
Filler Arc - 8


(Gojo POV)

There is a reason why I choose to not interact with the residents of this world in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, because I am most likely an introvert. But first let me explain my other reason. Humans, as creatures, are inherently programmed to adapt to their surroundings. If one chooses to join a group, it is only natural for them to assimilate and cooperate with their peers, just as the majority does. This conformity includes adhering to established norms, affiliations with various factions, group dynamics, and the formation of social circles. Now let's add the common senses in this world. Yeah, it's a fucking mess.

Also, because they are just a bunch of teenagers who are either indulging in desires, hobbies, or after fame and recognition. None of the people here are anyone I can also relate to because there is also a social hierarchy in this damn island. It's disgusting. Truly, only Dark Magician Girl understands me 💀and that is just sad.

Okay, all of those above are all definitely excuses still, full disclosure I just don't like this series in general. I haven't even finished watching season one completely, goes to show how much I dislike it.


Gojo was occasionally seen walking around campus, implying that he was becoming more comfortable with revealing his presence to others. But it was just him wandering around the academy, attempting to memorize the location. Of course, he stopped using his invisibility ring, after noticing a lot of the students stopped bothering him.

Naturally, many of the students were now apprehensive about meeting Gojo. After witnessing how he directly demands things from the teacher, telling everyone to shut up regardless of status, or giving out killing intent to scare anyone annoying him for more than two seconds. The only exception is Jaden's group, who always tells him to shut up every 20 minutes, even if Jaden is quiet, because Jaden won't stop yapping loudly. There was even rumor that Gojo could make Alexis cry in seconds. He was indifferent to everyone except for useless people.

At this point, everyone in the academy treats and sees Gojo as if he were a rare exotic animal. He's almost never seen, but when he does, it's a treat. You may observe but not touch. His demeanor carried a tyrant mentality, and one simply didn't engage with him without his explicit permission, unless you held high importance in the academy or wielded significant influence in the dueling world, or you fell under his unique category of "annoyance" which he referred to as his own friends. (Alexis and her friends belong to this annoyance category).

In this regard, Gojo shared a rarity with Alexis, another enigmatic figure within the academy or possibly even above that. If Zane was the president of Obelisk, then Gojo was the hidden Emperor of duel academy. Except for the chancellor and extremely important people who had the means, no one in the academy had the means (phone) to reach him.


"Hey, Gojo, long time no see!" Jaden greeted me with a warm smile, his hand waving in my direction as I sat perched on the bleachers.

I am already fucking regretting this. I had decided to try going to class today, and early at that. But today's class is fucking P.E. Tennis week or something like that, I don't care. Right now I am sitting down on the bleachers after demanding the female coach to not let me participate.

"Yeah, I know. Now shut up Jaden." I responded while lying on the bleachers with my chin propped up on my hand and my eyes fixed on the sky.

'Boring af. Why is there even a tennis class? There should be sports classes that make sense in this place, like frisbee or gymnastics. Dueling in motorcycles is going to be a thing in the future, so why not introduce that as a class right now? I heard it's in the prototype and testing phase. That's a class I'd be really excited to attend.' I mused, my thoughts drifting towards the school curriculum and schedule.

[Husband, I don't even know what this dueling on a motorbike is. But you should be playing tennis with them~] Dark Magician Girl, in spirit form, was sitting on my chest and was playfully poking my cheeks.

[If you knew, you would definitely agree with me.] I responded.

[Really, hmm?] She expressed her surprise at my unwavering confidence.

[Whatever, I'm going to get one for you and me in the future. Wait, maybe the gate of infinity already has one.]

[OOOOH! Okay, okay! I believe in you. But I still don't quite understand what it's all about?]

[It's racing on a motorbike while dueling in a children's trading card game. There's a certain thrill to it, you see, as you're essentially moving at ridiculous high speeds while engaged in a duel and your motorbike can take damage in a duel. Which adds a certain element of realism. Now imagine the shadow game being added on top of that.]

[isn't that dangerous?] She was utterly flabbergasted.

[Nope, there's a whole backstory to this—]

While Gojo was engrossed in his telepathic conversation with Dark Magician Girl, Jaden and the rest of the group couldn't help but cast curious glances in his direction. They were on a short break. To them right now Gojo appeared unusually stoic and lost in thought, his gaze fixed intently to the sky while laying down comfortably on the bleachers.

They were all deeply aware he was not a morning person and yet he is here early in the morning. Because of his blindfold, the entire group, which included Jaden, Syrus, and Chumenly, assumed he was either asleep, deeply contemplating something, or just dazed. Then there was that ever growing curiosity on the group of how he looks behind that blindfold.

That was when Alexis's group arrived and were surprised to see Gojo in class, (even though he is not particularly participating in class). They were about to yell at Gojo about why is he even here?!, that was until Jaden, Syrus, and Chumenly immediately made desperate gestures by moving their bodies to signal them not to yell. Understandably they got the message and simply made their way to Jaden and his friends.

