
Filler Arc - 10


A/N: I am skimming through all these fillers while inserting Gojo in it. Apologies, I did not know there were so many fillers.

So, there's this one crazy dumbass who actually copied my voice, can you believe it? Dickmitry? Dickmetry? Something with "dick" in it. Ain't this the guy who's all about mimicking voices and playing pretend? I swear, I'd pay some good money if he could mimic the voice actors and actresses from my world, dead ass. Gotta give him some credit for trying, but you know what? He's a fucking clown.

Yes, I've got some respect for voice actors. But still, what the fuck is he doing in duel academy island? He's practically getting beat up by academy students left and right for trying to pretend to be me as he was literally bming (badmouthing) anyone who tries to talk to him. The audacity.

Oh, right this is also the idiot who stole Yugi's deck 💀. I was actually watching that duel between him and Jaden, hoping to spot another Dark Magician Girl duel spirit. But my wife wasn't having it; she dragged me back to our room and wrung me dry for thinking about that.


Then the whole marriage rumor thing. It became the hottest topic in the whole academy, after Zane's L. And let me tell you, Zane really outdid himself on this one. He went as far as claiming he and Alexis saw my supposed wife, and they couldn't stop gawking about how hot or beautiful she was. I don't know what else they cooked up.

Of course, they conveniently left out any details about who this mysterious person might be, but they were quick to mention the pair of rings and some steamy kissing action they allegedly witnessed. People were looking at me with envy and extreme curiosity. But they knew better than to ask me directly. I will talk smack and then one punch you unconscious for bothering me with a smile on my face.

Even kids were no exception. There was that one midget girl who was curious about me. She was a Slifer red kid dressed as a boy, a strange ass crossdresser. But I made her cry, by telling her to "Get the fuck away from me before I beat you up", as I was raising my fist and about to swung at her. Dark Magician Girl was not happy about that. She also got kicked out really soon but not before she blurted out, 'I love you, Jaden~'. I didn't know Jaden was into kids 💀. He was caught lacking when he was blushing really hard when he heard that.


Gojo POV

In the duel academy campus classroom.

Jaden practically begged me to be here and give him some advice. But he is goofing off right now, anyway I found myself having a chat with someone interesting.

But finally, Jaden is asking for my advice now.

"Hey Gojo, why do you look so tired?" Jaden casually kicked off the conversation.

Or at least after this.

Zane and Alexis exchanged knowing glances, both thinking, 'They definitely did it before coming here.'

I replied, exhausted but with a grin, "It's that privilege of a happy married life."

"What's marriage?" Jaden innocently asked.

"..." Everyone dropped dead silent when he asked that.

"You're serious, Jaden?" Syrus asked, his face etched with genuine concern.

"I bet he is. He only ever cared about dueling." Chumley cackled.

"Right, Jaden doesn't know." I chimed in.

"Don't worry about it, useless." I tiredly added. "It's not like food; think of it like your passion and love for dueling, but direct that toward one person, not as a rival but someone you genuinely care for and have affection for. It goes way beyond being best friends or something like that."

"Oh!" Jaden appeared to have had a major revelation.


We had all gathered here because Jaden was the chosen representative for Duel Academy in the showdown against North Academy, and Zane tagged along because I was here.

The initial matchup of Jaden against Bastion had been scrapped, because I had suggested Jaden take on that role of representative to the Chancellor and he had agreed a while back.

To start off, I was minding my own business until Jaden and the others found me and then announced he was chosen as representative of Duel Academy. Naturally, I didn't give a damn, but I agreed when they said they wanted advice from me with a please at the end. After all, I had nothing better to do at the time after exploring the inner parts of the volcano with Dark Magician Girl. When Alexis and Zane saw me, they decided to join the party.

But the reason I joined was because of this specific person, Bastion. Aside from that, I have a swarm of people breathing heavily on me and staring at me as if I were some important person. Except for me and Zane, everyone else was suggesting their prized cards from their deck to Jaden to use in the upcoming duel against the North Academy Island representative.


"So, you wanted my opinion? Okay then. Your most powerful monsters are your Fusion Heroes, right?" I pointed out, and everyone listened closely.

"Yeah, I guess?" Jaden tilted his head and gave it a thought.

"Half of your monsters have no effect and are just normal monsters, but they're essential for summoning your Elemental HERO Fusion monsters. So, in theory, without Polymerization and the support cards, they're essentially meat shields until you draw something more useful."

"Uh, yeah I guess, you didn't need to word it like that Gojo." Jaden inwardly shivered at what he just said.

"You should get some cards that let you draw more and simultaneously give a boost or effect to your hero cards." I pointed out, like stating the most obvious thing ever.

"Not only that, but you've also got a lot of niche support cards. There are just too many cards you're trying to assemble for all the heroes, and that is just too many conditions to meet to pull it off successfully."

"What do you mean by that Gojo?" Alexis was very confused, as Jaden's deck is a hero deck, and it has a lot of hero support cards.

