
Filler Arc - 9


'I will play with him. Just a little.' I smiled, contemplating how to deal with a Cyber Dragon deck, with my constant source of surprises and infinite combinations.

'First, let's get some cards into the graveyard.'

"I activate Graceful Charity from my hand. This card allows me to draw three cards and then discard two," I explained as I drew the first card and then discarded two from my hand.

"Next, I activate my field spell card Magician's Salvation!" I declared, sliding the card into the end of my Duel Disk.

When "Magician's Salvation" is activated, the entire field is surrounded by a mystical aura. As the duelists found themselves within a breathtaking starry expanse, bathed in the gentle glow of a celestial firmament, the air is filled with a delicate, ethereal melody with a magical resonance. A colossal portal adorned the ground in the center of the field, surrounded by a grand magic circle etched with intricate arcane symbols.

[What is this?! It feels nostalgic!] Dark Magician Girl exclaimed as she looked around.

[Just a field spell.]

Alexis and Zane are left utterly surprised, their eyes wide with wonder and amazement as they take in this surreal and magical setting.

"Magician's Salvation activates when this card is played," I announced, continuing my move. "I can now set one 'Eternal Soul' to the field directly from my deck."

[This is incredible, husband! This is the power of your deck from your world?!] Dark Magician Girl chimed in, her voice filled with excitement.

"I activate the 'Magicians' Souls' monster card from my hand!" I declared, my voice resonating. "By sending it and a Level 6 or higher Spellcaster monster from my deck to the graveyard, I can special summon either 'Dark Magician' or 'Dark Magician Girl' from the graveyard!" I sent Dark Magician who materialized on the blank card from my deck to the grave.

With a flourish, I sent both 'Magicians' Souls' and a Level 6 Spellcaster from my deck to the graveyard, invoking the ancient magic of my deck. From the shimmering aura of the 'Magician's Salvation' field, the chosen spellcaster emerged, ready for action.

"I special summon 'Dark Magician Girl'!" I declared, as the holographic image of the beloved spellcaster materializing on my side of the field. Her presence radiated with charm and magical prowess.

"But wait, there's more," I continued, explaining the additional effect of 'Magician's Salvation.' "When a Dark Magician Girl or Dark Magician is summoned with 'Magician's Salvation' on the field, I can special summon another one, as long as it has a different name from the one I just summoned, from my graveyard."

This was a powerful combo that allowed me to quickly flood the field with my iconic spellcasters.

"I summon my Dark Magician!" I declared, conjuring the iconic spellcaster onto the field. His imposing presence, clad in his deep purple robes and wielding his green staff, sent a shiver down my opponents' spines.

Zane, known for his stoic demeanor, managed to maintain his composure but had a serious look of focused intensity, ready to face this unexpected challenge. He was aware of the rumors and possibility of such cards in Gojo's hand.

Alexis, on the other hand, was visibly impressed by the dramatic summoning and had a spark of curiosity in her eyes. She couldn't help but mutter, "Wow, Gojo really knows how to make a duel interesting."

'The soul servant and Dark Magician Girl were the cards I sent to the graveyard due to graceful charity.'

"I activate the 'Soul Servant' spell card from my graveyard that was sent there by 'Graceful Charity'! I can draw 2 cards since Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are out on the field." I announced, simplifying the explanation for Zane and Alexis.

'Back to 5 cards. Then this should be fine.'

"I play the Dark Magical Circle spell card, this is a continuous spell card that allows me to look at the top 3 cards from my deck and if any of that card is Dark Magician or a spell/trap card that mentions Dark Magician I can add it to my hand and then place any remaining cards on top of the deck in any order." I proceeded with my action and took a card. That lets them know there was a card I just drew that did mention it.

"I then place two cards face-down," I declared, setting the stage for my next moves.

'Both of these are trap cards as one of them is an Armory Call and the other one 'Lose 1 turn'.'

'2 cards left. Might as well go with it.' I thought about drawing more cards, but this isn't a serious game.

"Now I sacrifice my dark magician and my dark magician girl!"

"What?!" Zane and Alexis exclaimed in disbelief as they watched me sacrifice both my Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. They couldn't fathom the reasoning behind such a move. 'Why would he do something like that?' They both thought.

[Husband?! Why'd you do that?] Dark Magician Girl is absolutely confused about my strategy.

[What? You don't know what trolling is?] I chuckled a little.

