
Chapter 9 | Duel Spirit

After an exhausting day of school, I decide to head back to my room. Reaching home, I knew Syrus was going to get into trouble, but I didn't know exactly where or when, so I had to go with Jaden and follow the path he took to get there.

It was something quite annoying, but because of that I had to wait until Jaden gave me the call and follow him. So right now I was in my quite room, with my PDA beside me, staring out my window. It was a cool and breezy night, since we where on an island, there was little light pollution so I could clearly see the stars. Then again, maybe being in an anime world makes the environment better and affects common sense, so maybe you could see the stars even in the city?

Well none the less, I was left alone in my room, quietly staring at the sky. Deciding to make a plan of going outside and star gazing sometime I rested against the window sill.

Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the gentle breeze, as I let my thoughts wonder, waiting for the buzzing of my PDA. It was times like these that made me think about how lost I was, my first move when getting here was to directly make friends with the main cast, but... what do I do after?

I was stuck here, so I should become a famous and rich duelist, obviously. But I didn't just want to live a boring life, I joined the protagonist group to have fun. I felt a lot more alive just hanging around Jaden then just being stuck in my room alone. I guess theirs nothing I can really do, so I'll just focus on the now, one step in front of the other. I mean hanging will Jaden will always be exciting right?

Falling into my thoughts I took out my deck and looked through my cards. Taking out House Dragonmaid I stared at it and sighed.

''You'll come along for the ride, right?'' I asked and stared at the sky, once more.

''Huh... I'm talking to a card, I'm already going crazy.'' I mumbled as not even 2 days into Duel academy, I'm going crazy.

For some reason, I began feeling more and more sleepy, so I sat against the wall under my window sill.

''But I can't fall asleep yet... I still have to save... Syrus's ass...'' I mumbled but my eyes kept getting heavier and I soon fell into slumber. My hand slowly letting go and dropping the House Dragonmaid card as I fall into sleep.


Waking up I felt something soft against the back of my head. Snuggling into my 'pillow' I turned over and curled up my legs slightly.

''ahh~ comfy~'' I mumbled to no one in particular.

''I'm honored to be able to provide comfort for my master.'' A happy and gentle yet refined and poised voice sounded from above me.

Instantly my eyes shot open as I looked up to the source of the sound, above me I saw a large....chest...!

Taking a moment to process my situation, I panicked as I realized I was in someone's lap. Practically leaping away, my eyes widened at the person who was giving me a lap pillow, however when I saw her face I was even more surprised.

''I apologize for waking you, master.'' Said the mysterious women as she placed her hands atop each other in front of her and bowed. Her voice sounded apologetic yet still poised and refined, looking closer she seemed to have a light smile on her face.

However I couldn't process her words as her name involuntarily came out of my mouth.

''House Dragonmaid!?'' I exclaimed in surprise at the beautiful, black haired dragonmaid, addressing me as master.

''I am glad master recognizes me.'' House Dragonmaid added, deepening her bow. Feeling slightly bad for making her bow while on her knees, I got up and asked her to stop bowing.

''U-um... you can stand know, but... could you explain how your here?'' I asked as I reached out my hand to her.

Staring at my outstretched hand slightly surprised, she smiled softly and reached out her own hand. Placing her hand over it and gently raising in an elegant manner worthy of a maid, while still not applying any pressure on my hand.

''I am honored to receive master's grace.'' She replied as she once again bowed lightly pulling the ends of her large skirt slightly and performing a curtsey.

''...You don't have to be so grateful, so please stop bowing...'' I asked feeling slightly more overwhelmed by her etiquette then her being here.

''I can never show discourtesy for the master, however if it would be more comfortable, I could refrain myself slightly.'' She stated with complete sincerity in her voice.

''Ok, please do that.'' I said exasperated.

''Now could you explain why... you're here?'' I asked trying to not make it sound offensive, but it seemed she didn't mind and replied immediately.

''I am the spirit of House Dragonmaid and Dragonmaid Sheou. I am master's head maid and exist to serve you.'' She introduced and stopped bowing standing with her back straight staring into my eyes with a smile on her face.

''Wait! Are you the Spirit that was meant to 'support' me and help me adopt?'' I asked remembering the letter I had gotten from the god that reincarnated me.

''Yes, I am after all, master's head maid. Once again, I exist to serve you.'' She restated once again, while nodded.

''That makes sense... I guess...'' I mumbled digesting everything.

''I also have knowledge to most of master's questions, given to me by the god that reincarnated you. If you are curious about anything, please rely on me.'' She said and my eyes suddenly widened.

''What type of knowledge?'' I asked out of curiosity.

'' A wide array of knowledge, from knowledge of how to use your powers to other things like basic or complex knowledge from the plot that my help you and much more.'' She explained while pinching the side of her glasses, giving off a reliable and smart feel.