"Take Hero Barrier, for example. It protects you from one monster attack, but it's conditional – you need to have a hero monster out. You could easily swap that with, say I don't know, Waboku? Waboku can protect your monsters and shield you from taking any damage for the entire turn. Or consider Storming Mirror Force. This card straight-up sends the attacking monster back to their hand. So, if your opponent invested a ton of resources to summon powerful monsters and then attack you with them, well, guess what? All of those monsters get fucked, and possibly their whole strategy." I explained. "For short, it means fuck you."

"The 'King Of The Swamp' Monster card is a good card to have. It can be used in place of a fusion material monster, but the rest of the requirements have to be original. But here's the best part about it: you can discard it for Polymerization. It's completely unrelated to your hero deck, but it's extremely useful for a deck that uses fusion monsters." I concluded, sighing with exhaustion as I could feel Dark Magician Girl massaging my shoulder.

[Husband, good job!] Dark Magician Girl cheered with enthusiasm, her magical aura radiating approval.

[I don't even know if he can get those cards though.]

[Still, Husband is talking to his friends] She chirped with a playful tone, clearly enjoying the conversation.

[A bit harder on the right, a bit lower on the left,] I requested.

[Yes, Husband~] Dark Magician Girl responded, adjusting her magical massage accordingly.


Syrus couldn't help but wonder, 'How does he know all these cards?' Envy filled his thoughts as he marveled at Gojo's extensive knowledge of the game.

Meanwhile, Bastion was deep in thought, thinking to himself, 'He has a lot more ideas on how to improve Jaden's deck, doesn't he?' He was clearly taken aback by the wealth of information and insights being shared.

Many people were now contemplating Gojo's words. It wasn't just about adding those cards; Gojo had stated that some support cards were essentially useless. His point was clear: don't be afraid to replace them with something better and more effective than sticking to an archetype support card. The mindset of sticking rigidly to a specific deck while acquiring support cards for that genre was something they had always done, but Gojo had them reconsidering this approach.

"But those are expensive Gojo…" Chumenly spoke up after he looked into the card in the shop with this weird device.

"Oh right. Well, it sucks to be y'all. I don't need to worry. That is besides the point. Jaden has been extremely lucky to be able to pull all the cards he needs in the most desperate time. Well, luck is also still a part of skills, so I can't argue about that, but I am talking about you Winged Kuriboh. You are one powerful monster, you fluffy furball."

'Wooooo.' Kuriboh replied emotionally.

"Yeah yeah got it. That was a compliment."

'You guys seeing this?' Bastion asked Syrus and the others as they witnessed Gojo talking to thin air.

Everyone didn't answer him vocally but nodded their heads.

They had learned to remain silent when Gojo spoke because, despite his occasionally rude demeanor, his knowledge of the game was unrivaled (in this world). But that came from his personal experience in master duels against various decks, and that experience was invaluable to them.

"Now, let me share some of my wisdom and advice about what I do know regarding the hero deck. Within the hero archetype, there are multiple like Destiny Heroes, Evil Heroes, Neo Heroes, Vision Heroes, and possibly a few others, maybe even something like Vigilante Heroes, although I'm not entirely sure about that one, lmao," I said with a chuckle.

"These heroes have a plethora of fusion monsters and provide effects to many hero cards in the hand, graveyard, and on the deck. Their utility is probably on par with my magician deck." I explained.

"Really?! I had no idea!"" Jaden got up shocked and surprised at the revelation.

"Of course, you don't. You probably never bothered checking outside of elemental heroes." I shaked my head.

"Woah, that is so awesome!" Jaden yelled, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"So have fun building a new and improved hero deck. You can try mixing and sync them together. Then you might be a real opponent for me." I groaned when Jaden yelled in surprise.

The whole group was a bit taken aback by my last line. It hinted that Jaden's future deck could be...

Jaden was already ready to jump up and go searching for these new cards until I firmly sat him back down.

"Not yet Jaden. They'll become your cards and some of them will even find their way to you, whether you're ready for them or not." I cryptically commented.

"Besides, you, of all people, should know they're probably just as expensive. So, try winning a lot against those useless Obelisk mobs before even checking them out. You will just get disappointed if you check them out right now. So, stock up on money first at least a year worth of points," I added.

Jaden collapsed onto the floor, realizing the truth in my words.

'That was a lot to take in' Zane was surprised by the wealth of information and advice that had been shared with Jaden. He hadn't been aware of the existence of those other hero cards. He made a mental note to check out the card information as well. As he was now planning on crafting a countermeasure against that deck, just in case.

'With all this knowledge, Jaden could become a pro with those cards!' Alexis internally exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the volume of information Gojo provided.

"Whether you take it to heart or not, my advice is done. No questions allowed, oh right, Bastard." I turned to face Bastion.

"It's Bastion, actually," Bastion corrected me yet again, his patience waning with my name-calling.