[I can just resummon them on Zane's turn, after all they wouldn't know.] I added.

[What, you can do that? Oh. Eternal servant and that field spell, this combo would let you keep summoning Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl if both are in the graveyard. Wait, Wow! Are you going easy on him, Husband?] Dark Magician Girl questioned, shivering at the thought of the endless summoning potential.

[I'm aware of most of his strategy. I can deny all of his moves with just a few cards out, like the hidden village of the spellcaster field spell and the Vanity's ruler monster card. Those two alone are enough to make his deck is useless. But how is he going to play if I do that? That's why.]

A/N: at least in this time period.

"To summon The Iris Swordsoul." I declared.

The Iris Swordsoul, Spellcaster 2500 Attack, Her effects activate when an opponent special summon.

This is a monster that has good effects against a special summoning deck. It is also a spellcaster too.

Denying every move wouldn't be any fun, I am speaking from experience from playing that disgusting game called master duel. That's why I'm going to deny every possibility of Zane's moves within reason.

'One card left in my hand.'

'Might as well use it for Solemn Judgment for absolute safety measure.' looking at the last card in my hand.

"I place my remaining card face down and end my turn."


Zane's POV

'A strong, very strong start,' I reflected internally. 'But why did he do that in the end?' My curiosity piqued as I observed Gojo's unorthodox approach to the duel.

The decision to sacrifice those two formidable monsters outright, while leaving the supporting cards for them out on the field, just to summon a completely different monster with no relevance to the Dark Magician deck—it perplexed me.

I drew my next card, a mixture of confusion and caution coursing through me. If his strategy was to catch me off guard, he was succeeding, but I refused to let that be enough. What caught my attention, though, was the overwhelming confidence he exuded. His smile seemed to suggest that this was all part of his grand strategy.

'Damn, I don't know what he's thinking,' I thought to myself, a smile creeping onto my face. If this was his dueling style, then he was undoubtedly a master of trickery. That blindfold, which concealed half of his facial features, only added to the presence surrounding him.

"I first play Pot of Greed to—" Then, as I began my move, he interrupted me abruptly.

"Solemn Judgment!" Gojo yelled, his voice cutting through my sentence to deny my move.

Gojo's life points dropped to 2000 after using that trap card. My eyes widened at the audacity of his early move. 'Why would he use that just to deny my draw?'

To draw more cards. That's when I made a crucial realization. A realization dawned on me: Gojo's strategy revolved around drawing more cards and efficiently sending them to the graveyard. His deck was finely tuned for this purpose, focusing on the synergy between the cards in his hand, deck, and graveyard. It specialized in special summoning monsters from these locations. After finishing, he can set up defenses.

Since his turn is first, his starting hand must have been a hand that's allowed to allocate cards into his hands and throw cards to the graveyard to set up the field. With no one having intervened or obstructed his resource management, he had the freedom to create his plan from the start. That's why he stopped me from adding more cards to my hand to prevent me from having any edge. But with this move he just revealed his strategy to me.

Drawing more cards equated to increased resources and the opportunity to craft a flawless strategy on the fly. This was the valuable lesson I had just learned from observing Gojo in action. No, I learned a lot, this is something not even the academy teaches. 'The rumor duelist on par with the legendary duelists, huh.'

Those face-down cards on his field had been set up to stop my moves after he had thoroughly finished his combo.

"I see," I responded, my voice betraying a hint of unease.

A wry smile formed on my lips as I recognized the predicament, I had landed myself in. I thought, 'Damn, I'm in trouble.'


Gojo POV

[Hehe. Well, he probably learned something from this, I bet. He's going to add more pots of greed and other related cards to drawing now.] I grinned telepathically explaining to my wife.

[Maybe he is overthinking right now?] Dark Magician Girl telepathically voiced her opinion.

[Probably.] I happily replied.


Alexis's POV

'Zane…' I kept glancing at both Gojo and Zane.

It was becoming increasingly clear that I was about to witness one of the most 'epic duels' I had ever seen. Zane, usually the epitome of composure, appeared genuinely taken aback by Gojo's daring move, just as I was.

However, as the duel unfolded, I couldn't help but notice a shift in Zane's demeanor. He seemed to have a realization, and a nervous smile crept onto his face, leaving me puzzled. Why was he nervously smiling now? He isn't going to lose is he?


