
I Was Built Different

I am not the best person to talk to

Too quiet for my likings

But yet I am loud

I was just built differently

Giving the worst advice to the nice people

But giving the best advice for people who don't need it

Confused on why I end up, bothering, opening my mouth

I am just built different

I want to make sense of what I say

My brains won't cooperate with me because it think it's funny

No it's just the opposite

I am built different

Looking at my reflection

What a sorry of excuse for a person

Something is wrong with you

The voice in my head repeats

I'm built different

I am an influencer

Not a good one though

All my friends, bad, because of me

Parents think it's them that changes me

Built different

Every day repeats quite the same

I am tired of it going in circles

Never finding the endpoints

I want a change, something
