
Life In A Grave

Never in a million years would I had thought, my best friend Jake would come to me about something dark. Every day after school, we will walk together home, because we live about fifteen minutes away from each other. Throw the freezing snow, the loud rain, the bright sunny flaming hot days, we would talk for nearly an hour or two on our ride home. This ride home from school was something we both normally looked forward to because we weren't surrounded by people who opposed as our friends. This time, he's had this look on his face, wanting to say something but not sure how to say it. Sensing the mood of the situation, I made him take a pit stop with me and went to get some ice cream, hoping to cheer him up. It wasn't my place to force him to say anything he didn't want to but, trying to cheer him up was all I can do.

It was approaching the end of our ride, where we normally would depart our ways. It was us standing on the corner of the block waiting for my bus to come so he can go home. The wait for the bus was about ten to fifteen minutes because we were at the first stop. That was when Jake took this time and spoke to me about what weighed so heavily on him. He started off by outstretching his pinky towards me, and willingly I accepted it with mine. A promise? I wasn't quite sure where he was going with this. He knew I barely tell people anything that doesn't concern them. Jake spoke, "to the grave". That was when reality hit me. Something must have happened. To the grave? Was it something sinister? Why to the grave, and not the moon. A promise, especially a pink promise, those are the most important parts I'm working to keep. Promising someone or something is a fulfillment that needs to be maintained unless circumstances change dramatically. Was it necessary to say to the grave for him? Probably, so I listened up.

The meaning behind "to the grave" is something I thought was a joke at first. Not something that weighs a lot on a person's life. Why did I think it was a joke? Because we joke a lot and that is what best friends do. Yet giving the circumstances, it was serious and I knew I had to listen. Guessing it was something you can't take advantage of. It was a secret that could potentially affect the person involved; physically, or psychologically, with both parties alive. To the grave, and forever remain there.

Continuing on with this promise, the "to the grave" promise, he talked about how he felt about himself. How he felt like a constant disappointment to himself and others around him. This was a tough topic for him because the more he continued, the more anger waves flooded off him. It wasn't directed at me, but I felt like I was the cause. Or more or less his family was the cause since I was always around. I understood what he meant, always pushing for the better, yet receiving nothing in return. With him sharing this with me, I know that over time he had to come to terms with himself and know his value in life. But for now, my job was just to listen and try to understand.

It is not often my best friend and I say "to the grave". Why some secrets actually need to be broken when the time is right, or if that is our last option. For instance, if his mother came and approached me on what he thinks of himself. I have to lie about this situation, although I don't want to, it is something we agreed to talk about with only us two. We believe secrets help us. Either removing such a burden on someone else's back or protecting someone by hiding something. I personally believe that the secrets I share are personal and hold such a burden to who I am. It's not often my best friend, or I say to the grave. Some secrets need to be broken when the time is right, or if this is our last choice. We believe that the secrets benefit us. Either eliminate the burden from someone else's back or shield someone by hiding something. Personally, I feel that the secrets I share are personal and bear the burden of who I am. However, I'm sharing it with a friend of mine because it helps me overcome my challenges. Some issues are not really supposed to be talking about or trying to mend, so we're going to say to the grave. Nothing can change one's mind when it's said, so it's like we need to vent, while the other person listens and reflect.

There's never been a time when talking about anything that might be detrimental before my best friend said to the grave. For one of us to say to the grave, we mean it. To the grave means that the matter is sensitive and that it entails ensuring it is hidden, even under severe pressure. Whatever we're talking about, no matter who's involved in the story, we're not telling a single soul about it. A lot of work goes into play when secrets are kept. Lying, changing subjects, avoiding the situation are the key examples, and if a secret is like a surprise party for your friend and they inquire. You have to lie about it because changing the subject or ignoring it would only make them more suspicious and allow them to come to a conclusion on their own. Not that I condone lying to people about something, certain lies are worth telling to the benefit of the other person.

Overall, if you ever need to tell anyone anything, and you don't want them to spread the secret, start with "to the grave", and tell them what that means. With that expression, I never felt safer when I said a secret because now I know there's no way that's going to be broken. I held it down for my best friend and he is holding on to some secrets for me too. Not a single soul knows about it, and we trust each other to not tell anyone about it. Trust goes a long way, and we continue to strengthen our trust bond. Forever to the grave.