
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Movies
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58 Chs

Chapter 19: Crazy Bastard

Porter approached Kenia, his girlfriend, among the group of survivors. The tension in the air was palpable, but seeing him brought a wave of relief.



"Kenia," Porter called out.



Kenia's eyes lit up as she saw him. "Porter, you're here!" she exclaimed, rushing to embrace him. Their hug was tight, a brief moment of solace in the chaos. Everyone around them felt a renewed sense of hope.



Daniel, one of the survivors, glanced at Adam with curiosity. "Who is that guy you came with?" he asked Porter.



Porter began to explain, "Don't worry, he's a companion who rescued me back—"



Before Porter could finish, Adam interrupted, his voice urgent. "Porter, get your friends out of here while I handle them now!"



Porter gulped, his face reflecting the gravity of the situation. He turned to the group. "Let's go, guys. I'll explain everything later. For now, we need to move!"



Sara stood nearby, devastated. Her girlfriend had been struck down by an arrow, and the grief was written all over her face.


 Claire, noticing Sara's distress, spoke firmly. "Let's go. We don't have much time to dwell on this. I'm sorry for Bridget, but what we need to do now is keep moving forward or else we die!"



Sara looked at Claire, her eyes brimming with tears. "O-Okay, l-let's go," she stammered.



Jenna, equally devastated after her boyfriend Vincent's death, stared at Vincent's severed head in shock.



Kyle, another member of the group, gently urged her, "Let's go, Jenna. We can think about Vincent later, but for now, we need to survive."



Jenna nodded, though her eyes were distant and sad.



Porter rallied everyone. "Let's go, everyone!"



Adam, keeping an eye on the approaching threat, shouted, "Go, Porter! We don't have time, they're approaching!"



Porter nodded, his face set with determination. He led the group, hurrying them towards the exit. The urgency in his steps mirrored the desperation in their hearts. Adam stayed behind, standing alone in the auditorium, ready to face whatever was coming their way.



As the group hurried through the corridors, the sounds of their footsteps echoed ominously.

Porter glanced back once, seeing Adam standing resolute, a lone figure ready to fight. He prayed silently for his friend's safety, knowing that Adam was risking everything to buy them time.



With every step they took, the tension mounted, but so did their resolve. They had lost much, but they still had a chance to survive. And for now, that was enough to keep them moving forward.


As they left, Alpha turned to his remaining minions—6 Fingers, Two Eyes, and Black Eyes. His expression was a blend of fury and twisted enjoyment.



"Go after them," Alpha commanded.



Adam, making sure to remain unnoticed by Alpha and the minions, swiftly reached behind his back and summoned a machete from his inventory. The blade gleamed with deadly intent.



"Not on my watch!" Adam declared, stepping forward with determination.



Alpha's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "A machete? Since when did you have that?"



"Since the day you talk you bastard!" Adam retorted. Without warning, he lunged at Two Eyes, severing his head in a swift, precise motion. Two Eyes' body collapsed, blood spurting from the neck.



Black Eyes began to wail, speaking incoherent gibberish, "Nono... nono..."


As Adam swiftly dispatched Two Eyes, severing his head with a precise strike, 6 Fingers, overwhelmed with rage at the loss of his comrade, drew his bow and took aim at Adam. Alpha, though surprised by Adam's speed, advanced slowly towards him, a sinister smile spreading across his face.



"Hoh... It seems you've been working out these past three years," Alpha remarked.



"I trained for this moment!" Adam shouted, his voice filled with years of pent-up rage.



6 Fingers fired an arrow at Adam, but Adam swiftly deflected it with a precise movement of his machete. Without hesitation, Adam closed the distance between them in a quick of motion, delivering a powerful kick straight to 6 Fingers' face. The force of the blow sent 6 Fingers staggering backward, clutching his bleeding nose.



Meanwhile, Black Eyes swung his axe with a wild yell, aiming for Adam's torso. Anticipating the attack, Adam sidestepped smoothly, narrowly avoiding the deadly arc of the blade. Before Black Eyes could recover, Adam pivoted and landed a swift back kick directly into Black Eyes' chest. The impact knocked the air out of Black Eyes, sending him crashing to the ground with a pained grunt.



As Adam moved in to finish off 6 Fingers and Black Eyes, Alpha suddenly struck with a powerful kick to Adam's back. The force of the blow caught Adam off guard, sending him stumbling forward several steps. His grip on the machete loosened momentarily as he struggled to regain his balance and composure.