''What do you mean powers?'' I suddenly asked, curious about the power I hadn't even used once yet.

''The master's 'Omni Spirit Affinity'. It has a wide range of effects far surpassing just the ability to see duel spirits.'' She explained seeming to be proud about my ability.

''It is actually the power that allows you to see and interact with me now.'' She explained further while placing a hand over her chest.

For a moment I found my eyes wandering to her chest before shaking my head and prying my eyes away, coughing lightly I decided too continue asking questions.

''If I already had this power, why can I only see you now?'' I asked while staring into her eyes.

''Even though you have an incredible power, master. It is untrained and yet to develop. If I was to give another analogy, your 'spirit affinity' is higher than Jaden Yuki, however Jaden Yuki has had his 'spirit affinity' slowly developing since young and can see duel spirits subconsciously even if he's not aware of it. On the other hand, master's 'spirit affinity' is like a new born yet to develop, but it holds much greater potential and is growing at an accelerated rate, meaning it will surpass Jaden Yuki's with enough training and time.'' She explained going into great detail and explaining it.

''But how would I train it?'' I asked interested in this new aspect of Yugioh, that I wasn't aware of.

''You can go along many different ways, however right now, it is best to try meditating and allowing it to develop to a certain stage naturally.'' She responded and I suddenly had an epiphony.

''That's why I can only see you now, after staring at the sky for so long?'' I asked, half sure, but House Dragonmaid nodded her head eagerly.

''Yes, master cleared his head and focused on my card. That is why you could reach out to me and finally see me!'' House Dragonmaid said slightly excitedly but quickly reverted to her elegant self.

''...you said finally 'see me', does that mean you've been with me for a while?'' I asked slightly suspiciously.

''Yes, I have been beside master since the beginning.'' She said with a deep sense of loyalty and dedication in her voice. It started to make my conscious feel heavy.

''Oh that's... thank you, I guess?'' I repeated unsure of how to respond, feeling a a combination of guilt, surprise, slight unease and being touched.

''It is my greatest honor! I am happy to serve and wait on master hand, foot, and tail!'' She said while adjusting her glasses, the glint of the moon reflecting gently off of them, while a soft gentle smile graced her face.

Momentarily losing my breath, I recomposed my self and shook my head. She was breath takingly beautiful in real life, as expected of a dragonmaid.

''Thank you... I'm glad to have you by my side.'' I thanked once again, this time taking a breath and doing it right, making sure to put my sincerity into my words.

This time it seemed she was dumbstruck as after a moment of being frozen, she shook her head rapidly and denied my words.

''No. I am the one who is glad to be able to be the first to serve you.'' She said and bowed her head, but I was slightly taken aback by her words.

'''first to serve me'?'' I repeated with a confused look. After examining my face, she nodded her head with a look of realization and further explained.

''I am the head maid. All the other's are still sleeping in their card's, waiting to be called upon.'' She explained.

''and how do I 'call' them?'' I asked.

''You will naturally be able to after training and developing your 'spiritual affinity'.'' She stated.

''So, House Dragonma-... this isn't going to work...'' I mumbled the last part as I pondered for a moment. House Dragonmaid had a confused look as she waited for me to finish.

''Alright! From now on, I'll call you Sheou, ok?'' I asked her, not wanting to call her by an occupation or job. She bent her head down in silence and I became to worry.

'Was it to unoriginal? Did I heart her feelings? I started worrying and tried to apologize.

''Sorry, I used your dragon form and it's not original, if you don't like-'' I tried to say, but before I could finish, Sheou hugged me tightly greatly surprising me as she started to tear up.

''Thank you master, thankyou.'' She buried her head into my chest as she continued to thank me.

Seeing her reaction, my eyes softened and I returned her hug, gently rubbing her back.

only one problem though... her grip... was really... strong...


Sitting in front of me was Sheou who was in a dogeza repeatedly apologizing. A far contrast to the previouse cool and elegent maid lady she first introduced herself as.

''I am so sorry master!''

''It's really fine.''

''Please punish me! I have committed a grave sin!''

''No seriously it's ok.''

''Please just don't abandon me...''

''For the last time, I won't abandon you! It wasn't even a big deal...''

After repeatedly telling her it was ok, I had finally gotten her to stop apologizing. After calming down she soon asked me a favor.

''Um... master?...'' She said in a small voice.

''yah?'' I asked back.

''Could you... keep this a secrete from the other maids... I do not wish to set a bad example for them.'' She begged with her head to the floor and slightly red tinted cheeks from embarrassment.

Seeing her reaction, I subconsciously smile as a huff of air releases from my mouth.

''Fine, I promise.'' I say and after a moment she silently raises a pinky finger.

Staring at her hand in bafflement, she turns her head away in embarrassment. Shaking my head I huff once again, before linking pinky fingers, making a pinky promise. 

