kubu ganas. Tidak ada yang bisa masuk atau keluar dari sangkar kabut tersebut. Bahkan aliran listrik di daerah yang terkepung kabut mati total. Amirda Husein Renata yang berasal dari salah satu kubu mulai jenuh akan kejahatan kubunya. Ditambah dengan adanya surat misterius dari teman lamanya yang telah hilang, ia memutuskan untuk melarikan diri dari tempatnya dengan dalih menjawab panggilan surat tersebut. Namun, yang ditemukannya di luar tembok kubunya adalah suasana yang sangat asing yang mencekam dan kenyataan pahit tentang temannya yaitu dipenuhi oleh konspirasi yang dapat menghancurkan tatanan dalam kabut untuk selamanya, bahkan seluruh dunia. Sebuah alat pembentuk materi di luar nalar yang memungkinkan untuk menguasai dunia yang juga disinyalir dapat meningkatkan kemajuan peradaban bumi dalam waktu 1000 tahun selama 10 tahun. DI saat bersamaan, Amir mendapatkan kekuatan yang tak pernah ia sangka-sangka untuk membantu dirinya dan misinya. Apakah Amir dapat keluar dari kabut itu hidup-hidup?

    HafidhAR97 · Ciencia y ficción
  • Brawl of the Kings

    Dom finds himself in a brand new fantasy world where the old order has been upturned by Hundreads of thousands of beings from earth who were transmigrated from earth, and forced to establish their own countries, with the aid of the God of War system, they have to fight for resources and impose their sovereignty upon the land which not so long ago belonged to ancient kingdoms and empires. Dom however Has FFF ranked inate talent which only occurs 0.005% of the time and he must find a way to contest the domination of the more fortunate contestants.

    Kracky · Militar
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  • Conquest of the Stars

    [sexual content and lemons warning] Warning: Sexual content, lemons, Comedy, MILFs, Genius Mc and his harem. ******* Lourianne Tome is a mildly talented, underachieving, slightly lecherous summoner who wants nothing more than to live a simple life away from her father's expectations. Those dreams are waylaid when a madman knocks her carriage off the road and sacrifices her to power a summoning. After a fateful encounter with a powerful elemental, Lou becomes something other than human and embarks on a journey to live happily and bring a little amusement to a god tired of the world's status quo.

    BlackRoseAbyss · Fantasía
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  • We'll Rewrite The Stars

    A girl named Mia she is a lovely girl with a rich background that walks freely under the light of the sun. A man named Jake an assassin who walks to a dark street in the night without the moon restlessly. Due to an incident in the past, these two people that should not have crossed each other’s paths were played by the fate. Will these two star-crossed lovers break down the walls that separates them, or will they allow themselves to drift along and let nature takes its course? Are they destined to be together?

    Moongirl_Mich · Adolescente
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  • Love When the Stars Falls

    ★★ Introduction of this book ★★ 《Love When the Stars Falls》 The main characters is Ye Tan and Xuan Shangjun, is a wonderful work of sadistic romance written by Junhua at one time. This site provides the full episode of Love When the Star Falls to read: It was originally born with the same fate, but Yetan had become an unfortunate person, and the elder sister who was full of calculations actually took the place of the Tianfei (Consort) instead of herself. However, the heroine did not give up hope for life because of her misery. She knew that sooner or later she would regain everything she once had, but it was only a matter of time.

    Empireasian · Fantasía
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