"You've gotten stronger, Adam," Alpha remarked, his voice filled with ecstatic nostalgia. "Remember our first encounter in 2000? Ah, those were the days."


Adam clenched his teeth in frustration, swiftly retrieving his machete from the ground and glared at Alpha. "Bastard!"



Alpha calmly picked up the machete that had fallen from Two Eyes' grasp. He turned to his two remaining minions, 6 Fingers and Black Eyes, with a composed expression.



"Go after those survivors," Alpha instructed calmly. "Leave Adam and me to have some quality time together."



Understanding their leader's command, 6 Fingers and Black Eyes nodded in compliance. They quickly departed, leaving Alpha and Adam alone to face each other in the tense silence of the auditorium.



Alpha and Adam stood facing each other, the air thick with tension and the promise of a brutal confrontation. The auditorium, once filled with chaos, now felt eerily silent, save for the heavy breathing of the two men locked in a deadly standoff.





Porter Harmss and Porter' girlfriend Kenia Perrin, and kyle Turner, Kyle's girlfriend Claire Swafford and Daniel Mullins and daniel girlfriend Lauren Perry And lastly Sara Washington, they gathered outside the Sanatorium, frustration and urgency filled the air along with the biting cold of the snowstorm.



Kyle, Claire, Daniel, Lauren, Sara, and Jenna stood outside the Sanatorium, frustrated as they attempted to start the snowmobiles, only to find them sabotaged.



Kyle cursed under his breath. "Oh, my God! Shit!"



Kenia tried to start her snowmobile to no avail. "It won't start!"



Daniel, equally unsuccessful, grimaced. "Neither will mine!"



"Shit. They've stripped the spark plug wires," Kyle realized, examining the engine of another snowmobile.



Porter stepped forward, his expression grave. "Guys, it won't work. Adam and I knew they sabotaged your snowmobiles."



Jenna, her voice tinged with desperation and confusion, directed her frustration at Porter. "Why did you come here?! You could have just called for help!"



"Don't blame me," Porter retorted, his tone defensive. "I came here to save all of you. You should feel some gratitude sometimes, dude."



"Its useless, we're still going to die here and how are we supposed to get out of here, huh? Walking? No way, not in this fucking snowstorm," Daniel lamented, frustration evident in his voice.



"Stop it, both of you," Kenia interjected firmly, trying to keep everyone calm and focused.



Turning to Porter, Kenia asked, "Who is that guy you are with?"



Porter sighed heavily before answering, "His name is Adam. He's the one who saved me when I got attacked by those cannibals."



"Cannibals? Like the hillbillies my brother warned me about?" Lauren asked, her eyes wide with concern.



Porter nodded solemnly. "That's what Adam told me. He's here for revenge. He wants to kill them all."



"Then I should help him!" Sara exclaimed passionately, her voice filled with determination.



"You're kidding, right? You'll get yourself killed," Daniel protested, his voice tinged with worry.



"They killed my girlfriend, Daniel! They killed her!" Sara shot back, her eyes blazing with anger and grief.



Jenna, standing next to Sara, nodded in agreement. "I want to kill those motherfuckers for what they did to Vincent, my boyfriend!"



Attempting to diffuse the tension, Porter stepped forward, holding out a set of keys. "Hold on, guys. I have a snowmobile parked in the cabin. You can use it to get out of here."



He handed the keys to Kyle, saying, "Here, Kyle. By the time you get there, drive it, okay?"



Kyle caught the keys with a determined nod. "What about you?"



"I'm staying here to help Adam. I can't leave him, not after he saved my life," Porter replied firmly.



As the tension outside the Sanatorium escalated, Kyle nodded in acknowledgment of Porter's resolve to stay and fight alongside Adam. However, Kenia's sudden declaration caught everyone off guard.



"Then I stay here too," Kenia declared firmly, her gaze locked with Porter's.



Porter was taken aback. "What? You'll get yourself killed if you stay here!"



Kenia remained resolute. "So will you. I can't let my boyfriend die here."



Sara, fueled by her own vengeance, stepped forward next to Kenia. "I stay here too," she asserted.



Kenia turned to Sara in disbelief. "What? You..."



Sara interrupted, her voice steely, "I told you, I'm going to fucking kill those hillbillies who killed my girlfriend."