They all shared the same common curiosity of what Gojo looks like behind that blindfold. But before they could try discussing further their break ended. Soon after, the scene reminiscent of Jaden's ball striking Crowler's eye played out. However, Gojo had started to leave the scene, and thus, missed the cringe event entirely.


An unknown amount of time had passed.

"Dueling giant?" I muttered, after overhearing a group of Obelisk students hastily retreating upon catching sight of me.

"Bruh, I'm tall, not a giant. Why are they looking at me like that? Dumbasses." I said, clicking my tongue and sounding slightly irritated.

Dark Magician Girl snickered when she heard that. [Maybe because you never lost a single duel. That is a big deal.]

[Babe, I only played two duels in duel academy. One shadow game and one with Jaden. Every other duel was private between us.]

[You beat Jaden who is building a name for himself. You have a bad, tricky personality. You scare people with looks while blindfolded (I don't even know how that works). And you can make demands and authority that even the teacher finds it hard to refuse. That is also a big deal.]

A new voice broke into my monologue. "You sure are one emotional Emperor," he observed me from behind.

[Emperor?] Dark Magician Girl tilted her head in curiosity upon hearing the title.

[Just some stupid title labeling from the monkeys before. But the emperor does have a nice ring to it. That makes you an empress!] I respond, clearly unimpressed with the moniker.

[Hmmmmmm.] she purred, clearly enjoying the playful banter.

"Emperor? I guess you can call me that. Mr.President of Obelisk." I sighed inwardly, not particularly eager to duel at all, and yet it seemed this dude was already eyeing me for a duel.

"It was really hard finding you," he calmly stated, determination in his voice. "I hope you don't mind," he added, pointing at his Duel Disk.

"I fucking knew it, and you brought company." I groaned in response.

Just then, Alexis made her entrance. "There you are, Zane, I—" Her words came to an abrupt halt as her mouth dropped open, her eyes widened when she saw me and Zane.

"Oh, Gojo. Um, surprised to see you here," Alexis stammered, clearly taken aback by the unexpected sight.

"Yeah, long time no talk
Alexis. Anyways Zane, you wanted a duel."

"Yes," Zane replied, his tone resolute and unwavering, confirming his intention for a duel.

"You know you're going to lose right?" I responded.

"We don't know that yet—" Zane began to respond, but his expression changed when he heard my next words.

"Nope, that won't do, you are clearly thinking about the present. Having a loss now after maintaining the winning streak will damage your dueling career and your potential for future opportunities. You have received significant investment from numerous sponsors." I interrupted him.

"Speak to Crowler after this when you do lose, and then set up an NDA (non-disclosure agreement), and just say this is from Gojo. (I do not care, so you can invalidate the loss. Since this duel is a private matter, it does not have to count)" I added.

Zane, clearly taken aback by my insight, couldn't help but smile. "You...Clearly thought about this a lot. But what makes you think I'm going to lose?" he asked, his confidence unwavering.

"Well, I knew you were going to do this one day." I replied nonchalantly, letting out a yawn. "We're going to a private place for this. I already know Alexis will shut up about this duel. She's just like that."

"Hey!" Alexis protested with a playful huff.

"Oh, right, first take my hand, I'm going to perform a trick really quick. You too, Alexis."

As they took my hand with skepticism and confusion, their eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the gleaming ring adorning my ring finger.

"You're engaged?" Zane noticed the ring.

"Oh!? You noticed the ring?!" I responded with a wide smirk, waving the hand with my ring in front of him.

"Hah! Hear this! I'm married, and I'm extremely happy about it," I declared with genuine pride, my smile unwavering.

[Husband, stop it. You're embarrassing me,] Dark Magician Girl chimed in, her unseen presence blushing.

"I see," Zane acknowledged, his expression holding a hint of surprise, clearly not expecting this kind of reaction from me.

Alexis, however, was having a hard time coming to terms with the idea of a student their age being married. It simply didn't fit the norm. She found it difficult to believe, despite the evidence before her eyes.

"Um, may I ask who?" Alexis spoke up, her curiosity evident in her voice.

"First, we are going to move to a different location, don't ask how, don't ask why. Just don't. Then I will tell you," I replied cryptically, my tone leaving no room for further questioning.

As soon as they gripped their hold onto my hand, we teleported, leaving the surroundings behind and arriving at our undisclosed destination.

We are on an academy island beach where it should be closed right now.

'Teleportation?' Zane and Alexis both thought, their shock evident. It was becoming apparent why I preferred being alone if anyone knew it would be annoying.

'So, that's how he disappeared that night!' Alexis realized, understanding how I had vanished like a magician during a previous encounter.

[Is this alright, husband? Revealing this and me?] Dark Magician Girl telepathically asked.

[I'm going to show off a little. And wouldn't it be better to confirm that we're married?] I replied through our telepathic connection, emphasizing the importance of clarifying any potential misunderstandings.

[Besides, don't you want people to know you are taken by me~ These two are almost important figures in the academy.] I teased her through our telepathic connection, adding a playful tone to my thoughts.

