
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Película
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58 Chs

Chapter 18:Reunion

 The tension in the sanatorium was palpable as Jenna, Kenia, Kyle, Claire, Lauren, Daniel, Sara, and Bridget gathered in confusion and concern after hearing Vincent's distressing voice over the speakers. They exchanged worried glances, trying to make sense of the situation unfolding before them.



Jenna's voice quivered slightly as she broke the stunned silence. "Did... did you all hear that? It was Vincent! He's in trouble!"



Kyle's brows furrowed deeply, his concern etched on his face. "What the hell is going on? How did Vincent get on the speaker system?"



Kenia's usually calm demeanor faltered as worry creased her forehead. "Vincent went exploring last night... So Mayb..e.. He could Just...be ..anywhere."



Claire nervously clutched at her sweater, her eyes wide with fear. "No... Someone must have taken him! We need to find him!"



Sara and Bridget exchanged a concerned glance, their workout forgotten in the face of their friend's distress.



 Sara's voice was urgent as she spoke. "Yes..We have to help him. He sounded scared."



Bridget, added, "He said something about going to the auditorium. What's going on?"



Lauren, holding onto Daniel's arm for support, spoke up, her voice trembling. "We have to go to the auditorium. Vincent's voice came from there. Maybe we'll find him there."



Daniel nodded in agreement, trying to reassure everyone. "Let's stay together and figure this out." 


They hurried through the corridors of the sanatorium, their footsteps echoing ominously against the aged walls. As they reached the auditorium, they found the doors unlocked and pushed them open cautiously.



Inside, the auditorium was quiet and a bit creepy. Vincent's desperate call for help still echoed faintly in their heads. A single spotlight lit up the stage at the front, creating spooky shadows on the walls.



Suddenly, a voice boomed through the speakers once more, chilling them to the bone. "Welcome, dear guests, to our little show."



"And I hope you enjoyed your night of fun because today, the real fun begins."



Alpha emerged in the front, his presence commanding and malevolent. He smirked at the group, his red eyes gleaming with malice. "And I see you've come to rescue your dear Vincent. How touching."



Jenna stepped forward bravely, her voice stuttering due to her fear. "Who are you... wh...e..r..e is Vi..cent?"



Alpha's smirk widened into a twisted grin. "Oh, Vincent is safe... for now. But you all... you're about to witness something spectacular."



The disfigured minions flanked Alpha, their unsettling presence appearance making everyone shock and scared.


Claire screamed, "Kyah!!!" as the reality of the situation hit her.



Kyle cursed, "Shit fuck," unable to comprehend the horror before him.



Bridget, horrified, whispered, "Ew," as she recoiled at the sight of the disfigured minions.



Daniel and Lauren were frozen in fear, unable to utter a single word. Their faces were pale, and their bodies trembled.



Kenia and Sara gulped, trying to muster the courage to confront this terrifying scene. Their hearts pounded in their chests as they exchanged fearful glances.


Then Alpha gestured towards the stage, where Vincent was bound and gagged, his eyes begging for help.



He gestured towards Vincent, who struggled against his restraints. "Your friend here had a little too much curiosity for his own good. But don't worry, he'll be part of the entertainment tonight."



Jenna stepped forward, her voice shaking but determined. "Let him go, you sick bastard!"



Alpha laughed darkly. "Oh, I'm afraid darling that's not how this works."



Then Before anyone could react, Alpha's voice reverberated through the auditorium once more. "Behold, my friends, the grand spectacle begins now."



He gestured to his minions, Six Fingers and said, "Six Fingers, do it!" An evil smirk played on his lips.



Six Fingers started his chainsaw, its roar filling the room. Vincent, his eyes wide with terror, shook his head violently, blubbering through his gag. The realization of what was about to happen struck the group like a lightning bolt.



Jenna, panic-stricken, screamed, "Vincent!!!"



Kyle grabbed her, holding her back. "Don't go!" he shouted, struggling to keep her from running towards the stage.



Vincent's eyes met Jenna's one last time, filled with desperation and fear. Then, without further ado, Six Fingers brought the chainsaw down. The sickening sound of metal slicing through flesh and bone filled the room, accompanied by Vincent's muffled screams of agony.



Jenna fought against Kyle's grip, her own screams mingling with Vincent's, but he held her tight, knowing there was nothing they could do. The horrific scene played out before them, and the group was paralyzed by fear and shock.



As Vincent's head was severed, blood sprayed across the stage, the chainsaw's roar finally dying down. The room fell silent except for the sickening drip of blood and the group's horrified gasps.



Everyone's stomach churned at the gruesome sight, and several of them turned away, retching violently. The smell of blood and bile filled the air, making it even harder to breathe.



Claire clung to Kyle, sobbing uncontrollably. Daniel and Lauren were white as sheets, trembling. Bridget and Sara huddled together, their faces contorted in horror and disbelief.



Kenia felt a wave of nausea wash over her. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the horrific scene, her mind struggling to process the reality of what had just happened.




Alpha, his face alight with sadistic pleasure, addressed the group. "This is just the beginning. You will all witness true horror before the night is over. There is no escape, no mercy. Welcome to your worst nightmare."





[Adam side]


The snowstorm had finally calmed a little bit, revealing the looming structure of the sanatorium in the light. I looked at the place, feeling a mix of determination and anger within me. This is it—the sanatorium where Alpha is. After three years of thinking about him, now I'm finally here. Make yourself ready Alpha cause this is the end of your life!!



"This is it," I said, my voice firm.


Porter, eyes wide with urgency, exclaimed, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go inside!"



I nodded, and together we made our way into the dark, foreboding building. As we moved through the eerie hallways, the sound of distant shouting reached our ears, echoing off the cold walls.