Zane's POV

"I activate polymerization! I will fuse my three Cyber Dragons to summon Cyber End Dragon!" I rapidly placed the four cards into the graveyard.

Cyber End Dragon. 4500 Attack. Inflicts piercing damage to monsters in defense mode.

"I activate Iris Swordsoul's special ability," Gojo declared. As those words left his mouth, a shiver ran down my spine.

I was aware that my monster was on the verge of being destroyed. So, before Gojo could even explain his ability further, I swiftly played my last card from my hand - my sole remaining line of defense.



Gojo POV

"I activate Iris Swordsoul's special ability," I declared confidently. A hushed tension settled over the field as my words hung in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty.

"I can destroy the extra deck monster on your side of the field, because you special summon a monster from the extra deck. And your only monster is from the extra deck." I calmly explained, watching as the energy of Iris Swordsoul engulfed the towering Cyber End Dragon.

The idea that the monster Zane had just summoned could be instantly destroyed left both Zane and Alexis taken aback. They are not used to experiencing monsters without overpowered abilities like this.

Yet, to their surprise and contrary to their expectations, Zane swiftly played 'Defusion.' With this move, he managed to evade the looming destruction that Iris Swordsoul's power threatened to bring down upon his Cyber End Dragon.

3 cyber dragons appeared on his side of the field immediately on attack mode. But…

"I revealed my face down card. Lose one turn." I chuckled internally.

"What?!" Zane struggled to keep up with my moves. However I technically did save him because of this move.

"I can activate my trap card, "Lose one turn". If I currently control no special summoned monsters. Any face-up monster with effects has those effects negated during the turn that it was special summoned. If any effect monster is special summoned in attack position, it is changed to the defense position," I explained with a casual shrug. My words carried an air of nonchalance, as though my decision was part of a larger plan that Zane couldn't quite comprehend yet.

"But why? This move will save me, and it will also hinder you," Zane's face contorted with confusion and frustration. It was evident that he couldn't quite fathom Gojo's decision. 'Is he not taking me seriously?' he wondered, a mix of emotions swirling within him. As his three Cyber Dragons went into defense mode.

"Because I revealed my second face-down card: Eternal Soul. When Eternal Soul is activated, I can special summon Dark Magician from my hand or graveyard," I announced confidently.

"Now my Dark Magical Circle activates when Dark Magician is summoned," I declared confidently. "I can target and banish any one card on your side of the field!"

My outstretched hand pointed at one of Zane's Cyber Dragons, and with a surge of magical energy, it vanished from the field, leaving an empty space in his ranks.

"But did you forget, Zane?" I continued, a sly grin forming on my face. "The field spell. When Dark Magician is summoned, I can special summon another one with a different name! Come, Dark Magician Girl (͡o‿O͡) !" I exclaimed with enthusiasm, summoning the iconic sorceress to join the fray.

[Husband… you're making a weird face.] Dark Magician Girl frowned.

"But since Dark Magician Girl is an effect monster, she will go into defense mode," I ignored her comment calmly. "That's where I reveal my final card: Armory Call. It lets me pick an equipped spell card to add to my magician, and I equip her with the Moon Mirror Shield!"

The bewildered thoughts of both Alexis and Zane echoed a similar sentiment: "He is completely taking my turn/his turn."

Zane, although sweating and wearing a faint smile, remained composed as he observed me taking no further action. "I end my turn," he declared, a hint of relief apparent in his voice.

With a drawn card in hand, I swiftly activated it. "I play Dark Burning Magic," I announced confidently. "With this, if Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are on the field, I can destroy every card on your side of the field."

"Zane…" Alexis's voice quivered with surprise and shock. She had never witnessed Zane in such a helpless position. The duel may have been short-lived, concluding in only three turns, but the outcome was not what she had anticipated.

As my formidable duo, Iris Swordsoul and Dark Magician, prepared to strike, I remained calm and collected. "Iris Swordsoul and Dark Magician, attack him directly," I ordered, a determined resolve in my voice.

Dropping Zane's Life Points to 0.

"Unbelievable, Zane lost in 3 turns?" Alexis muttered under her breath in disbelief.

The hologram monsters disappeared.

"That was a good duel," Zane said, extending his hand for a handshake, which I accepted.

"Yes it was. (A waste of time in my opinion, but at least you look like you learned something.)" I replied.

