
Chapter 5

Aspens Pov

I threw a football up to the ceiling. it hit. Thankfully my father didn't hear anything. I have been training all my life for this day. I don't know how I would get her to escape in time. if she just chose to go to the garden party we could be at the wall by now.

I heard the clanking as the guards walked to the room. It was time now. they would take her and put that device inside her. that device would end any hope of escape. Morgan would be disappointed.

I heard screams and then smelled something wrong. I felt it. I got up quickly and ran to the smell of the thing that was wrong. "get to the wall on top of it is where she's heading. you have to save her now!" It was Morgan. She was beside me now. She was my teacher. She taught me how to use the wind object I had gotten when I went to get Julia.

We took a short cut up to the wall it was right by my bedroom. "i'll do the rest"

"Hurry" Morgan pleaded.

"Okay" I ran up the stairs and saw Julia down there she didn't see me. she made her choice, she ran her feet hitting the wall at a Wind-wolves top speed they could run up a wall that was bigger than this, but she was young. I could tell she wasn't able to do even this. She started to struggle. I grabbed her arm with my speed from the training and pulled her up "

"Hold on," I mumbled calmly, trying to tell her I wouldn't hurt her.

"Aspen grabbed her,"Hugo yelled with glee. His glee made me annoyed, more annoyed than i ever thought i could be. "although you could have let her drop''

Julia was weak. We had to go. It was all up to me now.

"I won't let you go back," I whispered in her ear, hoping it would calm her. I could tell she was very stressed by her breathing "I have my own regrets.." I pulled her up. Julia tripped almost falling down the wall but I had her. "Yes, I got her." I began then I took out a silk cloth. "And now. we must be off" I took it and jumped off the wall towards the woods on the other side. she relaxed instantly in my arms which helped calm me somehow. I didn't have time to think about why she did it.

"No you won't!" Hugo shouted in anger "Get them!" a guard started shooting at us. Julia was shot, blood pouring out of her upper arm leaving a trail. Apparently Hugo was happy with this. "Stop" we continued using the currents of the wind to get through as fast as possible. I could tell she had collapsed.

When we landed I quickly went into my bag and took the arrow out. a mistake, you might say, but i put pressure on her wound I put a bandage over it. The horses might be here soon. we had to run. I couldn't do that if she collapsed. I tried to wake her but it had no hope. the Dark-wolves could smell her. They were well trained for that. but I had a plan. I had been working out in these woods. grabbed her and put her on my back. I changed to a very large wolf. big enough to substitute as a horse. She slowly woke up.

"Aspen.." she murmured weakly.

hold on, I assured not letting her talk. She grabbed my fur tightly thankfully my fur was thick so all I felt was a bit of a pinch. I ran and she held a bit tighter in panic. The spot would be safe.

"Aspen.." it was a girl i turned around Morgan. "Come with me" changed slowly into her dark wolf form as well. I looked back. The wolves were coming following the blood trail.

I decided to follow her. I trusted her. She was the omega yet very strong and brave.


It took a while to follow Morgan. She took us to an abandoned shack. although when we went inside, it looked like a mansion. there was extravagant furniture, and a tv. almost no one in the pack besides the alpha even had one, and that was to check on the humans.

"Wow," I beamed, Looking around at the tapestries and paintings. "this is-"

"Cool, amazing, wonderful.. all words I heard before although none of them are true.`` Morgan chuckled , "this is what normal human houses used to look like" sitting on the chair.

"How did you get all of this?" I wondered.

"because everything in here was made by my family.. or stolen.." she grieved "my mate made the tv and the other electronics in the house before- he.. perished" she closed her eyes to hold in the tears. I felt sorry for her. "nothing to talk about now. we need to fix the girl's injury." she shook her head.

"yes" I put her on the couch and Morgan grabbed her first aid kit, although I doubted that would work with a wound as deep as hers.

"ahh yes here it is" she took out a small purple bottle and opened it. "smell" she held it to me. I took a deep sniff and instantly regretted it.

"oh that's terrible."

"yes well it will work for her" she chuckled as she took off the bandage the wound had barely scabbed over. she dropped a couple drops of the liquid onto the wound. Julia hissed in a weak pain. I just watched. Morgan was one of the elders in the pack who was still forced to work by my father. She had gray hair, wrinkles and almost closed eyes. you could barely tell their color. She was a bit of a reddish tint wolf with gray hairs.

I was a black wolf with a white flame on my head. but when i wasn't a wolf i was just another soldier boy. scars everywhere, black hair, and green-gray eyes. My muscles showed through my shirt at the moment. I had worked for the army. All the sons besides Hugo did. it was our job, our duty, our purpose.

Julia had a more blond hair and in her wolf form she was a white wolf, her light purple eyes almost made them look pink. She had pale skin.

"Julia?" Morgan asked "can you hear me?"

"y-yes" she stuttered.

"Good" Morgan looked at me now, "Aspen, go get a bit of herbs from the indoor garden."

"Yes ma'am"