Seemingly satisfied, Sheou gets up and returns to her previous elegant and poised maid persona.

''I Sheou, your head maid, swear to serve you for my entire existence.'' She said before taking another bow, this time deeper then ever before. Suddenly seeing a gleam from the corner of my eye, I turn around and looked to the direction. On the ground was the House Dragonmaid card, now with a glossy shine on it. Turning to my deck, it seemed my other House Dragonmaids and Dragonmaid Sheous where going through the same change.

Since it didn't seem to be bad, I decided to gloss over it for now, before that however, I had a question I needed to ask.

''Sheou, their was actually a question I wanted to ask you.'' I said and Sheou straightened her back.

''Please ask anything.'' She said while leaning forward slightly, intently listening for my words.

''I've actually been having a problem, I have 3 copies of your human and dragon form, but I was wondering how I could get more copies of the others. Hearing my question, Sheou nodded before answering immediately.

''Since duel spirit's cards are unique, even if they shouldn't exist in this world like us Dragonmaids, you can receive another copy by deepening your bond with the duel spirit of the card. In the case of Dragonmaid spells and traps, you get more copies every so after while deepening your bonds with us Dragonmaids.'' Sheou explained as I realized this 'Spirit Affinity' thing is going to be a lot more useful then I'd thought, but suddenly another thought caught my attention.

''You know your not from this world?'' I asked and Sheou nodded her head confidently.

''All your duel spirits are at least aware of the basic of ours and your background. However that doesn't matter, we have chosen to serve you and only you. It's important to know, that the only duel spirits that will show themselves to you are those that recognize you, otherwise they'll stay in their cards, either until they've recognized you or you are strong enough to bond with them.'' She said but took a step forward and looked directly into my eyes.

''However, no matter what, us duel spirits will never intentionally cause you harm.'' She said with a complete faith in her words.

nodding I sat back down and processed everything, today had been an eventful day, first Syru- ! Wait I forgot about Syrus!

Checking my PDA, I noticed a message from Alexis. Wait wasn't Jaden supposed to get this, I pondered before reading it and checking the time they had given for the meeting.

Playing it the message sounded.

''We have your friend Syrus. If you want him back come to the girls dorm now, alone.''

Checking my other messages, it seemed Jaden had received the same message and had notified me about it about 20 minutes ago. Did they send it to both of us separately?

Checking the time, I decided I could probably reach him on the way to the academy and following him along the way, maybe.

''Sheou, can you turn yourself invisible?'' I asked, turning around to her.

''Yes I can, since I am quite a powerful duel spirit. I can even make my self visible to those with low duel spirit affinity or turn invisible to those with high ones.'' She answered seemingly proud of herself.

''...but since our bond is still new, I can not interact with the physical world or use all my powers...'' She added with a barely noticeable, slightly gloomy tone, causing me to slightly smile.

Nodding my head I opened the window, I then lightly jumped off my window sill towards a nearby tree. However I accidently overshoot my jump and start falling towards the ground.

Panicking slightly, I brace myself for the impact, but instead I land lightly on the ground. Surprised I check out my body, wondering what had happened, Sheou then appears and answers my question.

''The bond you have formed with me, raises your physical abilities, master.'' She explained and my eyes widened in astonishment.

''Really!?'' I asked in astonishment, to the see-through Sheou floating beside me.

''It will do a lot more than that, after our bond has deepened.'' She explained as she adjusted her glasses, a quirk of hers I've started to notice.

Nodding my head, I decided to head forward while trying to adjust with my enhanced body. The downside however was due to adjusting myself, I had arrived late to where I wanted to meet up with Jaden.

Knowing Jaden he would rush straight to Syrus, but I didn't know how to get to the girls dorm...

''Any ideas Sheou?'' I asked my see through dragon-maid, who answered right away.

''Our bond should have strengthened your senses, master.'' She informed me and I tried sniffing my nose, but recoiled from the over stimulus.

''Try closing your eyes and only focusing on your nose. It'll help lighten the strain of your other senses.'' She recommended and I nodded my head as I took her advice.

''Sniff... sniff...'' I sniffed with my eyes clothes and noticed a somewhat sweaty... cat smell?... probably Jaden.

Following the trail, I fond myself to a dock, however all the boats where gone...

Although their where no boats, I could see the girls dormitory on the other side. Turning to Sheou I took a shot in the dark.

''You think I could swim the distance?'' I asked and Sheou who heard me tilted her head.

''That's an easy task for a dragon, even more so for the master of a dragon-maid'' She said nodding her head as if what she said made perfect senses...

I guess she has a few quirks?... loss screws?... lack of common sense?

Then again, I'm the one who's gonna be swimming a lake, to make sure Jaden or Syrus don't get screwed over by Crowler.

Taking off my shirt, I dropped it onto the ground and jumped into the lake.

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