Despite the time it took, the duel had been respected between us. Although he regards me as someone to be respected, I regard him as someone who can be useful, so he deserves some formality. The treatment that is neutral 💀.

Alexis watched this exchange with a sense of bewilderment. She couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the audacious and brash individual who had once been quick to tell everyone to "Shut up / Shut up useless (Jaden/Syrus/Chumenly/Mindy/Jasmine/Alexis)." 'Where did Gojo I know go?' As she walked besides Zane to Gojo.

[That wasn't fun at all, I even downgraded my options of beating him. Maybe I should have summoned the dark sage and then used 4 spell cards?] I complained to Dark Magician Girl.

[Husband, you already won against him, don't humiliate him. Maybe if you let him use the pot of greed spell card you might have extended the duel by another turn.] Dark Magician Girl rolled her eyes at me.

[Nah, I won't let my opponent use a Pot of Greed on me, especially not someone like him. Too much bullshit happens if he does. I think he has that cyber dragon duel spirit with him.] I replied.

"Remember to do that thing I mentioned about talking to Crowler. Oh, and can I request something since I won? It's not a serious matter," I asked Zane.

"Sure, if it's within my ability," Zane replied, blinking in surprise at the request.

"Could you spread a rumor and confirm that I'm married? Also explicitly mention that I'm not single. I dislike it when people assume I'm a loner with no girlfriend. Oh also, tell them that my wife is thicc dommy mommy attractive. Never mention her name, but you can probably mention about her bold behavior and her beautiful blonde hair, green eyes and—"

Dark Magician Girl quickly intervened, blushing and smiling as she is blocking my mouth to stop me from continuing.

"You can mention what he just said," Dark Magician Girl shared, "My husband really dislikes that 'loner' rumor that's been circulating randomly. So, if you could help shut it down, that would be great. But he's not too keen on showing me off either, well, you can probably guess the reason," she giggled.

"Thank you," we both chimed in together, expressing our appreciation. After than Dark Magician Girl dematerialized.

Zane and Alexis blinked in surprise at our exchange.

"Okay. Yeah, I can do that, you can send us back now." Zane smiled with a weird look on his face.

I grasped their hands, and with a swift teleportation, we returned to their previous location.

"Well, this is it. I hope you've learned a lot from this. It's not every day anyone can duel me," I remarked.

"Yeah, I have learned a lot. I'm eager to work on upgrading my deck," Zane replied, a smile forming as he considered the significant improvements he could make.

As they were about to leave, Alexis found herself at a loss for words. She was aware that Gojo enjoyed being alone, but she was mistaken; he was enjoying being alone with Dark Magician Girl while she was invisible! He clearly valued his alone time with Dark Magician Girl above all else.

She wanted to ask for tips and tricks if she could, but she couldn't because she wasn't close to Gojo. And with no way to communicate, all she can do is hope that if there is a chance, she will become closer. She wasn't trying to take advantage of him or anything; she just wanted to be his friend as well. And also, his skills in dueling were just that good.

"Oh, before you guys take off, here's my contact number," I casually mentioned, producing a slip of paper with my number from the Gate of Infinity. "You might want to use a fake name to cover my actual one. I don't want you accidentally leaking my number. This is the first time I'm sharing my number."

Their surprise was once more evident as they witnessed the golden light and an object materializing from it to their hands. They know to keep this a secret too.

Receiving Gojo's number left Alexis in a bit of a daze, especially since she had been thinking about Gojo, not just today, but day after day in her spare time.

"R—right," Alexis stuttered, her ears tinged with a hint of red, and she hurried away with a complicated feeling.

Zane nodded and prepared to find Crowler.

[Finally, you're giving your number away.] Dark Magician Girl conveyed telepathically.

[I know right? It's about time for the shadow duelists, riders, or whoever they are. I forgot, but I don't think they're that important... I think? But it's time for me to allow them to contact me, after all I don't know when it's going to start.] I responded.

[Oh, right. Those fools who were attempting to exploit the sacred beasts for their own gain,] she recalled.

[Isn't that a good thing? My lie. is sort of coming true.] I teased.


We teleported to our dormitory room.

As Zane observed Gojo departing, engaged in his playful banter with Dark Magician Girl, Zane couldn't help but ponder 'Well, he has to be quite skilled if he won Dark Magician Girl's heart,' musing on this intriguing thought as he left as well.


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