Bastion is a really interesting fellow. While he is terrible in dueling (personal opinion). he possessed a remarkable intellect, excelling in fields like math, physics, and perhaps even engineering. He could have been an inferior version of Kaiba if he wanted to, creating groundbreaking technologies. But no, this bastard was dead set on becoming a duelist. I'd probe him about his opinions, thoughts, and ideas on dueling involving motorcycles or various modes of dueling transportation, and I'd even throw the bizarre idea out there of whether holograms could have mass. That's why this guy is.

"Your insights in response to my curiosity have shown that you're one useful guy, bastard. Congratulations on climbing out of the 'useless' category in my book." Most of the people were annoyed when I said "useless," but I didn't care as I enthusiastically clapped my hands.

"It's Bastion." he corrected me again, with a hint of annoyance.

I may not have delved deeply into these topics, but I had a solid understanding of them and could have meaningful discussions with Bastion about ideas and possibilities. He mentioned that Kaiba could possibly accomplish everything I asked about. But Seto fucking Kabia is busy fucking Ishiuzu Isthar and the after life. At least he was able to grasp my intentions and understand that I'm trying to create a dueling motorcycle but he pointed out that both he and I lacked the necessary skills and access to specific materials to pull it off.

As I gazed at the ceiling, I sensed an interesting presence on the rooftop, but it seemed Crowler was with him.

"Oh, Jaden, I think you've got a duel appointment on the roof. Word is, he's a decent opponent for you. He can even see duel spirits," I casually dropped the message as I exited the scene, leaving them to ponder. Zane also proceeded to leave after seeing how the group was about to disperse.

"Say what?! A duel! Yeah, see you later, Gojo!" Jaden exclaimed and hurried off, with the rest of the group trying to keep up.

"Wait, where are you going, Gojo?" Alexis asked, attempting to follow me.

"Hah? What else? That useless guy only wanted me to give him advice and I'm done. Apparently, my wife wants to try that golden eggwich she heard from rumors. So, I'm off to get some for myself." I replied casually before heading out.

"Wait, you can't get them like it's nothing, it's all luck!" Alexis said, looking confused.

"Oh yeah? Watch me!" I said confidently as I strolled towards the cafeteria, determined to get my hands on a golden eggwich.

"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you," Alexis sighed and followed me.


I managed to grab the golden egg sandwich, proudly displayed it to Alexis, and then shared it with Dark Magician Girl. In my opinion, the golden egg sandwich was adequate.

'The card I pulled from that golden eggwich was Guardian Eatos. The monster that once took down the Pharaoh when he unleashed the Seal of Orichalcos and went mad.' I looked down at the card.

"Ehhhh? That's an ultra-rare card!!" Alexis exclaimed in disbelief as she saw me pull an incredibly powerful card.

"Eh, I have no use for it, lulz," I casually replied, handing the card over to Alexis. Her reaction was absolutely priceless. She went wild at the sight of me giving her such an ultra-rare card.

"You! You're crazy! Why are you handing me such an ultra-rare card?" Alexis exclaimed, her eyes wide in astonishment.

"We just talked about this, Useless. With this card added to your deck, it might bump you up just behind Zane. Seriously, I can't stress this enough: don't make me your standard for competition. You'll drive yourself crazy just thinking about it. Zane is, let's say, of a more 'normal' standard," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Only you can say Zane is a 'normal' standard," Alexis sighed, clearly disheartened about the situation, especially when I handed her an ultra-rare card like it was no big deal.

Gojo was true to his word. His dueling was in a league of its own, even surpassing the standards of professionals. With the cards and skills to back it up, many people recognized him as the 'strongest' in the duel academy, but not all students accepted that.


Alexis knew I was being straightforward about how I saw her deck from my point of view. After all, we had a long chat about improving Alexis's deck with tips and advice in the dining hall. It got to the point where suggesting on what monsters to replace her normal summon monsters with combo summon monsters, on which she couldn't afford. You could say she was getting closer to me, but I think she was also getting more attached to me, yeah.

She accepted my ultra-rare card with the intention of repaying me, and then she said, "Gojo, you're a true friend. I won't forget this. One day I will pay you back." with a grateful smile. While hugging the card I have given her.

"It's okay, I don't expect much. I have always seen you as a 'useless' too," I said with a genuine smile, facing her.

This remark left her a bit irritated, tick marks forming on her forehead, but she managed to hold it in. She knew that 'useless' meant 'friends,' by my definition, but the way it was used was absolutely irritating, and no one could stop me from saying it. All the gratitude she had just felt had vanished. 'Right, this evens it out. I guess I'm stuck being called 'useless, Not even my parents called me that.'' she sighed in resignation.

'I purposefully created this 'useless' labeling and categorization as a counterattack from being friendzone. This habit has become a lifestyle. I now know why Gilgamesh calls his people mongrel on a daily basis.'

[Husband… you're a piece of shit for doing that. And this Gilgamesh person too.] Dark Magician Girl remarked to me, clearly not thrilled with my antics.


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