Porter sighed deeply, feeling the weight of their determination. "We're not playing in the park, guys!"



Kenia's voice softened, but her resolve remained unyielding. "I'm not playing, Porter. I don't want you to die. That's why I'm staying."



Porter looked into Kenia's eyes, silently grappling with the gravity of her decision.



Jenna, standing nearby, spoke up next. "Then I stay too."



Kenia turned to Jenna, her expression pleading. "No, you can't."



"Why? I want to fucking kill those fuckers!" Jenna exclaimed, her anger palpable.



Sara intervened, her tone firm yet compassionate. "Jenna, you have to survive. You still have dreams to achieve, remember?"



Jenna paused, considering Sara's words. "My dreams?"



Kenia nodded solemnly. "That's why you can't die here. Now go, follow Kyle and the others."



Jenna hesitated for a moment, then nodded reluctantly. "Fine, but you better kill all of them. Avenge Vincent!"



Sara nodded firmly. "We will."



Daniel, sensing the urgency, addressed the group, "Let's go, guys."



Kyle added, "Be careful, everyone."



Porter, Kenia, and Sara nodded in acknowledgment.



"You all too," Porter said, his voice tinged with concern as he watched Jenna, Daniel, Kyle, Claire, and Lauren head towards the cabin where the snowmobile was parked.



With heavy hearts and determined minds, the group split into those who would confront the danger head-on and those who would seek a means of escape. The wind continued to howl around them, carrying with it the cold certainty of more challenges and peril ahead.





[Adam Side 3rd Pov]



Adam's heart raced with a mix of anger and determination as he faced off against Alpha, his nemesis. Alpha's mocking demeanor only fueled Adam's rage further.



"How have you been?" Alpha smirked, his tone dripping with condescension.



Adam's fists clenched, barely containing his fury. "Fuck you!" he shouted back, his voice laced with contempt.



Alpha chuckled sadistically at Adam's outburst. "Seeing you this energetic, I think you are fine," he taunted.



Adam couldn't tolerate Alpha's taunts any longer. With a primal roar, he surged forward, propelled by years of rigorous training and numerous battles that had sharpened his combat prowess to a deadly edge. His machete was poised, aimed directly at Alpha's chest with unwavering precision.



Alpha, was quick and calculating, countered with a quick swing of his own machete. The clash of metal rang out in the tense auditorium as their weapons collided. Adam, reacting with lightning reflexes, delivered a powerful back kick to Alpha's chest. The force of the blow caused Alpha to stagger backward, momentarily thrown off balance.



Adam kept swinging his machete fiercely, aiming for Alpha's weak points to deliver a fatal blow. Each strike left deep gashes on Alpha's chest, but to Adam's frustration, they healed almost instantly. Alpha's eerie smirk showed his confidence in his rapid healing abilities, making it clear that defeating him would be much harder than Adam had anticipated.



"Die, you bastard!" Adam growled, frustration and anger burning within him.



Alpha dodged Adam's wild swings effortlessly, his smirk widening. "You still haven't changed. I thought you would have learned some new tricks," he mocked, taunting Adam with disdainful amusement.



He didn't know Adam was just pretending to keep attacking aggressively with his machete, for Alpha to believe he was still the same as before.



Then, seizing his opportunity amidst the rapid swings of his machete, Adam suddenly changed tactics. He quickly spun into a roundhouse kick aimed straight at Alpha's head. Alpha, caught by surprise, staggered back as the kick connected solidly. His overconfident attitude crumbled as he fell hard to the ground, stunned by the unexpected attack.



In that critical moment, Adam's strategic deception paid off, allowing him to gain a crucial advantage over Alpha



Alpha, momentarily stunned, muttered incredulously, "You?"



Adam smirked triumphantly, adrenaline coursing through his veins. "How about now? Is that new enough for you?"




Alpha's laughter filled the auditorium, sounding wild and unhinged. "So, you've picked up some martial arts training, huh? This is going to be fun!" he exclaimed excitedly, clearly pleased at the prospect of a challenging fight with Adam.



Adam's gaze narrowed at the laughing Alpha. "Crazy bastard," he muttered under his breath, readying himself for the next exchange in this deadly fight.



The battle between Adam and Alpha had only just begun, each move and countermove a testament to their years of rivalry and the deep-seated hatred that fueled their conflict.


To be continued