Porter froze, his eyes widening with recognition. "It's Vincent! I recognize that voice. It's really him… What happened?"



I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Let's go to where that voice is. Stay close."



We quickened our pace, following the source of the desperate cries in the early morning light. The building was eerie and rundown, with each turn revealing more of its decrepit interior. I felt a growing anger rather than fear as we moved forward. The urgency to reach the source of the cries intensified with every step.



As we rounded a corner, we heard muffled voices ahead. We pressed ourselves against the wall, peering cautiously into the dimly lit hallway. There, at the end of the corridor, a faint glow emanated from an open door.



Porter's grip tightened on my arm. "That's where the voices are coming from," he whispered urgently.



I nodded, steeling myself for whatever lay ahead. "Let's go."



[Alpha side]



Inside the auditorium, Alpha's malicious laughter echoed off the walls. The group huddled together, shaken to their cores by Vincent's brutal execution. Jenna, overwhelmed with grief, clung desperately to Kyle, who himself fought to maintain his composure amidst the unfolding tragedy.



Alpha surveyed his disfigured minions, numbering only six at the moment. Among them were 6 Fingers, holding a menacing bow ready to strike, Two Eyes gripping a bloodstained machete, and Black Eyes wielding a large axe. The rest of the disfigured figures stood menacing like they want to hunt their prey.



In Alpha's mind, frustration simmered as he realized Saw Tooth and One Eye were absent. He had ordered them to find Three Finger, yet they had not returned. Despite this, Alpha's sadistic pleasure continue to grew as he commanded his remaining minions with a chilling directive "Go, do whatever you want."



The disfigured minions nodded obediently, their hollow eyes gleaming with malice as they dispersed to approach the group.



Alpha sat on his chair as if it were a throne like a king overseeing his domain. He looked confident and malicious, his red eyes shining with evil delight. From his seat, he watched with satisfaction as his minions moved forward, ready to cause chaos. It was like a Horror show directed by Alpha himself, where fear and terror were the main actors. His presence alone filled the room with a sense of impending disaster, as if he controlled everything happening around him like a puppeteer pulling strings.



Meanwhile, amidst the group, panic and despair gripped their hearts.



Sara, her voice trembling with fear and determination, urged, "We need to do something!" Her eyes darted fearfully towards the approaching disfigured figures, each armed with deadly weapons.



Bridget's voice, filled with desperation, interjected, "But how? They have weapons." Her eyes widened in horror as she scanned the grotesque figures closing in on them.



Claire, her voice tinged with urgency, turned to Kenia, seeking guidance amidst the chaos. "What should we do, Kenia?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper amidst the tension.



Kenia, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty, muttered under her breath, "Shit, shit, shit," her eyes darting around the auditorium, searching for any possible means of escape or defense.



Daniel, his voice tinged with resignation, voiced the bleak reality of their situation. "Are we going to die here?" His eyes flickered with a mixture of fear and defiance, grappling with the inevitability of their fate.



Kyle, his voice steady yet filled with sorrow, glanced around at his friends, his heart heavy with grief and fear. "It looks like we are going to die here," he admitted, his voice laden with a bitter acceptance of their dire circumstances.



Bridget cried out, "No! I can't die here, I—" Before Bridget could finish her desperate plea, a sudden, horrifying sound pierced the air. An arrow, shot with deadly accuracy by 6 Fingers, tore through them and impaled Bridget Head with brutal force. Her agonized cry echoed through the auditorium, mingling with Sara's guttural scream of anguish as she witnessed her girlfriend's sudden and brutal death.



Lauren, her voice filled with despair and disbelief, cried out, "No!" Her hands trembled as she reached out towards Bridget, as if hoping against hope that this nightmare could somehow be undone.



The group stood frozen in shock and horror, unable to grasp the sudden surge of violence and death before them. They realized their lives were at stake in this grim theater of death directed by Alpha and casting by his merciless minions.



 As the Minions readying to attack suddenly someone shouted



Suddenly, amidst the tense and horrifying scene in the auditorium, a defiant voice shattered the silence. "Hey, fuckers!" The voice echoed through the Auditorium, drawing everyone's attention.



Alpha, seated on his chair like a malevolent king overseeing his domain, immediately recognized the voice. His eyes narrowed in recognition and excitement. "Adam!" he said, his voice revealing a mix of anticipation eagerness to confront his adversary.



Kenia and the others, their faces a mix of relief and disbelief, turned towards the entrance where Adam Wilson and Porter Harms had just arrived. Jenna's eyes widened in hope as she exclaimed, "Porter!"



Adam's eyes blazed with determination and rage. Without hesitation, he shouted, "Alpha!" His voice sliced through the tense silence.



Then, Adam wasted no time. With swift and calculated precision, he reached into his pocket and use the inventory there then retrieved a grenade. Without hesitation, he hurled it towards the disfigured minions who were readying to attack. The explosion ripped through the air with a deafening roar, engulfing three of the minions in a fiery blast. Their twisted bodies were torn apart.



After Adam threw the grenade, only 6 Fingers, Two Eyes, and Black Eyes were left standing. The explosion had killed the others, leaving these three disfigured figures visibly shaken and backing away from the sudden violence.



Alpha, however, remained unfazed, his smirk widening as if enjoying the chaos and conflict. "You are really my star, Adam," he taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic amusement.



Adam's jaw clenched, his hands trembling with suppressed fury. "I will kill you!!" he vowed, his voice filled with a chilling promise of retribution.



The auditorium was filled with tension as Adam Wilson, fueled by a deep desire for vengeance, faced off against Alpha, the Fuck Up leader orchestrating the scenario. Can Adam truly defeat Alpha this time? Can the group survive this predicament? See you in the next chapter.


To be continued