[Well, I suppose it could be fun to let them know. After all, I am quite proud to be yours,] she playfully responded through our telepathic link.

"Well, I guess this spot is fine? You can come out now," I said, addressing someone unseen.

Zane and Alexis exchanged skeptical glances, wondering what I meant, until their astonishment grew when they saw a person appear beside me, someone who had not been there moments ago. The identity of this unexpected guest left them in shock.

Their eyes widened as they realized the person who had appeared beside me was none other than Dark Magician Girl, a legendary duel monster. Dark Magician Girl can manifest in a fraction of a second now.

"Surprised to see me?" Dark Magician Girl chimed in with a mischievous smile, her magical presence becoming more pronounced as she prepared to showcase her authenticity. She performed a series of magical feats, from flying to launching a magical attack towards the sea, leaving Alexis and Zane astounded by her abilities.

Zane and Alexis exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to process this extraordinary sight.

I grinned and introduced her, "Meet my lovely wife, Dark Magician Girl."

'Is that who Gojo was with during my time at the abandoned dorm?' Alexis thought to herself, her eyes darting between Gojo and her in disbelief. 'Wait, so they're actually married for real?'

Dark Magician Girl confirmed it with a proud look, extending her hand to reveal a matching ring on her ring finger, a symbol of our marriage.

"Your wife? That's...certainly unexpected. But it's a pleasure to meet you, Dark Magician Girl," Zane replied, trying to regain his composure.

"Hmmmm! I hope you guys became great friends with this husband of mine! And keep this identity of mine a secret!~ I just wanted you guys to confirm that Gojo is indeed married to me." Dark Magician Girl said with a playful wink, emphasizing the need for discretion.

Zane and Alexis, still somewhat stunned by this unexpected revelation, nodded in understanding.

"She is the genuine Dark Magician Girl, a Duel Spirit who has come to life not as a spirit but as a being. I am probably the only lucky human being to have her as my wife," I declared with a proud look, a hint of satisfaction in my voice, and Dark Magician Girl nodded with a hint of blush.

"I can see you are genuinely happy about your marriage and the reason for flaunting that ring now," Zane acknowledged with a nod, his initial shock still lingering as if he had just witnessed something otherworldly.

Alexis's thoughts were something along the lines of, 'He married a Duel Spirit, so he can still marry a human, right? It's not on paper, after all!' She couldn't help but wonder about the legality and implications of such a unique union. She was looking at Gojo with a yearning look, even though they rarely got to talk after that incident and so many things had been happening.

"Anyways, that's enough of that. We're here to duel so I can satisfy your curiosity, right? Oh, and yes. Duel Spirits exist. I'm not going to explain any further or answer any questions regarding them as it could endanger all of them," I said firmly, shifting the focus back to our impending duel. To which Alexis and Zane nodded in understanding.

As the focus returned to the impending duel, Dark Magician Girl couldn't help but notice something amusing. She telepathically commented to me, [Hey, husband, I think this Alexis dear likes you? What are you going to do?]

[What the fuck? She does? I thought she liked Jaden or had a secret crush on him. That's not my problem,] I replied, somewhat surprised by this revelation.

[Do you not like her?] Dark Magician Girl inquired.

[I do, obviously. I like a lot of women, but I'm committed to you because I love you. I will just appreciate her beauty from afar.] I explained.

[But this one has potential,] she remarked.

[What the fuck? Was that a predatory comment? Then, I'm going to make a predatory comment myself, silent magician girl got potential 💀] I asked, somewhat confused.

[What does 'predatory' mean? I'm just saying that—Wait! What do you mean by that, Silent Magician?!] she responded with curiosity and then shock.

[You are asking for Alexis, so why can't I ask for silent magician?]

[Oh, I don't know, maybe because Alexis is a human, and Silent Magician is a DUEL SPIRIT? There is a difference. I want to be your only spirit wife. That doesn't apply for humans! I approve of Alexis at least.]

[Except for the fact that she has a nice body, I do not know Alexis that well!] I retorted.

[Isn't that good enough for a reason. I don't mind sharing with you. You need some real friends.]

[Oh, my me. Where is this conversation going? I'm going to just duel.]

As we continued our banter, Zane got into position and activated his Duel Disk. Taking the cue, I followed suit, activating mine and shifting my focus to the upcoming duel, ready to put on a show for my unexpected guests.

'Ah, we are starting' I inwardly sigh.

[Yeah, I will leave it to you. Should I find silent magician for you, DEAR HUSBAND?!]

[Babe, come on, I was just joking. I can barely handle you in bed, why are you looking into bringing more women? Are you trying to destroy me in bed?]


With that, we turned our attention fully to the duel, leaving the intriguing but slightly awkward conversation behind for the time being.

"Duel," we both declared simultaneously, our Life Points set at 4000 each.

'It is a weird activation requirement to start a duel,' I commented in my thoughts with a sigh.

"I will start first," With a smile, I took the initiative to start the duel. Zane acknowledged my decision with a nod


Next chapter